Scarlet Falls

Chapter 107 War Demon

Wei Wei was startled. He raised his head suddenly and saw a huge leaning building in front of him.

This is a commercial area, but now it is empty, with no one around. It is just getting dark, and the light from street lamps and shops shines through the windows. As far as the eye can see, there is a huge, arch-shaped shopping mall. , only has two floors, but the area is very wide. The mall has not yet been completed, with scaffolding erected around the perimeter, but its imposing concrete shape has already taken shape.

But now, a corner of this shopping mall has sunk directly into the ground, and the dome is disconnected in the middle, which looks extremely weird.

"Rotten Swamp?"

Wei Weichu took one look and reacted immediately.

This is caused by rotting swamps.

Captain Ouyang said that Pandora's Box, a high-level demonic forbidden object, can spread the plague to specific groups of people, but it will also have unavoidable side effects, that is, the surroundings where this demonic forbidden object is placed will become rotten. swamp.

Captain Ouyang's direct order was for them to find the Pandora's Box and close it.

Thinking about it, the other party knew about this feature and was worried that Pandora's Box would be found soon, so he chose such a secret and unfinished shopping mall with a huge space to hide this terrifying demon. Taboo.

Captain Ouyang and the others thought of observing the rotten swamp from the air to determine the location of Pandora's Box.

These people also thought of using such a wide space to hide the spreading rotten swamp.

But I didn't expect that as the rotten swamp caused by the devil's forbidden object spreads, the foundation of a corner of the mall will be corroded.

As a result, one corner of the entire mall sank, and the dome could not withstand the pressure and was severed in the middle.


At this point, the Frogmouth Knight didn't try to slow down. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward quickly.

Thump thump thump thump

Wei Wei heard that the "heart" of the motorcycle also began to beat violently.

"Just rush in right away?"

Wei and Wei couldn't help but be shocked, and then sighed: "It really looks like a war demon..."

People say that among war demons, most are fools, and the other half are human beings.

This girl is obviously the former...

But before a thought could pass through his mind, he suddenly heard a few "bang bangs" and several figures were blown away from around the mall.

They landed with difficulty in various postures, and stood up again while twisting and cursing. However, when they saw the ferocious motorcycle approaching and Empress Wei Wei sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, they were shocked and immediately stopped. He cursed, showing the composure of his seniors.

"It turns out they have found it a long time ago..."

Wei Wei raised his head and looked at those people.

After being knocked out, it was Uncle Gun who landed on the vertical wall behind him in defiance of gravity.

He was still holding his double-barreled shotgun in his arms, and his whole figure was like a stone sculpture carved on the wall, extremely graceful.

The one who fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment and whose body was torn apart was Brother Xiao Lin...

...No, just a plastic mannequin in a closet.

Also when the model was smashed, there was a sound of glass nearby, and another brother Xiao Lin came out.

But after being knocked out, he fell directly into the arms of an inflatable bear that was preparing for activities in the square opposite the shopping mall. He slipped down safely, without even leaving the light. His posture was still elegant and charming. Lucky sister.

It seems that they found this place earlier and were fighting against some opponent.

When this thought flashed through his mind, Wei Wei raised his hand to greet them, and then looked towards the mall.

I saw a silent black shadow slowly emerging in the dark space that had not been completed yet and had no lights.

The moment he appeared, he already gave people an invisible sense of oppression.

He was just standing on a short step, but it looked like he was commanding thousands of troops on a high mountain.

He faced three opponents, but he only seemed to be full of offensive posture.

He was obviously just standing there silently, but he had an aura that made everyone in the room stay silent.

Wei Wei's heart sank as he realized the identity of this person.

War Demon, and at least the fourth stage.

Therefore, this is also one of the plans of the Seventh Priesthood. They know that Pandora's Box needs someone to guard it, but they are worried about sending too many guardians, so they just arranged a fourth-state war demon here. This is also Uncle Gun and the others may have found this Pandora's box a long time ago, but until now, why have they not been able to close this box that releases high fever?

"Xiao Wei, Sensen?"

Uncle Qiang, who was standing on the wall in the distance, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it, immediately turned around and waved.

But before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed: "Wait a minute."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a tall flesh-and-blood motorcycle rushing past him, roaring and jumping into the air.

Not only him, but also Wei Wei was surprised.

I'm still in the car.

I only felt a feeling like flying in the clouds, and the motorcycle flew up to a height of three to four meters. With the huge momentum and weight, the frog-mouthed knight had already held the three-meter-long tapered spear under his arm, and fiercely He stabbed down at the figure standing at the door.


At this moment, the other party raised his head suddenly and only had time to reveal a pair of white eyes.

Then he suddenly raised one hand and placed it heavily on the spear.

Huge power struck instantly, and Wei Wei felt the weight of the frog-mouthed knight in front of him pressing down on him.

The body fell backwards uncontrollably, and the flesh and blood motorcycles separated from them at this time.

He was in the air, unable to borrow any force, and the huge force shook him backwards. He was afraid that he would be crushed into a pulp.

So he turned over eagerly, and the scarlet power exploded. The sickle on his waist was grasped in his hand, and blood gushed out. The sickle rose to three or four meters, and then he stretched out his hand to hook the street lamp next to him, and used the momentum to swing it. , holding the Frogmouth Knight and falling to the ground.

"Is your war system so fierce?"

After landing, his legs were aching from the shock. He couldn't care less and took off her frog-mouth helmet, subconsciously complaining.

Under the frog-mouthed helmet, the cold-white girl showed her fierce face: "Don't be afraid when facing the devil of war. If you are afraid, you will lose."

"You will lose even if you get beaten!"

Wei Wei defended himself before looking seriously at the figure at the entrance of the shopping mall.

War demon.

In the twelve systems, it is recognized that the most powerful demon can be faced head-on.

The initial infection, the war demon system, will become extremely violent and aggressive; a deeper infection will produce incredible strength and speed, and combat intuition; if they complete the first promotion ceremony, then there will be More incredible abilities have been developed; they are ferocious beasts in the world, walking cannons, containing the power to destroy everything.

All weird powers and tricks are more like jokes in front of their powerful power.

...Of course, this is one of the reasons why there are so many idiots in the war system.

...The muscles are so strong that they don’t even bother to grow a brain.

"I actually encountered a powerful war demon here..."

Wei Wei sighed slightly in his heart.

War demons have always been the focus of recruitment by the foundation. Such people usually serve as captains in various teams under the foundation. Wei Wei once had a captain who was in the war demon system, but... War demons rarely work for others, of course because it is difficult for others to tolerate having such a disobedient and aggressive idiot under their command.

Moreover, there are actually a lot of fighting demons at the beginning, but they don't grow into many.

This is caused by their own characteristics, and the internal friction is particularly severe.

Different from other demons of the same system, two war demons will always meet together strangely, and neither one will be convinced by the other. Either they will fight directly and decide the winner. There is a superior-subordinate relationship, or they will definitely I won’t stop until I die...

But I must admit that this is indeed one of the most terrifying opponents I have ever encountered.

"Xiao Wei, why are you here?"

Uncle Gun rushed over, helped lift up the girl wearing silver heavy armor, and whispered to Wei Wei:

“Pandora’s box of unleashed disease is inside.”


"I can see it..."

Wei Wei took a deep breath, rubbed his numb palms, and said, "Is it so difficult?"

"It's extremely difficult."

Uncle Gun sighed: "We've only fought a few times, and he almost pissed me off."


Wei Wei was a little surprised by Uncle Gun's honesty.

However, as Uncle Gun got closer, he saw the layers of sweat on Uncle Gun's body, as well as the palms that seemed to be holding the shotgun resolutely, but were trembling slightly. He understood that he, Sister Lucky and others were also deeply involved. were plagued by illnesses.

Although they left by helicopter at the beginning, firstly, they were looking for the location of Pandora's Box in the air, and secondly, they were taking this opportunity to stay away from the influence of Pandora's Box in Scrap Iron City. They were in better shape than themselves, but now after a long period of erosion, they also Severe decline.

They are no better than they were just now...

"Too bad, I can't beat him."

At this time, Sister Lucky also came to the side: "No one expected that the Seventh Priesthood actually used a high-level demonic artifact and a war priest. This guy marked that shopping mall as his war territory. No matter what we did, You can’t get in from any direction.”

"It doesn't matter, we are here..."

Wei Wei spoke with a smile, and Sister Lucky was a little surprised by his gentle smile.

What's the use of your coming?

Although Sensen is also a war demon, she is only in the third state, which is one level behind her.

If Sensen's grandfather, the old Knight of Order, had not died, it would still be possible, but unfortunately, his funeral had just been held.

In today's scrap iron city, there is no other way except Captain Ouyang to come over and suppress him with a higher level of status.

"The dream is about to come true..."

Wei Wei took a deep breath and said: "When I was in the training camp, the instructor said that we should have dreams, and listed the twelve most amazing dreams in the world, and asked us to choose three from them. He also said that in his In his eyes, all other tests are nonsense. Only by completing these three dreams can one truly graduate. If he can complete more, he will completely convince me."

"Twelve dreams..."

Everyone present was stunned for a moment and looked at Wei Wei in surprise.


Wei Wei smiled and nodded:

"Fight the war demon and win."

"Falling with the love devil is a scumbag."

"Become an enemy of the cursed demon and make him mad..."


As he spoke, he took out his black short gun and said, "Today I want to fulfill my first dream."

An excited smile could not help but appear on his face.

In fact, I have long wanted to know in my heart, who is the strongest in melee combat between Scarlet and War...

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