Scarlet Falls

Chapter 111 Blooming Flesh Rose

"Pandora's box has been closed, why don't you stop?"

Just when Wei Wei and others defeated the war demon and closed Pandora's Box, another street had been sniping the leader of the Seventh Religion here. Captain Ouyang, who failed to let him go half a step deep into the city, also felt it. The loss of a certain power.

He looked at the leader of the Seventh Religion across from him and spoke in a low voice, his words already showing some impatience.

Now, both of them look very bad

The leader of the Seventh Religion had a blue eye, and there was blood flowing out of the eye. One arm was obviously unable to move. His face, which originally looked gentle and gentle, now looked paler, and his breathing was slightly short. Captain Ouyang, however, had a dagger inserted into his shoulder, and blood poured out from the wound, staining his beloved silver windbreaker red.


More and more blood flowed from the eyes of the leader of the Seventh Religion, which made the smile on his face a little strange.

"I already said that……"

He took a step forward and said, "I'm not here to destroy the Scrap Iron City."

"I just want to complete my mission..."


He suddenly raised his hand gently, and pieces of twisted spiritual power suddenly appeared next to Captain Ouyang. All the objects around him seemed to come alive. They were jumping, twisting, and changing their shapes and attributes. They even changed the rule that they had no consciousness. They gave birth to life, and the only desire of this life was to kill Ouyang.

"You have closed Pandora's box and completed your mission."

The leader of the Seventh Religion continued to move forward, with a hint of excitement in his voice: "But the progress of my mission..."

"...How can I be slower than you?"



"found it……"

In Scrap Iron City, there are a large number of people brought in by the Seventh Priesthood.

Among them are the only remaining group of battle nuns, more elite mercenaries, and some spiritual believers. They all use the super strong induction in the knowledge demon system to find one after another priest whose vitality is obviously stronger than other places. point.

Through these sacrificial points, a certain place was determined, and the person who reacted fastest has already arrived here.

This is a tall building with an unremarkable appearance. It is one of the few buildings in Scrap Iron City that can be called luxurious.

From the outside, there is nothing special about this building.

But as soon as you enter the building, you can vaguely hear a "tick-tick-tick" sound that sounds like time is accelerating. If you listen carefully, it is like an hallucination. At the same time, it is extremely uncomfortable. There is an aura, as if as long as you stay here, you will become listless, weak, and extremely easy to catch a cold. Even the elderly seem to catch cold faster than usual.

However, people who usually work in this building are not aware of this change.

They thought, which workplace doesn’t do this?

I heard that my company has a hair loss BUFF, but don’t they just rub ginger on their scalp every day and continue to work overtime?

Until this moment, the remaining battle nuns and mercenaries of the Seventh Order of Priests, after stepping into this building, immediately determined something in their hearts. They could hardly suppress the excitement in their hearts, and immediately passed through some kind of ability, reported their findings to the leader of the Seventh Religion, and then quickly squatted down in the lobby of the building and cut their palms at the same time.

Several figures intertwined quickly, and inside the building, a symbol similar to an abstract "eye" was drawn.

"Go up!"

After doing this, they looked at each other and rushed up the stairs at the same time.


At the same time, on the middle floor of the building, in a space that even the elevator could not directly access, there were countless stone statues of the goddess of life erected around it. Among the many stone statues guarding them, a piece of stone on the platform seemed to be sleeping. The flesh and blood was sighing like a human voice: "Perhaps I underestimated the madness of these young people, so they found them so quickly..."

"I have already said that you are stupid..."

There was another voice, and in front of the stone platform, there was a bulge in the ground rising upwards.

Every centimeter it rises, the ticking sound in the surrounding space becomes twice as dense, like a noise that can drive people crazy.

"At the beginning, you could have chosen to believe in the foundation's promise, or you could have chosen to continue to believe in your god... But, haha, you chose to believe in the Rose Sect. Until now, you still don't believe how stupid you were back then. ?”

"Your so-called mentor has abandoned you long ago."

"The life sacrifice he arranged for you has long been completely destroyed by the person who has the same mentor as you. Even your own strength is weakened by the disease. With the only strength you have now, so what? Can you seal me? Three years ago, you should not have had the illusion that you could keep me here, just like you should not have taken me to escape from the battlefield thirty years ago..."



The sound of rotating iron chains sounded, and the red flesh turned into more chains, re-winding the raised sarcophagus.

The voice in the flesh also seemed to carry a final determination: "Great goals are always accompanied by some sacrifices."

"Even if this sacrifice is chosen by me."

"Since I have chosen to agree to my mentor and stay here, I am ready..."

"What else can you do?"

"In this world, I should be one of the people who understands the power of life best. Where there is life, the cage cannot be broken!"


The Seventh Priests, who were climbing towards the destination through walls, stairs, and even elevators, were finding it increasingly difficult to contain the surprise and excitement in their hearts. They seemed to see endless glory, waving to them lightly just around the corner. .

But at the next moment, swollen flesh and blood suddenly emerged from under the floor.

They squeezed through the floor and opened cracks, and then flesh and blood emerged from the cracks and spread in all directions.

Whether it was the battle nuns or the tough mercenaries, they saw countless pieces of flesh and blood falling from all directions of the building. They were caught in an instant, and then their whole bodies were fused with flesh and blood. The speed was so fast that they could even Not even a scream could come out.

The moment he was touched by flesh and blood, his whole body was swallowed up.

This level of disparity in power left them with no room for resistance.

The next moment, the flesh and blood that had swallowed up so many lives suddenly expanded and spread outward.

The glass on each floor was shattered, and squirming masses of flesh and blood were quickly squeezed out from the floors.

Huge roar and mental pressure instantly exploded from the building.

In the scrap iron city, these weak people who were tortured by high fever were attracted by the huge roar. They turned their heads blankly and saw bright red streaks on the landmark-like building. Tentacles of flesh and blood extended from each floor, and along with the thin and sharp devil's whispers, a strange red flesh and blood exploded in the center of the city.

These tentacles of flesh and blood stretched out to the streets, to various buildings, and to the people who were frightened and did not know how to resist.

The moment the flesh and blood tentacles came into contact with them, they were completely swallowed up, or in other words, fused into them.

The next moment, flesh and blood containing greater power and vitality rolled further away.

Like a rose, it is blooming rapidly with the building as the center.

"what is that?"

Captain Ouyang noticed this amazing power and turned his head to look.


The leader of the Seventh Religion suddenly laughed loudly: "Ouyang, our goals have always been the same. You cut off its sacrificial channels, and I weakened the life force of Scrap Iron City, which made the life cage more powerful." The seal power is getting weaker and weaker..."

"Now, it is finally forced into a desperate situation and has to start actively hunting around..."

"Do you choose to continue to stop me, or to save others?"



Wei Wei and others who rushed out of the mall also immediately saw the tall building located in the center of the scrap iron city.

I saw the bright red flesh extending from the tall building.

The bright red flesh and blood expanded without limit, extending uncontrollably, quickly extending countless flesh and blood tentacles to other people, and then these people were swallowed by flesh and blood, leaving only pieces of broken clothes falling. On the ground.

It really looks like a blooming rose.

The traces of rotten flesh and blood left on life are like roses blooming.


Uncle Gun's expression became a little frightened: "That thing has appeared!"

"That thing..."

Everyone understood what Uncle Gun was talking about.

The death knell of the gods.

I don’t know whether it was the person sent in by the leader of the Seventh Religion who finally found the location of the seal as he wished, or whether it was because the power of the seal was lost and it finally reached the point where it could no longer seal the death knell of the god. In short, in the end, The key power has been triggered, and now, with the blooming of the Flesh Rose, the Life Cage has appeared in front of everyone without reservation.

Along with the appearance of the life cage.

There is no doubt that it is the one trapped in the cage of life, the death knell of the gods.

"Is it finally coming out?"

Wei Wei looked at the blooming flesh rose, and without any further questioning, he was sure that it was the seal.

I have seen similar flesh and blood at the life sacrifice site.

There is no doubt that those flesh and blood were cut from this sealed body.

The root of all problems, the focus of everyone's fight...

The puzzle that has plagued Scrap Iron City for three years is finally revealed in front of everyone at this moment?

A smile suddenly appeared on Wei Wei's face: "Then, it's time for us to deal with it, right?"

Uncle Gun trembled: "Are we going to deal with this?"

Wei Wei smiled and said: "Anything that happens in Scrap Iron City should be handled by us, shouldn't it?"


Countless dull glances suddenly came from the surroundings, and everyone looked at Wei Wei as if he were dumbfounded.

In the silence, Ye Feifei suddenly raised his hands in support: "Okay, I'll go drive..."

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