Scarlet Falls

Chapter 219 Scarlet Bible

"What kind of monster is that?"

"Is he the big boss in this competition?"

"What the hell? Why is there a BOSS in the competition?"


There were still many competitors rushing in not far away, but when they met, it was an extremely horrifying scene.

The sea of ​​​​blood surged forward and covered dozens of meters in diameter. Before they could even react, whether they were going to rush forward or not, or even decide whether to rush forward, the scarlet sea engulfed them. Already pounced on himself.

The strong self-confidence brought about by their surge in power just now due to the large number of sacrifices they received has quickly dissipated.

Many people were killed by the power in the sea of ​​blood before they even saw the guy's appearance.

The entire village turned into a tragic and bewitching color at this time.

Each of these contenders has received a large number of sacrifices, and their power is at the peak of their current level. They even have many ability systems that can create a large number of puppets and twisted monsters. This abundance of power has great influence on the surroundings. The absolute control over everything gave them a sense of omnipotence, which was also the main reason for their high morale, but it was different now.

The scarlet field around Wei Wei was inconspicuous compared to outsiders at first.

When he first faced off against the first war demon to rush over, he even felt as if he was facing the entire battlefield alone.

His "domain" will only appear covered in blood.

Whether compared with the war demon or the life demon, this coverage area is pitifully small.

But at this time his territory was expanding.

Constantly expanding, every time a person is killed, the scarlet realm expands by one point.

And in this expanded realm, these dead contenders, together with the sacrifices they had devoured before, and the twisted monsters they casually created, were actually plundered by Blood Threads and became part of the Blood Sea, following Wei's instructions. Wei's will.

The ghost lady who had been following Wei Wei had now turned into a strange and ferocious appearance.

Red bloodshot eyes covered his whole body, and his noble temperament also had a bit of evil edge.

"Ah, it's me, it's me..."

When the killing began, Wei Wei almost killed any living thing he saw, but unexpectedly a voice shouted.

The bloody sickle that Wei Wei was swinging forward stopped instantly.

The bloodshot threads that squirmed and intruded forward in response to his movements suddenly stopped rushing forward.

Under his scythe, a capable middle-aged man was trembling. It was Captain Xue from Crude Oil City. He seemed to have been affected by the mysterious instructions of the ghost ship and almost lost his mind, but at this moment, Suddenly he was so frightened that he woke up.

Of course, if he had the advantage at this time, he might not wake up.

Seeing Wei Wei's scythe stop, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and tried his best to give Wei Wei a flattering smile.


But before he could say anything, Wei Wei suddenly continued to take action.

Although he could tell that this was a team of people, Wei Wei also saw the squirming bloody shadow behind him.

That woman who was as twisted as a vine.

Since he is on the same team as him, his teammates can barely avoid killing him.

However, at this time, Wei Wei hated the monsters in the village and would never allow them to live.

As a result, Captain Xue was pulled into the sea of ​​blood. Countless blood threads surged up ferociously, binding his body instantly. Then Wei Wei casually picked up a handful of Captain Xue's frightened eyes. The dagger was wrapped with blood, making it sharper and more ferocious. It was like a scalpel with a demonic temperament, cutting towards Captain Xue.

"what are you doing?"





Blood spurted all over his body, but Wei Wei's expression became very satisfied.

He is from a team and cannot be killed, but he hates the shadow behind him, so what should he do?

Wouldn't it be enough to just cut it off for him?

I am really a little genius...

At this moment, in the fierce and bloody battlefield, he actually showed a concentrated and professional temperament.

The wriggling blood threads entangled Captain Xue and floated him in the air, while Wei Wei, together with the ghost lady and the human head pendant, looked at him seriously. At some point, something appeared in the sea of ​​blood around him. One erect eye.

This eye was also staring at Captain Xue very seriously.

This bloody shadow is a mutated form of the scarlet power given by Noah. It has been tightly bound to Captain Xue's own ability, will, and even thoughts, like one body. Wei Wei wants to separate it. , then it is necessary to make a cut into Captain Xue's own demonic abilities and will. The delicacy, complexity, and mystery are far beyond imagination.

But Wei Wei didn't know why, but he did it very smoothly...

Just like helping the pair of conjoined demons perform surgery before, the scarlet blood thread showed amazing penetration and pollution properties.

The vertical eye behind him, which seemed to have an independent will, also possessed abnormal observation characteristics.

Just like a professional lighting artist.

Even the head pendant and the ghost lady work very well together.

Seeing the serious look on Wei Wei's face as he wielded his knife to cut off every trace of demonic power, the ghost lady even wiped his sweat.

The operation was successful...

Wei Wei stood up with a smile and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

The moment this bloody shadow was peeled off, it was already swallowed up by the surrounding blood threads.

As for Captain Xue, his entire body was sluggish, and drool fell from the corners of his mouth, as if he was a little out of control.

Emmmm, it doesn’t seem to be that successful.

But at least for now, it seems that the patient has no intention of reporting himself.

"It turns out there is such a use..."

Heaving a long sigh of relief, Wei Wei felt carefully, and his expression gradually turned into surprise.

After the operation, I unexpectedly mastered more things.

He had previously performed a separation operation on the twin demons, and the scarlet power had already memorized the ability of the Destiny Demon. But now, after completing the operation on Captain Xue, he actually felt countless cognitions and emotions at the same time. Information flooded into my mind.

Captain Xue's thoughts just now, his understanding of the scarlet power, and the method of controlling it were all felt by him at the same time.

This made Wei Wei surprised and happy, and he immediately rushed towards the next patient.

I had wanted to find the Scarlet Bible before, but now, it would be good to learn it through this method...

"He is really a kid who will not disappoint..."

At the same time, in that mysterious space, Father An, wearing a red hat, quietly looked at the red books spread out in front of him.

Through his perspective, one can see that there are densely packed, strange and twisted words appearing on the books.

"Is it really possible for the Scarlet Bible to appear in this way?"

On the old telephone, the voice was also faintly excited: "How many can you write?"

“It’s been more than I thought, and it’s deeper.”

Father An had a relieved smile on his face: "Especially, this is just the beginning..."

"Scarlet Bible..."

"After the destruction of the Scarlet Church, the Foundation and the Wandering Church have been trying to find the Scarlet Bible. The reason why the power of Scarlet has been sealed in the death knell of the gods is because they can't find the Scarlet Bible and don't know how to control this power. .”

“But they didn’t know that the Scarlet Bible was not actually among Noah.”

"The Scarlet Bible has been destroyed by my own hands."


"Why... why?"

It was obvious that the voice coming from the old telephone was a little surprised.

"Because it was a failed research report. We didn't find what we should have found in it, so we had to erase it and start over."


He looked firm and gentle, and whispered, as if even he couldn't help but be proud of his plan:

"This child was willing to take the initiative to enter the Ghost Ship Noah because the Foundation told him that the Scarlet Bible might be inside Noah, but he didn't know that there were only some old versions of the Bible inside the Ghost Ship Noah. It’s just the remnant content, it’s the only valuable thing I found in the Old Testament, and the real valuable thing is the Scarlet New Testament…”

"He needs to compose it himself!"

"It needs to be felt, understood, summarized by himself, and then put on paper..."


He turned to the front, and the content at the very beginning was what Wei Wei felt when he dissected the conjoined demon. There was only blank space elsewhere, and he was already holding this blank Bible in his arms. After a long time, it finally started to fill up.


The voice on the phone suddenly became louder: "Is Noah also included in your calculation?"

"Noah's so-called agent competition is actually just you helping this guy to complete his understanding?"


Father An did not deny this, only showing a faint smile on his face.

"You guys..."

On the old phone, the voice began to tremble: "What are you looking for?"

"I am cooperating with you on behalf of the Church of Order for that prophecy, not for you to shape it with your own hands..."


"Our goal has never changed."

Father An didn't wait for him to say that word, and replied softly: "Devil power is a kind of surreal logic."

"So, what will be the end of these surreal logics?"


The voice on the phone couldn't even say some specific words at this time.

Father An, on the other hand, sighed softly, continued to look at the scarlet Bible with more and more content on it, and sighed in a low voice: "Since he was selected by me, he has done a good job. Now, he has even begun to Showed something beyond my expectations.”

"Perhaps it will really succeed this time?"


When he said these words, his voice lowered for no reason.

What he didn't say was:

Although all of this plan seems to be completely controlled and promoted by him, there are still some things that are beyond his control.

Exceeding expectations is a good thing, but exceeding expectations also means that your calculations and predictions will begin to be less accurate.

Especially, there are some contents in this Bible that he has been waiting for a long time...

Sighing softly, Father An turned the Bible to the front, where there were four extremely firm, even piercing words.

These four characters were not in his prediction, but they were at the forefront.

It seems to declare something that is higher than the mysterious and complex knowledge in the New Testament, and higher than anything in the entire Bible:

"I am the Lamb!"

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