Scarlet Falls

Chapter 225 White Ghost Ouyang

"What evil did I commit in my previous life that I need to do something like this?"

Captain Ouyang wailed amid the surging pressure and chaos.

Until this moment, he hadn't even thought much about how Wei Wei did it, or whether it was this kid who did it.

But as time went by and the contract was formed, he could clearly feel that now, deep in some space that could not be described clearly in words, there was a mysterious and huge existence that was thinking about him. With the help of this With the ability to sign a contract, Captain Ouyang could even feel that the being was also confused and curious, and seemed to be thinking about why it thought of him and who he was...

And the most terrifying thing is that in the process of thinking, it seems to be gradually developing some strange liking for itself...

How the hell can normal people bear this?

What kind of existence is that? He actually has a good impression of his own birth!

This scary feeling is really...

...very familiar!

"Captain, it may have nothing to do with your previous life..."

Beside him, Uncle Gun could not help but turn his head and persuade with emotion: "You have done enough evil in your life..."


Captain Ouyang was furious for a moment.

But in the face of such serious accusations, he couldn't help but feel weak.

Is it really because you have done too many irresponsible things in the past that you keep doing this kind of unfortunate things?

Could it be that this damn Xiao Wei was really sent by God to punish me?

"Buzz buzz..."

And during their anxious and somewhat confused rapid conversation, a series of intersecting sounds were heard all around.

They were four knights from the Church of Order. When they saw Captain Ouyang becoming Noah's agent, they all attacked him angrily.

Each of these four knights has a rank no lower than that of Captain Ouyang. In normal times, if they met, even one of them would dare to confront Captain Ouyang head-on.

To put it simply, if four people attack together, they will bully the minority with more.

But at this time, he didn't care at all, and his most powerful offensive method was to take action.

In hatred, Captain Ouyang could only grit his teeth. At the same time, the formation around him emitted a certain kind of milky white light, which was sacred and bright. However, deep in the layers of light, some kind of vague and ugly monster appeared. , that monster gives people a very strange feeling. When I look at it, sometimes I hate it very much, and at the same time I am particularly obsessed with it. I feel like I can't live without it, and I also have the urge to strangle it alive.

But you can't take a closer look. If you look closely, you will find that it seems to be composed of countless words and lines, which can directly affect your brain.

That is the projection of the love demon.

This is the advantage of setting up a close formation. A high-level transcendent can even vaguely summon the projection of the devil itself when the devil's power reaches the extreme.

Within a certain area, only one type of close formation can be set up. This is why two close formations appear in the same area at the same time, which may cause unnecessary conflicts between the two demons and affect themselves.

But there is no doubt that those who set up a dense array in advance will take advantage.

Because this kind of demonic projection will greatly strengthen one's own demonic power.

To a large extent, those who firmly believe in the existence of "demons" or "gods" also have firm beliefs because of this.

There is indeed no evidence of the existence of demons and gods in reality.

But whenever I push the demonic power to the extreme, or the activity level of my demonic power reaches an extremely high level, such as 80%, I can clearly feel the presence of the demon.

At the same time, Captain Ouyang relied on the power of the dense formation, his pale hair blowing in the wind.

At this moment, his expression changed drastically, and he actually became resolute and strong, like a soldier who never looked back on the battlefield.


There seemed to be faint shouts of killing all around, the smell of burnt rust filled his nostrils, and bright red flames ignited in Captain Ouyang's eyes.

Like burning steel.

When this color appeared in his eyes, the surrounding air was scorched, and with an extremely aggressive force, he rolled towards the four Order Knights in front.

The four Knights of Order, facing this strong power, were actually scorched in spirit. They were instantly blocked from the outside, and even faintly forced back.

"Steel War Flame..."

The expressions of the four Knights of Order changed drastically at the same time, even full of anger.

At this moment, they hated not only Captain Ouyang, but even Sensen who seemed to be a little dazed beside him.

"Knight Iris has indeed betrayed the Church of Order..."

They thought angrily: "This is the war demon alien power that was born during his lifetime. I didn't expect that it would be given to a guy like Ouyang Jian..."

"I didn't expect that grandpa's abilities could be reproduced in him..."

Sensen, who was following Captain Ouyang, was also attracted by the astonishing scene in front of him.

She was still a little confused at first, and had planned to protect Wei Wei who was participating in the Noah competition, but she did not expect that the situation changed unexpectedly, and her simple thinking could not change.

But seeing her grandfather's power unleashed on Captain Ouyang during his lifetime still cheered her up.

At the same time, some doubts arose in my heart: "Didn't Grandpa say back then that only those with the strongest heart can exert this ability?"

"Why is Captain Ouyang..."


"Let's go!"

Captain Ouyang couldn't think about this much. Facing the four knights of order, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

It's too terrifying. Being targeted by even one of the monsters from the Church of Order can scare you into hiding in a spiritual barrier and live forever under the protection of the law.

What's more, now there are four of them all at once!

What's more, now he has not only offended them, but also killed their most painful inverse scale.

So, relying on the ability that his old friend gave to him before he died, he immediately shouted after suppressing the four Knights of Order on the opposite side.


Before the word "himself" was uttered, the team members were already rushing to their own cars.

Whether it was Shu Yaqian or the piggy who followed him out for the first time, they all left without any regrets. Uncle Gun had already obediently sat in the carriage and was waiting for him with the shotgun in his arms.

Only Ye Feifei seemed a little worried: "Brother Wei is not here yet?"

"Hurry up and get in the car. Xiao Wei will be fine now..."

Sister Lucky grabbed her into the car and didn't have time to explain. She just thought: "Maybe taking you away from here is the safest thing for Xiao Wei, right?"


Captain Ouyang looked at this scene and couldn't help but be confused: "Are you all so conscious?"

"Shouldn't you guys focus on protecting me, Noah's agent... no, captain?"

"Our previous plan was not like this..."


I remember that when we first started making plans, everyone was very serious and serious, and there was even a chilling atmosphere that enveloped everyone.

Why do they suddenly look like their burden has been lifted?

In a hurry, Captain Ouyang finally figured out the problem: "Damn, the object of protection has changed..."

"In the beginning, I was preparing to protect Xiao Wei, but now I am protecting myself..."


"It's also important to protect me, okay..."


Although he felt distressed, Captain Ouyang could only rush to the sidecar motorcycle, twist the accelerator, and rush towards the Scrap Iron City.

"Damn it!"

The four order knights who were forced back by Captain Ouyang using the war demon ability took seven or eight seconds to feel that the smell of red-hot rust in their nostrils gradually faded away. They looked up at Captain Ouyang, who had already escaped far away. Waiting for others, they also gritted their teeth angrily. The old-voiced Order Knight immediately shouted: "Catch up. No matter what, we must catch this old fox Ouyang Jian today..."

"I don't care about our previous friendship!"

"The moment Ouyang Jian started to have ideas about Noah, he decided to become an enemy of the Church of Order."

"There are too many people looking for him now..."

"If we show mercy, he will definitely fall into the hands of others."


"I'm afraid today is the day when the White Ghost Knights truly disappear from this world."


In the deep and angry shouts, the demonic power around them intertwined into layers of strange shadows, like dark clouds, rolling forward with the strong wind.

And in this wilderness, in an abandoned town, a group of forces wearing priesthood and tight-fitting nun uniforms that had been stationed here for a long time knelt down nervously in front of a strange tree. The tree broke out of the ground. The tree body was as thick as two people hugging each other. The texture was like human flesh and blood. There were twisted limbs on it, forming a thick and powerful vine. At the end of the vine, there was a strange flower growing.


While they were waiting anxiously, the flower suddenly bloomed, and a person's screams were faintly heard inside.

Then, the flower suddenly withered quickly, as if it was burnt.

The surrounding clergy members were shocked at the same time and looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe the scene before them:

"The leader of the cult is dead?"

"Why, he doesn't even have a chance to be reincarnated here?"

"What did he go through in the competition arena?"

"No, didn't he get the gift of the death knell from the god? He should have the strongest advantage in the competition field..."


Amid the sounds of panic, a skinny male priest suddenly opened his eyes, his face muscles twisted, as if with an unbelievable look:

"It's a white ghost!"

He gasped violently, and his voice seemed hoarse: "I saw that the person who became Noah's agent was the white ghost Ouyang Jian."

"We all guessed wrong. The leader's opponent is actually Ouyang Jian!"


"It turns out to be him!"

Everyone was shocked, and then...

...accept this fact.

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