Scarlet Falls

Chapter 246 Beautiful Garbage Mountain (6,000 words)

"The wrath of God is so terrible..."

When countless Xiao Qiqi fell from the mid-air, they hung next to Wei Wei one by one.

When the scarlet vertical eye in the sky was trembling with anger, and the cold will echoed in the black city, nightmare-like scenes began to fall before everyone's eyes.

This city, which seemed empty except for the dead, but extremely real, began to collapse with Wei Wei as the center.

Tall buildings collapsed, and streets collapsed and were crushed.

Even the dark sky was covered with countless flying bloodshot threads, like an ugly scar.

The anger of the Scarlet Eye seemed to bring an unbearable pressure to the black abyss. This complete folded space hidden in Haicheng like a work of art began to tremble.

The quality of the Black Abyss is not as good as the quality of the Scarlet Eye. This is a very obvious gap.

Even the will hiding deep in the city couldn't help but sigh.

Subconsciously, it felt panic because of this divine vibration, but besides the panic, there was also faint excitement and greed:

"But this still cannot change the fact that you are the weakest Scarlet I have ever seen!"

It remained calm amid the endless violence, as if watching a hysterical beast struggling in the trap it had set, its eyes full of anticipation.

The hunter never cares about the struggle of the beast.

The more a beast falls into a trap, the more it struggles to exhaust its energy.

As for Wei Wei itself, it didn't take it seriously.

After all, this is just a person who has the rank of Demon Knight, but does not even understand the will behind him. He is not even weak enough to be an enemy of the master of the Black Abyss.

The only thing it cares about is that scarlet vertical eye.

Its anger can make the black abyss collapse, and its insight can also scare the totem hiding in the black abyss.

But now, as the anger affected the vertical eye, he felt that his plan was proceeding smoothly in a way that he could not imagine.

"It's time to capture..."

"Start with this gift I prepared for you."



"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Countless buildings became twisted and twisted into various shapes like twists. Glass shattered, roads disappeared, and endless bloodshot eyes appeared out of thin air, twisting the entire city into pieces.

But in the process, the little Qiqi hanging down in the air began to be affected by this invisible force, and disappeared one by one with miserable expressions.

This is inevitable. Not even Heiyuan can bear such anger, let alone Xiao Qiqi?

Subconsciously, Wei Wei also thought that he did not want to see Xiao Qiqi's appearance again. He knew that this was Hei Yuan's conspiracy, but he did not want to let Xiao Qiqi's shadow become a weapon against him.

So the Scarlet Vertical Eye was also invisible, destroying these shadows and helping him escape from the prison.

However, in the process, Xiao Qiqi's shadows were destroyed one by one, which only deepened Wei Wei's guilt.

This created a barrier between him and the Scarlet Vertical Eye, and he even wanted to stop it. Once this thought arose, the connection between him and the Scarlet Vertical Eye also faded.

At this time, he seemed to be the only one left. At first, he was the weakest and looked around blankly.

The little faces, the lips opening and closing feebly, asked him in a low voice:

"Brother Xiao Wei, why didn't you come to save me before?"


Because I am afraid.

Wei Wei has never denied this fact, but when these answers emerged in his heart, his heart immediately broke.

When Xiao Qiqi disappeared, he became desperate and entered the room holding a rusty sickle.

In the eyes of others, he is a young man seeking revenge.

But in the young man's heart, he also deeply remembered that he was actually afraid at the beginning, and he could not make up his mind to go there at the first time.

I was also hesitant, confused, and even thinking about running away.

It was probably because of his hesitation that he only saw the last side of Xiao Qiqi, right?

If I were faster and braver, would it be possible to save Xiao Qiqi in that devil's house?

It seems that everyone will have such a time, some secrets are hidden deep in the heart, growing like thorns.

Once it comes out, the whole person will suddenly be overwhelmed by guilt and regret.

Xiao Qiqi's inquiry made Wei Wei feel guilt piercing his heart again and again. When he looked down, he could see countless pale little hands piercing his chest. Xiao Qiqi's pale and stiff face was like They were placed in front of his eyes, one by one, some were painful, some were desperate, some were cold and resentful, some were blaming and resentful, they were grabbing his heart with all their strength, their fingers trying to dig a hole out of it.

At this time, Wei Wei felt as if his clothes had been stripped and thrown in front of everyone.

I am really afraid that others will use Xiao Qiqi's appearance to deal with me, but unfortunately, someone will use her appearance to deal with me.

However, this method is the most useful to me.

With countless holes in his heart, he was no longer able to do anything.

And he could clearly feel that his other self was roaring with rage and destroying everything.

Emptiness and anger intertwined into two distinct extremes.

"Brother Xiaowei..."

When he was exhausted to the extreme, Wei Wei felt his palm being held by a small hand.

He looked down and saw Xiao Qiqi. At this time, she looked different from the one hanging in the air. Instead, she looked warm and cute, with the bright sunshine reflecting on her little white skirt.

"Brother Xiaowei..."

Behind him, more figures appeared, including a short sweet potato, a skinny Match, a vest who always wore a torn jacket and thought he looked handsome, and a kitten with sharp fangs.

Bathed in the smell of sunshine, they surrounded Wei Wei and led him towards a mountain of garbage.

He once escaped from the orphanage with his younger siblings and made a living by picking up things from the garbage mountain. That was the best stage of his life.

Wei Wei could not refuse his younger brothers and sisters, nor could he refuse their smiling faces inviting him.

And he began to be led by small hands towards the confused world, and that scarlet eye was left in mid-air, alone against the black abyss.

"The memory of the dead!"

In another place, the stars in the night sky seemed to have shifted away from where they should be, like shooting stars, intertwining and heading towards the same destination.

The speaker knows that this is a symbol of totems leaving their nest and heading for a certain destination.

"These totems are paying attention to the scarlet divinity because they absolutely believe that the Lord of the Black Abyss can successfully bind this half-human, half-god guy."

"Whether Scarlet deliberately chose the Black Abyss as the first target to attack, or he was really in an ignorant stage and plunged into the Black Abyss without knowing the importance of it."

"The results are the same."

"The reason is that the Lord of the Black Abyss has the most unique weapon, the memory of the dead!"


"But it is scarlet after all."

The people listening seemed a little unsure: "Where do they get the confidence to think that the Lord of the Black Abyss is sure of victory?"

"Because Lord Black Abyss had no intention of fighting against Scarlet's divinity..."

The person looking at the starry sky laughed: "How could the Lord of the Black Abyss be so stupid and try to fight against such a powerful force? What he wants to deal with is just that person's humanity."

"And this is what he is most sure of."


"Even if it is human nature, it is the human nature that Scarlet chose as a breeding ground for incubation."

The other party replied: "Where do these totems come from, so that they can be used as weapons against Scarlet?"

"Have you ever thought of an interesting question?"

The person looking at the starry sky responded to his question and suddenly laughed softly and said: "Where did your memory go after you died?"

"You are a person who has experienced so much, thought so much, and accumulated a lot of things. It is intangible, but it actually exists."

"But when you die, these things are gone and disappear from the world in an instant."

"Even if you can spread everything about you and your thoughts by telling others, by writing, and through other people's mouths, this is also the message conveyed by others."

"The part that represents you has truly disappeared."

"Those unknown things in your memory, even your real thoughts, disappeared completely at this moment."

"But everything has a direction. Where did these disappeared things go?"


The people listening had never discussed a problem with anyone like this before, and subconsciously they felt their scalps going numb.

"The fact that you can have this weird feeling means that you already have the possibility to understand the Lord of the Black Abyss."

The person looking at the starry sky whispered: "The believers of the Death Demon believe that there is a place where all dead things and secrets exist."

"This place is called the Black Abyss."


He spoke in a deep voice, which seemed a bit heavy and mysterious: "Those memories and perceptions that disappeared due to death in reality, and spiritual things, are all hidden in the black abyss."

"The Lord of the Black Abyss has the ability to spy on the secrets of these dead people. He even claims to be the owner and controller of the secrets of death."

"It has mastered too many secrets through its exploration of the Black Abyss, which also gives it an advantage over the entire real world."

"So, it likes to play games."

"What it is best at doing is to play with you and toy with you by mastering these secrets until you completely collapse and kneel in front of it."


It wasn't until he finished saying this that he took a long breath and said:

"And this is why Scarlet shouldn't be the first to find the Lord of the Black Abyss."

"Today's Scarlet, human nature and divinity coexist in his body at the same time, and if you want to deal with him, everyone knows that you should start with his human nature."

"The Lord of the Black Abyss is the one who can easily understand his humanity and help him separate."

"His life was accompanied by killing and death, and too many secrets were exposed to death, so in the eyes of the Lord of the Black Abyss, he is almost transparent."

"Such humanity is simply not enough to fight against Black Abyss."

"To use an exaggeration, Lord Black Abyss has a hundred ways to deal with him."

"A hundred kinds!"

"Once his humanity breaks down, his divinity is revealed."

"And once the divinity is completely revealed, there is a possibility of being removed!"


The people listening were a little uncontrollable, and their voices couldn't help but amplify: "Then if the Foundation has known all this for a long time, why did it still let him in?"

"should say……"

Looking at the starry sky, the man said softly: "It is precisely because the Foundation believes that he must lose that it prompted White Ghost's action."

Beyond the black abyss, in Haicheng, at the originally agreed time, was the crossroads.

Sister Lucky, Uncle Gun, Brother Xiao Lin, Brother Piggy and others all began to prepare their own sacrifices at this time.

But even they didn't expect that before the sacrifice was completed or even started, they suddenly felt a faint vibration on the spiritual level.

It was like an earthquake was happening in this city, and everything was collapsing and disappearing.

But when they looked closely, they found that everything in front of them was intact. The city was still silent and solid, and there was no breath of life at all.

"Someone entered the Black Abyss in advance?"

They vaguely guessed something, and panic and anger began to well up in their hearts:

"Damn slutty goat."

"He must have been smart enough to enter the Black Abyss in advance and fight against the Lord of the Black Abyss, right?"

"Probably only his power is enough to make people in reality feel the vibrations in the black abyss..."


This made them more and more nervous, and they quickly prepared their own sacrifices. However, before the formation was completed, different people had already approached them.

Identical black cars appeared at different intersections, and the people on them looked at Sister Lucky, Uncle Gun and others calmly.

"We are followers of the Lord of the Black Abyss, and we are here to convey the Lord's will to you on his behalf."


"What will?"

Sister Lucky, Uncle Gun and others all had serious expressions.

In the previous information, they have made an absolute analysis. As long as there are no problems with the sacrificial process and there are no problems with the sacrifices, the Black Abyss Lord has no reason to deny them entry.

However, if the Black Abyss Lord doesn't want to see them, there is still a way.

That is, its believers in reality can stop people like themselves from completing the sacrifice.

"The monarch's will is..."

The person who got off the black car had a mysterious smile on his face: "He is willing to agree to let your previous team member leave the Black Abyss."

"But the condition is that you leave Haicheng immediately."




Captain Ouyang, who was thrown into the square in the black abyss, also played a very good role in attracting firepower. Under the siege of countless dead people, he actually managed to survive.

Until he felt that the black abyss in the distance was collapsing, and the pressure in front of him became lighter.

Countless dead people separated to both sides like a tide. The messengers of the Black Abyss, draped in black robes, came to him side by side and conveyed to him the will of the Lord of the Black Abyss.

Moreover, as the corners of their black robes flew up, in front of Captain Ouyang's eyes, the buildings in the black city suddenly became transparent at this moment.

His vision passed directly through the endless city and saw a scene in the center of the city.

A skinny and confused girl, naked, was placed in a large fish tank. Her eyes were dull, looking at the TV with only snowflakes on the screen opposite the fish tank.

"You can take her away. This is the purpose of your trip."

The Black Abyss envoy conveyed the Black Abyss Lord's will to Captain Ouyang: "But the condition is that you leave the Black Abyss immediately and stop interfering in Scarlet's affairs."

"So, our plan has indeed been seen through long ago..."

The long-standing shadow in Captain Ouyang's heart was completely exposed to the sun at this moment.

No matter how well prepared he was at the beginning, he always felt uneasy and uneasy, as if all the secrets had been seen through.

Now, it seems that it has only been confirmed.

"The little thoughts of the living are simply ridiculous in front of the huge secrets of the dead."

The mental fluctuations emitted by the Black Abyss messenger made Captain Ouyang feel desperate: "The monarch in the Black Abyss will only get the sacrifices he wants."

"I agree to take away the person from my past because he abides by the principles of sacrifice and feedback. Of course you can refuse, but your refusal will also have no effect."

"The moment a newborn god enters the Black Abyss, his fate is completely determined."

"Your unwillingness is as ridiculous as your attempt to take back the sacrifice from the totem."

"Please remember, if you can bring back the person you once were from the totem, it is also a gift from the totem, not something you take back."



"So, the Foundation is actually trying to use the power of the totem to eliminate him?"

In the sea city, the mysterious forces that believe in the Black Abyss Lord in the entire sea city are seen taking action. However, the people in the foundation show no signs of taking action and are still just observing quietly.

Someone had already understood something, and their expressions became unbelievable.

"Yes and no."

The person looking at the starry sky shook his head slightly: "Scarlet has been updating itself. Every time it updates, it will be different from before, either stronger or weaker, but there are changes."

"Change is an element that cannot be controlled. This is what the foundation does not want to see."

"What the Foundation wants is a fully developed and controllable power, such as the Scarlet series of weapons."

"The one who really promotes Scarlet's continuous self-renewal is actually the Rose Sect."

"So, after the initial panic, the foundation realized that this was their best opportunity."

"If he ends up here, it will be beneficial to the Foundation. This eliminates the Foundation's concerns and worries about Scarlet's self-renewal, and also destroys the Rose Sect's plan."

"If the Rose Sect is planning to come and interfere, it will fall into the foundation's plan."

"If you don't come..."


The man looking at the starry sky sighed softly: "Everything has returned to a situation that can be calculated."

"In the presence of the new god of the Sect of Order, you were also inspired to reveal your divinity."

When he saw that Wei Wei was completely trapped in the garbage mountain and in the black abyss, the invisible will began to gather, even with a little relaxation and contempt.

A faint intersection of forces began to appear in the gloomy sky, as if a face was reflected.

This face looked at the scarlet eyes on the other side of the city, exuding the confidence to control everything: "This will make you feel that you are unprecedentedly powerful, but in fact you are at your weakest."

"Divinity and humanity, only one must remain."

"Right now, it is obvious that human nature is taking the lead in you. Through the desire of human nature and the desire for revenge, you are striving for a higher level of scarlet power step by step."

"But this is ridiculous..."


Black Abyss's will is filled with contempt for the weak: "The biggest joke of people trying to master the power of demons is this:"

"Because of your human desires, you began to pursue divinity, but you found that when true divinity began to arrive, you were no longer you."


As his will began to make its final decision, in the black abyss, countless buildings and city streets began to hear roars as shrill as hell.

Huge, dead-like arms began to stretch out from the dark buildings, grabbing the eye in mid-air that was causing the black abyss to collapse.

The logic of the black abyss began to try to devour this eye.

By attacking Wei Wei's humanity, the eye hidden deep in Wei Wei's spirit and will appears to be separate.

The Lord of Black Abyss has been waiting for this moment.

Countless logics belonging to the death demon spread out from the black abyss, like pale hands grabbing the scarlet vertical eyes in mid-air.

This scene was guessed by countless people in advance, but no one was prepared to intervene at this time.

Those people thought they were using the Black Abyss, but how could the Lord of the Black Abyss, who had rummaged through countless trash cans and seen too many secrets, take their use seriously?

This may be the result of a competition between various forces, but is it not the opportunity that the Lord of the Black Abyss has been waiting for?

"Integrate into the black abyss..."

The pale palm touched the scarlet vertical eye, and the Lord of the Black Abyss sighed with satisfaction.

"The most confused generation of scarlet, and also the first scarlet who has put himself in danger before his divinity was fully born..."

"It's also what everyone wants to see, the last Scarlet..."



The moment the pale palms covered the scarlet vertical eyes, the shadow of the black abyss was also covering everyone's hearts.

But at this moment, Wei Wei was still surrounded by his younger brothers and sisters, looking at the garbage mountain full of treasures in front of him. This was the happiest place in his life.

Everyone has a symbol of happiness in their hearts, and this garbage mountain is what Wei Wei feels in his heart.

Not only for him, but also for these younger brothers and sisters. In a life that they had no time to grow up and was full of darkness, there was only such a period of life on the garbage mountain, full of laughter and beauty.

The Lord of the Black Abyss unearthed these memories that had disappeared with the end of their lives in the Black Abyss, and used these memories to outline a cage.

He was very sure that this cage would be able to trap Wei Wei.

Once Wei Wei is trapped, his spiritual world, which has just appeared and is very immature, may be captured.

This plan is undoubtedly successful. The garbage mountain reflected through the memory of the dead is the most concrete and softest part of Wei Wei's humanity. He can never refuse this memory.

So he was greedy, aftertasteful, carefully felt and explored.

Even the scarlet vertical eye in the sky was forgotten by him.

He only looked at the happy and joyful younger brothers and sisters in front of him, and gently reached out to touch their little faces, but for some reason, a coldness appeared on their faces:

"Don't they say you're very good at hide-and-seek?"

"But how come it's so easy for me to find you?"




The surreal logic in the black abyss turned into pale palms, and when they touched the vertical eyes in the sky, the scarlet vertical eyes suddenly glowed, and they looked towards the black abyss.

Through these pale palms, it traces its origins and sees the source of surreal logic.

At this moment, the Black Abyss Lord suddenly felt a feeling of being seen, and even having his body pierced by gazes.

Then beside him, Wei Wei's low laughter sounded: "Look, I found you..."

"Am I winning this hide-and-seek game?"

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