Scarlet Falls

Chapter 256 Scarlet Natural Enemy! ! (five thousand words)

What do you need to prepare to meet your ex-girlfriend?

Wei Wei was actually quite stressed. There were so many old classmates in the training camp, and he wanted to see every one of them, but this was the only one who didn't think so.

At that time, I didn't know why I tied this spoiled little princess to a tree and beat her so much that I became obsessed with her. It was obvious that I just wanted to teach her a lesson for the captain just to make the mission go smoothly. That's all, but in the end, the captain was scolded by the instructor, but he didn't get it. Later, it was not normal to carry each other out in the battlefield, sew each other's intestines late at night, etc., wasn't it normal?

There were so many handsome people in the team, whether they were white bats or black cats, they were all more handsome than me.

If the team was full of people with different looks like Old Crow, it would be understandable that she would fall in love with herself...

Although they broke up, I have to admit that the memories when we were together were quite good, but occasionally she would behave unreasonably.

For example, when playing cards with classmates, I told myself to go to the woods.


Who in the right mind can throw away eight points, six money, and four tiger cards and run into the woods with you?

Thinking of this past regret, Wei Wei could only sigh helplessly. It was all in the past. After all, they had broken up...

No matter what, I must treat this charming ex-girlfriend well.

At least she can't offend her until she helps Captain Ouyang and the others.

The air tickets have already been booked, so I asked Sister Lucky to book them directly. The money will come from the team anyway.

As for the hotel, considering that he is the only one who understands her, he is the only one who can prepare it himself, which really puts a lot of pressure on Wei Wei.

After deciding on her schedule, Wei Wei began to think about how to entertain her.

Brother Xiao Lin didn't know why, but he was particularly concerned about this matter. As soon as Wei Weigang opened his mouth, he brought some of the most upscale hotels in Scrap Iron City to him to choose from.

Don't try to get rid of me in this matter.

Wei Wei thanked Brother Xiao Lin for his enthusiasm, took a look at the hotel list, and was surprised.

Scrap Iron City is on the edge of the third city's defense line, but there are a few high-end hotels, and only three or four of them have stars.

The most expensive one is even more than 2,000 per night.

But Wei Wei knew in his heart that the five-star hotel here in Scrap Iron City was definitely incomparable to the First City's defense line.

In addition, I had just experienced a life without money. Although I now have more than two million in my hand, I always feel that it is a bit painful to take it out like this.

After thinking about it carefully, I threw these hotel orders aside.

"Even if we book the best hotel in Scrap Iron City, it's probably far from what this young lady expected."

He thought rationally: "Since she is destined to live in an unsatisfactory place, what else do I spend more than two thousand yuan on?"

The dormitory rooms in the base are enough. Although I and Ye Feifei both have places to live outside, they still have one room each. However, because I love home, I go home to sleep every night. There are too few dormitories, and now it has become There is a utility room, and it is not convenient to clean up temporarily. Although Ye Feifei's room is quite suitable, Ye Feifei's temper has not been very good recently, and Wei Wei does not dare to ask her casually...

...Forget it, live in your own home!

Wei Wei happily checked the box on accommodation and made his decision.

"Staying at your house?"

Brother Xiao Lin's eyes became hot.


Wei Wei replied, suddenly realizing something, and fearing that Brother Xiao Lin would misunderstand, he said: "Don't worry, let her sleep on the bed in the bedroom."

I usually sleep on the sofa, and the bed in my bedroom is always wasted.

Brother Xiao Lin patted Wei Wei's shoulder with emotion and said: "Xiao Wei, you are almost younger than the captain..."

Only then did Wei Wei realize that Brother Xiao Lin had misunderstood something. Just when he was about to explain, he patted himself on the shoulder: "Don't explain. This kind of thing will be boring if it is explained clearly."


Wei Wei suddenly didn't know what to say.

But the accommodation problem was successfully solved, and it also provided ideas for solving other problems.

This eldest lady is very picky about what she eats. Except when she is on a mission, the food must be as exquisite as possible. Wei Wei ate foie gras and steak and truffles for the first time in his life. She basically brought them with him. Yes, she was the kind of person in the training camp whose family was worried about her hard work and bribed the instructors, and brought chefs over from time to time to improve her life. There are also some high-end restaurants in Scrap Iron City, but the taste...

"...Forget it, just follow the team and eat!"

Wei Wei thought, at worst, he would open a few boxes of cans for her. Didn't everyone eat like this when they were on missions before, and the food she ate was quite delicious.

Then there is the water that this young lady drinks. Before, she only drank a certain brand of water from the First City Defense Line. It was only popular in a very small circle, not even in the Second City Defense Line.

Where can I buy it now?

Forget it, it’s the same thing if you boil some water and drink it.

After making arrangements, Wei Wei quickly checked the boxes on the paper and saw that the preparations were already in place before he even left the door of the base.

Brother Xiao Lin's eyes widened when he saw it, and he couldn't help but remind him: "You said before that this distinguished guest needs special care. Isn't it a bit hasty to make such a decision now..."

"Think again, is there anything else to do?"


Wei Wei looked at the list carefully, then suddenly slapped his thigh and remembered something.

He picked up his coat and walked outside the base. Brother Xiao Lin and everyone in the courtyard of the base saw him in a hurry and asked hurriedly: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to buy some feminine hygiene products."

Wei Weidao: "Her life is coming soon, but she is careless and often forgets to bring it."


In the base yard, everyone's eyes couldn't help but straighten when they heard this.

"I can't tell that Xiao Wei is still a very caring person..."

Captain Ouyang couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder the special investigator, Feifei and so on, were so interested in him."

"If there is a chance in the future, I might consider passing my unique skills on to him..."


Just as he was thinking about it, Wei Wei walked through the yard and happened to see Ye Feifei, who was sweeping left and right in the yard pretending to be nonchalant. He smiled particularly attentively and said, "Would you like to buy a pack for you too?"

"I'm counting the days and you'll be here soon."



Everyone in the base was shocked and fell silent for a moment, turning their heads to look at him blankly.

Ye Feifei's face turned red all of a sudden, and he subconsciously denied it: "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not like this these days!"

The people around looked at Sister Lucky curiously at the same time, and saw that Sister Lucky next to her was not sure either. She calculated silently, and her eyes suddenly looked a little surprised.

"Don't forget it."

Wei Wei was very sure, but he saw that she didn't want to mention it at all, so he waved his hand hurriedly: "If you need it, ask Sister Lucky for it. She just left a few days ago."


Countless eyes in the entire base immediately looked at Sister Lucky again.

Sister Lucky herself was stunned.

Everyone in the whole yard stared blankly at Wei Wei's back as he walked out of the base, and were amazed for a moment.

Captain Ouyang reacted for a while, and then suddenly sighed with joy: "Xiao Wei is very capable. I will have to learn from him later..."

"I don't know why they don't believe in me so much. They obviously have a say in this issue!"

When leaving the base, Wei Wei was still thinking about it.

Not only is he very good at timing, but he is also very good at buying supplies in this area. This is one of his hidden skills.

After all, this ex-girlfriend is a very mysophobic person who will go crazy if she sees even the slightest leakage. Therefore, if the quality of something she buys is not good, she has to return it over and over again.

Of course, this later became one of the triggers for the breakup.

It's just a mysophobia, she actually fainted...

...The hobbies of two people are fundamentally different from the very source!

Cursing in his heart, Wei Wei still made a careful selection. He didn't care at all about the strange look in the salesperson's eyes. He bought a pack of every brand of female care products in the store. After paying the bill, he hid in the bathroom and opened them one by one. , then cut a bloody incision on his palm, then wrapped it in his hand, observing the leakage status of these supplies one by one, and comparing their performance.

I have to admit that Wei Wei had already discovered a certain natural enemy of Scarlet.

Fortunately, until now, no enemy has thought of using this kind of thing to deal with him.

After careful comparison, he found the most suitable brand, so he came out happily, paid for a few large bags.

Seeing him walking out of the store happily, the salesperson felt that his outlook was shaken. Now men are starting to use this thing too?

"What are you doing?"

As soon as he walked out of the store, Wei Wei unexpectedly met someone.

I saw a woman wearing black skinny jeans with ridiculously long legs, sitting astride a motorcycle, one foot on the ground, holding a helmet in her arms, and looking at herself quietly.

I didn't expect to meet Sensen here, but it seemed like she was waiting for him.

"I'm going out to buy something."

Wei Wei smiled and gestured to her with a large packet of paper in his hand. He suddenly remembered something and enthusiastically took two packets from the bag and stuffed them into her: "You're welcome, take it and use it. These are the best. I've tried it."


Sensen, who originally had a serious expression and seemed ready to say something, was stunned.

He stared blankly at the thing that was forced into his arms, looked at Wei Wei with strange eyes, and said, "Why did you buy this?"

"I have a classmate who is coming, so I prepared it for her."

Wei Wei explained with a smile, looked at Sensen and said, "You came to see me if you have something to do?"

"Classmates... sanitary products..."

"Female classmate!"



Sensen used careful logic and thinking that were not in line with the characteristics of a war demon to deduce the correct agreement at lightning speed. His face turned cold and he threw the two packages of paper back.

His expression seemed to become a little cold: "How long has it been and you still come here to buy this thing?"

"When is it?"

Wei Wei's expression was a little stunned, and he didn't quite understand why she suddenly became not in a good mood.

Sensen seemed a little irritable after hearing what he said.

After a while, he suddenly looked up at him and said: "The process of returning to the throne will not be so smooth."

"Even you'd better take it seriously."


Facing Wei Wei's increasingly confused expression, she sighed and said, "Grandpa made the choice for me, and I will become the knight who protects you."

"Always obey your call, no matter what time it is, no matter what you do."


After saying this, she put her helmet back on, put it on, then leaned down, turned the accelerator, and disappeared at the end of the long street.


Instead, Wei Wei, who was carrying a bag full of hygiene products, was left on the street. For a long time, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

This girl came here specifically to find him, just to confess her love to him?

What was with the absolute determination and perseverance in her expression when she said this? Isn't this the most peaceful time?

The captain and his men were brought back. I also learned from the previous chat with my ex-girlfriend that the foundation's application for establishing a private scarlet discussion organization seemed to be on the way.

With this organization, I should be able to enter the scarlet sixth state without any worries.

As for Father An...

This Rose Sect, which had always made me feel mysterious and illusory before, seemed to be blooming everywhere, but for some reason, after passing Hei Yuan and his party, I suddenly no longer felt that it was scary.

The fear and uncertainty about him seemed to have disappeared unconsciously.

And the Sect of Order...

The order sect that Sensen belonged to had the greatest ambition and had been eliminated during the Noah incident.

If they can barely exist in the cracks, what do they have to worry about?

With this in mind, Wei Wei carried the big bag and walked towards the base, silently thinking about these things in his heart.

He also knew that sooner or later he would come into contact with the Order Sect, the God Deathstroke, Noah, the Rose Sect and other forces that had fallen into the hands of the Wandering Church.

But, now is not the time.

Understand on a visceral level that when you start to interact with them, something will click.

However, before that, I still need to have a chat with Scarlet Eyes.

That is your own mentor.

You need to ask your mentor about some things before making these decisions.

Of course, I think about this too much now.

A person who can’t figure out his ex-girlfriend’s problems still wants to figure out the meaning of his life?

Wei Wei recognized the nature of the problem and walked to the base easily.

When Sensen rode her motorcycle back to the manor left to her by her grandfather, her expression became a little unhappy.

She returned to her home, but now she felt like a guest.

There were people wearing black and white robes everywhere in the manor. They were reserved, solemn, and stood quietly inside and outside the room.

Even the sound of the engine of the dense motorcycle seemed to be subliminally muted when it drove into the manor, showing a sense of caution.

A woman wearing a white round-collar priest's robe, her hands gently clasped in front of her lower abdomen, quietly looked at the forest driving into the manor, with a slight smile on her face:

"What is he doing?"


“Host your ex-girlfriend!”

Sensen took off his helmet and answered somewhat indifferently.

The woman's expression seemed slightly stunned, but it was fleeting. She did not continue to ask this question, but looked at Sensen gently and said: "The bishop gave me the title of Knight of Iris before, and I know that you did not Not satisfied, but I hope you can understand the bishop, and I can also promise that after the outcome of this matter, I will return the title of Knight of Iris to you. At this time..."

"You have inherited all of your grandfather's identities."


Sensen's eyes flickered, but he did not say any words of rejection. He was just silent for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Do you know?"

"My grandfather gave you the title, and then you transferred it to me. I always feel that the title becomes cheap..."


The woman, or this time the Knight of Iris, didn't change her expression at all, she just had a smile on her face: "You shouldn't have emotions."

"I have no emotions!"

Sensen immediately replied, "It's just that I don't know what you want to do."

"The last time the Church of Order came to Scrap Iron City, they were still accusing me and my grandfather of being traitors. Now you are here, and you are saying that my grandfather is the only hope to save Order."


"Old Iris once disagreed with our ideas. You also know this. There is nothing to hide."

At this time, an old man wearing a black priest's robe walked out of the hall. He stood quietly at the top of the steps, looked at Sensen who was still sitting astride the motorcycle, and said softly: "I can also admit that it's quite... For a long time, I thought he was wrong. But the results now prove that his insistence at the beginning was right. We realized the mistake and naturally we need to correct it."

"We will fulfill his long-cherished wish during his lifetime..."


Sensen suddenly raised his head, looked at the two people who best represented the Church of Order today, and his pupils shrank: "No matter what you say, I will not be loyal to you."

As soon as she said this, the congregants and servants walking around the manor suddenly stopped at the same time and slowly looked at her.

This manor, with flowers in full bloom and sunshine shining brightly, seemed to have entered the dead of winter in an instant.

"You don't need to be loyal to us, not even to the Church of Order."

In this depressing environment, the bishop spoke softly, with unexpected generosity in his voice: "We, the Church of Order, have come together because of our pursuit of ideals."

"Our plan to create a God of Order has also failed."

"So we no longer have to be loyal to anyone but our ideals."

"Do you agree with this?"


Sensen was silent for a long time, then nodded slightly.

She is a war demon. Except for a few parts, the war demon is pure most of the time and will not say anything that goes against her inner thoughts.

After just nodding her head, she was still a little worried, and suddenly looked up at them: "What exactly do you want to do?"


The current Knight of Iris, a delicate and solemn woman, suddenly laughed softly and looked at Sensen thoughtfully, looking from head to toe, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised:

"Did the respected old Knight of Iris once tell you before he died..."

"When the critical moment comes, can you die for him?"


Sensen was stunned and his pupils shrank violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The woman on the steps sighed softly, her eyes fell on her face solemnly, and she said softly: "Now is the most critical moment!"

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