Scarlet Falls

Chapter 278 Seventh Rank Promotion Ceremony

"Have you solved this problem?"

In the hesitant eyes of the head pendant, it saw that Wei Wei had really left this palace-like bathing center and left the city.

When he walked outside the city sentry post, the modified jeep, already carrying a scarlet aura, was galloping over from a distance. It seemed that Wei Wei was really leaving.

But at this time, the head pendant couldn't help its inner torment and asked its question.

He has been accompanying Wei Wei since the training camp. He has seen many things he did that left people speechless, and he has accumulated a lot of things to complain about.

But it can understand Scarlet's madness and neurosis, but it cannot accept such a thing: "This is the first time in so many years that I have seen you leave without solving the problem."

"You did fire a shot, and I know that this city where the truth has been twisted has begun to wake up."

"But Miss Lily is still alive, her situation has not changed, and she has not found a way out, so you just ignore her?"

“What about the people in this city who have died due to the influence of the Demon of Truth?”

"Don't you like to avenge these people the most? Now, are you ready to ignore their despair and leave such a mess behind?"


Facing the head pendant's obviously selfish question, Wei Wei shook his head. He didn't seem to have a good answer to the question. He could only smile and said:

"I need to think about it some more."


"What are you thinking about?"

What the head pendant fears most is his answer, with a hint of hatred in his voice: "You can't understand these questions."

"You're trying to figure out the most unthinkable thing in the world."

"This world is inherently unfair. Why are some people born beautiful, some born ugly, some born healthy, and some born dead?"

"It's the same dead head. Why can some people rot happily in the grave, while others have to be hung on a belt and work as a nanny and secretary without getting any benefits?"

"You can be aware of these issues and accept them, but never try to figure them out."

"It will kill people, boss..."


The way it talks sincerely is somewhat funny just from the outside.

A dead head with yellow and sparse hair, with the worry and distress of an elder, was explaining the truth arduously.

Probably its predecessor did not expect that when he was alive, he was so stressed that he lost his hair in order to study the demonic power in the field related to knowledge demons.

Now that he is dead, he still loses his hair due to stress.

Hair loss has even transcended life and death and become an eternal theme.

"If you get into this corner, then..."

It spoke bitterly, until finally, it sighed in a low voice: "Scarlet's continued iteration may not end in your lifetime."

The best it can say is so far.

What is not pointed out is that the end of continued iteration is Wei Wei's death.

It is not fully explained, but it is hinted that if Scarlet must struggle with this problem, then eternal despair will be its fate.

However, despite its worries, Wei Wei still showed no intention of relaxing.

Instead, he seemed to have strengthened his faith, and while boarding the modified jeep with a smile, he said: "Maybe this is the answer I want."


Before the head pendant could cry out in distress, he smiled and asked, "How is our scarlet research report going?"


The head pendant really wanted to shout, but when he suddenly heard Wei Wei ask a specific question, he felt frustrated, and his eyes seemed to become hollow, as if he was looking up information.

After a while, he said: "I have recorded a lot of things, including the shot you just made."

"Of course, I can't understand this shot unless you give me specific data..."


Wei Wei smiled and nodded: "Okay."

When he said the words of agreement, the dry eyes of the head pendant became bloodshot.

The head pendant suddenly closed its mouth.

The connection between Scarlet and it, coupled with the unique memory sharing ability of the Knowledge Demon System, allows it to better handle certain "information" qualities. The shot fired by Wei Wei, based on its rank and ability alone, It can't understand it, but with Wei Wei's permission, it can read enough information. Including why this shot was fired, including what was the purpose of firing this shot.

Similarly, it also includes how this shot achieved its ultimate goal in the collision of surreal logic.

This kind of information represents accumulation at the level of demonic power.

Especially for knowledge demons, the accumulation of information represents an improvement and leap in ability.

It recollected and analyzed it carefully, almost moved to tears: "I have been with you for so long, I have swallowed dead bodies and bullets, and now, I can finally swallow something useful..."


Wei Wei couldn't help but sigh: "This is the first time I see someone shed tears because of studying..."

As he spoke, he touched the few hairs left on the head pendant comfortingly and said, "Hold on, I feel more and more the importance of this investigation report."

"That's no problem. Recording is the simplest thing!"

The head pendant rubbed the tears from his eye sockets on Wei Wei's hand, and his expression became more serious again, saying: "The focus now is still on you."

"The reason why Scarlet is considered to have the possibility of becoming a god, in addition to the impact Scarlet has had on other demons before, is that it has the ability to analyze, dissect, and record these surreal logics, so as long as you are willing , you can easily record and accumulate the powerful surreal logic between different demonic powers, making yourself a god higher than the twelve demons..."

"Even this result is what they all want to see."

"But if you choose another direction, it might not be their turn to deal with you."

"You yourself will perish..."


Although I was the last person to be affected at this time, I also felt that talking about the head pendant was a bit too much.

But Wei Wei really felt a kind of concern from it, so he nodded slightly and said: "I am now at the sixth level, and I feel very pure and flawless sixth level."

"Then I want to know, in the ordinary sense, what is the higher level?"


The head pendant was excited and said hurriedly: "This question can really only be asked to us. Other demons may be able to understand it, but they cannot give an effective explanation."

After a slight pause, it answered seriously: "The sixth level is called the Demon Bishop."

"This bishop does not refer to identity, but more importantly, reaching the sixth level represents a transcendent being who can already be contacted, and even represents an idea to a certain extent."

“Certainly the concept on a surreal level.”

"For example, the life demon, at this stage, has unified its identity and reached a level where it can be this person and another person."

"Another example is the disaster demon, which allows itself to merge with the disaster and achieve the level of controlling the disaster."

"Another example is the war demon demon, which has even transcended the constraints of the camp and reached a level where as long as there is war, it will win..."


As it spoke, it did not forget to remind Wei Wei: "So, no matter which one you are, as long as you encounter the sixth-level demon bishop, you must be careful."

"It stands to reason that the previous Scarlets should have defeated some sixth-level demonic forces. However, when you gave up the Blood Abyss, you also gave up the previous accumulation of Scarlet. Therefore, their experience in defeating other demonic forces is not the same as Knowledge does not exist for you, and once you meet them, you may not be sure that you can really beat those people. After all, every sixth level is a real monster."


"And above the sixth level, there is the seventh level, the devil totem."

It said, shaking its head: "It is named directly after the totem because there are only two forms of the seventh level that can be recorded, and that is the totem and the agent."

"Transcendents only exist within the foundation's position, and the foundation does not have a seventh level."

"But in our knowledge demon system, there is also a good summary and description of this, that is..."



It emphasized the key point and said: "The sixth level is the concept, and the seventh level is the symbol of a higher level."

"They already represent a kind of enveloping summary, so the totems have their own titles, just like the Lord of the Black Abyss, they are the masters of the Black Abyss."

"If a more powerful being is born in the Black Abyss, that being will become the Lord of the Black Abyss."

"Another example is the Black Goat, or the Eye of True Knowledge. Each of them may be strong or weak, but they already have some ability to represent certain abstract things."


"As for the higher level, it's the concept, which is where the legendary twelve demons are."

The head pendant seemed a little sad and sighed: "That is a level that even us knowledge demons cannot interpret uniformly."

“We don’t even know whether they exist, we can only deduce that they must exist.”

"You can understand it as the village chief."

"There must be a village chief in a village. As for whether the village chief is strong or weak and who should be the leader, that is another question."


Wei Wei felt a sense of enlightenment as he listened to the description of the head pendant.

Having given up on the Bloody Abyss before, it really prevented me from taking some shortcuts. Although it ensured purity, it also paid a price on the other hand.

He became a little more relaxed and said with a smile: "Then I understand why I have such trouble. If the next stage represents the symbol of scarlet power."

"Then I guess it's just because I haven't been able to give scarlet enough symbolic meaning."

"Scarlet is just a word and a power now."

"It seems that when I find the answer to this question, the seventh level will come to me very easily."


These words were spoken with ease.

His previous promotion was mainly through the guidance of giants in the ocean of consciousness, but those giants were actually the will left by Scarlet before.

After he abandoned the bloody abyss, the giants in the ocean of consciousness have become silent.

This means that if he wants to enter the seventh level, he needs to find a way out by himself, and even set the standards and meaning of promotion by himself.

"Don't be so hasty..."

The head pendant buzzed, and the thinning hair almost exploded.

"I just explained to you how desperate this problem is, and you tied it to self-promotion?"

It was shocked and even a little desperate: "Do you want yourself to be stuck here forever?"


Wei Wei smiled easily and said, "I just think I can find the answer to this question."

"I even think the answer might be simple."

"After all, the more complex the question, the simpler the answer, isn't it?"


The head pendant was completely unwilling to discuss it with him, but said in despair: "What if you can't find the answer to this question?"

"In the past, you would only save the man who swallowed a gun and committed suicide out of despair. Now, you want to help this man and Miss Lily..."


Wei Wei ignored its expression, just smiled and said: "If you can't find it, just keep looking."

The head pendant closed its mouth in a deep exhaustion.

It vaguely felt that perhaps it had just understood the reason for the death of generations of Scarlet Society.

They were all tricked to death...

Wei Wei didn't explain too much to the head pendant because he had already vaguely noticed the difference between Scarlet and other demonic powers.

Other demonic powers, whether they are believers or fallen creatures contaminated by demonic powers, mostly work hard to climb and be promoted within a system.

And scarlet...

...Perhaps this characteristic was already destined when he gave up on the Bloody Abyss?

I am scarlet, scarlet is me.

It’s not just talk or a whim of recognition.

If you cannot lead the enrichment and extension of this concept from your own perspective, then the scarlet power you have obtained will be meaningless.

"Let's go!"

He sat in the driver's seat, fastened the seat belt that had turned blood-red and hideous and covered with bone spurs, and then stepped on the accelerator.

"Ahead should be the sacred realm ruled by the Wandering Church."

"We have to go and get the cannon stick that the foundation promised us first."



"So, Scarlet really dares to come to the territory of the Holy Church?"

At the same time, on a gentle mountain range with a series of dome-shaped buildings, someone pushed open the door that was three or four meters high.

In the hall, which is so huge and spacious that it even has a certain sacred meaning, four or five quiet shadows are sitting next to a long black table. The other seats are empty.

The person who walked in looked at the shadows, his smile seemed a little narrow, and there was a hint of sarcasm.

"Lily City has just been lifted from the sacred law. This is something that only Scarlet can do."

Next to the long black table, there was a shadow that vaguely looked like a humanoid, but always gave people a squirming and crowded feeling. He replied calmly: "Coupled with the news from the Foundation, we are very sure that Scarlet will send him His first gaze was cast on us, and judging from the distance, he would only have three days at most to reach the Holy Cathedral, which is why we sat together."

"In this case……"

The person who walked into the hall looked at everyone with a smile and said, "How can I kill it?"

Everyone around the long table was quiet. After a long time, someone answered in a mechanical voice: "Scarlet has died nine times."

"Three times I was killed by twelve gods entering reality, and four times I died from bugs that appeared during self-updates."

"The remaining two times, one was killed by the Calamity Demon and the other was killed by the Spear of Truth."

"Now the only things we can control are the latter two methods."

"The Calamity Demon is not willing to cooperate with the Holy Church. In other words, we cannot give him enough sacrifices to invite his action."

"Then I guess we have no other choice."


Facing the hall that had become quiet, the young man walked in and said with a smile: "As far as I know, the Spear of Truth that was killed and sealed scarlet in the death knell of the god last time still exists in the church?"


Someone soon answered this question and said: "But who will use this spear is the key."

"We all know that the cost of using this spear is very high."


"In that case, I have a suggestion."

The young man laughed: "Let's all be clear and don't tell secrets. That stupid old guy only sat in the position of bishop for less than half a year, and he died on the spiritual barrier because of his misjudgment of the situation. He was also raped. He was executed in public, but he did not die unjustly. After all, he was just a puppet we introduced, and he did such a risky thing because he wanted to get rid of his identity as a puppet."

"But among us, it is difficult to decide who will take the position of bishop."

"Now that Scarlet has crossed the line, why don't we make an agreement."

"What if someone can hold the Spear of Truth, kill Scarlet, and survive while preserving his own sanity, and become a Holy Bishop?"


His words moved the hearts of many people present, but no one spoke for a long time.

Because no one can guarantee that they will still survive after being exposed to the Spear of Truth.

"Let me do it!"

The young man suddenly continued with a smile and said: "You are really a little too afraid of that little guy..."

"We control Scarlet who once killed the previous eighth-level Scarlet, but now we have a newborn Scarlet who is only sixth-level. He may not have even written half of the contents of the Scarlet Bible, so what's the point? So scared?”

"I can make this promise in front of everyone here."

"I will take the Spear of Truth to meet the enemy, fight with this new Scarlet, and promise not to let him enter the sacred realm."

"If you lose, I will die. If you win, I will be the new bishop."

"What do you think?"

There will be no update tomorrow. Brothers, the epidemic in Qingdao is serious, but my old father lives there by himself and doesn’t know how to shop online or stock up on things. I have to rush back to Qingdao in advance tomorrow to be with him. Plus the high-speed rail connection, basically everything Will be on the road all day.

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