Scarlet Falls

Chapter 282 The birth of the blood symbol

"This is impossible, this is unreasonable..."

Seeing the bright smile blooming on Wei Wei's face, the young leader of the Red Priests felt a strong impact on his cognition.

He didn't understand why the other party could still laugh when the Spear of Truth had penetrated him.

He also didn't believe that the Scarlet in front of him, who was already considered the weakest in history, would have the ability to solve this kind of problem, so he could only shout loudly.

But facing his hysteria, Wei Wei just smiled and turned around.

He looked at Miss Lily's city, and at the answer that had already begun to work in the past.

With that mysterious gunshot, earth-shaking changes occurred in the City of Truth. The spiritual world of countless people was impacted, and the invisible demonic power was destroyed.

People in the whole city have woken up, and their memories of the past are very vague. They only remember that there once was a perfect woman in this city, named Miss Lily.

However, they forgot what this Miss Lily looked like, so the real Miss Lily escaped from the palace-like bathing center.

Miss Lily is still a goddess, but she has been brought back to her original form.

With panic and confusion, she walked in this city that had just become a little chaotic because of the disappearance of the power of the demon of truth. She didn't know where to go. Those high-ranking officials, rich men, and businessmen who had been lining up to treat her to dinner. Every one of them is her choice, but now she doesn't know who she can go to, and who can still let her continue to maintain the luxurious life before in this situation.

But he didn't think for long before he was noticed by the homeless man on the street corner.

Miss Lily was still wearing an expensive dress, and she also had expensive jewelry on her ears and wrists.

The homeless man who hadn't eaten for several days rushed up and took off Miss Lily's skirt. However, because of fear or lack of strength, he didn't do anything else to Miss Lily.

He did not carefully search for the jewelry and jewelry on her body.

Miss Lily stuffed the most sparkling earrings into her fleshy folds, and taking advantage of the chaos, she stole a piece of clothes that others had hung to dry in the park and ran away secretly. She lost her expensive clothes. She didn't know where to go, and she didn't know what this smart little kid was thinking. She wandered around in confusion for a long time, and actually ran back to Aunt Jing who had brought her into the sea of ​​fire.

Aunt Jing seemed to have forgotten that Miss Lily had become Miss Lily in the whole city. When she saw her, she scolded her: "You damn dare to come back, steal things and run away. I'll beat you to death."

He said it very harshly, and he really struck her, but he didn't really beat her to death, but went up and slapped her a few times.

Then he scolded her and asked her to do odd jobs, because now she is too fat and no customer can appreciate her.

Miss Lily felt very lucky, and when she was even more lucky, she found that she actually had food to eat at night, and the food she ate was steamed buns. To put it simply, it was something that people eat.

Not only that, when Aunt Jing's anger subsided, she could actually eat at the table.

She ate with the ladies who had a lot of customers, although Aunt Jing would still secretly bring chicken legs to those who received the most customers, while useless people like Miss Lily could only eat chicken butts.

But Miss Lily is really satisfied.

She even started to lose weight under Aunt Jing's curse, hoping to return to the guest's bed as soon as possible.

The weight loss was quite smooth, mainly due to the food she ate and the work she did every day. Objectively speaking, Ms. Lily was not allowed to continue to gain weight.

But Miss Lily's dream of returning to a guest's bed was shattered.

Because her parents came to pick her up. I don’t know what the old couple was thinking. Anyway, I told Aunt Jing that Miss Lily’s sister was married and her brother also married a daughter-in-law. Although their lives were not very good, they were considered stable. After thinking about it, they thought that they still had such a daughter, so they couldn't let her suffer all the time, so after thinking about it, they still wanted to take the person back, which was more or less a less than perfect thing.

Of course I said it, I said it, but when they saw that Miss Lily had not saved any money after receiving customers for so many years, the expressions on their faces were still a little disappointed.

And Aunt Jing actually let her go, mainly because even if Miss Lily lost weight, it would be difficult to receive customers, which was not proportional to her consumption.

And she is not diligent in her work.

After following her parents back home, Miss Lily wore coarse clothes and did exhausting farm work under the scoldings of her parents every day.

She remembered the particularly slutty Ergou who wore beanie shoes and waved her hands, and was a social figure. She secretly visited his house once and found that it was deserted.

Neighbors said that Ergou went to the city to make a living and said he would not come back if he did not do well.

Miss Lily was very disappointed and sad, and then she began to think about how she should get married. Her parents thought the same way. Even Miss Lily, in such a remote place, did not have to worry about getting married. What she should worry about was how to get married. Of course, if you want to marry someone well, then a dowry is also essential, but her parents obviously have not considered it in this direction.

But Miss Lily is not afraid. She also has secretly hidden jewelry that can be sold for a lot of money.

The money allowed her to marry a better person, and the richer the dowry, the better. So she often secretly took out the jewelry to play with, mentally calculating how much she could sell it for.

But she was stupid enough to count in the room without closing the door, and was seen by her parents who had just returned.

The parents were a little excited and discussed that their younger son should build a big house and needed money. We are getting old and can no longer work, so we also need money.

But they discussed it for most of the night, and no one moved, not taking out the shiny ring from under the pillow of Miss Lily, who was sleeping like a dead pig.

Miss Lily secretly took the ring and sold it.

The person who received the ring did not ask her where it came from, but gave her a sum of money.

Miss Lily is not a fool. She had a very wealthy life and knew that this ring could be sold for millions, but they only gave herself twenty or thirty thousand yuan.

But she was very satisfied, because two to thirty thousand yuan was a lot here.

Just when Miss Lily was thinking about who she could marry with the two to thirty thousand yuan, unexpectedly, Ergou came back.

Er Gouzi was struggling outside and really made a fortune. When he returned to the small village, he was wearing a gold chain as thick as his finger, gold teeth, and a bright suit.

Only one leg was lame, and three of the five fingers on his left hand were broken.

When Er Gouzi met everyone, he would talk about how prosperous he was living outside. Only Miss Lily could tell at a glance that the gold chain on his body was fake, and the suit was not custom-made by him at all.

But why would she mind? He was a second-rate dog...

She still likes Er Gouzi so much, and Er Gouzi still likes her as before... she really likes her, after all, she doesn't have to choose.

So she married Er Gouzi, and her parents showed off the huge gift of 3,000 yuan everywhere, which confirmed the saying that Er Gouzi was indeed doing well outside.

My parents didn't seem to know that the three thousand yuan was actually secretly taken out by Miss Lily.

That night when they slept together, Miss Lily looked at Ergouzi who felt sorry for him for the three thousand yuan, and secretly took out another five thousand yuan.

Ergouzi was very surprised: "Where did it come from?"

Miss Lily said: "I make money from advertising and being a model for others."

Ergouzi: "Hey, how can you play better than me?"

Miss Lily had no choice but to say: "I went to the city and sold it for three years."

Er Gouzi was immediately pleasantly surprised: "How can you be so capable? Qiao Laosan's wife next door only made a thousand dollars after selling for four years. My wife is indeed better than his."

Miss Lily had a complicated mood and asked anxiously: "Don't you dislike me?"

Ergouzi proudly patted his lame leg, showed his left hand with only two fingers left, and said, "Do you know how it came about?"

Only then did Miss Lily know that Ergouzi was not doing well outside. He followed a boss and learned the art of stealing, but he failed to master it. He was caught, broke one of his legs, and had no spine. He confessed the three brothers in the police station, and after they came out, the boss chopped off three of his fingers to punish him. When he got angry, he stole the boss's suit to show off his appearance and ran back.

Miss Lily thought to herself that Ergouzi was worse than herself. When she sneaked out, she stole Aunt Jing's most valuable necklace.

"I'm indeed not doing well, but I'm still better than Qiao Laosan next door..."

Ergouzi boasted about himself and seemed very impressive, but he asked a little guiltily: "Are you still willing to live with me?"

Miss Lily thought for a while and asked a little shyly: "Then you can still shake your hand, will society shake it?"

Ergouzi smiled proudly: "Don't worry, no one in the whole village can shake it better than me."

Miss Lily nodded shyly. This night, she was sure that she had gained happiness.

Especially Ergouzi, who has been solo for almost 30 years, is really powerful, even more powerful than a real dog...

Wei Wei once dissected the Destiny Demon, and in Scarlet's power, he had accumulated some surreal logic and knowledge of the Destiny Demon system. Therefore, when he wanted to see it, he saw Miss Lily's experience after he left, and even , and through these experiences, I saw something that has not happened yet, but has already been laid out on Miss Lily's fate line.

So the smile on his face became gentler, and he turned around, wondering if, as a friend, he should also send a few silver coins to Miss Lily, just as a casual person.

However, when he looked at all this with satisfaction, the head of the priesthood who also saw these scenes had a dull expression.

He said incomprehensibly: "What is this?"

"This is happiness."

Wei Wei looked at him with a smile and replied seriously: "It is also Miss Lily's salvation."

He obviously saw that the head of the priesthood was even more stunned, but because he was in a good mood, he patiently explained:

"Miss Lily is indeed not very smart, not very beautiful, and not very diligent, but her desires and ambitions are not that big either. She does not need the kind of paradise that the Demon of Truth gives her. She cannot afford it and does not need to. , she is just a bit stupid and a bit ordinary girl, with her own little desires that no one can blame, she can easily satisfy them, and when she is satisfied, she feels happy."

"Then why was she so unlucky before?"

The leader of the Red Priests asked in a hoarse voice: "Did you change her fate?"

"You gave her luck?"


"No, I don't have that authority."

Wei Wei shook his head gently and whispered the answer: "I just let the people around her feel a little more in awe."

"When others have a little more respect and fear for her, they won't do things so cruelly, and weak people will have more chances to survive."

"With a little more awe, there will be a lot more... limits in this world!"


When he said this, some different answers flashed in his eyes.

He saw the homeless man who strangled Miss Lily to death because he was greedy for her expensive clothes, and also saw the angry Aunt Jing beating Miss Lily to death for stealing jewelry, and then cut off her organs and sold them. I also saw the parents who took Miss Lily back and sold them again, saw Ergouzi who was beaten to death for stealing things, and saw that when Miss Lily's jewelry was taken away, because she was unwilling to part with the tenth of the cost, As for the wandering businessman who shot Miss Lily to death... those were all possibilities in Miss Lily's fate. Every possibility could ruin Miss Lily's modest happiness.

However, because of a little more awe, these corners of fate were avoided.

“Why do people in this world always go to the lamb with a knife?”

Through this comparison of different fates, Wei Wei felt in a better mood. He even smiled and said to the head pendant: "It's because they lack a little respect for the lamb."

"You are right what you said before. Absolute fairness does not exist, and I will not pursue that."

"But why should I pursue it?"

"I'm just a kid who stepped off the garbage mountain. A kid who stepped off the garbage mountain only wants to grow up."

"As long as you can grow up, that's fine."


He smiled brightly and said, "Not everyone wants to be the king of the world."

The head pendant listened to his words and looked at the heartfelt smile on his face, and couldn't help being stunned. It had thought of many answers.

But it never thought that such a simple answer would be Wei Wei's response to the question that could torture everyone to death.

It was even more unimaginable. When it saw the spear on Wei Wei's chest, it began to dim.

The squirming blood threads at the wound stopped withering, and instead began to radiate vitality again with Wei Wei's smile, which in turn seeped into the Spear of Truth.

Is this really Scarlet’s answer?


The young leader of the Red Priests suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "What you are saying is all nonsense."

"Awe, awe, you put it simply!"

There seemed to be more anger in his voice: "But where in the world can such a thing exist?"

"There are some people who are so weak that no one can sympathize with them. There are some people who are born to ignore those who are insensitive and weak. They are stupid and stubborn, they are incompetent but proud. How can they make people feel awe? They don't even know how to awe. Even they themselves may not have this kind of awe, but you want other people in the world to maintain awe of them?"


The head pendant looked numbly at the leader of the Red Priests.

For some reason, at this moment, it felt faintly that it seemed to be more inclined to this opponent's answer.

“I don’t want other people to be in awe of the lamb.”

After Wei Wei listened to his words, he faced him head-on and replied softly: "I want people all over the world to have this kind of awe."

"Because everyone has the potential to be a lamb."


As he spoke, the Spear of Truth on his chest became darker and darker, almost disappearing, and his voice became louder and louder:

"Order will make some people stand high, and your faith will also make some people stand high, but why do you always lack a little awe? Because bullies don't have minions, right?"

"Then I am the Lamb's minion."

"Whether it's the previous order or your beliefs, no one is going to protect the Lamb."

"Then I'll do it myself!"


When he said these words, the Spear of Truth that penetrated his chest had been completely penetrated by the scarlet power and turned into a bright red color.

When the bright red color completely dyed the Spear of Truth, it suddenly fell off from Wei Wei's body, turned into a pen wrapped with red patterns, and was inserted into Wei Wei's jacket pocket.

Wei Wei nodded with satisfaction, and his temperament seemed to be melting into the night sky.

He turned his head seriously and looked at the head pendant: "I think we don't need that private scarlet discussion organization anymore."

"We don't need believers either."

"I don't need believers, because I won't give them any privileges, but I also want them to live bravely, because when they are most desperate, they will see my shadow appear."



The human head pendant was speechless for a moment. It looked at Wei Wei in unimaginable way, watching the scarlet power in his body become revitalized and even rise to another level.

It felt scared, but also felt a little excited.

"You are not qualified, you... you have no reason at all, why do you... Spear of Truth..."

When the leader of the red-clothed clergy listened to this declaration-like voice, he also felt the pain and panic of having his cognition torn apart.

Especially when he saw the Spear of Truth begin to shatter in Wei Wei's chest, he felt the indescribable power backfire in his body. He was like a drowning man, just wanting to grab a straw. .

So he shouted unconvinced and used his fierce words to refuse to accept it, so that when this kind of despair came, he would not be as docile as a lamb who did not know how to resist.

"And you..."

But Wei Wei ignored his confused words and suddenly turned to look at him with a smile: "How many desperate people do you think you will have here?"

The leader of the Red Priests was suddenly speechless: "You...what do you want to do?"

“The more awe you have, the less despair you have. And the place with the most despair is not qualified to be called paradise.”

Wei Wei looked at him with a smile and said, "This is hell for you."

"Since you are so obsessed and blindly believe in this hell, then I want to ask you, have you ever heard the hymns coming from hell?"



The leader of the Red Priests was suddenly frightened by a strong fear. This fear was so strong that he even temporarily forgot the fact that he was about to die.

It was also at this moment that a scarlet modified Jeep crashed into this clean and civilized city. After facing Wei Wei being penetrated by the Spear of Truth and being shocked by the leader of the Red Priests, , the ghost lady did not have the same head pendant, but just followed powerlessly behind her. She was a ghost, and ghosts never admit defeat, so she just flew back to the hotel desperately, rushed into the underground parking lot, and rushed into the modified jeep. among.

She tore off the cover with a bang and picked up the dark humanoid thing inside.

With a sad expression on her face, she held this thing that made everyone in the world feel awe, and rushed straight into the sky above the city.

Then, throw it away without hesitation.

In mid-air, the outer skin of the dark humanoid thing began to peel off, and invisible panic began to spread to the city.

The leader of the Red Priests felt this thing, and his eyes suddenly became horrified.

Wei Wei's smile was very happy and contented, and he softly asked the desperate man in front of him: "Do you understand what awe is now?"

The head of the Red Order could not answer.

He only knew that the sacred realm had become a sacrifice at this moment, just to witness the birth of a certain bloody symbol into reality.

Our fan title [Mafia] has been cancelled. I am considering whether the new fan title should be changed to [Ghost Bride]. What do you think?

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