Notes for ghost masters:
1. Ghosts cannot be killed. Only ghosts can deal with ghosts.
2. The actions of ghosts are regular. As long as they find the rules, even ordinary people may survive supernatural events.
3. Each ghost is a piece of the puzzle, and each other will form a more terrifying ghost.
4. Ghosts will erode human consciousness. Ghost masters are all different types. Humans are not human, and ghosts are not ghosts.
. . . . . . . .
5. Welcome to hell hehehehe.
In this passage, the first four sentences are a quick reminder from a man, while the last sentence is a long time away from the previous voice, and it is much more eerie and eerie.
Especially the last laugh, hoarse and deep, like the low laugh of a ghost, with a strange influence, enough to make normal people go limp with fright.
But Yin Jian just brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth calmly, and after washing as if it didn’t have any effect, he wiped his face with a towel and said calmly:
“What the hell are you?”
He can be sure that he doesn’t have any auditory hallucinations, and the voice didn’t come from an electronic product or somewhere outside, it was more like it sounded directly in his mind.
Yin Jian, he is not an ordinary person, or not a normal person, because of a strange disease, compared to normal people, he lacks most of the emotional expressions including fear.
This makes him seem to be indifferent and calm all the time, including now when encountering such obvious supernatural events, he can also ask questions with a calm face.
However, no one, or a ghost, answered his question.
It’s just that the ghost’s low laughter rang out again in his mind, and the ghostly laughter echoed in his mind, getting louder and louder, making Yin Jian couldn’t help frowning.
At the same time, he who was able to remain calm in this situation could hear another voice coming from his mind.
“Signing in… the system… binding… rustling…”
The sound was a bit mechanical and intermittent, like an old-fashioned radio with a bad signal, but it was the sound, which became louder and louder amidst the ghostly laughter. In a short while, even the ghostly laughter could not cover up the sound. outgoing.
Finally, when the two voices reached their maximum at the same time, all the voices disappeared.
A moment later, a new voice began to sound in Yin Jian’s mind.
“Shusha… The ghost sign-in system is successfully bound, and one ghost is signed in every day…Shusha.”
“Now, the check-in starts, Rusha…hehehe…”
This voice has a mechanical and rigid taste, but it is strangely coupled with the low laugh of the ghost, which gives people an indescribable strangeness, as if two strange things are fused together, completely turning into a more powerful voice. Horror and weird stuff.
However, this did not frighten Yin Jian. On the contrary, the corner of his mouth subconsciously drew a stiff arc.
The long-lost sense of curiosity and excitement reappeared in him, in front of the supernatural event that has completely broken the worldview.
“Sign in for the first time, ghost heart, welcome to hell hehehe.”
Mechanical rigid ghost laughter sounded, and a red heart suddenly appeared in front of Yin Jian, but it was different from a normal person’s heart, the red of this heart was not the kind of blood, healthy red.
It’s more like the red paint on the old-fashioned home, full of an old and dead feeling.
Moreover, the sound of the heartbeat was too loud. The sound of a beating heart actually gave people a deafening feeling.
The ghost heart only appeared in front of Yin Jian for less than two seconds before completely disappearing.
Yin Jian subconsciously pressed his hand on his chest. He found that the moment the ghost’s heart disappeared, his heartbeat also stopped. To be precise, his original heart disappeared.
Now where his heart is, it is a ghost heart that has stopped beating.
Accompanied by the appearance of the ghost heart, there is also a strange instinct, which belongs to the ghost heart instinct.
Driven by this instinct, Yin Jian’s heart began to beat violently.
Bang, bang, bang.
The deafening heartbeat sound enveloped the entire room, and the next moment his figure disappeared directly, appearing outside the door of the house.
Teleportation within the sound range is the ability of Ghost Heart, and at this time, this ability is completely controlled by Yin Jian as if instinctively.
“Is this the ghost master? It’s like a person with super powers.” After experiencing the feeling of super powers for a while, Yin Jian’s world view was broken, and his mood fluctuated slightly.
Then, as if he got a fun toy, he teleported again and appeared in the room.
It’s just that very quickly, he felt the difference between ghost masters and superpowers in film and television works.
After only using the ability twice, he could feel the ghost’s heart start beating. It began to beat slowly from the original silence. Even if he didn’t use the ability, the beating didn’t stop.
And with every complete beat, he could feel a cold feeling emanating from the heart, as if the blood had lost its temperature.
“The ghost is revived.” Subconsciously, Yin Jian thought of this word.
Every time the ability is used, the ghost heart in the body will beat faster, and the ghost heart will transform the blood in his body. This situation is irreversible under normal circumstances, and when the ghost heart completely transforms his blood, then the ghost The heart will fully recover.
This is not a superpower that is so convenient. This is an exchange of ghosts, exchanging lives for abilities, and humans, in this exchange, have no room for resistance.
Just like the words brought by that ghost smile, people are not people, and ghosts are not ghosts. The moment you become a ghost master, the boundary between people and ghosts is already blurred.
However, this desperate cognition did not make Yin Jian collapse. On the contrary, he enjoyed the current feeling a little bit.
This kind of excitement cannot be brought by the kind of extreme sports that he participated in.
He couldn’t help but start to wonder, wondering what the hell it would be to sign in tomorrow.
From today when he planted a ghost in his body, life seems to have become more colorful.
The ingredients at home can last about a week. Yin Jian called the school to ask for a week off, and then stayed at home.
The closed house, the youth living alone, and the system of signing in a ghost every day, add up, as if a coffin is pregnant with a ghost.
If it was an ordinary person, I’m afraid he would have gone crazy long ago, but for Yin Jian, this kind of life is more interesting.
In this closed life, seven days passed quickly.
ps: The new book asks for data and comments, please point out any mistakes, thank you. .

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