“Master, I told you to avoid watching short videos.”
Embarrassed and silent for a while, Ling Xiaozi took a smartNengji was snatched from Xuan Chengzi’s hands.
He was really speechless about his master’s inconsistency.
It was fine a few decades ago, especially in recent years, after coming into contact with mobile phones, games and short videos, the character has become more and more eccentric and out of tune.
“Mr. Yin, don’t worry, my master is like this.” Ling Xiaozi stood awkwardly behind Xuan Chengzi and said.
“The old Daoist has a very good character.” Yin Jian said with no expression on his face.
But it’s not a sarcasm. Among all the older generation of ghost riders he has seen, Xuan Chengzi seems to have a sense of optimism about advancing with the times.
Dai Xiao said before that the waste was lingering on, and the lunatic created a small organization that didn’t make it into the stream.
The only thing that didn’t mention was the 10-year-old Yamas who founded the Ghost Rider Headquarters, even Dai Xiao, who highly recognized the performance of these people.
Yin Jian met one of the founders of Ghost Rider Headquarters. His strength may not be that strong, but his character and attitude are indeed worthy of recognition.
“Young Daoyou Yin praised it.” Xuan Chengzi said with a smile.
His five senses are clear. Although he looks very old, he can still live for a long time. After all, if a Yama-level ghost rider wants to live, he can live for a long time.
At least up to now, Yin Jian has never seen a Yama who died of normal old age, and almost all of them died of various inexplicable deaths.
After a simple greeting, Ling Xiaozi brought a chair for Yin Jian, and Yin Jian and Xuan Chengzi sat opposite each other.
Xuan Chengzi is looking at Yin Jian’s strength, and Yin Jian is also feeling Xuan Chengzi’s strength.
In terms of terror level, Xuan Chengzi’s terror level is obviously not as high as that of the ghost village old man, which is obvious.
The horror level of the ghost village old man Qin Shan is very high. The superposition of the two ghost ghosts, ghost village and ghost coffin is no less than his ghost house.
Positive and negative, these 12 ghosts who are very idealistic are extremely strange and powerful, plus the ghost who can be vaguely connected with the sense of existence.
As far as ghosts are concerned, Qin Shan is undoubtedly the strongest among the Yamas Yin Jian has seen so far, and he is much stronger than the mummy driver.
If it weren’t for the fact that the ghost disguised as a human and used the Specter’s ability was too rigid and not as subtle as a normal ghost rider, Yin Jian would not have solved him so easily.
And Xuan Chengzi’s horror level is obviously lower than that of the ghost village old man Qin Shan, although he does have the ancient inheritance of Zhengyiguan.
However, ghost riders still pay more attention to their talents. Spiritual will, insight into laws, and calm and intelligent judgment are all talents of ghost riders.
However, in terms of strength, Xuan Chengzi is indeed stronger, and Yin Jian can also feel that the danger from the opponent is only a little worse than that of Elder Dai Xiao.
Simply put, it is equipment.
Yin Jian didn’t need to ask, he could guess that Xuan Chengzi’s body had a supernatural item with a very high level of terror, and it was inherited from the ancient ghost masters, and the supernatural item with minimal side effects.
Even the small Taoist temple in the mountains like Qingyiguan can pass down a set of supernatural items that can make ordinary people become judges.
Yin Jian doubts whether the supernatural items handed down from Zhengyiguan can make people directly reach the level of Yama, and then paired with the ghosts in the body that are themselves at the level of Yama, they can exert extremely strong strength.
Yin Jian used to think that Ling Xiaozi, as the successor of Zhengyiguan, was too weak, but now it seems that people may not need to be too strong at all.
As long as one can smoothly transition to Yama-level strength, he can rely on the ancient spiritual items handed down to push his strength to the extremely strong level of Yama.
The ghost riders who have no background have all gone to fight, and those with background will naturally try their best to seek stability.
It was also after seeing Xuan Chengzi, a serious and ancient Yama-level ghost controler, that Yin Jian deeply realized the power of the four Yamas of the Lin family as mentioned by Dai Xiao earlier.
I’m afraid that is not a normal pursuit of stability, but the four strong Yamas, combined with the inheritance of the Lin family, are extremely strong in the family of ghost masters.
However, it was still destroyed.
“Yin Daoyou is really young and promising. To use the popular words now, he is so terrifying.” Xuan Chengzi could almost feel Yin Jian’s strength, and said all kinds of strange things.
In fact, Yin Jian’s strength is very good to judge. His ridiculously high level of terror is difficult to conceal in the eyes of the powerhouses of the same level, especially when he devoured a ghost Yama and another s level after the ghost game.
Even the extremely mysterious old man Dai Xiao was somewhat amazed at his level of terror.
“Before, I thought that the old ghost of Qin Shan was a ghost, and his head was confused. I didn’t expect that I still underestimated the strength of the Taoist friend. With the strength of the Taoist friend, the old ghost of Qin Shan is alive, I am afraid it is not the Taoist friend at all. opponent.”
Xuan Chengzi said with admiration, “What shocked me the most is the age of my fellow Daoist. I’m afraid it’s only around 20 years old now.”
“It’s almost twenty-one.” Yin Jian nodded.
“Twenty-one?” Ling Xiaozi on the side couldn’t believe it.
He had always thought that although Yin Jian’s information stated that he was about twenty years old, he should be a very old monster ghost hunter.
But I didn’t expect it to be so young.
At the age of about 20, he was able to achieve such strength, stronger than his master, it is hard to imagine what he has experienced.
A natural ghost hunter? still exist in speculationGhost rider reincarnated?
Ling Xiaozi is still surprised here, but Xuan Chengzi over there has begun to spare no effort to tout it: “It’s really terrifying, it is said that every apocalypse, there must be monsters born, in this era of the end of the law, against the rules On the other hand, in the most difficult environment, it has been sublimated to the utmost, and it has the demeanor of an ancient ghost master.”
Ling Xiaozi was extremely embarrassed by the side.
Xuan Chengzi is a concave fantasy novel with a high-level character, saying a bunch of sentences in fantasy novels, which makes people feel a strange feeling.
Yin Jian just listened to Xuan Chengzi’s 2nd declaration of fantasy with such a blank face, and he couldn’t help his voice getting lower and lower when he saw Xuan Chengzi, until he closed his mouth.
At this time, Yin Jian asked, “I don’t know if the old Taoist priest knows about Dai Xiao.”
“Dai Xiao.” Unexpectedly, when the name came out, Xuan Chengzi’s face became complicated.
It was changing for a while, from nostalgia, to disappointment, to rejection, to numbness and helplessness, and finally he sighed.
“Also, Dai Xiao has a very good relationship with the old ghost Qin Shan. He regards him as his son and nephew. He will definitely not ignore Qin Shan’s death.” Xuan Chengzi sighed, and then talked about Dai Xiao.
“In our era, there were several recognized powerful and mysterious ghost riders, and many Yamas believed that they were ghost riders that surpassed Yama’s level. If they were replaced by Li Gui, it would be the existence of the SS level. .”
“Among them are the mysterious ministers and deputy ministers of Shidian, some ancestors of the ancient ghost control family, some descendants of Yin Bamen, and others, this is Dai Xiao.”
“Dai Xiao was born in a loose ghost hunter, not from an aristocratic family or an ancient inheritance. He just relied on his talent to stand at the top of the ghost hunters at the time, and he didn’t join the ghost hunter organization until the end.”
“It’s just that there was a saying that he might be Shi Dian’s deputy minister. Our Shi Dian minister and deputy minister are extremely mysterious and seem to be influenced by some kind of ghost’s ability. Few people know their true identities.”
“This guess is still a bit credible. There are only a few people standing at the top of the ghost control. Dai Xiao’s strength is indeed qualified to be the deputy minister of Shidian, but it is just a guess after all.”
“After the failure of the attempt a hundred years ago, this kind of speculation is no longer self-defeating. Almost all the people in Shidian are scorning Dai Xiao. In that attempt, the family, the ancient temple and the ancient view were all like yin and eight. All the ancient inheritances such as the door participated, but only Dai Xiao did not participate.”
“Among those who stood at the top of the Ghost Riders, Dai Xiao was the only one who did not participate in the attempt to suppress supernatural beings, so many Ghost Riders spurned him and even thought that if he participated, the attempt might be successful.”
“Sigh, now a hundred years have passed, and it’s hard to tell what was right or wrong at the beginning. After all, we did fail. Maybe Dai Xiao knew something at the beginning, or because of some considerations that we didn’t know.” Xuan Chengzi sighed with emotion, and then resumed his original smile.
“You can just treat him as an older generation of ghost riders. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask him for advice. Before the initial attempt, Dai Xiao had a good reputation in the circle and was famous for his support and assistance. Younger generation, Qin Shan and I also received a lot of help from him back then.”
“Well, I see.” The information given by Xuan Chengzi was still very useful.
What Yin Jian didn’t expect was that Dai Xiao would be in this situation. He didn’t participate in the big attempt that year. The only ghost hunter standing at the top who didn’t participate, it seems that he didn’t know much as he said. .
There are many secrets hidden in him.
It’s just that he didn’t say it, he just showed Yin Jian a way to find an older inheritance, Yin Bamen.
After getting the answer he wanted to know, Yin Jian chatted with Xuan Chengzi for a while. When he thought he had nothing to talk about, Xuan Chengzi suddenly talked about a topic that Yin Jian was very interested in.
The path taken by the ancient ghost riders.
“The path that the ancient ghost riders took?” Yin Jian repeated subconsciously.
Perhaps it was because of the conversation of the old man in the ghost village that Yin Jian fell into a misunderstanding, that is, the path of the ghost riders is different from each other, and they just use the ghosts they get to balance and suppress, from the cracks of the ghosts. Gain power.
However, Xuan Chengzi’s words clearly broke this misunderstanding. He said that the spiritual path of the ancient ghost masters really exists, and there is a more perfect division of practice.
“I don’t know if fellow Daoist has read the current online novels.” Xuan Chengzi suddenly asked with a smile, not like an expert, like a fan of Amway’s novels.
“I have seen a lot.” Yin Jian replied.
He is more interested in expanding his imagination and bizarre things, and the original online novels really satisfied this.
“That’s right, now many immortals and fantasy novels have borrowed some things from Buddhism and Taoism, including the so-called realm, bottleneck, and practice. These actually exist among ghost controlers.” Xuan Chengzi laughed. explained.
“Not counting those extremely special cases, controlling two ghosts is a small qualitative change compared to controlling one ghost, three ghosts have a qualitative change from two ghosts, and at the Yama level, the distance from the judge is another A qualitative change.”
“Did that fellow Taoist ever think about the qualitative change, realm, and bottleneck of the ancient ghost masters?” Xuan Chengzi asked himself and answered, “It has something to do with their path. According to the inheritance of our Taoist temple, the ancient ghost mastersThose who control ghosts also divide their realms by the number of ghosts, but in addition to various small bottlenecks, they also have a big bottleneck. ”
“This big bottleneck is a real qualitative change, or it may be the day-to-day ascension and day-to-day enlightenment recorded in their ancient mythology.”
“And this big bottleneck is related to the road they built. There are three roads for the ancient ghost masters.”
“One is to cultivate the ghost body. It’s a bit like the body repair in the novel. The ghost body must be pieced together with the ghost body as much as possible. , Now many seem to be physical ghosts, but in fact, they are only part of the transformation of supernatural powers, which are presented with the body as a carrier, and are not real physical ghosts.”
“When the integrity of the ghost body reaches a certain critical point, it is the breakthrough of the so-called big bottleneck, and the strength of the ghost master will undergo a qualitative change.”
Xuan Chengzi was talking over there, and Yin Jian rang his way. Many of his initial check-ins were physical ghosts, and he cobbled together a rough ghost body. He remembered the ghost game in the eighth game. ghost.
The horror level of that ghost corpse is extremely high. It seems that it is assembled piece by piece from the physical ghost jigsaw puzzle. It is extremely complete, and it may have undergone the qualitative change that Xuan Chengzi said.
“The second type is the so-called Dharma cultivation, which is not based on the entity, but on the virtual body. It aims to fill all parts of the body with ghost abilities. For example, some abilities reside on the head of the ghost master, and some It resides in the hands and sends out with the help of hands, some resides in the legs and uses the legs to emit power, etc. This road is the same as the physical ghost road, and the big bottleneck is when the ghost is almost boarding the whole body.”
“There is a third kind of ghost, which is the road to the ghost domain. It is also the ability recorded in ancient mythology to turn rivers and seas into mulberry fields. It’s just that I am not very clear about this ability.”
“These three are the roads of the ancient ghost masters, but even in our generation, few people take them. For many reasons, I have been seeing that the horror level of fellow Taoists is so high that it is unbelievable. the path of the ancient ghost-rider.”
“It’s just that I don’t know which way Fellow Daoist is going.” Xuan Chengzi asked interestingly.
Yin Jian was lost in thought. .

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