“Mr. Yin, I know that my request may be a little too much, and the reward I offered may be a little low, but I hope that Mr. Yin can help me and suppress the ghost recovery in me.”
Yang Xingang looked at Yin Jian uncomfortably and said.
As soon as Yang Xing opened his mouth, there was a familiar Wuchang next to him. He glanced at the things in his hand and couldn’t help but tease him.
“Yang Xingang, the opportunity to suppress the ghost’s recovery is so precious and rare, you just want to trade it with this skin, even if you trade with the headquarters for those chances to suppress the ghost’s recovery that have a low success rate~ah.”
When Wuchang next to him said this, Yang Xingang felt even more uncomfortable.
It seems that he and Yin Jian are very close, but Yang Xingang knows that, in fact, he and Yin Jian don’t have much relationship or friendship.
So at this moment, he couldn’t stand it anymore, but for a while, he couldn’t bring out anything else other than this ghost skin.
“I didn’t do this properly. Mr. Yin, just take it as a joke.” Yang Xingang also knew he was wrong, so he gritted his teeth, took back the ghost skin, and was about to sit down again.
But at this moment, the ghost skin in his hand has disappeared.
He looked up, and the ghost skin was appearing in Yin Jian’s hands.
“I can help suppress your ghost’s revival.” Yin Jian carefully measured the ghost skin in his hand and said, “But you have to tell me, where did you get this skin from?”
Yes, shameless.
The layer of ghost skin that Yang Xinggang took out was exactly the missing part of the ghost skin that Yin Jian was looking for.
Of course, it’s impossible for Yang Xingang’s face to match Yin Jian’s.
This face is not what Yin Jian needs, because this face is not a ghost, and the power contained in it is very strong. In addition, this face has the ability to isolate perception, so at first glance, it really looks like a supernatural item, or A silent ghost.
But Yin Jian can be sure that the ghost who created this ghost face is definitely related to the ghost skin he wanted, and the level of terror is not low.
“Thank you, Mr. Yin, thank you, Mr. Yin.” Yang Xingang was instantly overjoyed and thanked again and again.
At this moment, he didn’t dare to hide and neglect, and quickly told the story of how he got this face.
“That was a supernatural event that I experienced when I first controlled the ghost. At that time, I just gained the ability and was relatively inflated, so I went to some relatively remote places.”
“It was a barren mountain in Taizhou. I found a deserted village there called Mask Village. It is said that this village used to be very famous there. It specialized in making masks. The masks are so lifelike that they resemble human faces.”
When Yang Xingang said this, some ghost masters already felt that something was wrong.
“That’s not right, Yang Xinggang, how can a mask maker make a mask that resembles a human face? Who would buy a mask that resembles a human face? Wouldn’t that be scary?”
“I originally asked this information in the surrounding villages after I left the barren mountain, and the people there took it as a ghost story passed down by word of mouth by the older generation, and there are indeed very vicious ghosts in that village .” Yang Xinggang explained.
“When I first entered that deserted mask village, I just stepped into their village entrance, and the surroundings underwent earth-shaking changes. It was a small village with normal life, and there was no sign of desertion at all. There were villagers everywhere, as if Like a living person.”
“This should be entering the ghost domain.” Someone said after listening to Yang Xinggang’s narration.
“It may also be the spiritual world.” Yin Jian guessed.
The ghost world is different from the ghost domain. The ghost domain is an unreal and distorted area extended by a source ghost, while the ghost world seems to be a real space, not an ability extended by ghosts.
“At that time, I was considered a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers. I was quite bold and thought that I would be strong as a ghost controller. At that time, I realized that something was wrong and didn’t leave immediately. I even went up to talk to the villagers and stayed there for two days.”
“Those villagers are extremely normal. Whether it is the way of speaking or the way of action, they are exactly the same as living people. If I didn’t know that what I entered was a deserted existence when I first entered the village, I’m afraid I would have been really killed. Lied to it.”
“It was during these two days that I discovered a lot of horror. The faces of those villagers were not their own faces, but pasted on them. Even when they washed their faces, most of their faces would fall off, and thenThey paste it up completely.
“This is the first time I have been there. In two days, I found this time and I immediately escaped. Fortunately, the ghost realm there doesn’t seem to be blocked.”
“Afterwards, I went to that strange village several times, including the latter becoming impermanent. I have also been there several times, and I have learned more and more information.”
“That village is really fierce. The villagers there are not just shameless. After they take off their faces, they are real ghosts. Only when they put on their faces, they are normal villagers.”
When he heard this, whether it was impermanence or the judge, his face became serious.
If it is a normal corpse that becomes a normal person with its skin covered, that’s fine, but if it is a ghost that covers its face and becomes a human, and a group of ghosts have become human.
Then this is not simply a ghostly supernatural event, it is a large-scale supernatural event, and it is very likely to be above the s-pole.
“Finally, I wandered around the whole village before I found the source. The source of this ghost face village is a mask shop at the end of the village. There are only no people in it, only full of masks, and these masks are all human faces. .”
“I was no longer a rookie ghost hunter at that time, so I stole a mask and left the ghost village immediately, and I never went in again, because there was no sign of the ghost village spreading out, so I just Not reported to headquarters.”
This last sentence was for Li Ji and the other headquarters judges.
In fact, all the ghost riders present knew the little Jiujiu in Yang Xinggang’s heart, and the ghost riders here probably also have a little secret of their own.
Li Ji and the others nodded and said nothing.
Since the headquarters has given the person in charge so much power, it is natural for them to decide how to deal with some supernatural incidents.
As long as this supernatural event does not get out of control in the end, then everything is ok.
If it goes out of control, then it is natural that the headquarters will send someone, and when the time comes, the liquidation that should be liquidated will not be able to escape.
“I’ve already sent you the directions, Mr. Yin. You can suppress Li Gui’s resuscitation at any time, as long as I, Lao Yang, are dead.” Yang Xinggang looked at Yin Jian and said haha.
“Well, I see.” Yin Jian was still thinking about what Yang Xinggang said about the Ghost Face Mask Village.
The Ghost Face Village should be an S-level supernatural location, and it is very likely that it is not out of control. There is a supernatural site suppressed by Yama, otherwise, in terms of the horror level of the Ghost Face Village described by Yang Xinggang, he is absolutely. It is impossible to escape from there.
When he entered the ghost realm, Yang Xinggang should have already died.
This makes Yin Jian a little disappointed, but he still chooses to take a trip to investigate at close range. This grimace is indeed very useful to him. Only now, Yin Jian can feel the ghost on his body. Attractiveness of leather.
It is attracting the ghost skin on Yin Jian’s hand.
“If you suppress Li Gui’s recovery, you can do it now.” Yin Jian didn’t rush to put on the ghost skin, but tapped the table lightly.
An ordinary courtyard opened around Yang Xinggang, and a coffin directly sucked Yang Xinggang into it.
Then when the ghost coffin disappeared, Yang Xinggang reappeared in front of everyone.
“Many thanks to Mr. Yin for saving his life, Yang Xinggang is very grateful.” The joy on Yang Xinggang’s face was beyond words. In just this moment, his ghost’s recovery was completely suppressed.
Yin Jian waved his hand and didn’t say much.
The other judges, Impermanence, were extremely shocking. It was as simple as that, suppressing Specter’s recovery?
Although some of them have completely turned into aliens and got rid of Specter’s recovery, but that was achieved by completely abandoning the human body, and now Yang Xinggang’s state looks really enviable.
Yin Jian watched Yang Xinggang thinking more.
Completely suppressing Li Gui’s recovery is completely different from short-term suppression of Li Gui’s recovery. In the short period of time just now, Yin Jian used the suppressing power of the ghost village ghost coffin and the positive acceleration of the ghost.
· · Flowers · ·
It is equivalent to Yang Xinggang lying in the ghost coffin for a long time before completely suppressing the ghost’s recovery state in his body.
In this case, the old man who was able to completely suppress Yang Xinggang’s ghost’s recovery at first glance either had this special ghost’s ability, or he completely relied on his own super strength to forcefully suppress it.
The former also means that the old man Yang Xinggang met is still in the Yama category, while the latter means that the old man is likely to be a strong person above Yama.
The Ghost Rider Headquarters, an organization that has inherited the legacy of the past ten years, should have an unusually deep background.
However, this should be beneficial to him. His relationship with the headquarters should be considered very good at present. The stronger the headquarters is, the more help it will naturally be to him.
After thinking about this, Yin Jian did not continue to think about this issue.
He just tapped the table lightly, making the entire conference room instantly quiet.
“You can also use similar information in the future to come to me in exchange for the opportunity to suppress the recovery of the ghosts, not only that, if you can find the real skull ghosts, face ghosts, or real ghosts in other parts, you can also come to me. In exchange for oppressive opportunities.”
“I’m in Taizhou. If you have these things, go and contact Xu Qingfeng in Taizhou.”
… …
After Yin Jian finished speaking, the entire conference roomThe people in charge of the original impermanence were obviously excited. They were different from the judges. The ghost riders of the impermanence level were still oppressed by the recovery of the ghosts.
Although it is much better than the day tour and night tour level, and those ghost riders who control a ghost.
But in three to five years, their Specter’s recovery will also reach a very serious level, and the headquarters’ means of suppressing Specter’s recovery is too expensive and the success rate is low, and even they can’t afford it.
And Yin Jian undoubtedly provided them with another method with a very high success rate and a controllable cost.
Some judges with relatively old qualifications have already guessed some things. One of them has been in contact with Yama many times, such as Li Ji, who knows many secrets that ordinary ghost riders don’t know.
Among them is the path of the ancient ghost riders. In fact, many of them are now taking a simplified path of the ancient ghost riders.
For example, the most common alien, Li Ji, whose consciousness is integrated into the ghost body, is the path of the capable ghost. It’s just that the ancient ghost riders used a large number of capable ghosts to host every corner of the body, but now the aliens only borrow one or a few. A few ghosts, storing consciousness.
Li Ji knew more and thought more.
Yin Jian has the ability to control a lot of ghosts. He is indeed a very suitable person to follow the path of ancient ghost control.
And this is a win-win for Yin Jian, suppressing Li Gui’s recovery is nothing to him, and his urging ability doesn’t cost him anything.
On the contrary, he can use the impermanence here to search for the ghost puzzle he needs in a larger area.
Don’t look at these impermanence, they will not be the heads of the states immediately, but at least, the forces and connections they have left behind, and the information they have been in charge of the nineteen states for so long, are more than enough to help Yin Jian find ghost puzzles. .
The gathering of ghost riders this time was undoubtedly a complete success. At least they got some of the things they wanted, and there was no provocation from mindless people.
After the meeting, Yin Jian also asked Xu Qingfeng to establish contact information with these impermanence and judges.
After a long period of time, he will explore all major spiritual worlds, even if it is a ghost phone, I am afraid it will be difficult to contact him.
After the meeting, the impermanence of other states, as well as the newly appointed judge-level leaders, all rushed back, and Yin Jian followed Li Ji to the basement of the headquarters.
This is the place where the headquarters places supernatural objects, and it is also where the real background of the headquarters lies.
Previously, Yin Jian was not qualified to access these things as an honorary judge, but now, with his Yama-level strength, the headquarters naturally put a lot of effort into trying to win him over.
Even the spiritual background here began to be opened to him. factory.

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