If it is still like acting in front of you, then at this moment, all the audience have realized that something is wrong.
“Now you should be able to listen to me quietly, remember it well, and send out the position you saw. Of course, you can also withdraw from it, but today’s opportunity for my live broadcast may never be encountered again in the future. ”
“What you have learned today may allow you to survive in supernatural events in the future.” After Yin Jian finished speaking, he didn’t say anything else, but looked at the screen of his mobile phone.
He didn’t promise anything more, even if the real audience ran away, he didn’t care.
The location check-in of the ghost system has never been mandatory, and there is no mention of any failure penalty. The reason why Yin Jian participates in the location check-in every time.
Just to get the powerful ghosts or supernatural items signed in at the location, as well as some hidden secrets.
Besides, even if his location check-in this time really failed because of the sharp drop in the number of live broadcasters, it doesn’t matter.
Even if there is no audience, Yin Jian will not necessarily fail.
There are two ways to complete the location check-in this time. One is what Yin Jian is trying now, trying to use the live broadcast to imprison the ghosts in this temple.
And the second is that, if you resist the live broadcast for the day, you can still get the sign-in reward.
The sign-in is only a requirement for live broadcast sign-in in Qingyiguan, but it does not say that Qingyiguan’s Li Gui must be imprisoned.
And Yin Jian didn’t think that this dark ghost could kill him now.
He speculates that this secret ghost is at most the top ghost level of S-rank, and it is impossible to reach SS-rank. If it really reaches SS-rank, with the strength of this clear view of Taoism, Wuweizi’s master must be above Yama to be able to Suppress this devil for a hundred years.
“hostSoooo, the ghost is at the door behind you. ”
Fortunately, the number of 12 people in the live broadcast room did not decrease much.
There is an audience, and the barrage has already begun to report the location.
Yin Jian looked at the barrage and shot directly. The white paper knife went directly through the door, and then nailed it to the door of Qingyiguan.
Didn’t hit anything.
Even supernatural objects can’t touch this ghost.
“The ghost is moving, and is walking towards you, the anchor.”
“It’s less than two meters away in front of you.”
These barrages are caught in the barrages issued by some people who have just entered the live broadcast room, but fortunately in the previous Liwei, the number of barrages is much rarer at this moment, and Yin Jian can clearly see it from the mobile phone in his hand. Those azimuth barrages.
“It’s less than two meters in front of you.”
Yin Jian still couldn’t see it at such a close distance, but instead of retreating, he walked straight ahead.
The ghost hand made a slight move, and the mourning stick covered with white paper spikes appeared directly in his hand. The white paper spikes on the top were like the blade of a knife.
Yin Jian directly pushed the ability of the mourning stick to the extreme. At the top of the mourning stick, an illusory skull appeared faintly, and there were faint sounds of ghost crying in the temple.
Under this ghost’s cry, something seemed to be distorting, and Yin Jian faintly saw a very vague figure in front of him.
But it was only for a moment, the illusory skeleton and the ghost cry quickly disappeared, and the figure that appeared vaguely before also disappeared.
This mourning stick is not complete. I am afraid that the strong man above Yama led the team, and did not lay a complete mourning stick from the ss-level Specter.
If it is a complete mourning stick, the phantom skeletons and ghosts cry should have always existed.
Yin Jian was a little surprised by the hidden things of this mourning stick. This ability to avoid ghosts can actually break through some weird and almost inexplicable ghost abilities.
It seems that he has restraint on those invisible and imperceptible ghosts.
But just a moment was enough. Yin Jian already knew the location of the ghost, so he directly swung the mourning stick and hit it.
The mourning stick didn’t hit, nor did Yin Jian’s body touch.
But when Yin Jian retracted his arm, a clearly visible blood-colored handprint appeared on his sleeve, which had broken the supernatural disguise of the sleeve, revealing the navy blue shroud underneath.
And when he lifted his sleeves, a bloody handprint appeared on Yin Jian’s arm.
This ghost is really a dimensionality reduction blow.
This is no longer the kind of divine power in Hokage.
This ghost is completely able to maintain a state where it will not be touched when it launches an attack.
Fortunately, although this ghost’s attack is terrifying, it can’t break Yin Jian’s defense. As he guessed, this ghost’s horror level is below SS level.
As long as it’s below SS level, it’s impossible for Li Gui to break Yin Jian’s defense.
He has a ghost shroud and a ghost skin. What’s more, although this ghost is extremely terrifying, it doesn’t seem to have the ability to attack consciousness, so Yin Jian is directly invincible.
Directly urging the restart, Yin Jian completely eliminated the bloody fingerprints on his arms.
After confirming that this ghost can’t break his defense, all he needs to do is to find the law of this specter and imprison and control this specter.
To be honest, Yin Jian was a little interested in this ghost’s abilities.
He had seen invisible ghosts before, but none of them were like today’s ghosts, so thorough that even a top-level Yama could not perceive them.
His location can only be found through the observation of the live audience.
“Wait for me outside, don’t come in, I see you in the Taoist temple, and I’ll shoot right away.” After Yin Jian finished speaking, he waved his hand and used the ghost realm to send Wuweizi Laodao away.
Now, after initially understanding the laws of Li Gui, Wuweizi Laodao is of no use to him, and staying here is also killing him, so he simply sends him away.
Yin Jian stepped back, called the paper knife back, and stood next to the Buddha statue behind him, bowing his head slightly, looking at the screen on his phone.
There are no bullet screen reminders on the phone.
But the attack was printed directly on his back.
“It is formless and formless, so the world he lives in is not the same as the world we observe.” Yin Jian turned to look at the Buddha statue.
The attack just now was not from the Buddha statue, but from within the Buddha statue.
The world of that Specter is different from theirs, and all the obstacles they see in reality are nothingness to that Specter.
Yin Jian simply stood directly in the open space in the middle of the hall.
This allows all viewers to see everything around him.
There are more and more barrages of reminders, and it seems that more and more people have observed the Specter. Yin Jian noticed that the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached hundreds of thousands.
Not only people from the Great Xia Kingdom, but also people from abroad.
After all, a Yama-level ghost hunter is catching Li ghosts live, and even people from abroad have begun to pay attention.
Moreover, because the supernatural situation outside Daxia is even worse, there are many people who know supernatural information, and their acceptance and desire for this supernatural information are also stronger than those in Daxia.
For a while, the number of viewers of Yin Jian’s live broadcast was growing rapidly.
Almost ten minutes is a huge increase.
500,000, 600,000, 700,000, all the way up to more than 900,000.
At this time, the dense barrage has alreadyIt completely blocked the previous azimuth barrage, but Yin Jian no longer needed that. When the number of live broadcasts increased rapidly, Yin Jian had already noticed the change.
He has been able to gradually perceive the fluctuations of some supernatural powers.
The increase in the number of observers can indeed affect the killing rules of this specter from a certain state.
Until the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded one million, although ordinary viewers still couldn’t see Specter’s figure.
But in Yin Jian’s perception, he was already able to perceive the location of the Specter.
He unfolded the haunted house, the white stars twinkled, the ghost village phantoms overlapped, and a figure suddenly appeared in the haunted house.
This is a thin figure wearing a plain Taoist robe, but on this neck, he is staring at a clay sculpture head, which is a Buddha statue with kind eyes and kind eyes.
But no matter how kind and kind-hearted, the clay sculpture head is placed on the head of a person, it is extremely scary.
Many viewers in the live broadcast room were taken aback.
However, Yin Jian smiled directly when he saw this creepy and eerie figure.
This ghost has finally escaped from that state of formlessness and formlessness. As long as it can be seen and touched, this ghost is just an S-rank ghost.
The power of the ghost village is twisting and suppressing.
But soon, the entire Taoist temple was distorted, as if the entire Taoist temple was suppressing Yin Jian.
This Taoist temple was used by the ancient ghost masters to suppress this ghost, but it is obvious that after the ghost was completely freed, the clear view itself was completely corroded and distorted by the ghost.
At this moment, Qing Yiguan has transformed into the power of this Specter, fighting against Yinjian Ghost Realm.
It should be said that this Taoist view is worthy of the handwriting left by the ancient ghost masters. Yin Jian’s coffin ghost village ghost domain level has reached the top Yama level, but at this moment, this broken clear view can still be resisted.
It is conceivable that if this clear view was in its intact state, it would definitely be able to easily suppress this double-faced Buddha statue Specter.
However, the current broken clear view is only a reluctance to resist.
Yin Jian waved the mourning stick gently, but he was barely resisting the clear view, and it shattered a large piece in an instant.
The mourning stick’s damage to the supernatural power is enormous. This broken whole view is formed by ghost puzzles and supernatural power, and it cannot resist the destruction of the mourning rod at all.
A heavy sigh like the end of life resounds in this view.
At the moment when this sigh sounded, countless viewers watching the live broadcast suddenly felt a chill in their heads, as if they were a hundred years old in an instant, and they went directly to the end of their lives.
The increase of ghost flesh and blood, ghost sound, Yin Jian also used Zheng ghost to speed up time and speed up decay and corrosion.
Almost in an instant, the entire Taoist temple began to decay.
The figure of Dao Po who was shrouded in a haunted house in front of him, his robes began to rot, and the head of the clay sculpture began to become dim and black, like rotten soil.
But it was only a moment.
When Yin Jian’s hand was about to break through all the supernatural powers, and completely grabbed this Specter’s head.
All of a sudden, the face of this specter turned from a Buddha statue with benevolent brows and kind eyes to a vicious ghost in an instant.
Along with this change, its terror level was actually increasing rapidly, and the traces of decay on his body were almost cleared in an instant. He raised his hand and grabbed Yin Jian’s outstretched hand.
The invisible killing ability is activated.
In the center of Yinjian’s ghost village, on the wall of the lobby of the ghost house, the cover of the ghost book with Yinjian’s name written on it, the word Yinjian suddenly burst into blood.
The entire haunted house began to fluctuate.
However, Yin Jian was not affected much, even if the horror level of this Specter was rising, it was too late now.
Yin Jian directly grabbed the Specter’s hand and pulled it over.
The mourning stick covered with old black bloodstains flashed past like a sharp long knife, and the whistling sound waving through the air was like a ghost crying.
The next moment, the clay sculpture head was directly cut open.
Gululu, the head of the clay sculpture rolled directly to the ground.
The power of Qingyiguan was fading. In the ghost village behind Yinjian, the doors of every household opened automatically, and the coffins in the lobby were lifted by invisible forces.
Ghost Village instantly crushed the receding Qing Yiguan, Yin Jian stepped forward, stepped on the head of the rolling Buddha statue under his feet, and completely fixed it.
Until now, Yin Jian could really see the head of this clay Buddha statue.
This is a double-faced head, one side is a Buddha statue with benevolent brows and kind-hearted eyes, and the other side is a vicious ghost.
Just as Wuweizi Laodao first described the ghosts suppressed by their Taoist temple.
This ghost is really a double-sided Buddha statue.
So far, this double-sided Buddha statue has lost any resistance.
Under Yin Jian’s feet, all the power of the ghost village is suppressing, and the ghost’s ability to split is trying to disintegrate the ghost as much as possible.
Finally, after almost completely suppressing the ghost, a more ferocious ghost than the back of the Buddha statue appeared on Yin Jian’s face.
Then, under the gaze of more than one million spectators, the ghost on Yin Jian’s face broke free and swallowed the double-sided Buddha statue in one bite.
And the ability information of this double-sided Buddha statue also began to emerge in Yin Jian’s mind.
Yin Jian felt this information, and some of his previous guesses about the laws and abilities of this double-sided Buddha statue were actually wrong.
And there is a clue left by an important ancient ghost rider, which he ignored.
This ghost’s ability is better than he thoughtThe image is even more idealistic. .

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