In this spooky ghost realm full of twists and turns, there are ghosts who can take people’s lives in secret at any time.
Yin Jian, are you really excited?
Ye Ting felt this when she first entered the ghost realm.
Whether it was the one who opened the door of the security room at the beginning, or the ghost leather shoes on the ship who didn’t care.
Ye Ting can feel that Mr. Yin seems to be completely different from ordinary people and ordinary ghost riders. He has a natural lack of fear of ghosts and spooky things. Even when facing these ghosts, he shows It is the exuberant curiosity and excitement that ordinary people can’t have.
He seems to be a natural ghost hunter.
When I came to the ghost realm, the world of ghosts, I felt like a fish in water.
He is able to maintain absolute calmness, and has a keen sense of inferring the killing laws and killing abilities of ghosts that surpass ordinary people, and even has a kind of excitement like deciphering.
Swallowing her saliva, Ye Ting pressed this question into her heart, she really did not dare to ask this question.
As if she was a passer-by who knew that no one would die without any intention, she was afraid of becoming that passer-by, because she was afraid that a word would wake up Yin Jian, and then he would turn into the most terrifying ghost on the spot.
However, this is obviously Ye Ting’s speculation. Yin Jian is not a ghost, he is a human, and he retains the consciousness of a human being, and it is impossible to turn into a ghost to kill.
On the contrary, at this time when Ye Ting was a little scared, he started to save people.
Strictly speaking, saving people is incidental, and imprisoning Li Gui is what he is doing now.
In Ye Ting’s eyes, this insubstantial ghost had no way to start, but Yin Jian thought of the method of imprisonment almost after analyzing the law of killing and the ability to kill.
That is, actively triggering the killing law of ghost frequency.
Boom, boom, boom.
The knock on the door from outside was still ringing throughout the school. Although Yin Jian used the ghost heartbeat to shield the damage of the supernatural power to ordinary people, the sound was still there.
Bang, bang, bang.
This is Yin Jian’s heartbeat. Under his active control, the frequency of the ghost’s heartbeat and the ghost’s knocking on the door gradually began to overlap.
Boom (boom), boom (boom), boom (boom)
The two sounds with completely mixed frequencies overlapped to form an even more bizarre sound, which made Ye Ting on the side feel numb and horrified.
After the frequencies completely overlapped, Yin Jian controlled the range of the heartbeat sound shrinking.
After a while, the heartbeat began to contract from the entire ghost realm, the entire campus, towards Yin Jian’s heart.
The knock on the door from outside still sounded through the radio, but the teachers and students who had been exposed outside the range of Yin Jiangui’s heartbeat protection did not experience breathing difficulties again.
In the end, when the heartbeat completely disappeared in Yin Jian’s heart, the knocking on the door outside still seemed strange, but it no longer had the supernatural ability to kill.
Because of that ghost frequency, Yin Jian has been completely imprisoned.
If someone puts their ears on Yin Jian’s chest at this moment, they can clearly feel that Yin Jian’s heartbeat is the same frequency as the knock on the door played by the radio outside.
“It was actually detained.” Ye Ting looked at Yin Jian with admiration.
Now that the detention is over, she has almost guessed Yin Jian’s detention method.
Using the ghost he controls, it is very likely that he is a heart ghost, and then simulates the frequency of the ghost frequency. This is to actively trigger the killing law of the ghost frequency, and it is equivalent to fast-forwarding directly to being killed.
But the problem also arises here. The killing ability of the ghost frequency is to trigger the killing effect by affecting the heartbeat of the frequency, and it is to kill the human being by killing the heart.
And the contradiction appears here. Yin Jian’s ghost heart is also a ghost, and ghosts cannot be killed.
The ghost frequency that kills the heart meets the unkillable ghost heart, which leads to a bug like a crash, that is, the ghost frequency is always in the state of killing the ghost heart, and the ghost heart does not.In death, the frequency of the ghost is always on the heart of the ghost.
This is equivalent to a different kind of detention, and also a different kind of driving. The frequency of ghosts has become a piece of the puzzle of the ghost’s heart.
This has to be said to be a genius idea, or more appropriately, it should be the idea of ​​a lunatic.
And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Ye Ting remembered that this is the second ghost that Mr. Yin has controlled since he entered the ghost domain.
In the ghost domain, the two ghosts they saw, the ghost leather shoes and the ghost frequency, were all imprisoned by Mr. Yin physically, and they were actually controlled.
In addition to the several ghost abilities that Mr. Yin has shown so far, ghost heartbeat and ghost turning back, if you only count these, there are already four ghosts, plus the ghost-seeking ability that is likely to be a ghost, that is five It’s just a ghost.
According to Ye Ting’s cognition, two ghosts are qualified to be day and night swimmers, three ghosts are qualified to be black and white impermanence, and four ghosts are judges.
In other words, Mr. Yin’s strength is conservatively estimated to be at the level of a judge, even counting his other abilities that may exist, even Yan Luo?
Ye Ting couldn’t help being nervous because of this guess. Her boss Bai Wuchang could already be said to be a top-level ghost master. The general existence of nuclear weapons without head and tail.
But when thinking of Yin Jian’s unfathomable strength, coupled with his relaxed demeanor of suppressing the two ghosts, Ye Ting felt that no matter what the name was, the man in front of him was worthy.
“Let’s go.” While Ye Ting was still thinking wildly, Yin Jian suddenly looked ahead and said.
“I have already felt the existence of the last ghost, the source ghost of this ghost domain.”
Yin Jian’s tone was still calm, but Ye Ting saw that there was a stiff smile on the corner of the other party’s mouth. This smile was too stiff. If it was outside, coupled with Yin Jian’s handsome facial features, it might make some girls feel guilty. Crazy.
But in this gloomy environment, Ye Ting only felt a sense of horror.
However, after Yin Jian stepped out, Ye Ting followed in step. She had gradually gotten used to Yin Jian’s weirdness.
Apart from these weirdnesses, she is extremely convinced of Yin Jian’s strength and judgment.
When Yin Jian and the others set off for the source ghost, a ray of light flickered outside the black smoke that was sealed off, and a man in his thirties, wearing a camouflage combat uniform, appeared in front of Wang Wu and Bai Xiaojing in an instant. around.
“Master Bai Wuchang.” Wang Wu and Bai Xiaojing quickly saluted the man who suddenly appeared beside him.
The person who came was the general manager of Taizhou, Bai Wuchang and Yang Xingang. .

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