This is the old man’s definition of the mysterious supernatural power of this Lin family house.
The literal meaning is easy to understand, but Yin Jian feels that this is not a restart, because many things cannot be explained by restart, such as the exchange of left and right rooms, such as the cycle of people and ghosts.
Just the next second, just before the supernatural power came, Xu Qingfeng left a very important message to Yin Jian.
“Restart is a power that only Yama can control, and it is also the pinnacle of ghost realm power. If I could control the restart back then, I wouldn’t be reduced to the current state where people are not people, and ghosts are not ghosts. Yan Luo, really It’s fascinating.”
Xu Qingfeng sighed, but did not make any resistance, his thin face was full of calm expression.
The next moment, he was completely swallowed up by the supernatural power of the Lin family house.
The circulation of space is another new level of ghost realm.
Xu Qingfeng, who was standing on the side, had completely lost his human spirit. Wherever he stood, the kind smile on his face turned into a corpse-like serenity.
His hands were originally behind his back, but at the moment they were placed in front of him strangely, as if he was lying in an upright coffin looking at Yin Jian, strange and terrifying.
Yin Jian couldn’t help but let out a low sigh.
This old man was the strongest person he had encountered after he entered the Lin family house, knew the most secrets, and was also the most sober person. He was very aware of the strangeness of the Lin family house and knew that he had already died, as if he had not been caught by the Lin family house at all. Tampered with memory in general.
But he still couldn’t leave the Lin family house, maybe his strength was not enough to resist the power of the Lin family house, or maybe he knew that he was already dead, and leaving the Lin family house would not have any good results, so he deliberately chose to give up .
I don’t know how many more loops there are below.
After seeing Xu Qingfeng, Yin Jian was also a little emotional. A judge-level ghost rider could already be the top level of the ghost rider headquarters outside, but he was still planted here without resistance and became a living person. ghost.
Although he didn’t use all his strength now, but in the cycle of the Lin family house, the Specter and the Ghost Rider became stronger each time, and in the end, he didn’t know if he could hold on.
Just based on the hints of the ghost system, there is a possibility that he can leave the Lin family house alive, and it will not be dead.
“Hey, little friend, if you stay here any longer, it will trigger the law of killing the old man opposite.” Behind Yin Jian, a weak voice suddenly sounded.
Yin Jian turned around calmly, but there was a slight turbulence in his heart. Before the voice sounded, he had not sensed that there were other people in the room.
Turning around, Yin Jian had already seen the appearance of the person who spoke up.
He was wearing a black old-fashioned leather jacket and looked a little sloppy. He was wearing a pair of tattered jeans, with his neck and hands shrunken. This was an old man in his sixties. Although he was worn out, he was wearing a style from the past ten or twenty years.
“The concentration is good, but I wasn’t frightened by the old man.” The old man looked at Yin Jian with a calm face and was a little surprised.
“Ye Xianguo?” Yin Jian looked at the old man in front of him and asked in a flat voice.
The old man in front of him was slightly different from the photos in the information provided by Yang Xinggang, but it was vaguely similar from his eyebrows, eyes and facial features.
“Do you know my name?” Ye Xianguo said in surprise: “Since you know my name, why do you dare to rush into this haunted house, you are really a newborn calf and are not afraid of tigers.”
“Sure enough, it’s you.” Yin Jian looked at Ye Xianguo in front of him, and said lightly, “It seems that the cycle of this haunted house is almost over.”
Ye Xianguo disappeared in the Lin family house ten years ago, which is different from the previous ghost controlers who were all a hundred years ago. Moreover, the further back, the stronger the power of the ghost control people in this ghost house, but also the more and more consciousness. wide awake.
Xu Qingfeng knew that he was dead, and the ability of the haunted house was not suppressed. Ye Xianguo, who was in front of him, seemed to have a better understanding of the haunted house.
Also, if not for some information, Ye Xianguo would not have bought this dilapidated Lin family house ten years ago.
Moreover, in terms of strength, Yin Jian carefully looked at Ye Xianguo in front of him., His heart was slightly dignified, he could not see through Ye Xianguo’s strength, and he could not even be sure of his own state at the moment.
All the people in front, including Xu Qingfeng, in his perception, he at least knew that they were ghosts, even though they had human consciousness.
But Ye Xianguo, who was in front of him, could not perceive the existence of this person at all. If he hadn’t been standing in front of him right now and communicating with him, he would have even thought that this person did not exist in this room.
It seemed like nothingness. In this case, let alone whether it was possible to determine whether it was a human or a ghost, it was impossible to even determine the existence of Ye Xianguo in front of him.
This may be the special ability to control the Specter, but it also proves that Ye Xianguo is definitely not weak.
Either it is a very strong existence in the judge, or it has truly reached the level of Yama.
Although this haunted house is terrifying, it can be seen from the state of Xu Qingfeng and Ye Xianguo that it is almost reaching the limit of the cycle. Maybe next time, it will be the weak ghost connected, as if it has reached the highest point, it will start to fall back .
From the previous cycle of weak to strong, it has changed from strong to weak.
“You think so well, little friend, I don’t know anything else, but the cycle of this haunted house may not end with me.” Listening to Yin Jian’s words, Ye Xianguo directly poured a pot of cold water. :
“When the old man first entered this haunted mansion, he insisted on several cycles, among which there are many S-rank ghosts, whose horror level is even higher than that of the old man. If you say that the cycle ends here, then I do not agree. of.”
“The cycle hasn’t been broken yet?” Yin Jian frowned, which was unreasonable.
It was already a fundamental turning point for Ye Xianguo. He disappeared ten years ago, his consciousness, senses and memory are completely awake, and his strength is very likely to reach the level of Yama. No matter how you look at it, it is already a perfect turning point.
If the next cycle continues, then the horror level of this Lin family house is a bit ridiculously high, and it goes against most of the information he has been getting.
It is impossible for the ghost system to use the Lin family house to kill him, the mysterious head of Lin Yin, and it is not possible to use a ghost to keep a note for a hundred years, just to attract people to come here to die, and it is even more impossible to provide a person to die. enormous information.
There must be something wrong.
And while Yin Jian was frowning and analyzing carefully, Ye Xianguo over there was still chatting.
“If it wasn’t for the old man, I would have fought with the sick ghost who was lighting the lamp until I almost recovered, and I wouldn’t have been swayed by that bitch called Lin Yin, and turned into the appearance that I am now. ”
Ye Xianguo complained resentfully on the side, but it made Yin Jian who was thinking about it abruptly startled. He raised his head, looked at Ye Xianguo, and said in a rare hurried tone: “What did you just say?”.

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