Yin Jian’s abrupt silence clearly made Ye Xianguo aware of something. He sensed Yin Jian’s distrust of him, but he didn’t say anything after all.
Strictly speaking, in this haunted house, except for Yin Jian himself, everyone else is essentially a ghost, and it is true that there is no trust.
So Ye Xianguo just smiled and said to Yin Jian, “You don’t need to be so wary of me, little friend. In this haunted house, I am completely dead, and my consciousness is trapped in this haunted house, so there is no need to harm you.”
Yin Jian looked at him blankly, he didn’t express his emotions too much, and there wasn’t much hatred and conflict of interests between him and Ye Xianguo, he just felt that he was hiding something, his trustworthiness relatively low.
In fact, if Ye Xianguo can throw out some more useful information now, Yin Jian will also reconsider his credibility. After all, as Ye Xianguo said, he is already dead, and it is too late to do anything.
But, in his current state, is he really a ghost? From the beginning to the end, he could not feel the state of Ye Xianguo in front of him.
This question appeared in his heart, and Yin Jian also asked it out of the way.
“It’s my negligence. It turns out that my little friend has the ability to perceive people and ghosts. No wonder he would have doubts about me. Old man, I have no doubt been killed by this haunted house. I died ten years ago. Now, if it weren’t for this haunted house, I’m afraid I wouldn’t still have consciousness, as for the inability to perceive, this is the ability of the ghost that I control, and it is still very strong to hide my own breath.”
Ye Xianguo said with a generous smile. After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to remove the hiding of his own aura.
Only then did Yin Jian feel that Ye Xianguo was in front of him.It really exists, and as he said, he is indeed dead. This body is completely maintained by Specter’s power.
This frankness, to be honest, has indeed improved Ye Xianguo’s credibility a lot.
But the conflict of the information he provided before still prevented Yin Jian from revealing more information he controlled to him.
Ye Xianguo didn’t care about this either. Instead, he told Yin Jian some useful information.
That is, they are already very close to Yama’s strength. Although they can’t resist the operation rules of the ghost house and lose human consciousness and become ghosts, they can at least temporarily block their murderous instinct after becoming a ghost, which is definitely useless in the outside world. , Human’s backhand, can’t limit Specter for too long.
But in this haunted house, it is completely feasible. After all, one cycle is only 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, it is possible to restore human consciousness and seal the killing instinct in just 30 minutes. arrived.
Moreover, even if it can’t, the door of this haunted house can isolate the ghost’s perception. As long as there is not too much movement, when the door is closed, you can live smoothly.
“When the little friend is about to circulate in this haunted house, it’s better to stay in this room. Although I can seal the murderous instinct, if there are people around me, I’m afraid it will recover quickly.” Ye Xianguo suddenly felt a little proud. Said: “And I’m not an old man. I’m boasting. My ability to control the ghost is still very incomprehensible, so as not to hurt the little friend.”
This sentence sounds a bit harsh at first, but Ye Xianguo’s tone, coupled with his age and expression, gave people the feeling of a frank old man, which made people feel good.
However, Yin Jian’s mood fluctuations are very small, which can keep him calm and rational to a large extent.
With the kindness that Ye Xianguo released, Yin Jian’s face was still expressionless, like an iceberg.
Ye Xianguo didn’t say more. He didn’t seem to care about Yin Jian’s thoughts. He opened the door freely and then walked out. Yin Jian followed him and kept watching him enter the room on the left.
Thirty minutes later, Ye Xianguo in the room on the left would completely lose consciousness and turn into a ghost.
Yin Jian inspected the Lin family house as usual, and then returned to the study. He casually flipped through a few books to kill time. He had already found almost all the clues he could find. Now all he can do is wait for one more time. times of the cycle to verify his guess.
Moreover, if it is not unexpected, this time Ye Xianguo should be the highest point of the cycle. The ghost who lights up the lamp leaves the haunted house, and the forest cannot be a living ghost, so this is the place from prosperity to decline.
Next time, people should be weaker than ghosts.
As time passed, Yin Jian didn’t meet Ye Xianguo, but he left the door on the right and the door of the study open. have to guard against.
When the time came to 11:29, Yin Jian moved.
He got up, walked out of the study, and then came to the room on the right. This is the ghost’s room. After a minute, it will be transformed into a human’s room.
He accepted Ye Xianguo’s suggestion.
Previously, he was waiting with the living ghosts for the impact of the ghost house’s supernatural power, because he had the confidence, even if these living ghosts lost their human consciousness, he could still easily suppress them, including the previous Xu Qingfeng, who had reached the level of judges. .
But now, facing Ye Xianguo, he is not very sure. He doesn’t know Ye Xianguo’s ability, and he can hardly perceive the level of terror, just like the most ordinary old man.
Therefore, he doesn’t think of meaningless conflicts, especially when the ghost house’s supernatural impact is getting stronger and stronger.
At 11:30, the supernatural power of the haunted house arrived as promised.
It’s just that the power this time is more than twice as strong as the previous one.
Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. It was originally a supernatural shock, but it made Yin Jian feel as if he had been driving a boat, bumping on the stormy sea, and it would never end.
The gate of ghosts was opened immediately, and the supernatural isolation of ghost skins was also opened at the first time.
However, in just an instant, the two layers of protection were instantly compressed to Yin Jian’s body.
With a bang, Yin Jian’s back was stuck on the ghost gate.
The ghost gate has been compressed slightly higher than Yin Jian by this force. Two sacrificial lamps, which have become pocket-sized, are swaying on Yin Jian’s shoulders, and the candle light inside is uncertain.
The ghost’s heartbeat, the blood-colored steam of ghost blood, covered his body layer by layer, resisting the impact of this supernatural power.
“It’s not right, the strength of the supernatural power this time is too wrong.” Yin Jian frowned.
It was like the haunted house was clearing foreign objects, deliberately targeting him, and the previous few times it was working normally.
His actions this time are not much different from the previous ones.
The only difference was that in this supernatural shock, he was in the room on the right. This was Ye Xianguo’s suggestion.
The powers of each ghost were fully used by Yin Jian. The green face and fangs on his face, the strange heartbeat, coughing, and sighing, turned around him, and bloody footprints appeared on the ground, all of which were counteracting this huge sound. psychic power.
Finally, he endured a supernatural shock like a raging wave.
It’s just that the room furnishings this time have not changed in the slightest.
And in front of him, stood Ye Xianguo. .

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