Yin Jian sat cross-legged on the lawn in the courtyard of Lin’s mansion, looking at the ghost book in front of him, Ye Xianguo’s human face was transformed into a ghost face, losing all the charm of a human being.
The combination of ghost writing and ghost writing turned out to be an extremely terrifying attack on consciousness.This kind of attack is even more terrifying than the suppression of living consciousness by his own ghost gate. With just three words, Ye Xianguo directly thinks that he is dead, and this kind of attack is not something he can resist instinctively. Yes, because his consciousness is already based on this ghost book.
Of course, this attack is terrifying and restrictive.
The target of the attack must have been recorded in this ghost book, that is to say, he must have been beaten into the cycle of the Lin family house.
In this regard, it is not as easy to suppress the ghost realm of Yinjian Ghost House.
But Yin Jian guessed correctly, this ghost pen and ghost book should be a matching set, or a complementary ghost puzzle. Of course, it may be a complete ghost that was destroyed by unknown means.
In fact, after seeing Lin Yin’s resurrection method, Yin Jian has always had an idea.
That is, although ghosts cannot be killed, they seem to be able to be broken up. Since each ghost is a puzzle according to the ghost voice at the beginning, since the puzzles can be put together, then able to break up.
Just like the ghosts in this ghost book, each of them can already be called a serious ghost, because they themselves are already dead.
However, their ghost puzzles did not spread out, but still gathered together. In this case, are they one ghost or two ghosts?
This involves the issue of the initial level of terror. Li Ji and Ye Xianguo control a ghost, but their level of terror is very high, and one ghost can almost stand up to four or five ghosts with lower levels of terror. .
So their ghost was just a ghost at first? Is it also the ghost that devoured other ghost puzzles?
In other words, they are relatively complete ghosts, and the horror level of ghosts is based on completeness.
Ghost hands, ghost hearts, ghost blood, ghost bones, ghost skins, these don’t look like a complete ghost, but more like a broken ghost. The way ghosts look for ghost puzzles is more like Lin Yin’s resurrection. , they are all striving to be whole.
Of course, someone at the headquarters has proposed this theory, but when I read it at the time, it was far less touching than it is now.
The more high-level supernatural events are experienced, the more I feel that ghosts have amazing secrets hidden in them. The strange methods of those top-level ghost riders seem to be related to these secrets. .
Is there a truly complete ghost in this world?
Yin Jian suddenly became a little curious, not a single ability, nor a single part, but a real and seemingly perfect incomprehensible Specter, not relying on simple killing laws and killing abilities, nor affected by simple killing instincts.
Thinking of this, Yin Jian himself denied this idea. This is a paradox. Without the murderous instinct, then the ghost will no longer be called a ghost, it will be a god.
Putting this somewhat bizarre and unrealistic idea aside, Yin Jian re-experimented the use of ghost brushes.
In the current Lin Xianguo, his pages have completely turned into a double-faced ghost face. In any case, his consciousness is dead. What Yin Jian wants to do is whether he can come back to life.
So, he started the ghost pen again, and he also wrote three words on Ye Xianguo’s ghost page.
I am alive.
These three blood-colored characters are integrated into the pages of the book.
Ye Xianguo himself in the Lin family’s house had turned into a specter who only had a murderous instinct and was wandering around, but at this moment, he was suddenly jolted, and his eyes regained the spirit of agility.
He is alive.
He still seemed a little dazed, and then as if recalling something, his expression became extremely frightened.
He remembered what had just happened.
Three words in blood suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he identified himself as dead. Similarly, there were three words in blood, and he came back to life again.
His life and death were completely controlled by someone.
This time, it is no longer the operation pattern left by Lin Yin’s long-dead woman. The ghost book of Lin’s house has been re-controlled after a lapse of a hundred years, and it seems to be even more terrifying than the original Lin’s house. generally.
When Lin Yin’s consciousness was briefly revived, the Lin family house had not yet had such a strange means of killing consciousness directly.
“It’s that kid.” Ye Xianguo immediately thought of Yin Jian.
He couldn’t hide the humiliation in his heart, but he couldn’t help kneeling down and begging for mercy. He was a person who did everything to survive, so naturally he didn’t care about his dignity and face, as long as he could survive.
With life and death under complete control, he resolutely begged for mercy.
After all, although he is now equivalent to death, at least his consciousness is still there. If his consciousness is really wiped out like that, then he is really dead.
In the outside world, Yin Jian didn’t care about Ye Xianguo’s begging for mercy.
The indifference of his feelings is doomed to his absolute rationality and calmness. He will not feel much moved because of his warmth, nor will he feel pity because of the enemy’s begging for mercy. His only judgment is whether he wants to kill this person or not. .
At this moment, he didn’t even think about paying attention to Ye Xianguo, he was thinking about this ghost book and ghost pen.
It is not difficult to predict that the ghost pen can obliterate consciousness, but the consciousness that has died can actually be restored again, which is a bit strange, as if a consciousness was created out of thin air.
This is no longer the level of changing the operation law of ghost books. Yin Jian thought of a deeper level.
Can he use this ghost book and ghost pen,To create a true alien, capable of maintaining consciousness, an alien whose body is a ghost body? Just like Judge Li Ji.
Of course, it is also necessary to consider whether it is possible to walk out of the Lin family house and still ensure the survival of consciousness.
Yin Jian had some guesses about this.
If it is a double-faced ghost, it means that consciousness has been completely obliterated, and it has become a real ghost.
What if it’s a double face? Is that a true alien, whose consciousness is not affected by the murderous instinct, or an alien whose influence is extremely slow, can the double face walk out of the Lin family house without dying? .

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