When the rusty bus appeared, Yin Jian knew. Lin Yin said that he would go to see it at twelve o’clock in the middle of the night. It was the same thing as Xu Qingfeng’s No. 11 bus.
The speed of the No. 11 bus is not fast. As the No. 11 bus gets closer, Yin Jian gradually sees more details of this supernatural bus.
For example, the paint that is about to fade away on the body is painted with a sign of “11”, which may be the reason why the ghost bus is called the eleventh bus.
But Yin Jian, who knew more secrets, felt that something was wrong. The logo on the body said that it was 11, but it was 01. It was even more like the latter.
Because there is obviously a piece of paint on the front, the 1 in front of 11 is slightly blurred, as if something has been wiped off.
“Bus?” Yin Jian inexplicably thought of this strange familiarity.
The railway No. , the ghost train No. , Lin’s house No., and now the bus that is suspected to be No. , seems to be a package, and there is an obvious connection between several supernatural beings.
Guessing this, Yin Jian became more and more interested in this supernatural bus.
Moreover, after obtaining the ghost house and integrating the ghost book, his current strength has taken a big step forward, and he has a great confidence in doing some more deadly things, such as stepping on this ghost bus.
The danger level of this ghost bus is obviously much lower than that of ghost trains. He is now a little curious. Apart from coming to Lin’s mansion, this ghost bus also leads to some strange places.
Thinking of this, he habitually waved at the ghost bus.
At this moment, on the bus No.
There was a strange silence in the car. This is a ghost bus, and it is naturally for ghosts. If an ordinary person gets on this bus, I am afraid that they will be scared to death directly.
Looking around, the people sitting on the seats of the bus looked like dead people. Some had no heads, some were charred, and some looked like dried corpses. These were ghosts.
Of course, there are also special ones, such as three people sitting in a row on the back seat of this ghost bus, closest to the back door.
Wang Wu, who disappeared a few days ago, was among them. In addition to him, there were also two ghost riders, a man and a woman. The man looked about thirty years old and was wearing a suit, but the white shirts inside were all Almost turned into a black shirt.
The other woman had disheveled hair and was dressed like tatters.
“Fortunately, we arrived at the Lin’s mansion. This is the safest stop.” The middle-aged man in a suit was named Wang Jian. Seeing the house in front of the Lin’s mansion, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
They also passed a lot of stops along with the No. 11 bus. Among them, Lin’s Mansion was the only one that was never dangerous, and almost no ghosts ever got on the bus from here, except for the old man before.
“Farewell, Brother Wang, who knows if there is any danger in this Lin’s mansion, and we have never dared to go down, not even a ghost. It can already explain something. The calmer it is, the more bizarre it is.” The disheveled woman beside Wang Jian couldn’t help but reminded.
“No matter how weird he is, at least he doesn’t have much influence on us.” Wang Jian said indifferently, “You say yes, Xiao Wang.”
“Ah, yes.” Wang Wu replied casually, obviously absent-minded.
He thought of Yin Jian. A few days ago, when he learned that Yin Jian was looking for Lin’s mansion, he realized that what Yin Jian was looking for was probably this quiet and somewhat strange Lin’s mansion.
It was just that at the time, he didn’t want to reveal the information about the Lin family’s mansion to Yin Jian.
Because the three of them found this supernatural bus that can suppress the recovery of the ghost by chance, and even Wang Jian and the woman named Niu Qingye regarded this place as a treasure of opportunity, and they agreed not to tell this secret. go out.
Wait until the next time when the Specter’s recovery is approached again, and come again.
Although Wang Wu did not agree with this statement, he also wanted to leave a way out for himself, so he did not report the secret here to the headquarters.
Until this time, when he was about to recover from the ghost again, when he had to step on this supernatural bus, he disclosed the information of Lin’s mansion to Yin Jian, except to form a good relationship for this mysterious Mr. Yin , if he comes back alive in the future, it may be helpful.
Another point is that he always felt that this supernatural bus was very dangerous and weird. If he died this time, this secret couldn’t be handed over to Wang Jian and Niu Qingye, who only had ambitions, but were a little stupid.
To be honest, this time Wang Wu really felt that he couldn’t live anymore.
First of all, Li Gui’s recovery is much stronger than the last time he came to this bus, and he needs to stay longer. Moreover, this time the bus route, he always feels that it is more terrifying than the last time he came. There are many more, he has controlled a ghost, and he is lucky to be alive until now.
When Wang Wu was thinking about his own affairs from the Lin family mansion, Niu Qingye, who was on the side, glanced out the window, and suddenly said in a little panic: “Brother Wang, look out the window, why did I see a figure beckoning at that bus stop? ?”
Niu Qingye’s voice was very low, even in this situation, she didn’t dare to speak loudly, because she didn’t dare to arouse the attention of other people in the bus, or other ghosts.willpower.
“Impossible. In general, it is impossible for people to come to the Lin’s mansion.”
Wang Jian retorted subconsciously, and then he paused. He remembered the scene when he took this bus once. He saw the ghost rider who came up with a white lantern. It was almost the most beautiful thing he had ever met. Terrifying existence, fortunately the old man got off the bus at one stop.
He swallowed and looked out the window. He was the strongest, and the more he knew about the ghost bus, he was sitting closest to the back door, and he could see more clearly than Niu Qingye.
He looked out the window nervously, and sure enough, under the dim bus stop, a vague figure was waving to him, like an ordinary person stopping the bus again.
But how is this possible? He has passed by the Lin’s mansion several times, and only once saw a person standing under the ghost platform. He was still a very terrifying ghost rider. What kind of ghost is this, waving at the ghost bus?
“This ghost bus is accelerating, it doesn’t mean to stop.” Wang Wu sat in the innermost, he couldn’t see the scene on the other side, which also allowed him to feel the changes of the ghost bus more clearly.
As soon as Wang Wu’s words came out, Wang Jian and Niu Qingye breathed a sigh of relief.
Because of the terrifying figure under the platform, they didn’t want to get close to the strange Lin’s mansion. It was the best situation for the bus not to enter the platform.
But while they were relieved, they also felt more fear in their hearts.
The strange figure under the platform, what level of ghost is it, and it makes this powerful ghost bus go around. You know, after taking the ghost bus for so long, they are the first to encounter this bus. Not close to the platform but also accelerated.
This is enough to prove how terrifying the strange figure is.
Soon, under the acceleration of the bus, it quickly passed the platform of Lin’s mansion.
“Fortunately, this bus is invincible as long as it doesn’t approach or open the door, and we have already passed the bus stop.” Wang Jian comforted in a low voice, as if to cheer himself up again.
At this time, Wang Wu spoke again.
“This ghost bus hasn’t slowed down yet.”
Hearing Wang Wu’s words, Wang Jianjian turned his head and glanced at the platform behind him.
Seeing this, his heart suddenly lifted.
The beckoning figure on the ghost platform behind disappeared. .

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