The ghost bus and the ghost train are indeed related.
Maybe it’s similar to the connection between ghost books and ghost houses.
And after Yin Jian heard what the ghost driver said, he also confirmed one thing, that is, Yan Luo, the youngest in the headquarters, is not dead, he is still alive, and seems to be planning something.
He seems to want to drive both the ghost bus and the ghost train at the same time. As expected, he is the youngest Yan Luo in the headquarters. It’s hard to pick one out of 10,000 ghost drivers with this kind of courage.
And the most important thing is that he seems likely to succeed. After all, he is the driver of the two cars. Although he doesn’t seem to be in control of the movements of the two cars, but he can sit firmly in this position, at least he has taken the first step.
As expected, Yan Luo is not a simple thing.
The original judge Li Ji left a deep impression on Yin Jian, and every Yan Luo he met later seemed to have his own methods.
Even Lu Yue, who is not very outstanding, still hides a lot of secrets.
Lin Yin even divided her consciousness in a strange way, and then scattered it into each ghost puzzle. If the ghost doesn’t die, she has a chance to be resurrected at any time.
And the unknown Yan Luo driver in front of him looked no less inferior to Lin Yin, and his methods were even more astonishing. The ghost bus was okay, but the horror of the ghost train, even the current Yin Jian was not very confident.
And he actually wanted to drive the ghost bus while driving the ghost train.
The ghost bus driver’s neck creaked. While repeating these words dully, he tried hard to break free from Yin Jian’s shackles, but it was useless.
His strength is very strong, but compared with Yin Jian, who is covered in ghosts, the gap in strength is too great.
With all his efforts to break free, his neck was twisted into a strange arc.
“don’t want…….”
Before he could finish his sentence, a blue-faced and fangs ghost face appeared on Yin Jian’s face. The ghost face quickly broke away from Yin Jian’s face, turned into a huge ghost, and then directly swallowed the mummy driver in front of him.
The mummy driver disappeared directly in place, and the image of the ghost eating ghosts hiccupped and returned to Yin Jian’s body.
“Too much talking.” Yin Jian casually wiped his hands on a clean-looking ghost in the front row.
He doesn’t like nonsense, so what about the youngest Yan Luo in the headquarters, what about trying to drive ghost trains and ghost buses, Yin Jian is not interested in these.
Regardless of whether he was conscious or unconscious at the time, he shot him on the ghost train, and almost caused his death.
From this point of view alone, Yin Jian wouldn’t talk so much nonsense with him.
A ghost avatar with a physical body, and so much nonsense with him, ghost eat ghosts have always been willing to refuse such things.
The ability of the ghost that was eaten has already been heard in my mind, and the ghost splits.
The ability is very simple and domineering. It can split things, whether it is materialistic such as the body, or more idealistic such as consciousness, or even the immortal such as ghosts. They can use ghosts to split and decompose them into ghost puzzles. .
It was also because of this that Yin Jian knew why there were so many mummified drivers in the ghost train.
Because he used the ability to split ghosts to divide his split ghosts into pieces of ghost puzzles. He even split his own consciousness in the ghost puzzles, and the split ghost puzzles included his consciousness.
This is equivalent to, the split ghost puzzle, together with consciousness, is equivalent to a clone of him. This clone is even like a different kind, only afraid of attacks from consciousness.
Based on this ability, the most terrifying ability of the ghost split derived from this should be that each of these clones can devour ghosts, strengthen themselves, and even use the clones to test the balance between ghosts and try to be more powerful. He can easily control more ghosts, which is probably why this mummy driver can become the youngest Yan Luo in the headquarters. His ability is really suitable for a ghost driver.
With this split ghost, this mummy Yan Luo is almost immortal. As long as he has enough clones, he will not die, and each clone can be used as the main body.
Of course, there is no such thing as a completely incomprehensible ghost. The advantages of splitting ghosts are obvious, but the disadvantages are equally fatal.First, consciousness is what Yin Jian thinks is the most important thing for human beings at present, and it is also the most mysterious thing so far. At least this consciousness is currently only possessed by humans, ghosts only have the instinct to kill, and the sequelae of split consciousness are too great. Using all the memories and everything to use the ghost split, splitting so many avatars, his consciousness was cut into countless pieces.
This state cannot even be called alive, because his state is probably even more extreme than the current state of Yin Jian, and his consciousness can no longer be called human consciousness, I am afraid it is already mixed with a lot of The ghost of the killing instinct has become conscious, and the other party may also be moving closer to the ghost consciously.
Second, this ghost split only has the ability to split. So far, Yinjian has no way to restore the synthesis after splitting. Only ghosts can deal with ghosts. I am afraid that corresponding ghost puzzles can be complementary to him, just like ghost books. Like the ghost pen, it requires the power of ghost synthesis.
Yin Jian estimated that the mummy driver probably didn’t have the ability to synthesize ghosts, otherwise, he would not let the ghost bus have a ghost puzzle here.
Yes, let it go.
After successfully swallowing the ghost driver, Yin Jian discovered that the human consciousness contained in the ghost driver had almost been wiped out by the specter’s murderous instinct. The last sentence was considered the last stress response, so he kept going. Stereotypically repeat that last sentence.
That’s why Yin Jian’s ghost eats ghosts and can devour him smoothly.
He guessed wrong before. This corpse Yama didn’t want to drive both the ghost train and the ghost bus at the same time. Maybe this ghost bus was just his first attempt to drive the ghost train. Maybe there was an exception in the ghost train, maybe it was The attempt to ride the ghost bus failed.
In short, this piece of ghost puzzle has stayed here for too long, so that consciousness is completely wiped out, and it has completely turned into a ghost.
The mummy driver has disappeared, and Yin Jian didn’t dislike anything, he directly took the driver’s seat, and then he started to check the driving of the ghost bus, which has almost no room for operation.
There is only one steering wheel, but Yin Jian tried it and was completely locked by some kind of supernatural force. He could forcibly suppress it, but in this case, there may be some other problems.
And the other is the accelerator and brake, all of which are locked, only he is moving automatically, and the button to open and close the door is also not controlled by anyone.
This mummy driver, just sitting here just now, did nothing, just like the mummy in the cab of the ghost train.
This kind of supernatural seems to have been set up in advance by people or ghosts. According to a certain rule, according to a specific route, there is no need for a driver, but he has a driving seat, which is really strange.
This ghost bus can’t come hard, it should be driven according to a certain rule.
Just like his ghost frequency, if he hadn’t used its killing ability to kill the heart and the killing law of maintaining the frequency, no matter how strong Yin Jian was, he couldn’t force it to be subdued by other means.
Because some ghosts are not very strong, but they are too idealistic in nature, so it is not enough to be strong.
But it doesn’t matter. Yin Jian is not keen on forcibly controlling this ghost bus. On the contrary, he is more interested in the top secrets involved in this ghost bus, the ghost train, and the ghost highway No. 001.
Getting up from the driver’s seat, Yin Jian also started to patrol the bus with a lantern.
At the same time, he discovered another advantage of the ghost bus. This ghost bus passes through countless routes, and some ghosts get on the bus, and then they are suppressed. All the people on this bus are suppressed ghosts.
Every time Yin Jian passed a parking space, he would put the sacrificial lamp up and look at the passengers on the seat. If it was a physical one that could trigger the law of ghost eating and killing, he would swallow it directly. If not, he would try to find a way. Imprisoned in a haunted house to increase the power of the haunted house.
He is like an unfussy eater. He swallows what he can swallow, and detains what he can not hold. Strange ghosts on the bus disappear after Yinjian walks by.
This time, Ghost Eat Ghost is a full meal. The ghosts on the ghost bus have a relatively low level of terror, but most of them are entities. Ghost Eat Ghost directly swallowed them and turned them into ghosts in Yin Jian’s body.
When Yin Jian walked to the back of the car with the sacrificial lamp, the ghost in the car had almost disappeared, but the horror level in the car, not only did not drop, but it became more and more terrifying, because Yin Jian was still there. Here and there.
Seeing that Yin Jian had come step by step, Wang Jian and the others were extremely frightened, their bodies trembling uncontrollably…
They just saw everything that happened after Yin Jian got on the bus, and they swallowed the driver who they didn’t dare to touch in one bite. You must know that if there is the weirdest part of this ghost bus, it must be the driver’s seat. .
But in the face of this murderous creature, there is no resistance at all.
Then they watched Yin Jian like diners, swept over one by one, and ate those ghosts that they all found terrifying, one by one, into their stomachs. It was a complete mess.
However, in the end, Yin Jian didn’t walk in front of them, he stopped in front of them.
Yin Jian stopped, raised the lantern, and looked at something in front of him that might be a ghost. The reason why he said it might be a ghost is because this guy is completely a ghost in his perception, but the ability of ghosts to eat ghosts is not. Can’t eat.
This ghost looks just like a normal person, twenty-five-six, lookHe was still very young, with a healthy rosy complexion, and even slightly nervous breathing, and his mouth kept whispering something.
Yin Jian threw the lantern over and moved his ears closer to hear what he was saying.
“I’m a ghost, I’m a ghost, don’t eat me, don’t eat me.”
In the short time when the ear was close, when Yin Jian took it back and looked at him with strange eyes, fine beads of sweat had already appeared on his face, and then dripped down his face, and his breathing was slow. became more tense.
“Ghost rider?” Yin Jian couldn’t help but ask.
After this opening, the inside of the bus instantly fell silent, and the man who seemed to be a ghost opened his mouth, and the whispering in his mouth stopped instantly, and looked at Yin Jian in astonishment.
And the three Wang Jian in the back row also opened their mouths collectively and lost their voices.
After being silent for a while, Yin Jian thought that the other party didn’t hear clearly, and asked again: “Ghost rider?”
After this time, the man with sweat on his face woke up like a dream. He nodded quickly and said, “Ah, yes, yes, ghost control, I am a ghost control, not a ghost, boss, forgive me.”
As the man said this, a strange thing happened. In Yin Jian’s perception, he changed from a ghost to a ghost rider.
Very strange ghost ability.
Yin Jian couldn’t help looking at him more.
It was this look that made the man plop and kneel down proficiently.
Then his tears and snot spurted out like the most wonderful actor in his acting skills. He directly stepped over a ghost sitting beside him, came to the aisle of the bus, and knelt down towards Yin Jian.
Then he was also very skilled, and he said with emotion: “Big brother, don’t kill me, I have an 80-year-old mother and a child who is waiting to be fed, please do it, and I myself am not very It’s delicious, I haven’t taken a bath on this bus for half a month, and my whole body is sour, and the three people behind this can testify for me.”
The man’s voice just fell, and from behind him, there was a plop, a plop, and there were two more kneeling sounds.
“This is a character.” Yin Jian couldn’t help but looked at the man in front of him strangely.
He knelt down proficiently, cried proficiently, and the lines behind him seemed to have done this kind of thing countless times.
The four people on the bus, except for this very special Ghost Rider who he regarded as a ghost at first, the three people in the back row he has long perceived as human.
And the strength is not very strong, one can barely be called an impermanence level, one is a day and night travel level, and one only controls a ghost.
And this man who knelt down and served softly quickly is the strongest. After recovering to the ghost control, Yin Jian can clearly perceive his level of terror, and he can probably touch the level of a judge. , slightly weaker than Xu Qingfeng.
And Yin Jian obviously has no idea of ​​his own level of terror. Even the judge, when he sees what Yin Jian did after he just got into the car, I’m afraid his legs will go weak.
“Under normal circumstances, I don’t kill people. Get up.” Yin Jian was expressionless, even looking at the three ghost riders who were kowtowing quickly in front of him, and said calmly.
“Mr. Yin?” At this time, the man in the corner of the back row shouted in surprise as if he had just recovered.
He is Wang Wu who has been missing for a few days. .

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