Zhou Jian played a trick here, thinking that Yin Jian would protect them.
In fact, this is not considered cleverness, at most it is a test of Yin Jian’s attitude, to test whether he is willing to protect people other than Wang Wu.
In fact, he still has an important piece of information that he didn’t say, that is, he suspects that this ghost bus is not simply switching routes randomly, but that if a powerful ghost driver comes up, this ghost bus will switch accordingly line.
What Wang Jian said earlier changed the 00 of one station.Route 3, after the old man who turned on the lamp got off the bus, re-converted back to the lower-level route.
And when Yin Jian got on the bus, he directly made the ghost bus transfer to line No. , which is a proof.
But he didn’t say this guess. After all, this guess was equivalent to accusing Yin Jian. He would not do such a stupid thing. Whether Yin Jian cared or not, he would not offend such a big guy.
˙After Zhou Jian finished speaking, he paid attention to Yin Jian’s expression. Although he was expressionless, he did not directly object. Seeing Yin Jian’s reaction, Zhou Jian couldn’t help but be overjoyed.
Yin Jian didn’t say anything, he just silently summarized the information from Zhou Jian and the others, which were all very important information.
First of all, in addition to the No. 1 highway mentioned in the broadcast just now, there are also No. 005, 004, and 003 highways mentioned by Zhou Jian and the others, and the degree of danger of these highways is gradually increasing.
Most of the Specter he devoured just now were on Highway 005. The level of terror was not very high, but there were a lot of them, and Highway 003 had already reached almost all Specter of Grade A.
A-level is a division of the horror level of Specter. In fact, Yin Jian used Yama and Impermanence to judge Specter was incorrect.
Yama, Judge Impermanence These are used to judge the strength of the Ghost Rider, corresponding to S-level, A-level and B-level, and so on.
It’s just that at the same level, ghost riders are slightly stronger than ghosts, because ghost riders are wise and can use their abilities more flexibly, without being restricted by the killing instinct and laws of killing.
So this is why the impermanence level can handle most of the b-level paranormal events and a part of a-level paranormal events.
Zhou Jian said that Highway No. 003 has reached A-level, so it is self-evident that Highway No. 003 has either increased in number of judge-level ghosts, or appeared to be terrifying ghosts of S-level.
Yin Jian is more inclined towards the latter.
Finally, there is the information that Wang Jian said about the sick ghost Lu Yue, the big tomb of Line 003. Lu Yue might have left some clues there, but there are too few clues. Even if Yin Jian finds the big cemetery, I am afraid that It is difficult to find the large tomb where Lu Yue stayed.
As for Zhou Jian’s last cleverness and small temptation, Yin Jian didn’t take it to heart.
They are all in this supernatural bus. When the weak Specter comes up, Yin Jian will directly swallow it or imprison him in the ghost house to increase the strength of the ghost house. In this case, they are naturally safe.
But if there are extremely terrifying ghosts coming up, and Yin Jian can’t deal with them, then it will naturally depend on their abilities and luck.
If the ghosts are not strong, Yin Jian will be safe if he does not take the initiative to protect them. If the ghosts are too strong, Yin Jian cannot fight too much for their group of strangers-like villages.
So he didn’t respond, and he didn’t make too many promises. Zhou Jian is also a man of interest. Seeing Yin Jian like this, he didn’t say any more and insisted more.
Zhou Jian was quite bold, and Wang Jian and Niu Qingye didn’t dare to say anything more. After all, Yin Jian ate most of the ghosts in this carriage before, they saw it, and they dared not talk to Yin Jian. What more to say about this fierce man who directly forced the ghost bus to stop.
“By the way, what ability did you deceive my perception before. 々?” Yin Jian suddenly remembered that Zhou Jian was a ghost in his perception before, and couldn’t help asking curiously.
Now, Zhou Jian is a normal ghost hunter in his perception, not the aliens like Li Ji and Xu Qingfeng whose consciousness is integrated into the ghost body.
“This is nothing to hide from Mr. Yin.” Zhou Jian said without any hesitation or reservation: “The first ghost I controlled was indeed a rather special ghost, and the code I gave it was a nonsense.”
“What I’ve said is ghost talk. Ghost talk can deceive ghosts’ ability and killing instinct, and even the law of killing. For example, if I said I was a ghost before, then in the perception of other ghosts, I am a ghost. I It can also be said that I am a dead person, as long as I don’t move, I am a dead person, and under normal circumstances, a dead person will not trigger the ghost’s killing law.”
“An interesting ability.” Yin Jian’s face was calm, but he praised him.
Moreover, this kind of ability also has high requirements for the ability of the ghost rider. The horror level of this kind of ghost may not be very high, but it is idealistic, and the ability can be used in many ways.
If you change to someone with a higher level of terror, you may not be able to survive on the 003 road of this ghost bus, but Zhou Jian survived twice. This is a person with a very active mind, and he has no dignity and no backbone. This way A person with a ghost, it is indeed easier to use than a ghost with a high horror level.
Seeing that Yin Jian just praised, Zhou Jian was also relieved. He was really afraid that Yin Jian would directly seize his ability. He could do it. After all, he had swallowed so many ghosts before.
Fortunately, this is a principled ghost hunter, and Zhou Jian made a judgment for Yin Jian in his heart.
Yin Jian is the most terrifying ghost rider he has ever seen. If such a ghost rider loses his principles, he will be more terrifying than a ghost.
And Yin Jian and the others chatted for so long, the ghost bus had already left the ghost realm of Lin’s mansion, and they didn’t seem to be in the ghost realm now, but in the normal world.
It’s just that this idea was quickly broken, because they came to a small town that looked extremely desolate and quaint.
This small town is definitely not a modern ancient town, with the name of the so-called ancient town, but it is a completely modern building.
This ancient city is really an ancient town, it looks like it has a history of thousands of years., desolate and dilapidated, the city gates wide open, but no one is there.
Passing through the city gate, the ghost bus drove directly into this strange town. The moment they entered the town, Yin Jian and the others frowned, feeling extremely unlucky.
In this small town, all the houses are dilapidated, and every house has white flags hanging. There are also a lot of ancient paper money floating in the sky, not the modern paper money, but the ancient copper coins with the outer circle and the inner square. paper money.
It was so radiant that it was almost scattered in the entire small town, but there seemed to be a strange gloomy wind in this small town, which blew up the paper money that had already fallen on the ground, making the town even more desolate, dilapidated and strange.
Finally, next to a spacious platform, the ghost bus stopped automatically and opened the door.
Now, passengers can get on and off.
Naturally, Yin Jian and the others didn’t get off the bus. Wang Jian and the others were not fools. This showed that they were not in the real world, and whoever dared to go into such a strange town, even Zhou Jian felt that there would be no life after going down to this ghost place.
And when the bus stopped beside this platform, the ancient city was also changing.
In Yin Jian’s eyes, from the other side of the table, a few paper figurines suddenly appeared. The paper figurines could only barely resemble a human figure, with a strange blush on their face.
The two sturdy paper figurines walked to the stage and walked to the front of the stage, pressing a paper figurine who could only be identified as a woman.
Then another paper figure came up with a paper-wrapped ghost knife.
These paper figurines have weird blushes on their faces. Although they don’t look like humans, they give people a weird and dynamic feeling.
“Why do I feel this scene is a little familiar.” Zhou Jian muttered as he watched the strange scene on the stage.
Naturally, other people also have expressions of approval. How could they be unfamiliar? This clearly shows the beheading of Caishikou in those ancient dramas.
The two older ones were the big men who escorted the prisoners. The female paper figure being escorted was the prisoner, and the paper figure with the ghost-headed paper knife was the executioner.
Plus the paper money fluttering all over the sky, and the white flags hanging in front of every house.
Except for the lively people and the beheading officer who threw the token, the scene of the beheading was almost perfectly reproduced.
As the female paper figurine was pushed to the front of the stage, the paper figurine holding the paper dagger was cut down with a neat knife.
The female paper figurine’s head fell off.
Blood splashed all over Wang Jian.
Because the same thing fell, and the head of Niu Qingye next to Wang Jian.
Upon seeing this, Yin Jian immediately opened the haunted house and completely imprisoned Niu Qingye’s Specter in the haunted house. The detention was successful, but Yin Jian couldn’t help frowning.
Because in the haunted house, on the door of the newly formed room, a ghost book page slowly took shape.
This ghost book page is a two-faced ghost face, which means that Niu Qingye is dead and his consciousness has completely disappeared.
In the moment just now, the paper man swung the knife, not only cut off Niu Qingye’s head with some kind of strange killing ability, but also cut off her consciousness at that moment, and wiped it out directly.
This is a killing ability with a very high level of terror. Before it was activated, apart from looking weird, even Yin Jian couldn’t feel how he killed Niu Qingye in the car.
Wang Jian didn’t care to wipe the blood off his body, his scalp was numb and he swallowed. Wang Wu and Zhou Jian on the side were not much better than him.
This kind of killing ability is too weird and overbearing. If it hadn’t killed Niu Qingye, it might have been one of them who died. Except for Yin Jian, no one here feels that they can resist that level of killing ability.
Highway No., at the first stop, directly gave Yin Jian and the others a dismount.
On the stage, two large paper figurines threw the body and head of the female paper figurine who had just been beheaded aside, and the female paper figurine instantly turned into white paper money and merged into the paper money floating in the sky.
Immediately afterwards, they pulled up a male paper figure from behind the stage, and pressed it in front of the stage according to the same process.
This time Yin Jian won’t directly watch them launch an attack. He tapped his index finger on the bus seat twice, and a huge haunted house rose directly, covering the entire ghost bus in it.
The white sacrificial lamp is faint, and the ghost gate is closed. This ghost house protects the people in this ghost bus in an isolated attitude.
Another beheading.
This time it was Wang Jian, but he didn’t directly connect his consciousness like Niu Qingye and was wiped out. His neck was broken in half, and the blood couldn’t stop (Zhao Hao) gushing out.
However, for the Ghost Rider, this injury is not a particularly big one.
I saw his body turned dead blue, pale and stiff, the neck that had been cut in half stopped bleeding instantly, the wound that was turned out was white, like dead flesh, and the dead blue dead flesh was disgusting. The granulation, connected to each other, returned to its original state in just a few seconds.
“.¨Thank you Mr. Yin for taking shelter.” Wang Jianhou thanked Yin Jian in fear.
Yin Jian didn’t pay attention to it. His eyes were on the ghost gate. There was a long and thin scratch on the ghost gate, as if someone had slashed here with a knife.
However, it is obvious that the level of terror of this paper man’s beheading has not surpassed that of the haunted house, and it is still a bit lower.
Although its bizarre attack penetrated the shelter of the haunted house and attacked Wang Jian, it was no longer known.
The opposite meaning contained in this strange slashThe slash of knowledge was completely blocked by the haunted house, and the physical beheading was also blocked by most of it.
This attack, which was supposed to be fatal, was neutralized by the haunted house, which is why Wang Jian was so grateful.
Yin Jian just waved his hand and motioned Wang Jian not to speak. To be honest, although the beheading of this paper man was weird, Yin Jian was not afraid yet. What he was afraid of was this ghost town.
It’s not just the paper man beheading the ghost town.
The paper money all over the sky and the white flags at the door of every house are all kind of weird. The horror level is not lower than the beheading of the paper man, or even more terrifying.
Sure enough, this will not be the No. 1 highway. The ghost town at the first stop has reached a level of horror, definitely the level of Yama, even stronger and more terrifying. .

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