The second site is a mountain of corpses.
This mountain of corpses is extremely strange and terrifying. Yin Jian just saw it, and the ghost in his body was automatically forced out, blocking some kind of supernatural shock, and the ghost turned back, which directly stressed Yin. shift of sight between.
With his horror level, this is still good~.
Wang Wu and Wang Jian didn’t even see anything, they almost died just by looking at the front.
Wang Jian’s impermanence level strength, even before he could see the corpse mountain clearly, he was directly affected by some kind of strange supernatural shock, and his eyes began to corrode. If it weren’t for this supernatural bus, the ghost’s recovery could be suppressed, and he would be able to use it arbitrarily. The ability to resist, I am afraid that even if he does not die from the curse, he will die from the resurrection of the ghost.
Not to mention Wang Wu, if Yin Jian hadn’t directly put the sacrificial lamp in his hand on him to help him suppress the curse in his body directly, he would have tried his best and would have died here directly.
Yin Jian couldn’t help but think of what Yang Xinggang had told him, that an old man at the headquarters who was suspected of Yama, just glanced at him, and completely suppressed his ghost recovery.
The current situation is so similar to that time, even more terrifying, just facing the front, and I haven’t seen that Wang Jian, the impermanent-level ghost rider, almost died. This is still under the isolation power of the ghost bus.
It’s not like they glanced at Shishan, but more like Shishan glanced at them, and they almost died.
But Yin Jian doesn’t care. He can easily watch the situation ahead under the isolation of ghost face, ghost house, and ghost skin.
It was this look that made him unable to help but look solemn.
This corpse mountain is even more bizarre than the previous ancient city. The entire corpse mountain is extremely huge, and the area at the bottom of it has exceeded the previous ancient city.
There are all broken arms and stumps here. The blood and corpse water are gathered together, almost forming a river under the corpse mountain, which looks extremely horrifying and disgusting.
The ghost house behind Yin Jian shrouded Wang Wu and the three of them. This corpse mountain has become like this. There must be all kinds of supernatural powers within the range, and the simple ghost bus may not be completely isolated.
This ghost bus is accelerating, and it seems to want to pass this corpse mountain as soon as possible.
Yes, go over this corpse mountain.Because here, there is only one road, that is a road on the mountain of corpses, a road opened by the corpse, extending to the top of the mountain.
Thinking of climbing up this weird corpse mountain, Yin Jian felt a little excited. Of course, it wasn’t because of this disgusting corpse mountain, but because it was obviously an extremely terrifying ghost.
And this Specter hasn’t come to reveal the whole picture yet. This is definitely not a mountain of corpses with only broken limbs and stumps. Otherwise, there is no way to explain the strangely stitched corpses they passed by before.
So, on the top of this corpse mountain, I’m afraid you can see what the Specter who really formed this corpse mountain looks like.
It was the ancient city before, and now it is the corpse mountain. Yin Jian really felt that his vision in the spiritual world was rapidly expanding. These are scenes that were hard to imagine before.
“Mr. Yin, what exactly is this second site?” Wang Jian turned his back to the corpse mountain, and asked with a sad face, “I just saw one mountain, and I almost died.”
“Well, it’s a mountain of corpses, full of broken limbs.” Yin Jian said expressionlessly.
He never thinks about the feelings of others, nor does he think about whether it is appropriate for him to say such things in such an occasion. This is a very natural thing to him. If someone asks, just answer it directly, no need Secretly, as for whether he can bear it or not, it has nothing to do with him.
“A corpse mountain composed of severed limbs? Is it a corpse mountain that big?” Wang Jian felt his teeth chattering.
Wang Wu and Zhou Jian on the side were not much better, a huge mountain of corpses, how terrifying this ghost is, it is simply unimaginable.
This kind of fear caught almost everyone’s heart when the bus bumped violently and then tilted as if it started to climb a hill.
“What are you doing now?” Wang Jian asked tremblingly.
“Climbing the mountain.” Yin Jian stared at the corpse mountain that was close at hand, and replied, after a pause, it seemed that the answer was too general, and he added: “The ghost bus is climbing this corpse mountain.”
Wang Jian suddenly lost his voice, and Wang Wu inserted the white lantern on his body tighter to avoid being carried out by the bumps of the ghost bus.
Zhou Jian simply closed his eyes and kept muttering, I can’t hear, I’m a ghost, I’m a dead person.
Yin Jian ignored the psychological senses of these three people. He just looked at the road on the mountain of corpses. Their underground road was paved with complete corpses. Like the corpses he had seen before, these corpses had various kinds of corpses on them. Traces of stitching.
On both sides of the road, there are various broken limbs.
After watching it for a while, Yin Jian realized something was wrong. Although the mountain of corpses was full of broken limbs, it was just too broken, too complete.
For example, some have only the body, some have dead heads, some have a hand, some have arms, some have thighs, and some have feet.
These are all body parts, but I haven’t seen internal organs or anything, and I haven’t seen any other sporadic minced meat so far.
How should I put it, it’s a bit weird. It’s like an assembled toy. It’s broken into many pieces, but if you don’t smash it, it’s impossible for him to make other pieces. This is what the current corpse mountain is like. The corpses on it are very broken. But it’s not that broken, just like pieces.
As the ghost bus got closer to the top of the mountain, the body shook more and more, and even the lights in front of it not only became dim, but also flickered, as if it would go out at any time.
And under such shaking, the ghost bus continued to accelerate.
Finally, the ghost bus was approaching the top of the mountain, and Yin Jian saw the platform on the top of the mountain, a platform built entirely of flesh and blood.
This platform is not entirely on the top of the mountain. To be precise, this platform is slightly lower than the top of the mountain, because the place on the real top of the mountain is even more terrifying and weird.
It was a huge figure facing the ghost bus, wearing a rough white linen mourning dress, which was yellow and black, stained with many stains.
Its hair is very long, and the long hair has been blocking the entire face and the entire body. Only a pair of white and strange human hands can be seen sticking out from behind the long hair, holding a very long needle, as if punching The kind of long needles for sweaters.
It holds a needle in one hand, with black hair on one side of the needle, it picks up a stump, and then sews the stump and the surrounding broken bodies together, huge needles, weird hair threads, the stitching process is extremely Rough, even disgusting.
The things that were sewn were also very deformed, but this ghost obviously didn’t care about it. After sewing the five broken bodies into one piece, he threw them down the mountain. The strange corpse drifted farther away.
Then it continued to sew, as if tirelessly.
This is a very strange law of operation. The larger the ghost, the larger the ghost, will eventually form a law of operation. This law of operation is more bizarre and idealistic than the killing law of some ghosts, and it will also lead to more Powerful running ability.
Just like ghost trains and ghost books, they don’t seem to have the law of killing, but their running laws and capabilities are more bizarre and powerful, and their growth potential will be even greater.
This corpse mountain feels more terrifying to Yin Jian than the ancient city, but Yin Jian still doesn’t know what the operation rules and operation capabilities of this corpse mountain are.
The platform is right in front of you, but the ghost bus didn’t stop, just like it was in Lin’s mansion.At that time, it sensed Yin Jian’s strength, and it also felt the horror of this corpse mountain at this moment, so it didn’t plan to stop and stop, it just wanted to speed up and leave here.
This also proves that this corpse mountain is indeed much more terrifying than the ancient city just now.
Perhaps it was the acceleration of the ghost bus that caught the attention of the strange figure on the top of the corpse mountain. I don’t know when, it had already stood up. When it stood up, Yin Jian realized that it was so tall.
It is four or five meters high, no wonder the stump was pinched in its hand like a rag doll, this is a monster.
The monster-like Specter stood on the top of the corpse mountain, silent, but Zhou Jian and the others in the car felt a severe sense of danger, and goosebumps all over their bodies.
Under Yin Jian’s calm gaze, the figure did nothing, but the mountain of corpses moved.
· · Flowers · ·
On both sides of the road of the ghost bus, a root of arms, thighs, and even human heads all rushed towards the ghost bus, grabbing the wheels of the ghost bus, and the thighs blocked everything that could be caught. In front of the wheel, even the rotting dead heads all opened their mouths and bit the ghost bus forcefully.
One after another.
Yin Jian also noticed that below the road, the complete corpses paved on the road were also restless, but a layer of black light flashed, as if suppressing those complete corpses and keeping the route normal.
The ghost bus is gradually slowing down in these stumps, because there are too many stumps, and they all contain powerful supernatural power.
Yin Jian didn’t have too many expressions on his face. He just flashed white light on his body and stood directly on the roof of the ghost bus, looking at the disgusting stumps around him, he didn’t say anything.
Just centering on him, a boxy haunted house was rapidly unfolding.
The ghost realm of the haunted house is of a very high level. The unfolding of the haunted house seems to have smoothed out all the ripples. Wherever it unfolded, all the rolling corpse waves have subsided, all been suppressed, and there is no movement at all.
The ghost house is displayed in a state of mourning. The rectangular mourning hall seems to have escaped a layer of supernatural armor for the ghost bus. It collided with the strangeness of the corpse mountain, isolating the ghost bus from the ghostly attack of the corpse mountain. The speed of the ghost bus Finally started to bring it up again.
Seeing that the ghost bus was about to start going down the mountain, Yin Jian still didn’t let his guard down at all. He kept staring at the tall figure standing up.
…… 0
But in the end, the tall figure didn’t move, as if it didn’t trigger the law of killing. Only the corpse mountain was in front of the road, and the phoenix condensed a huge corpse hand, as if to grab the entire ghost bus.
Yin Jian’s ghost touched it and took out a piece of white paper money obtained from the ancient city. The paper money was round on the outside and square on the inside. It looked very thin and fragile, but it was attached with extremely powerful supernatural power.
He walked to the front of the car, which is also the location of the ghost gate of the ghost house. Before holding the white one, he seemed to wipe it on the ghost lantern, and then threw it out towards the huge ghost hand in front of him.
The attack method of the white paper money is completely different from the previous floating in the ancient city. Yin Jian’s terror level and power endow it with a stronger impact.
Directly like a white light, it penetrated the entire huge corpse hand.
There is no sound, no blasting shock wave, no scattered minced meat, some are just white flames burning quietly, without any sound, without any temperature, strange burning.
It was the candle flame of the mourning lamp that was stained on the paper money. It seemed to be extremely restrained by the broken limb. The flame spread rapidly and burned, and the corpse hand was not moving. of suppressing the general.
The tall figure did not take action, and did not act until the ghost bus passed through the white flames, as if he was watching Yin Jian and the others leave the corpse mountain.
Yin Jian also stared at the tall figure. The tall figure had a very high level of terror. It was very likely that it was the core ghost of the corpse mountain, or the ghost of the body. Fortunately, he didn’t make a move. Otherwise, the ghost bus would want to come out. , it’s not that simple.
The ancient city, the corpse mountain, and the rest of the journey, Wang Wu and the others have stopped talking, and even forced their eyes to open their eyes again, lest they see something they shouldn’t see and die instantly.
This road is so terrifying, Highway No. 1, all are terrifying sites that make them unimaginable.
Each of them can easily kill them in seconds, even if they are sitting in this ghost bus. When on Highway 003, this ghost bus was still the eldest brother, but when we came to No. 1 highway, this ghost bus was really the younger brother.
If it wasn’t for Yin Jian, let alone them, this ghost bus might not even be able to get out of this highway stop.
It was also in this deadly environment that the ghost bus came to a new station. Wang Wu and the others were already scared by the corpse mountain. They didn’t dare to watch or even listen to anything.
Yin Jian is very comfortable to watch. He thinks that these supernatural sites are really exciting. Every time they seem to challenge the limits of people’s imagination and worldview.
With just two stops, Yin Jian felt that stepping on this ghost bus was already worth it.
This third site is a ghost forest. factory.

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