Wang Jian died. He died under the double supernatural isolation of Yinjian’s ghost house and ghost bus.
When he died, they didn’t even notice that he was dead.
Not only the body, but even the consciousness is dead.
The Specter didn’t even recover, because the ghost in his body disappeared at some point.
It seems that with the beckoning of the black-clothed old woman, Wang Jian’s life, consciousness, including the ghost in his body, disappeared, and what remained here was just an empty shell.
The old woman in black was just an ordinary beckoning with such terrifying power.
This made Yin Jiandu feel a little surprised. His ghost house has a high level of terror. Before, he was able to block the paper money in the ancient city, behead the paper figurines, suppress the strange stumps on the corpse mountain, and disperse the ghosts in the ghost forest. Fog, this is enough to prove the power of his haunted house.
However, to no avail.
Under the simple beckoning of the black-clothed old woman, his haunted house did not feel like it was penetrated at all, and the ghost bus was also closed tightly. I didn’t notice when the ghost in Wang Jian disappeared.
This is the No. 1 highway. The further back you go, the more terrifying the ghosts you encounter. It is connected to the ghost bus, and you usually don’t dare to take this road.
Niu Qingye was the first to die in the ancient city, and Wang Jian died at this seemingly ordinary bus stop, at the beckoning of a ghost that seemed impossible to resist.
Wang Wu’s face turned pale with fright. Zhou Jian looked at Wang Jian who was silent in front of him. After glancing at the ghost house spread out around Yin Jian, his trembling mouth was already speechless.
Both of them are close to collapse, because what they have experienced today is too much weirdness beyond their current level.
Even if an ordinary person encounters a ghost of the lowest level, he will be scared to the point of collapse, and the spirit of the ghost rider is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.
In front of the ghosts on this route, their strength is not much stronger than that of an ordinary person. The ghosts here need one blow to kill an ordinary person, and they won’t need a second blow to kill them in the same way.
12 After the black-clothed old woman recruited Wang Jian’s consciousness and the Specter in her body, she raised her hand to the ghost bus again.
Yin Jian teleported to the roof of the ghost bus, and the ghost house switched to the mourning house mode. The long mourning hall extended to the old woman in black, but she couldn’t pull the old woman in black into the ghost house.
Her super-high horror level directly lined up the ghost realm of the haunted house, just like Yin Jian used his flesh to cut the ghost realm of d size directly.
This is what Yin Jian expected, the ghost of the old woman in black can see his ghost house as nothing, and naturally he will not be easily planted in the suppression of his ghost realm.
However, his purpose has been achieved, he just wants to extend the ghost realm in front of the old woman and construct a connecting medium.
The old woman in black under the bus stop raised her hand like no one else was there. She wanted to start the next ghost wave.
Yin Jian was standing on the roof of the bus. In front of him was the elongated haunted house. On the opposite side of the haunted house was the old woman in black. The space in the middle was distorted by him. short.
“Cough, cough.” Yin Jian covered his mouth with one hand, sending out the old man’s seriousness.A sickly cough.
He spread out his hand, and the palm of his hand was bright red.
Ghost cough, coupled with coughing up ghost blood, double blessing, this is derived from the ghost ability of Lu Yue, a sick ghost at the level of Yan Luo, the attack is extremely strange, it can be activated only by sound and distance, and combined with Yin The level of horror in the room makes this kind of spiritual attack extremely terrifying.
The raised hand of the old woman in black became stiff and slowed down, as if some kind of supernatural power was affecting her.
She put the raised hand in front of her mouth, and coughed lightly. There was only one sound, but it was enough. The attack of the ghost beckoning was interrupted and did not launch.
“Sure enough.” Yin Jian said while standing on the roof of the car, looking at the old woman’s state.
There is no absolutely incomprehensible ghost ability, and he still remembers the five paragraphs of nonsense mixed with ghost laughter.
Among them, only ghosts can deal with ghosts. He has used it many times. The second is this sentence. There is a law in the actions of ghosts, and this law is where the weakness of ghosts lies.
The ability of ghost beckoning seems to be very incomprehensible. Once it is activated, at least for the current Yin Jian, it is sure to kill. He can’t protect people from ghost beckoning.
That is to say, at the current stage, this ability has no solution after activation, so she needs to be interrupted before activation.
And the old woman in black’s method of killing is undoubtedly waving to kill, that is, as long as she interrupts her waving, her ability can be deciphered.
Of course, this is a big gamble, but there is no doubt that judging from the results, he made the right bet.
By the time the old woman raised her hand again, the speeding ghost bus had already moved away from the bus stop.
Yin Jian seemed to be able to understand why the bus faced the old woman in black like a mouse seeing a cat. This ghost’s waving was not for killing people, but for attracting ghosts.
She beckoned away the ghost in Wang Jian’s body before, and by the way, Wang Jian’s consciousness was also taken away. As for where the ghost went, Yin Jian guessed that it should directly become a ghost puzzle, which can also explain why this black Why is the horror level of the old woman so high?
With this ability to attract ghosts, I’m afraid she just looks like a human, and her body is already a ghost cave, which is similar to Yin Jian’s state.
For this old woman to appear on such a back platform, the ghosts in her body are probably not less than the ghosts in the ghost forest and flower sea before, or even more.
In front of this old woman in black, the ghost bus is also her prey.
After escaping from the terrifying old woman in black, Zhou Jian grabbed his head vigorously with both hands. While he was relieved, he felt a little listless and desperate.
Because he experienced too many terrifying and strange ghosts today, and felt the attack of death countless times, and the irresistible death drew Wang Jian and Niu Qingye away from the four of them like a lottery, which made him even more affected. No small shock.
But soon, something lifted Wang Wu and Zhou Jian’s mood.
Because this ghost bus drove out of that weird spiritual world and entered the real world.
The most obvious point is that the sky has changed. It is no longer like the noon sun over there, but the dawn breaks and the sun rises.
And on their watches, it was also seven o’clock in the morning, which was exactly the same as the sky.
“Mr. Yin.” Wang Wu excitedly supported the ghost lantern stuck in his chest to pick up the pole, and looked at Yin Jian.
Yin Jian looked around in surprise, then nodded calmly at Wang Wu: “This is indeed the real world.”
“Great, it’s finally out.” Zhou Jian couldn’t help cheering loudly, and even wept with joy, as if he had come to the world from hell.
It was only six or seven hours since the trigger from Lin’s mansion, but Zhou Jian recalled that during these six or seven hours, it seemed that they lived under the threat of death every second. They, including this ghost bus, seemed to be running for their lives all the time.
“Although we have come to the real world, I advise you to wait before getting out of the car.” Yin Jian said to them after looking around.
Now he can send them out of the car at any time, after all, the door of this ghost bus can’t stop his haunted house and haunted domain.
However, there is something wrong with this place. Although it is the real world, there are still supernatural powers. This is a supernatural place. Although it is not as scary as the supernatural world, it is not like Zhou Jianwangwu and the two of them can relax easily. Walked out alive.
After all, he still has to sit on this ghost bus to the end, it is impossible to protect the two of them, even Wang Wu.
Yin Jian was very satisfied with this trip on Highway 3, and he saw a lot of interesting things, but he still hasn’t forgotten the purpose of getting on this car, and he hasn’t got the information he wants most.
After all, Zhou Jian is also a judge, and his perception of supernatural powers is not bad. After he got excited, he also felt something was wrong around him.
But his mental state is obviously much better. Why was he so desperate in the ghost world before? Because they couldn’t get out of the ghost bus. After they got out of the ghost bus, they had no way to leave the ghost world. They had no way out. They could only follow the ghost bus. .
But it’s different now. Even if they encounter some kind of ghost with a very high level of terror, at least in the real world, they have a way out, and they can find a way to escape at any time.
Zhou Jian is like this, Wang Wu has nothing to do, he can survive this trip, all thanks to the protection of Yin Jian’s ghost lantern, and luck.
Otherwise, with his strength, 10,000 of them would not be able to walk out of No. 1 highway alive. He only listens to Yin Jian now, and Yin Jian told him to get off the car.He got out of the car, and Yinjian asked him to keep it.
Because after this incident, he knew too much about his own strength.
As the ghost bus drove slowly, they gradually entered a small village in the mountains. This time, the ghost bus did not speed up, but still kept a constant speed, which also means that even if the village is a ghost village, I am afraid it is not so much. danger.
It’s just that it doesn’t look dangerous, but it’s equally weird.
After entering the village, the first thing is that it is unpopular. The village seems to have been abandoned for a long time. Every family has their gates open.
And the unfortunate thing is that through the gate, you can see that every house has a coffin parked in the courtyard, and there are white elegiac couplets and white lanterns hanging at the door of each house.
Naturally, this white lantern is not a ghost lantern on Yinjian Ghost Gate, but an ordinary white lantern, perhaps covered with some supernatural power.
In addition to these obvious features, as they went deeper into the village, they found that in the lobby of many rooms, there was an old Taishi chair, and the styles were actually similar.
“Mr. Yin, there is something wrong with the coffins in each room.” Zhou Jian said to Yin Jian.
He looked at the coffins in the courtyards of those rooms and felt a little uneasy, as if each coffin contained a ghost.
“Yeah.” Yin Jian nodded, Zhou Jian guessed correctly.
This is indeed a ghost village, and every house here is a ghost house.
Of course, it’s not like Yin Jian’s ghost house, but every house has a ghost, and the ghost stays in that weird coffin. As for the equally weird Taishi chair, across the ghost bus, Yin Jian also I don’t know what kind of supernatural that Taishi chair is.
“There is no danger here.” Yin Jian carefully looked at the surrounding haunted houses, and said in a flat tone.
This is indeed a ghost village, and the horror level is probably not low, but so many ghosts seem to be suppressed by some equally terrifying existence, so the village is now in a silent state, and the danger is not high.
The fact that the supernatural bus didn’t speed up already hinted at this.
After the ghost bus drove slowly to the very center of the village, it stopped and opened the door. This is the ghost station of the village.
Yin Jian looked around the site. This is almost the largest old house in this ghost village. Although it looks the same, it is not deserted. ‘s popularity.
“It seems that some people live here.” Zhou Jian also looked at the big house again, and such an idea appeared in his heart.
But soon, such thoughts were cut off by him. After all, if someone lived in this most dangerous ghost village, what level of strength would they have?
Thinking of this, Zhou Jian glanced at Yin Jian who was beside him thoughtfully.
He didn’t doubt that Yin Jian was definitely the boss who could live in the center of this ghost village.
There were so many terrifying and strange things on Highway 1 that they had experienced in the past few hours. The big guy didn’t have any change in his expression, and he dealt with it calmly and confidently throughout the whole process.
Even the terrifying old woman in black at the end, he dared to go straight up.
“Cough cough.”
When this messy thought appeared in Zhou Jian’s mind.
In the house where the platform was located, a low-pitched old man coughed, Wang Wu instantly grabbed the ghost lantern pole, and Zhou Jian was terrified.
They just came out of that terrifying supernatural world, and they were a little nervous.
“It’s a human’s cough, not a ghost’s cough. It should be a ghost master.” Yin Jian glanced at Zhou Jian and Wang Wu, who were overreacting, and said.
After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes back to the position of the mansion. He was curious now, what kind of ghost rider lived in the center of this ghost village with a high level of terror.
This may be what Li Ji said about Yama, who suppresses supernatural places around the world.
However, no one came out of the room until the ghost bus closed.
When the ghost bus completely drove away, when Yin Jian looked back, he saw an old man in black with a gloomy complexion and age spots, standing at the door, watching them leave so strangely.
ps: Today’s update on the shelves is over. It has almost 30,000 words. It will continue to be updated tomorrow. Brothers, please support us for more subscriptions. .

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