The ability of ghost flesh and blood is very powerful. Moreover, this seems to be the ability to go hand in hand with ghosts eating ghosts. Ghosts eat ghosts and then transform into ghost flesh and blood.
Of course, only Yin Jian can do this, because the essence of ghost flesh and blood is also ghosts, and too much ghost flesh and blood will also revive ghosts. If it is a normal ghost master, even if there are ghosts eating ghosts and ghost flesh and blood, they will not be able to. Dare to use.
Only Yin Jian has a mysterious suppressing force in his body, which allows him to keep filling ghosts in his body without worrying about the recovery of ghosts. You know, even Yan Luo has died from the recovery of ghosts.
Back then, from the moment Lu Yue walked out of the Lin family’s house, even without his subsequent weird actions, he would have died from the resuscitation of the ghost.
The ability of ghost flesh and blood is of great help to the current Yin Jian, which is equivalent to directly paving the way for him. The main body has the growth path of ghosts eating ghosts and ghost flesh and blood, and the ghost house has the growth path of imprisoning ghosts. , the combination of the two is the strongest.
After fully mastering the ability of ghost flesh and blood, Yin Jian didn’t stop. He wanted to integrate his current abilities to prepare for the next site No. 3.
The ghost house is naturally put aside first. Now Yin Jian’s ghost house has eighteen real rooms in addition to the illusory rooms brought about by the files of the ghost books.
The eight living ghosts in the ghost book.
In addition, the nine ghosts who got on the bus on the 005 highway were detained on the ghost bus.
and the ghost car that Yin Jian put in at the end.
Of course, the real horror level is much higher than this number. After all, there are two impermanence and two judges among the living ghosts, and the ghost car is at least made up of four ghosts.
These are the ghosts that are probably imprisoned in the haunted house, and their level of terror.
Aside from the haunted house, there are even more ghosts in Yin Jian’s body than in the haunted house.
Physical ghosts have ghost skin, ghost heart, upper and lower ghost bones, ghost hands, and ghost blood.
Li ghosts have the ability to kill people, ghosts turn their heads, ghosts eat ghosts, ghosts frequency, ghosts cough, ghosts sigh, just got ghost splitting, ghost flesh and blood, and ghost cloth shoes on their feet.
In addition, the ten ordinary ghosts that Gui Chigui swallowed on the ghost bus.
Not counting the supernatural items he was carrying, Yin Jian already had as many as twenty-four ghosts in his body, even more than those in 283 Ghost House.
After roughly trying out all the ghost’s abilities in this ghost bus, Yin Jian began to integrate the ghosts in his body.
First of all, the ten ghosts that were devoured by the ghost bus. These ten ghosts got on the bus from Highway 005. They are relatively weak ghosts. In other words, the ghost puzzle is too small.
It is also these ghosts who are transformed into ghost flesh and blood first.
Among the ten ghosts, one ghost blood ghost was swallowed by ghost blood. For the remaining nine ghosts, Yin Jian left a relatively useful ghost teleportation, and the rest were all transformed into ghost flesh and blood.
Ghost teleportation is one of the more useful abilities among these ghosts. It doesn’t matter if the puzzle is not big, after all, this ability does not seek to kill.
The ability of ghost teleportation is as far as the line of sight can be, and it can be teleported directly. It is a little easier to use than ghost heartbeat teleportation, and it is more quiet and convenient. The disadvantage is that the ghost puzzle is too small and the level of terror is too low. Interference, the teleportation cannot reach the place shrouded by supernatural power.
But this is not a shortcoming for Yin Jian. The ghost’s flesh and blood can increase the level of the ghost’s ability itself. In addition, he has a very high level of terror and is minimally affected by the interference of supernatural power.
After the nine ordinary ghosts were transformed into ghost flesh and blood, Yin Jian instantly noticed the change.
The body seems to be more substantial, the body no longer feels empty, and his horror level has also improved a little. Although the number of ghosts has not changed, after being transformed into ghost flesh and blood, the ghost flesh and flesh seem to have produced with his ghost body. Some miraculous reactions made the terror level of these ghosts and flesh higher than that of ordinary ghosts before.
This is the most intuitive and most obvious change.
And the deeper changes, of course, are the transformed ghost flesh and blood. For the enhancement of the ghost’s ability itself, this requires experimentation.
And this ghost bus, which can isolate ghosts and has a high level of terror, is undoubtedly a good place for experiments.
“Cough cough.”
Yin Jian put his hand on his mouth and coughed lightly twice.
This is a ghost cough, and it is an ordinary ghost cough that does not use ghost blood to form a ghost cough blood enhancement.
But when using this ability, Yin Jian could clearly feel that the nine pieces of ghost flesh and blood transformed in his body became slightly (bcbd) slightly hot. It seemed that the nine pieces of ghost flesh and blood were activated while the ghost was coughing.
It’s obviously just an ordinary ghost cough, but the ghost cough sounded even weirder, as if several old people were coughing at the same time.The coughing sound seemed to come directly from the bottom of a person’s heart.
Click, click.
In this terrifying coughing sound, fine cracks appeared on the window glass of the ghost bus, as if it could not contain this strange supernatural power.
The dim headlights at the front of the car flickered on and off, and even the road ahead could not be illuminated.
“Cough cough cough cough.”
It was also at this time that Yin Jian suddenly heard the direct front of the ghost bus, which seemed to be the position of the engine. There was a violent coughing sound. The coughing sound was continuous and heartbreaking. A normal person coughed like this. coughed up.
Then, under Yin Jian’s experiment, the ghost bus went out in this dark ghost realm passage.
The violent coughing sound from the engine, the coughing sound has completely suppressed the sound of the engine.
“Shasha, cough, cough, cough.”
In the on-board broadcast of the ghost bus, there were also violent coughing sounds and noisy electronic noises.
It seems that the whole bus is coughing uncontrollably.
Yin Jian finally stopped coughing. He was able to see the blessing of the ghost’s flesh and blood on the ghost’s ability. The power of the ghost’s cough was increased several times. Even the ghost bus was directly shut down by the ghost’s cough. Can’t stand it.
The power of Ghost Cough is already so strong, the more powerful Ghost Sigh Yin Jian didn’t dare to try it on this ghost bus. He was really afraid of scrapping the ghost bus that was about to be scrapped.
He doesn’t have the strength to build a ghost bus yet.
And this is just the blessing of nine pieces of ghost flesh and blood. Yin Jian has already made up his mind. After a while, he will come to the ghost bus for a turn. This ghost bus has several lines to gather ghosts, and it can completely suppress them. Relatively speaking For Yinjian’s ghost eating ghost, this ghost bus is like a dining car.
Even if the ghost on the route that the ghost bus usually travels on is not that strong, but after being transformed into the ghost’s flesh and blood, it can make him a lot stronger.
Don’t look at the fact that Yin Jian’s current terror level has not improved much from before, but his physical strength has increased several times, and the abilities of several Specter Ghosts have all improved in the same quality.
At this point in the experiment, Yin Jian was very satisfied, and he did not continue to transform the ghosts in his body.
The physical ghost in the body is a perfect ghost body, it is impossible for him to transform, and the remaining ghost powers he left behind are very useful.
Ghost cough and ghost sigh are the puzzle pieces of the sick ghost Lu Yue. They are very aggressive and have a lot of triggering media. They can sound and have a good spatial range. They are very practical and powerful attack abilities.
Naturally, it goes without saying that the ghost eats the ghost. The ghost is a sign in the system. The horror level is very high. The ghost frequency is bound to the ghost heart. The ghost cloth shoes are very comfortable to wear, and Yin Jian does not plan to change the shoes.
At present, he has roughly integrated the messy abilities in his body. The system of ghost flesh and blood has indeed made Yin Jian’s body walk on a smoother road.
Yin Jian did not experiment any more in the ghost bus, and the coughing noise in the ghost bus gradually subsided.
After all, it is a ghost bus with a high level of terror, and it will not be scrapped by ghost cough.
Ten minutes later, the ghost bus turned on its lights again, and the small cracks on the window glass began to be repaired gradually. The ghost bus started running again.
I don’t know how long it took to drive in the dark ghost realm. Yin Jian closed his eyes slightly in the car and took a nap for a while. When he opened his eyes and looked at his watch, he had probably driven two times in this dark ghost realm passage. hours.
As an ordinary person, in such a strange environment, he might be nervous and fearful, but for Yin Jian, he was just a little impatient.
Very quickly, after another ten minutes of driving, there was already a faint light in front. This ghost bus has been running for so long, and finally it is about to leave this ghost territory passage.
Yin Jian sat up straight, looking at the light in front of him, he was a little curious about the next station.
According to Highway No. before, the more dangerous the situation is, the next site should be more terrifying than the previous site, not to mention, this site is a bit unusual, it is full of ghosts It took more than two hours to get there.
Yin Jian has long been tempted by his appetite.
The light flashed instantly, and the ghost bus exited the dark ghost realm passage and came to a new place.
This is a somewhat old station, full of the atmosphere of the times, it is the architectural style of decades ago, but Yin Jian is no stranger to this place.
When he first saw this place, he was surprised.
But when you think about it, this is to be expected.
Here is the platform of the ghost train. Of course, it is not the ghost platform with the size of D, but a new ghost platform.
This is both a bus stop and a platform for a ghost train.
The ghost bus stopped here, opened the door, Yin Jian got off the bus, looked at the railway line in front of the platform that was exactly the same as D University, and then turned to look at the sign that was very similar to D University.
There are several large characters written on it.
Daping Railway Station No. 001 train.
This is indeed not the platform of the ghost train of the D-large. The ghost platform of the D-large is written as “Train 001 of Kaiping Railway Station.”
This is another ghost train platform. Yin Jian’s initial guess was correct. There are indeed other places in this world with ghost train platforms.
Every platform is a piece of the puzzle, and the influence of this ghost train is global.
It’s just that although this ghost train has a very high level of terror, it doesn’t seem to have a strong killing pattern and killing ability. As long as you don’t step into the ghost train, you willThere is not much danger, otherwise, this ghost train with such a high level of terror would have been out of control on a global scale.
“Daping Railway Station.” Yin Jian whispered, looking at the words written on the sign.
It wasn’t that the word had any special supernatural power, he just felt that the word Daping was a little familiar, as if he had heard and seen it somewhere.
After thinking for a while, Yin Jian took out the collection, opened the chat software, and the address that Wang Wu sent before.
The one above is impressively remembered, “Daping City, Haizhou, No. 001 Lin’s House.”
This ghost platform is also Daping Railway Station, which means that the platform where the ghost bus arrives is in the same small city as Lin’s mansion.
When Yin Jian thought of this, the door of the ghost bus slammed shut, then accelerated directly and drove away from this ghost space.
This is not the weird horror of this ghost space, nor is the ghost train coming. This ghost bus just simply wants to stay away from Yinjian. This is the operation instinct of the ghost bus, just like it wanted to Efforts to deviate from the old woman in black.
Yin Jian didn’t stop the ghost bus. As soon as he saw the word Daping on the sign, he knew that this ghost bus trip was almost over.
If he guessed correctly, the next stop of the ghost bus should be at Lin’s mansion.
This seems a bit unreasonable. After all, Lin Yin clearly said that twelve o’clock in the middle of the night is the distance of the ghost bus passing through the Lin’s mansion. According to normal guesses, the ghost bus should pass through the Lin’s mansion once a day.
But thinking of the No. 1 highway they passed, the ghost bus has been accelerating, and it seems to make sense.
Highway No. 1 is not a regular route for ghost buses. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for ghost buses to choose this route, because although its horror level is high, it is obviously not enough to drive normally on Highway No. 1.
Of course Yin Jian knew that the ghost bus route had something to do with him, but he still didn’t know what the rules of operation were and what the choice of this route represented.
He only knew that this Lin’s mansion might be the starting station of the ghost bus, and the train station in Daping might be the terminal station of the ghost bus.
The ghost bus departed from Lin’s mansion, transporting something, and then came to the station of the ghost train. Here, people or ghosts on the ghost bus may step on the ghost train and go to another unknown place.
But the route that the ghost bus travels is scary enough. Yin Jian can’t imagine now, where is the ghost train going, a supernatural world like Highway No. 1?
Lin’s mansion, prison, mixes consciousness with Specter’s murderous instinct, Ghost Bus, suppress Specter’s recovery, transport Specter and Ghost Rider to the terminal ghost train.
And the ghost train is a new round of transportation, which may lead to an even more bizarre world.
This is a route designed by someone. Combining these three, Yin Jian faintly has an amazing guess that comes to mind. .

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