These words are of course nonsense to Yin Jian.
When he got into this weird ghost train, his focus was to kill the mummy driver.
It doesn’t matter if he is a human or a ghost.
When they met for the first time, they wanted to drag him into the ghost train and kill him.
Not to mention repeating the old trick for the second time, it also hindered him from further exploring the secret of the ghost train.
For these two festivals, whether it was to better understand the ghost train, or to get rid of this genius ghost driver first, Yin Jian was going to kill him here.
One can be two, but Yin Jian will never give this mummy a chance to be three.
But he really didn’t expect this weird mummy driver to show such an expression and say such words after the ghost in his body was suppressed.
He thought that he might say the phrase “Don’t hinder me” on the ghost bus.
It is more in line with his arrogant and arrogant personality as a genius Yan Luo.
However, by now, it was already too late to say anything. Yin Jian completely suppressed the ghost in Yan Luo’s body, and then waved his hand slightly. A white paper money fell from the sky and stuck on the neck of the mummy.
His last consciousness disappeared, leaving only a ghostly body.
This white paper money is the paper money that fell from the ancient city. It contains powerful spiritual power. It is not only extremely sharp, but can also directly wipe out people’s consciousness. If the mummy driver is the main body, it may not be so simple.
But this is just a clone, and the ghost in his body has been completely suppressed, and the supernatural power on the white paper money easily wiped out his consciousness.
Yin Jian took back the paper money, and there was still some supernatural power on it, so he could use it a few more times.
Before this, he still had dozens of cards, but before he was able to easily go back and forth to the spiritual world on Route 002, he needed one less for such a useful thing.
The mummy driver lost all consciousness, and the ghost in his body was suppressed again, and fell directly in the courtyard of the ghost house.
A ghost face with blue face and fangs appeared on Yin Jian’s face, swelled, broke free, devoured, and swallowed the mummy driver in one go.
Without human consciousness and being completely suppressed, this has become a dish for ghosts to eat.
Yin Jian felt the changes in his body, and the jigsaw puzzle in his body became bigger, and the ability of ghost splitting became stronger, but he didn’t intend to use it like a mummy Yan Luo.
He will not use this ability to cut his own consciousness. The only advantage that humans can have against ghosts is their own consciousness and wisdom. If even this is split, it will be a waste of time.
In fact, Yin Jian could also suppress the clone of Yan Luo, the mummy, and put him in a ghost house, but the reason why he didn’t do so was because of the ghost’s ability to split, which is a very useful ability.
If the horror level is high enough, it can even split the ghost into more incomplete puzzle pieces, lowering the horror level of the ghost.
The ghost ability in Yin Jian’s current body can be compared with this ghost splitting, only ghost flesh and blood and ghost eating ghost, ghost turning back and ghost sighing are not enough.
So Yin Jian wants to get more ghost split puzzles through the mummy driver in the ghost train.
Bang bang, after devouring a mummy clone, Yin Jian turned around and tried to knock on the door leading to the driver’s cab, but there was no movement.
Then he pushed hard and smashed it, but even with the blessing of nine pieces of ghost flesh and blood, the huge force he could easily open the door of the ghost bus before has no effect on this door, like a piece of iron wall .
The protection of the driving position of the ghost train is obviously much stronger than that of the ghost bus, and its own terror level is also much higher than that of the ghost bus.
Yin Jian couldn’t get in the cab, so Yin Jian could only push the other door.
That is the door leading to the first compartment. There is also some supernatural power on this car door, but this supernatural power is far less powerful than the supernatural power of the driver’s door.
Yin Jian just used the ability of splitting ghosts to easily destroy the supernatural power of the door of the first compartment, opened the door and walked in.
In the first compartment of the ghost train, as soon as you enter the door, you can feel the strengthening of the spiritual power, and the cold air has also been greatly strengthened. The insulating power of the ghost skin on the surface of Yin Jian’s body has been suppressed a little.
That’s because, Yin Jian, he has already entered the pile of ghosts.
The moment he entered the first compartment, Yin Jian did not rush to deal with the mummy Yan Luo in the blue uniform, but immediately glanced at the interior of the compartment.
This is very important information about the ghost train.
The interior of the entire ghost train is much more spacious than the old-fashioned green leather train. In the first carriage, there are four windows, and each window corresponds to four seats. There are a total of sixteen seats in this carriage, and each seat is With a ghost.
It’s just that the interior of the ghost train blocked Yin Jiangui’s perception of eating ghosts. He couldn’t judge the horror level of the sixteen ghosts in the first carriage through his perception.
And as he imagined, once stepping inside the carriage, a group of ghosts will be triggered to kill,Then the siege did not happen.
It was obviously the ghost carriage that induced the recovery of the Specter, but all these ghosts were sitting in their seats without any disturbance.
The ghost face of ghost eating ghost suddenly swelled up from Yin Jian’s face and swallowed it directly towards a ghost on the seat.
However, it was useless, it was not swallowed.
Either there is human consciousness in their bodies, they are ghost riders, or the seat of this ghost train is protected by special supernatural powers, or when they sit on this seat, they have become part of the puzzle of this ghost train. .
And the ability of ghosts to eat ghosts is not able to directly devour a part of the puzzle beyond the body ghost.
The ghost split is already split, it belongs to an independent puzzle, and there is not much connection between it and the main body.
Yin Jian squatted down slightly and looked at the Specter who just wanted to swallow but couldn’t.
This is a ghost with black eyes, black lips, and a mouth with black teeth.
But strangely, when Yin Jian was looking at him, he turned his head and looked at Yin Jian.
This is not a trigger of killing rules, but a simple act of staring, just like on a high-speed train, when someone passes by, the person sitting in the seat casually glances.
But this kind of gesture is fine on a human being, but on a ghost, it would definitely be called weird.
Yin Jian seemed to have guessed something. He directly unfolded the haunted house, and there was a violent shock of supernatural power between the haunted house and the train seat, but Yin Jian was just a seat. After a moment, the supernatural power on this seat disappeared. It was completely suppressed by Yin Jian.
The Specter on the seat turned his pure black eyes, his black lips opened, revealing a sharp ghost tooth, but he was not trying to bite Yin Jian.
Instead, he struggled to say a word without the slightest emotion.
“kill me.”
It’s the same as the corpse pilot, but the point is not the sentence itself, but the one who said it is a ghost.
No, it should be said that after he said these words, he was not a ghost, but an alien, an alien whose consciousness was integrated into the ghost body, but just like the corpse driver’s clone just now, the human consciousness contained in it is almost complete. obliterated.
Only one obsession remained.
Yin Jian also used white paper money to clear his consciousness in his body, but even if he had cleared his consciousness, he still couldn’t be swallowed by Yin Jian, nor could he be imprisoned in a haunted house.
Because this ghost is already part of this ghost train.
This can be seen from the fact that Yin Jian couldn’t pull him into the ghost house, but could only suppress the supernatural power in the seat below him.
The first carriage, the seat, and the Specter on the seat have all been completely integrated with the ghost train, becoming a ghost. He couldn’t pull a single Specter and the seat into the ghost house.
After trying to no avail, Yin Jian took back the haunted house and looked at the sixteen Specter Ghosts in the first carriage, now they should be called Sixteen Aliens.
The more you understand this ghost train, the more you feel that his horror is no different from the horrors of Highway 002.
He actually grew up by devouring aliens. I am afraid most of the aliens that came out of the Lin family’s house were swallowed up by it. This is probably why this route is out of control, and it is also why Lin Yin and the others abandoned Lin a hundred years ago. The mansion.
Because if the Lin’s mansion were to continuously transport aliens to this ghost train, just to provide it with nutrients, it would raise an extremely terrifying ghost.
Thinking of this, Yin Jian looked at the corpse driver avatar who was wandering in the aisle of the train.
In this way, this corpse Yama should have been enslaved by this ghost train, but he is stronger and can resist a little, and he has not completely become a puzzle of this ghost train.
“No.” Yin Jian frowned.
He thought of the seat in the cab. This mummy driver should have been completely enslaved, otherwise his consciousness would not have left the obsession with killing him.
He called people through the ability of ghosts to call people, and let the comers kill him, but this ability was used by the ghost train instead, attracting more ghost riders to strengthen himself.
Even the mummified corpse in this carriage may not have been created by himself, but by the ghost train using his ghost splitting ability to forcibly split it.
After all, the ghost train is a ghost. He can arbitrarily split the consciousness of human beings, and it will not affect its body anyway.
“I wanted to control it, but I was attacked. Even Yama is not an opponent of this ghost train.” Yin Jian thought.
But this doesn’t have much to do with him. Since only the corpse can be swallowed, then only the corpse can be swallowed. Anyway, there are ghost-split puzzles inside…  
Yin Jian walked straight towards the mummy driver.
The mummy driver also showed a weird smile and stretched out a finger towards Yin Jian.
Ghosts point to people.
The ghost power contained in the mummified avatar in the small space behind the car door is the ghost calling.
And this is a ghost pointing to a person.
When the index finger of the mummified corpse pointed to Yin Jian, he really felt the outbreak of a strange supernatural power. This kind of ghost’s ability to kill is very strange.
His medium is not common sight, sound, space, but just a finger, as long as the finger is aimed at the target, it can kill the target.
This is also a killing ability, but obviously, the horror of this corpse clone, etc.Level, obviously not enough, Yin Jian didn’t even unfold the ghost house, the isolated light of the ghost skin on the surface of his body flickered slightly, which easily resolved the power this time.
Then it was the same process, the haunted house unfolded, the paper money wiped out the remaining consciousness, and the ghost swallowed it easily.
The ghost split puzzle is bigger.
In the same way, Yin Jian has retained the ability of ghosts calling people and ghosts pointing people, not turning them into flesh and blood. These two abilities are very strange and very practical.
There was only one mummified corpse in the first compartment. After Yin Jian resolved it, he did not go forward to enter the second compartment.
He just checked the appearance of the sixteen aliens in the first compartment, and then compared them with the pages of the ghost book archives in the haunted house. It turned out that there were indeed a few aliens who could barely distinguish their appearance from the ghost books. files are very similar.
In the Lin family house a hundred years ago, many of those ghost riders who tampered with their consciousness were indeed devoured by this ghost train.
After verifying this guess, Yin Jian looked at the time on his watch. It had been almost ten minutes since the ghost train entered the station.
According to his last guess about the ghost train’s running law, he should leave at this time, because the ghost train will probably close the door and leave after about ten minutes after entering the station.
Yin Jian didn’t want to be locked in the ghost train. After all, the ghost knew which supernatural world the ghost train was heading for.
At least comparing the horror levels of the ghost train and the ghost bus, the station of the ghost train is probably not worse than the No. 002 highway of the ghost bus, or even stronger.
There were not too many twists and turns on the way to exit. The door of the ghost train had not been closed, and the previous mummified corpse had been cleaned up. Yin Jian easily exited the car.
After all, he used the isolation power of the ghost skin to isolate the supernatural beings in the ghost train from beginning to end, and he was not induced by the ghost train to revive the ghost, nor did it become part of his puzzle.
When Yin Jian just exited, the ghost train made a sound like a jet, and then the door slowly closed.
Through the window glass of the car door, Yin Jian saw that the door of the cab he couldn’t open was pushed open by a thin hand, and a mummy in a new blue work uniform walked out like this. come out.
He walked straight through the small space in the door, pushed open the door and walked to the first compartment.
After him, an identical mummy came out. He stood behind the car door and gave Yin Jian a weird smile, and then the cab door was completely closed.
Woo woo woo.
Ten minutes after entering the station, the ghost train started again.
Yin Jian suddenly remembered the photos of the railway excavation that Wang Wu sent him. In the photos, there were all kinds of ghost footprints on both sides of the excavated railway.
Thinking of this, he opened the haunted house in an instant.
When the ghost house unfolded near the body of the ghost train, it collided with a powerful supernatural force. Yin Jian blessed the ghost house with the ability of nine pieces of ghost flesh and blood, opening a gap in that supernatural power.
From that gap, he saw the tip of the ice on the ghost train.
It was a densely packed Specter. Specter was covered with an old straw rope, which was connected to the ghost train and to the seats under the aliens of the ghost train.
These ghosts didn’t have any expressions, the machine walked forward, they were wearing straw ropes, like trackers, and countless ghosts were pulling the ghost train forward.
It was also at this moment that Yin Jian finally knew what the ghost train was doing to control the aliens. It was using the human consciousness contained in the alien ghosts to control the ghosts pulling the carts on both sides of the railway in disguise.
Seeing this strange scene, Yin Jian suddenly remembered something that made people chill.
Until now, people have controlled ghosts, so many people have ignored a possibility.
That is a ghost, and it can also control people.
It wasn’t that the corpse Yama drove the ghost train, but the ghost train drove the unknown Yama.
ps; Today’s 17,000 words, I haven’t slept well, my head is a little dizzy, I originally wanted to do 20,000 updates. .

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