Scattered Immortal

Chapter 368: Huizong

After Tang Qing left, Princess Yuhua looked at the direction in which he disappeared, with a complicated expression, frowning, shaking her head, about to speak, but then stopped. Mother Shen came and stood beside her for a while. He asked, "Your Highness, are you waiting here for many days just to tell him this?"

Princess Yuhua didn't respond, and Mother Shen continued to ask, "Jiutian is going to destroy Shang Qingzong this time, why do you have to tell him so much?"

"Hehe..." Princess Yuhua smiled inexplicably, shook her head slightly, and said, "Nine Heavens is not trying to destroy Shangqingzong, but just wants to protect something that Shangqingzong guards. If Shangqingzong handed it over, it will That's fine, it's just that in this sanctuary, those great sects want to get rid of Shang Qingzong completely."

"In this way, even if Shang Qingzong handed over that thing, it would be a dead end?"

"Yes! If you hand over the things, Jiutian may be able to spare the life of Shang Qingzong, but those Dazong will not."

"But what does this have to do with Tang Qing?"

"Him?" Princess Yanhua closed her eyes, as if she was recalling Tang Qing just now, Liu frowned deeper, and said quietly, "I have a special feeling for him, but I just don't want him to go through this muddy water... ..."

"This guy looks lazy. He probably wouldn't be involved in this kind of thing, right? What's more, he just joined the Shang Qingzong, and he doesn't have any feelings for the Shang Qingzong."

"I hope so."


In the void, Tang Qing was flying at top speed, rushing to Qingzong desperately. At this moment, his mind was full of what Princess Yanhua said. If what she said was true, then Shangqingzong May suffer catastrophe.

Tang Qing didn't care about much in this world, but Shang Qingzong carried too much of his concern.

Shangqingzong, Shangqing Town.

There doesn't seem to be any special changes here, it is still a small town that looks simple and peaceful. The only difference is that this place looks more deserted than before, and even the shadow of Zongmen monks has not been seen. In front of the gate of Shangqing Town, Tie Daner is still guarding. When seeing Tang Qing, Tie Daner Standing up from the ground in a jerk, he yelled, "Hey! Brother Tang. Why did you come back so soon?"

"It's a little urgent." Tang Qing walked into the town and found that not only were there no monks from Shang Qingzong, but even the villagers of the town seemed to be gone. After asking, Tie Dan'er said that the villagers of the town had been discussing matters with the mayor recently. .

"Has anything happened in the past two days?"

"No!" Tie Dan'er scratched his head, wondering what Tang Qing meant.

"Brother Zongnei hasn't come back yet?"

"Oh, you ask this. Brother Tang, have you forgotten the ten-year order issued by the suzerain?"

"Ten-year order? What do you mean?"

"Ah? You don't know? This natural change is like the rebirth of all things. It is the best time to practice. The suzerain ordered the disciples in the sect not to return within ten years, and not to fight with others within ten years. ..."

After listening to Tie Daner's words. Tang Qing immediately guessed that the suzerain already knew that the ancient burial plan was aimed at the Shangqing sect, so he sent all the disciples of the sect to various parts of the world to prevent them from being implicated. When asked about the villagers in the town, Tie Dan'er said that he was called by the mayor to discuss matters, whether it was the ten-year decree issued by the suzerain or the villagers of Shangqing Town. Everything made Tang Qing feel that Princess Yanhua's words were true.

"Where's the old grandfather?" Tang Qing knew that the existence of Shangqing Town had been guarding the Shangqing sect, and the old grandfather was definitely a key figure.

"Grandpa went to bed early. You know that."

The old grandfather would sleep for a long, long time, and no one knew where he was sleeping. Because he was concerned about the safety of the Shang Qingzong, he didn't talk too much with Tie Dan'er, and directly stepped into the Shangqingzong.

The Shangqing Zong Square was empty, and the solemn and solemn stone tablet still stood there, and there were not even disciples guarding the gate.

After entering the Shangqing Sect, it was still the same. No one was there. Tang Qing used his divine sense to investigate. He searched the entire Shangqing Sect. There was breath, but it was less than a hundred. At this moment, a shimmer of light flashed, as if out of thin air. As soon as he appeared, a person appeared opposite Tang Qing. This person seemed to be in his forties, dressed in a gray robe, with deep and lonely eyes on his solemn face.

"Master!" Tang Qing was stunned and blurted out.

The person who came was none other than Tang Qing's master, Lu Tianya.

Lu Tianya didn't say anything, just stared at Tang Qing, looking at it lightly, like looking at a grass, with no expression on his face.

Tang Qing was about to speak, but Lu Tianya said first, "Follow me." After that, he left directly. Tang Qing didn't know the reason, so he had to follow, and soon came to a manor in the back mountain of the sect. The manor was very simple , only a stone bench and a stone table. An old man was sitting on the stone bench. The old man was also wearing a simple robe, sitting there, looking at the chessboard on the stone table.

The stone table may be a chessboard or a chessboard. Tang Qing is not sure, because there are some mysterious runes engraved on it. With his attainments in the field of runes, he can't even understand a single rune. One glance and you'll feel a splitting headache.


Regardless of whether it is the master next to him or the old suzerain, they are the people Tang Qing cares about most in his life. He has no parents since he was a child, and in his eyes, the master and the old suzerain are relatives.

"Tang, Tang Qing, you're back." The old suzerain turned around. Unlike Lu Tianya, the old suzerain's benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes made people feel very kind, even though those eyes were a little cloudy.

"Sovereign, are you... okay?" Tang Qing nodded. For some reason, he felt that the old Sect Master became erratic, like a flame in the void, as if it would go out at any time.

"What? Do I look bad?" The old suzerain smiled lightly, and said, "It's not good to say, it's all because you came back so early, and I lost to the old grandfather again. "Shaking his head, the mainstream of the old sect showed a helpless smile, "I have bet with the old man for nearly a thousand years, and I have never won... What a pity!"

Tang Qing didn't know what the old suzerain and the old grandfather were betting on, and he was not in the mood to know it now, so he immediately asked, "Suzerain, you issued a ten-year order to expel all the disciples. Is it because of the ancient burial plan implemented by Jiutian?" ?”

Hearing what Tang Qing said, the old suzerain wasn't surprised at all. He just exchanged a glance with Lu Tianya, and then his eyes fell on the chessboard on the stone table. He nodded and said yes.


Although Tang Qing had already guessed the result, seeing the old suzerain admit it with his own eyes, his heart was still in turmoil.

"Why? Why does Jiutian insist on eradicating our Shang Qingzong? Is it really because of the dispute between the sacred and the light?"

"Do you know about the struggle between holiness and light?" The old suzerain seemed a little surprised that Tang Qing would know this.

"I know a little bit. After I came out of the Valley of the Setting Sun, Princess Yanhua came to see me, and she told me." Tang Qing roughly explained what he learned from Princess Yanhua.

"Princess Yuhua, that little girl really has a heart." After the old suzerain laughed, his expression gradually became serious, "What the little girl told you is indeed the truth. The ancient burial plan was indeed started because of the dispute between the sacred and the light. And the reason why my sect was included in the ancient burial plan is not just a simple supporter of the light."

Tang Qing didn't say anything, but listened carefully to every word the old suzerain said.

"Tang Qing, do you know what is light and what is sacred?"

What is light?

What is sacred?

If it was before, Tang Qing definitely believed that these two were the most powerful breath between heaven and earth, in other words, the most powerful force between heaven and earth, but after accepting the inheritance of the great evil. Only then did he discover that the so-called breath is not power, but a kind of belief, a kind of spirit. It is also a kind of will. Just as he was about to say it, the old suzerain said again, "It doesn't matter what is called light. It doesn't matter if it is holy, or even the evil that has disappeared. The world only knows that the three are the best in the world, but they don't know light, evil, and sacred. A belief, a spirit, a belief."

"When Guangming was defeated, its spirit of faith was turned into nine fragments, four of which were snatched by the gods. Fortunately, there are still four kept by the ancient immortals above the nine heavens, and the last one is kept by us Shangqingzong , All of this was originally a secret, and the ancient immortals have been guarding the secret all the time, the purpose is to prevent the holy, now that I think about it, it was finally discovered by the holy, and when I found out that this world was sealed, it was already too late. "

"So, what the so-called ancient burial plan really wants is the spiritual fragment left by the light?"

Seeing the old suzerain nod, Tang Qing asked the doubts in his heart again, "If the saints above the nine heavens have already known that our Shangqing sect is keeping a spiritual fragment, let's grab it with nine days' ability, why bother to carry it out?" What burial plan?"

"In this world, saints are emperors and immortals are respected. It is the same in Nine Heavens. Above Nine Heavens, there are disputes between saints and immortals. Sacred beings are hindered by the existence of ancient immortals and dare not do it openly."

Tang Qing suddenly realized that although he had never stepped into Jiutian, he had killed many immortals who tried to kill him along the way. Otherwise, this world has already been occupied by the gods, and there will be no existence of respecting immortals.

"The reason why the sacred seals this world is also because I don't want the ancient immortals to help."

"I heard Princess Huahua say that the ancient burial plan will not be implemented until the opening of Maha Shengwu. Is there any connection between the two?"

"Because the shard of light kept by our Shang Qingzong is located in Maha." The old suzerain said unhurriedly, as if talking about a very ordinary thing, "Maha Shengwu is ninety-nine and eight hundred It is opened once every eleven years, and our Shang Qingzong holds the key of Maha."

"So, as long as we don't open it, they will never be able to get the light fragments." Tang Qing's thinking is running fast, thinking about strategies, but the next sentence of the old suzerain will make him think of more than a hundred strategies in an instant. The blow collapsed.

"Every eight hundred years, our Shang Qingzong must open Maha, otherwise the hidden spiritual fragments will collapse and disappear. This is the responsibility of our Shangqingzong, which has been passed down from ancient times. The reason why He Shengwu will only do it when he opens it."

Tang Qing didn't know what the bright fragments were, and he didn't bother to know. Whether they were hidden in Maha or elsewhere, he didn't care at all. The only thing he cared about was the life and death of Shang Qingzong. I just want to know who the enemy is, that's all.

"Once the Maha Sacred Martial Art is activated and the ancient burial plan is implemented, our Shang Qingzong will no longer be of any value to them. They will completely eradicate the Shang Qingzong. Who are they...?"

"Sacred palace, holy hall, holy hall, holy division, holy tower, Haotianzong, Taixuzong, Fengyuezong, Wushuangzong, Zixiaozong, Tianxuanzong, Wuweizong, Taiyizong, Donghua Alliance, Western Regions Alliance , the North Sea Alliance, and the South Sky Alliance."

I heard Princess Yuhua say that there are many people participating in the ancient burial plan. As for how many people, Tang Qing has no idea. Now that the old suzerain said this, he couldn't help being slightly surprised. This is really scary. Naturally, he is not afraid of ordinary monks, but every big sect hides some old guys. These old guys are all monsters who have practiced for many years, not to mention that there are many hidden in each big sect, such as Mu Mu, Guan Yin, and Princess Yuhua. In addition, he also knows that there are many immortals lurking here in the name of guardians in this world.

For Shang Qingzong, this was obviously an impossible war to win.

Tang Qing counted the days, and there were four months and nine days before the opening of Maha Shengwu. He closed his eyes, stood up, kowtowed respectfully to the old suzerain and master, and left without saying a word. .

Looking at the direction where Tang Qing was leaving, Lu Tianya, who had been standing silent all the time, showed a hint of impatience on his cold and serious face, and said, "Brother, don't you think this is too cruel for a child?"

The old suzerain did not respond.

Lu Tianya continued, "I know that this child is the one you've been waiting for. I know that all of this is preordained, but why do you have to let a child bear it? To bear it?"

"This is the fate of our Shang Qingzong, and it is also his fate." The old suzerain finally spoke, his voice still unhurried.

"Fate?" Lu Tianya sneered, "You know I never believe in fate."

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that fate is already like this. Whether it's you, me, or him, they are all destined. The cause you plant will eventually be repaid."

As Lu Tianya said, he never believed in fate, but he couldn't refute the words of the old suzerain.

The two were silent for a long time, and when Lu Tianya turned to leave, he said again, "What is his relationship with our Shangqing sect? And when did he plant the cause in our Shangqing sect?" Although Lu Tianya was asking, but But it didn't stop, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if he didn't want to know the answer, or he didn't want to accept the answer.

The old suzerain looked at the chessboard on the stone table, looked up at the void, and then looked at the direction where Tang Qing disappeared with his cloudy eyes, and whispered to himself, "This is the catastrophe of the Qingzong, and it is also the catastrophe of you, my child. What you deserve is Shang Qingzong's calamity, and you also deserve your own calamity, child, you shouldn't come back, let alone feel guilty about Shang Qingzong..." (to be continued)

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