: Mond’s Conquest.JPG

Typically, contracts come in two forms.

One is that they can only be signed once, and the symbiotic contract between life and death is also called [marriage contract].

Because this kind of contract cannot be changed, once it is signed, it is for a lifetime, so we must be cautious.

But Amber has already thought of a goal.

She heard that there was a spring spirit hidden in Qingquan Town, with a face that made the moon shy and alluring big breasts ready to come out!

So when the time comes, we must go for a walk.

If what I said is true, I will definitely get married!

Even if there is no way, we must create a way.

The other type of contract is relatively simple, and they are purely employment relationships.

After making a contract, you can make the target of the contract fight for you by paying the price the other party wants.

Although this contract is not very restrictive, if there is a means to subdue the target of the contract, it will be more useful than [marriage contract].

After all, even if the target of the contract is injured or dies, it won’t affect him.

Not to mention, there is no quantity limit yet.

But Amber feels that there is no need to think about this kind of thing for the time being.

Mond, who is guarded by the gods and the Zephyr Knights, is still very safe.

So, just grow up slowly first.

As for the most beautiful moment in my life, who knows when it will be! ! !

In Mond, there is one thing that Amber likes very much.

That is, as long as the weather is fine, you can sit down in the shade of a tree and enjoy the refreshing breeze and the faint fragrance of grass and trees.

It’s just that this situation is too natural for most Mond people.

So Yula is a little hard to understand Amber’s feeling of enjoying with her eyes closed.

Of course, what she didn’t understand even more was why this good friend had to sleep on her lap?

Looking down at Amber’s face, Yula thought strangely,

【Are you tired? 】

Then, she and Amber, who suddenly opened their eyes, looked at each other.

After staring at each other quietly for a while, Yula was defeated, but she raised her head and asked with wandering eyes,

“You… what are you looking at?”

Instead of taking the opportunity to tease the shy Yula, Amber turned his gaze to the sky,

“Yura, have you ever felt that the sky is so beautiful?”

Although she didn’t understand why she suddenly brought up this topic, Yula looked up at the boundless blue sky and said directly,

“I feel now that the sky is very beautiful.”


Amber laughed, hiding the pain that was quietly disappearing all over his body and the turmoil in his heart.

Yes, not long ago.

Her consciousness has passed through endless time and space, and descended to another world.

And after spending seven days there, the entire world was destroyed.

Similar to the Tivat Continent where we live now, it is also a world where gods exist.

It’s just that the gods there don’t all love humans.

The gods of heaven want to destroy human beings, while the gods of earth think that human beings should not perish.

From this came a tragic war concerning the survival of mankind.

When Amber just came, the earth god who guarded mankind in the form of a sacred tree had already died.

In the face of the continuous offensive of the gods, the one who stood up was a human girl called a brave man.

Among them, there is a very dazzling person.

Her will and her obsession made even Amber, who is the destroyer of the world, look sideways at her.

The [Big Full Open] that erupted at the end seemed to be the light of hope that bloomed from despair.

It’s a pity that under the absolute power of the gods, she and her companions were all withered like delicate flowers under the ravages of the storm.

The strong spine was broken, and the glowing pupils also lost their color.

The last thing Amber saw after seven days was a pair of hands that would hold together even if they died…

“Yura, do you know Diluc?”

She didn’t continue the topic of [sky] that touched her heart for some reason, she said,

“It’s the youngest captain in the history of the Zephyr Knights.”

“have no idea.”

Although I felt that something was wrong with my friend, Yula was still a child after all, so she didn’t think too much about it, and just asked along the topic of Amber,

“What’s up with him?”

“I heard that he quit the Knights, and even lost his Fire God Eye!”

Amber was talking about the story she heard from Teacher Isa’s maid a few days ago.

However, the reason why she remembers this gossip is because of the man named Di Luke whose surname is Lagenfinder.

This surname, together with Lawrence of Yula and Gunnhild of Barbara, are the three major families that have been passed down from Mond since the city was founded.

Yes, not only Yula, but even Barbara, who has been with Teacher Isa for several months, is also the eldest lady of the big family.

After knowing this fact, Amberton was full of expectations for the Legenfind family.

Since the eldest daughters of the three major families already know two of them, wouldn’t it be a pity if the eldest daughter of the last family doesn’t… get to know each other?

Think about this scene. There is a comfortable sofa in front of you.

Then you sit on it, with your left arm around the young lady of the Lawrence family, your right arm around the young lady of the Leigenfind family, and in front of you is the young lady of the Gunnhild family hugging her legs and acting like a spoiled child…

Tsk tsk tsk, what a beautiful picture.

Mond Conquest.JPG!


Yula, who worked so hard to get the holy relic, asked in a very incomprehensible way,

“Isn’t the eye of God his wish?”

“How can you just throw it away?”

After skillfully pulling himself out of the mental state that he didn’t like with YY Dafa, Amber shrugged and said,

“I don’t know.”

“Maybe something happened.”

Yula obviously couldn’t accept such a perfunctory answer,

“But, is that the eye of God?”

“Under the witness of the gods, is it my wish to carry it through my whole life?”

“How can you just throw it away?”

Thinking of the world that was completely destroyed by himself just now, whether it was the remaining human beings who were about to perish, or the gods who stood aloft as victors, Amber’s heart moved, but he said,

“This is wrong, Yula!”

“The wish is my own. Even if the gods have witnessed it and sent God’s Eye for it, it is still my own wish.”

“So that man named Di Luke has the right to do that.”

Stressing on his waist, Amber sat up.

Then she looked at Yula who was blinking, and said affirmatively,

“Just as the sorrows and joys of human beings are not interlinked, there is also a huge gap between gods and humans.”

“The splendor of your life has nothing to do with that high god.”

Grabbing Yula’s hand, Amber laughed.

“It’s yours, and it’s also… mine.”

ps: That… If you still like it, can you vote for it?

Volume 1: (Mond) The Wind Rises:

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