: Amber’s Ambition

After spending the night at Yula’s place, Amber began to consciously learn about the country of Mond.

And speaking of Mond, there is no other city that is more representative than the capital city of Mond.

So Amber simply put aside other towns and focused on Mond City.

After a month of observation, Amber discovered that although Mond City looked like it was in medieval Europe in terms of architectural style, etc.

But in fact, Mond’s productivity is far beyond.

Because in this country, wind power is the cheapest and most convenient resource.

Whether it is power generation, water pumping, or heating, wind power can easily meet the requirements.

In addition, the invisible waves formed by the buoyant [wind particles] at high altitude also make Mond’s transportation very convenient.

Coupled with the animal husbandry bred by the vast plains and fertile grasslands.

It can be said that Mond is a rich country.

It is also because of being rich without worrying about food and clothing, and the idea of ​​”freedom” is popular in the whole country.

So Mond has an artistic atmosphere, and he probably has the title of [City-State of Wind and Pastoral] in other countries.

This is very good!

After consulting a lot of information, Amber showed a happy smile on his face.

Because she finally found out how to help Yula.

People in Mond advocate freedom, and they are always easy to accept new things.

But it’s also because I care too much about freedom.

The people in Mond seem to have never considered what freedom is.

They regard freedom as so noble, so sacred, and so taken for granted.

So much so that they are unwilling to define freedom.

I’m afraid that artificial restrictions will make freedom, and no longer be free.

It can be said that after realizing this, Amber felt that he had stabilized.

What will happen to other countries may not be certain, but for Mond:

John Mill’s “On Liberty” and James Stephen’s “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” that I have seen in the modern society in the previous life are completely two super nuclear bombs.

It will definitely shake Mond City again and again, setting off an upsurge in discussing freedom.

When the time comes, she will gently push it from the inside and pick Yula out of the mess of the Lawrence family. It will be a breeze.

To achieve this, the direction of public opinion must be mastered.

But now, there are no newspapers or other carriers in Mond City that can guide public opinion.

Because although such things as printing already exist, there is no papermaking in this world.

The paper that people usually use is produced through the [Synthesis Table].

The quality is extremely good, comparable to the ultra-high craftsmanship of modern society.

However, the output was so low that it was unbearable.

Coupled with the paper that must be consumed by books and some important documents, it can be said that the output of paper is seriously lacking.

There is no spare energy to support something like a newspaper office.

As for Inazuma, which seems to exist, it publishes and sells light-weight novels [Yaedo].

It’s a pastime for the powerful and powerful, and it can’t be used as a reference example.

In short, the first problem facing Amber is: making paper!

Only with enough paper can she stably support her plagiarized concepts in Mond’s indiscriminate bombardment, with some private goods mixed in.

But now, Amber’s studies are a bit heavy, and he may not be able to devote most of his energy to papermaking.

We can only try some papermaking methods in modern society in this world to see if we can make paper.

If she succeeds, she can dedicate her papermaking skills to the Knights of the West Wind to gain a good impression first.

Wait until the paper becomes abundant in Mond City, and then find a suitable person to entrust the establishment of a newspaper office.

Then settle down for a while, let Mond’s people get used to this kind of information output.

When they have almost accepted this new thing, they can use the inductive method to carry out the first round of output.

Amber felt that it would be best to slowly complete the whole process in a year.

Because if the action is too big, the West Wind Knights may be involved.

However, before the next badminton festival comes, the people of Monde are already ready to be high.

Amber decided to use a week’s time to sue himself, appeal for grievances, cry in front of the statue, ask for freedom angrily, drag the church into the water, and other steps to complete the newspaper propaganda in one go.

Then “On Liberty” was filmed, which gave the Monds a hammer.

Then “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” was shot, and the second hammer was used to create controversy.

In the end, a nuclear bomb was released, bringing down the great wind god Bass Bass:

The freedom of gods is not the freedom of people!

Amber believed that this set of combinations would be successful.

It will definitely make all the Mond people foolish!

When the time comes, as long as you tell them that Yula is a good boy, they will definitely accept it.

【Ah ah ah……】

【I’m such a genius! 】

Covering his face with a tome of “Element Attachment Theory”, Amber giggled and couldn’t help shaking his legs.

Before the entire plan was written, she had an excited orgasm in her head.

FortunatelyFortunately, teacher Yisha is not in the study today, otherwise she will definitely wonder if her student took the wrong medicine today.

But self-promotion is self-promotion, Amber quickly sorted out the past life memories in his brain.

There are several methods of papermaking, but after careful recollection, she found that she remembered relatively complete, only the method of using bamboo fibers to make paper.

But in the final analysis, papermaking only uses plant fibers.

So there is a general method, but it does not need to be restricted to bamboo.

After all, in Mond, the price of bamboo is more expensive than the best paper.

No way, after living in Mond for so many years, Amber has never seen a plant similar to bamboo.

The most abundant plants are pastures.

Maybe she has to find a way to see if grass can be used to make paper.

If it really doesn’t work, I can only chop down trees.

There are quite a lot of sunset fruit trees in the wild.

In addition, the tools needed for papermaking are also a problem.

Although I don’t know the situation in other countries, some of Mond’s products are very dependent on [Synthesis Table].

Many parts that are difficult to process are basically provided by this kind of [synthesis table] that does not know the principle at all, but is as convenient as a processing workshop.

Therefore, under the limitation of production capacity, many of Mond’s products can only be applied to fewer but better products.

Want to increase production?

Hehe, even the Knights of the West Wind, which holds the real power of Mond, can only build a processing plant lined up with hundreds of [synthesizing stations], and it is a headache for maintenance every day.

So for a poor person like myself, let’s keep our feet on the ground.

Yes, compared to the hassle of making tools.

Why not try the melting ability of the pure [water element].

Is it possible to directly dissolve plant fibers, skip most of the time-consuming and labor-intensive steps before papermaking, and form pulp?

ps: Ah, sorry, Laoshu has been a little busy these days, so yesterday’s update was delayed.

Volume 1: (Mond) The Wind Rises:

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