Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1007: Novels are more famous than learning

The Corinthia hotel lobby.

Passing the passport to the staff at the front desk responsible for check-in, and glanced at Prof. Fefferman in the direction of the door, and suddenly had a chat and asked.

“The level of security here seems a bit unusual... What other activities are there besides the International Congress of Mathematicians?”

“No, sir,” completed the registration of the check-in information and handed the passport back to Professor Fefferman. The front desk staff patiently explained, “The highest level of meeting in 30 days will be Two days later, the International Congress of Mathematicians will provide the highest standard of service for the conference during the duration of the conference. I wish you a happy next week."

", thank you."

With the passport removed, Professor Fefferman nodded to the front desk with a smile, and then walked over to Professor Delini, who was standing on the sidelines.

"He really came! I said that he would not miss this interesting meeting!"

Excited in excitement, Professor Fefferman’s face was full of excitement that was not in line with his age, just like watching a game that didn’t kick the first ball until the last ten minutes, and chanted him happily. I have said countless times on this road. "I don't know which step he has taken in his research. It is really exciting!"

Looking at his old friend with a blank expression, Professor Delière, who was still preparing to vomit his movements, was sighed and changed his mouth.

"You didn't read the paper he posted on the official website?"

Fefferman: "Look, what happened?"

De Ligne: "Why do you still ask such a question? If he has made any new achievements, you will definitely see it in that paper. If not, then there is no, I don't know if you are What are you looking forward to?"

Fefferman: "Because intuition tells me that his research in the past year is definitely more than just that."

Professor Deligne's eyebrows were picked.

"So, do you understand him?"

There was a hint of temper in that tone, and there was no malicious mockery, just like most Princeton professors, more or less with a little Princeton-style arrogance.

But I don't know if I didn't hear it, or I was used to the character of this old friend, so I didn't pay attention to it. Professor Fefferman just just bowed his head and said with a smile.

"That is of course, after all, we have worked together, I am confident that I still have this."

When I heard the old friend’s confident speech, Deligne smiled faintly and said it in disapproval.

"Then you probably have to be disappointed because of your self-confidence. I have noticed all the papers he has published in the past year. The Quasi-Riemann conjecture and the hyperelliptic curve method are his only research results on the Riemann zeta function. And then he even went to study the economics with the old man of Krugman, it seems to be called the lz model... Anyway, it is something similar."

In general, the direction a scholar is studying is that he can find some clues from his recently published papers.

From the end of last year, or the beginning of this year, from the differential topology to discuss the Sullivan conjecture of manifold classification, and then to the lz model of economics, no matter which research result, there is no relationship with the Riemann zeta function. .

No matter how optimistic, Professor Delini can't imagine that there is still a little bit of possibility in this half year. He is still studying the proposition related to Riemann's conjecture, instead of choosing to give up...

To be honest, for such a result, Deligne is actually somewhat disappointed.

His disappointment did not stem from the achievements that Lu Zhou had achieved. After all, the results of Lu Zhou’s current achievements are already quite proud, and it is impossible to pick up the problem.

However, this is only for ordinary people.

For a scholar like him, only the true crown that has stood on the Everest will be taken away. Only by truly solving the propositions that plague the vast majority of scholars in the world will it be possible to further advance his academic achievements.

Therefore, in the research of the conjecture inside, we have achieved such fruitful results, but at the end we chose to give up. This is the place where Professor Delière really feels sorry.

If even he can't solve this problem, maybe this conjecture really only stays until the end of the century. When a scholar who is more talented and more sensitive to mathematics than him, he hopes to solve it...

From Dr. Delini's expression, he perceives some of his concerns, but Professor Fefferman just smiled faintly and said with ease.

"I think you are thinking too much."

The eyebrows were lifted up, and Professor Delini apparently said unbelief.

"Oh? Do you know what I am worried about?"

Fefman: "Of course I know, after all, we have cooperated more than once. You are always confident in your analysis, but you have to admit that sometimes when people care too much about one thing, his sight is often narrow minded."

"Do you mean that I am narrow?"

"Yes, especially the way the problem is viewed, don't you consider this possibility, perhaps because he found the connections we have not found in these problems? This is not uncommon. ”

Reaching Prof. Fefferman’s words, Professor Delini said sharply, “But this possibility is very small. I have studied several of his papers carefully. The places outside of mathematics are not very good, but in terms of mathematics itself. The mathematical methods used in it do not make much sense for the study of the Riemann zeta function. Even several papers have no linear or progressive association with each other in the mathematical sense."

Professor Fefferman: "Maybe we just can't see... It's useless to say more, is it a bet?"

Professor Deligne frowned. "What are you gambling?"

Professor Fefferman said with a smile: "I bet that his research results are definitely more than just the beginning of the year, and I have never given up on the Riemann conjecture."

"if not……"

"He will not arrange his 60-minute report meeting in the last game before the closing ceremony."


The two old men in front of the elevator are still arguing whether Lu Zhou is still studying Riemann’s conjecture, sitting on Lu Zhou and Schultz on a taxi to the suburbs of St. Petersburg. The topic is also around Riemann. Guess what.

"...haven't you made any new progress in the past six months?"

"Maybe it's not just half a year, maybe it's half a year," Lu Zhou said with a helpless expression on his face. He leaned on the back seat of the taxi and shook his head. "I tried the ultra-elliptic curve analysis. I made improvements and tried to find the answer from the theory of group structure, but it still didn't help. I often even had some thoughts that I felt terrible. Maybe Riemann guessed that the big probability is correct, but it is Can't be proven."

"It’s not just that you think so alone, but I think you can have a little more point of view," shot the shoulder of the boat, Schultz continued. "At least, you can create a super-elliptic curve analysis method. Tools, even quasi-Riemann conjectures that have proved impossible for a century, are better than most people."

"But it makes no sense to me," Lu Zhou sighed. "I believe you should be able to understand this feeling."

Schultz: "No, I can't, thank you."

Lu Zhou: "...?"

After nearly 40 minutes of driving, the taxi finally arrived in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, and the nearby buildings gradually returned to the simplicity from the bustle and bustling.

According to the taxi driver, this area is a famous mathematics sacred place. The Szczów Institute of Mathematics is located on this ancient stone road, and a mathematician who refused the Fields Prize also lives here. nearby.

At the same time, the Fontanka Canal, which flows through the center of St. Petersburg, and the stone brick roads, street lamps and benches beside the river, are also the heroes of Dostoevsky’s White Nights. The place to meet.

After getting out of the car, Schultz took the boat to the neighborhood.

Most of the houses in the nearby area are similar to those of single-family apartments in China, which are very suitable for young people to live in, but it is hard to say how many young people will live comfortably in this remote suburb.

After walking along the road between Lu Zhou and Schultz, Wang Peng suddenly said.

" have already turned around here."

Upon hearing this sentence, Schultz's face showed a helpless smile, and stopped to catch some of the long hair behind the head.

"In fact, the last time I came here has been a long time ago. This kind of window building is very tricky. If you don't come often, you can't remember where..." Seeing the face of Lu Zhou The expression gradually became speechless, and Schultz stopped the conversation and coughed and said, "I still ask someone to ask."

There is a photo of Perelman in Schultz's mobile phone, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if Google can easily find it.

I have to say that the handsome man is still a bit superior. Whether it is men, women and children, in the face of the smile of the sun, most people will be very enthusiastic after hearing his request.

As for the coldness...

Of course, the benefits are also there.

At least when you are in seclusion, don't worry too much about being disturbed.

"Do you know this person?"

Staring at the photo in Schultz's mobile phone, the Russian girl who had been smiling very brightly, suddenly subconsciously wrinkled her eyebrows.

“Who is this? Terror/terrorist? Or is it a behavioral artist?”

Do not blame her for showing a disgusted expression, after all, the man on the photo, the image does not dare to compliment.

The untrimmed beard climbed over the chin, and the thin curly hair pulled back like a dog's tail. Although the shape and Schultz's hair were somewhat similar, they showed two different styles.

It's like a plaid shirt, some people can wear the feeling of idols, but some people are like a program.

Sighing, Schultz said with some nerves: "Sorry, I will go next to ask."

The Russian girl smiled and said: "I wish you good luck, but I think you still give up better. I have not seen this person for two years."

Asked a circle, no one knows this photo.

Occasionally, several people recognized that this person seemed to be a well-known mathematician and had news, but when he heard that he lived nearby, only a few people who recognized him shook his head.

It is not to deny the possibility that he lives here.

It’s just pure, there’s not a single impression.

Just in Lu Zhou, I couldn’t help but wonder if this lonely hermit was moving. Finally, an old man not only recognized the photo in Schultz’s hand, but also was familiar with him and touched his chin. .

"I know him. He used to work at the Szczólov Institute of Mathematics. He is a very famous mathematician..."

Lu Zhou immediately: "How long ago?"

The old man’s mouth made a dry laugh, as if recalling something, “about a dozen years ago, when I was still a guard at the Szczólov Institute of Mathematics, I often watched him wearing a worn out Jeans and shirts go to work. This guy is not only a mathematician, but also one of the best geeks in the institute."

Lu Zhou: "..."

a decade ago……

At that time, he was still in high school.

Is it already such a distant thing?

Then Lu Zhou’s question, Schultz continued to ask: “Would you like to know where he lives?”

"If he didn't move or die, he probably stayed there," said the old apartment. "I only know that he lives in that building, but where is it?" You still have a little trouble, it is better to ask from his neighbors."

Seeing the direction pointed by the old man, Schultz and Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and his face showed a grateful expression.

"Thank you! Help me a lot."

After all, Schultz took Lu Zhou and Wang Peng and walked in the direction of the old man.

Soon after arriving at the apartment downstairs, it was discussed in Lu Zhou and Schultz. When I started to inquire from several floors, I happened to see two foreign faces standing next to the entrance of the apartment building.

Even more coincidentally, one of the Luzhou still knows.

It was the Paul Krugman who he met on the other side of Shanghai some time ago...

The two apparently did not notice him, standing in front of the entrance of the apartment building, whispering in a whisper.

"I doubt if we are going wrong," looked at the apartment building in front of him, and Albert groaned. "Is this a place to live in seclusion?"

"It can't be wrong, this is the address given to me by the secretary of imu." I glanced again at the small note in my hand and confirmed that the address was here. Krugman said in a positive tone, "I will not be able to do it anymore." Admit the wrong way."

Albert continued to ask: "What if he doesn't want to open the door for us? If he doesn't open the door, we can't even determine if he is inside, or ignore it."

Krugman: "You don't know him. Although he seems to be an inaccessible guy, if he asks him some math questions, he will answer you very patiently. The attitude is surprising."

Albert raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you ever been in contact with him?"

"No, but I know a beautiful lady who worked at the Szczów Institute of Mathematics. She told me that," Knockman continued, "Listen, my friend." We can't be discouraged. If there is a possibility to have a good old man who can help us in addition to the arrogant Princeton, it is only here."

Albert sighed and continued to say: "In fact, I am inclined to cooperate with Professor Lu. His lu-bewley model and lz model are a godsend, especially through the calculation of the research ideas of macroeconomics. And my research is exactly the same!"

"Don't think about it, I want to bring Faltings if I can, but is this possible? I only saw that guy at the beginning of the year, obviously a young man, who is sometimes stubborn than the old man of Princeton. Not to mention our plan -"

Just as Krugman was screaming and screaming at the side of the companion, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side.

"I really want to hear my name, and it seems to be saying something bad about me."

The two people who were talking were shocked by the sudden sound.

In particular, Krugman, like a ghost, really jumped to the side and looked at Lu Zhou.

"Hell, where did you come from?"

"I came to St. Petersburg to attend the imu conference," answered the question truthfully. Lu Zhou then looked at Schultz next to him. "Just like this gentleman invited me to visit his old friend, so I came over." ”

Staring at Schultz for a moment, did not recognize the young man, Professor Krugman frowned.

"you are……"

"Schultz," actively extended his right hand and shook hands with the two old men. Schultz smiled and nodded and said, "I am very happy to know two."

"...Krugman, professor of economics at Princeton University, the one next to me is Albert Laszlo Barra, a physicist who is more famous than learning."

"Hey, wait, what is more famous than learning? You old things, you are sure your eyes are gone -"

Ignoring Albert, who was protesting beside me, watching Professor Krugman of Schultz, continued with a stern expression, "You and Perelman are familiar?"

Upon hearing this question, Schultz's expression became subtle and shrugged.

"I think I should be familiar with him, but... I don't know how he sees our friendship -"

"What are you doing here? Partying?"

The sound suddenly coming from the side interrupted half of what Schultz said.

Just like what happened to Krugman and Albert, I saw a tall, burly man with a pair of worn-out jeans and shirts carrying two plastic bags stuffed with cheap ingredients. I don’t know when to start. Already walked to the side of the group.

I have to say that his undressed dress, the sense of existence is indeed low enough, and all walked to such a close place, no one realized his existence.

But when he was discovered, Professor Krugman immediately showed a bright smile on his face and extended his right hand to him.

"Hello, Dear Professor Perelman... I am Krugman, I have made an appointment with you in the mail."

"I haven't been a professor for a long time," muttered in Russian. Perelman's eyes swept over several people and suddenly stopped on Lu Zhou's face.

After a while, he spoke openly.

"You are Lu Zhou?"

"It’s just a curse," Lu Zhou nodded and said friendlyly. "It’s nice to meet you."

"Me too," although I wanted to raise my arm and Lu Zhou to hold a hand, but both hands were holding something, and Perelman shrugged and had to give up.

"...I have something to say in the house, you will block the aisle."

Both Schultz and Lu Zhou had not had time to speak. Professor Krugman’s face showed a bright smile and he quickly agreed.

"Thank you for your invitation, I also think it is better to go to the house."

Did not take over Professor Krugman, Perelman's line of sight was swept in the faces of several people, and finally stared at Wang Peng for a while.

"You are not like a scholar, nor do you come with problems."

The tone of the speech is not very welcome.

Wang Peng nodded and prepared to explain the nature of his work, but was interrupted by a light cough from Lu Zhou.

"You are waiting for me here for a while, I will be down soon."

The expression on his face was somewhat hesitant, but after glanced at the face of Perelman's face, Wang Peng finally nodded.


"If you have something, remember to call me."

This so-called call is of course not the kind of dialing number, but the alarm device triggered by the keyword set by Lu Zhou on his mobile phone.

Seeing the worried expression on his face, Lu Zhou smiled and took his arm.

"Be careful, it's not bad, but don't be too nervous."

"Wait for me here, I will come down later."

After all, the group left Wang Peng in the same place and walked upstairs.


(In reality, there is something wrong. If you are not busy, you will not be divided into chapters today. Although there is only one chapter, it is actually the same as the two chapters.)

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