Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1009: The atmosphere suddenly became a philosophy


Touching the cockroach that covered the chin, Perelman frowned and said, "Does this have anything to do with mathematics?"

Schultz also nodded and looked at Albert, who was standing up on the sofa with confusion. "I am blunt, it sounds more like a concept that will appear in Hollywood blockbusters."

"Of course it's a relationship!" Albert replied in an excited tone. "Take the future through mathematics. This is what we are doing!"

The apartment was once again quiet.

Krugman reached out to Albert with a headache, but the latter did not follow his reminder, but opened his hand and continued to stare at Perelman. I hope to get his approval.


His hopes are obviously lost.

This time it wasn't just Perelman, even Schulz's face, but also a strange expression.

It’s like watching a fool...

"I think you think too much."

Gently coughed, broke the silent Schultz in the room, and continued to speak out his own ideas.

"Predicting the future is not a category of mathematics. I don't think it is physics. I think this is already a field of philosophers' thinking. After all, you see, there are so many uncertain factors that will influence our thinking, and we have a lot of ourselves. It’s also a wave of time. For example, if there is a rain today, maybe I won’t be here.”

"But the weather is predictable! A person's itinerary changes are unpredictable, but a group of people's itineraries are predictable. New York City's traffic data and weather forecasts for the past five years can support my point!"

The wording severely interrupted Schultz's words, and Albert continued with a firm and excited tone. "Humans are not essentially different from the dust suspended in the water. We spend most of our time moving, the difference is just us. The disturbances are not driven by tiny invisible atomic collisions and positional interferences, but by the invisible neurons that are transformed into a series of tasks, responsibilities, and motives!"

“We have a lot of tools that can track human activities, such as the Internet, like our mobile devices... to count all the data we can predict, as long as we can analyze them, we can do more than just give them a spot. Pushing ads is such a boring thing, we can even predict the future of ten minutes, ten days, and even more!"

“Don't you think this sounds exciting?”

When the voice fell, Professor Krugman raised his hand.

However, it seems that only one person is applauding...

Whether it is Perelman or Schultz, the thoughts in my heart are almost written on my face.

However, although Lu Zhou’s idea is similar to them, he also felt that the idea was a bit absurd, but he suddenly remembered that when he was in Shanghai last time, Professor Krugman and his own discussion seemed to be the problem.

Through the establishment of mathematical models, the large-scale human social behavior and production life are modeled to achieve the purpose of predicting the future.

"It sounds very interesting," Lu said, not applauding, but he said with interest. "Your statement reminds me of Asimov's 'Psychological History'... This theory is from Al Qaeda. Copy it?"

"No! I am explaining my theory from a scientific point of view... Well, I admit that Asimov has a little inspiration for my theory, but what I am going to discuss here is not a point in a science fiction novel. , but a serious academic issue!"

"Well, let's assume that human collective behavior can indeed be predicted, but... what about this?" Schultz frowned and said, "Your behavior, even the observation itself, will be experimental. The results have unpredictable effects. This is not only meaningless, but also difficult to do."

"How is it good! God, do we study the wave-particle duality of light to do what is meant to direct photons? Don't you think that predicting the future itself is an exciting subject? Even if we just prove it. It is feasible, and our name is enough to go down in history!"

Apparently, Professor Albert and Krugman chose to come to St. Petersburg in order to persuade Perelman to join their plan.

It is only the scholars of Perelman that can complete their huge plan. The most important thing is that in the academic review, Perelman is also a kind of talking. Types of.

Even the original reason for solving the Poincaré conjecture was because he was talking to Hamilton on his way to the United States and heard the latter’s singularity about a name called “cigar” and complained that this problem has plagued many of them. Starting in the year...

However, because of the rebuttals, Albert's emotions have become more and more exciting, and persuasion has begun to change into a quarrel.

Krugman tried to remind his friends to pay attention, but it was of no use.

The final result was also foreseeable, and Perelman rejected them on the spot.

Although they did not look at them with the same idiots, they still said in a firm tone that he did not see any interesting places, nor did he think that mathematics was used to do such boring things.

As for Schultz, he is committed to achieving higher achievements in mathematics. Of course, he will not be interested in this kind of side-by-side topic. Therefore, he is only a polite expression. If he has time, he may consider research.

As for when the day is, it may only be known to him.

As for Lu Zhou...

To be honest, he is still interested in the novelty of this kind of thinking.

Unlike Schultz and Perelman, he is in favor of actively influencing the influence of mathematics to other disciplines and using mathematics to change other sciences.

And as Professor Krugman said, predicting the future itself is a topic full of romanticism.

Although he has no interest in economics, he has no interest in social science research. But for this kind of subject that seems to be built in the air attic, there is no accident in the heart.

However, he did not immediately agree to the two.

"I need a little time to think about it, at least until I solve the Riemann conjecture, I don't plan to study other issues anymore."

However, after hearing this sentence, Albert's shoulders were hanging down, and the expression on his face had become a deep disappointment.

In his opinion, this sentence is probably the same as Schultz's rhetoric, and even can be said to be rejected without euphemism...

"After solving the Riemann conjecture... God, I have never heard more euphemistic rejection than this!"

The expression on Krugman’s face was also full of regrets. He took a look at Perelman and took a look at Lu Zhou and sighed.

"In any case, I still hope that you can seriously consider it."

Lu Zhou: "Actually, I have been confused about a problem."

Krugman: "...what question?"

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou continued: "If the future can really be predicted, is this really a good thing for us?"

Krugman said in silence for a while: "I can hardly answer you in this way. This is a problem outside of academics. Just like Mr. Albert, I believe that when he wrote the book "Links", he did not Think of your own theory and be used by Silicon Valley Internet giants and advertisers to squeeze consumer wallets..."

Upon hearing this sentence, Albert was unhappy and said with a sigh.

"Hey, don't you say that? The use of big data is not just about advertising! We have enjoyed the benefits of this technology in various issues such as anti-terrorism, medical care, urban planning, etc. Why do you always have this? Don't let go?"

Did not pay attention to Albert's call, Professor Krugman continued.

"...One day he suddenly found me and said that he intended to turn the theory in "The Outbreak" into a reality. My first reaction was that this guy definitely didn't plan to do anything good, but I finally accepted him. Invitation."

Lu Zhou: "Why?"

"Because whether it is theoretical research or research in applied science, it is not a scholar who should characterize whether a technology is evil. Is nuclear fission technology evil? Standing at this point in 1945, maybe Most people think so, but standing back today, perhaps because of such a super weapon, our world can still maintain peace in the extreme case of a superpower going to collapse, put it half a century ago. I can't imagine it."

“So I think that we are only talking about academic issues. The only thing that is studied is to predict the future in theory, not to do things with it.”

"As for whether or not to use this technology, or even to characterize this technology, our civilization will naturally make a choice."

After listening to this, watching the sincere view of Professor Krugman, Lu Zhou nodded after a moment of silence.

"You understand what I mean."

"If there is a chance in the future, let's talk about this issue again."

Krugman nodded, and Albert, who was sitting next to him, made a helpless expression and shrugged and said: "I hope I really have this opportunity, and I hope I can wait until that day."

Even if he is studying physics, the difficulty of the Riemann conjecture is also heard.

Other mathematics guesses are hard to come by, but at least you can see the way to solve the problem.

Riemann’s conjecture is like a lonely mountain standing alone.

No one knows, it has to stand for centuries...

At that time he was still gone, it was a problem.

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