Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1024: Answering the question of the century

With a bang, the door opened outwards.

Silent air rushed to the surface.

The scene of the No. 7 lecture hall seemed to remain in the chaos of yesterday. The paper was thrown freely on the ground, and even the table that he had smashed maintained its appearance more than twenty hours ago. Unsupported.

If it wasn't the quiet and terrible air, Lu Zhou even thought that he had returned to yesterday and returned to the scene that made his heart suddenly stop...

Seeing Lu Zhou looking at everything in the lecture hall without saying a word, the assistant standing next to him was hesitant to bother him. But thinking about his own lunch that he hadn’t finished, he took a deep breath and said in a tone of inquiry.

"I have already brought you here. If you want to stay a little longer, remember to close the door for a while. The key... is it for me? Or are you carrying it?"

"Give me good."

After picking up the key from the assistant who looked sly, Lu Zhou gently said, "When you run out, I will return it directly to Professor Herce Holden. You should go ahead."

Professor Herce Holden is the secretary general of the International Union of Mathematicians and one of the main leaders of the organizing committee of the conference. He is responsible for the dispatching of the venue and the handling of emergency situations.

After hearing that Lu Zhouhui contacted Professor Herce Holden himself, the assistant was relieved and did not say anything. After saying goodbye, he turned and left.

The atmosphere in the lecture hall made him feel depressed.

Especially the **** marks on the whiteboard that have dried up...

Let him not want to stay here for a second.

After the assistant left, Lu Zhou entered the lecture hall, turned on the light, closed the door behind him, and then passed through the aisle filled with papers and walked to the podium.

The blood on the white board is heartbreaking.

However, the most distressing thing is the line of calculations.

As an expert in mathematics, he is very clear about how much effort is required to make these results and how much energy is required. It can even be said that even if he is not in ten days and a half, it is impossible to do so.

Especially under the affliction of the disease, Lu Zhou could not imagine how she spent the year.

However, it is also to see these calculations, Lu Zhou finally understand why she has been glaring at herself.

Perhaps, when she found out her condition, she had reached an irreparable level. Otherwise, she does not have any reason for negative treatment, and there is no reason to choose to conceal...

Unless there is really no way.

After all, the symptoms of early cancer are similar to many common diseases, and her physical condition is not very good. It is difficult to find problems immediately by ordinary medical examinations.

And once the symptoms appear...

Basically it is already late.

In fact, this is also the cause of death for more than 70% of cancer patients.


" she was hit by her."

Is the Fields Prize really a curse?

Staring at the calculations on the whiteboard, Lu Zhou took a deep breath and filled the pupils with calm colors.

After counting the system task of Riemann's conjecture, it is just too low to get the anti-cancer drug. Rather than hope for this, it is better to expect that because the Riemann conjecture is solved, the patient's mood is good, and then the cancer cells are completely destroyed.

From the beginning, he did not expect to solve the problem through the reward of system tasks.

To put it bluntly, the true value of this black technology system is not here, but in the system mission itself!

According to the system settings, after he completes the current task, in addition to the task chain that can continue to be carried out, there are three opportunities for re-random tasks. According to the principle of assignment of tasks, the tasks usually assigned to him are the ones he is currently facing, or the problems that may be faced.

To put it bluntly, this gadget is like an intelligent scientific research aid. It refers to the development experience of future people or higher civilizations, comprehensively analyzes the resources, social status and environment in which he has possessed, and plans several researches with the highest input and income for him. route.

With the biochemistry level of his lv6 and the two preconditions of his most important apprentice, the probability of triggering a systemic task for cancer-related topics is over 90%.

Although he may be lacking in biological knowledge, scientific research is not a person's work. He is not enough. The high-level research institutes have talents to make up.

Moreover, in addition to the knowledge he can rely on, he still has money.

Money itself is also a super power.

Especially for a scientist who knows how to spend money.

On the whole, his odds are still great.

If not even this...

It can only be said that this topic has exceeded the upper limit of the current state of the art, involving a series of problems that need to be solved, rather than a problem that can be broken in this direction.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou shielded all the distractions in his mind from his thoughts and whispered softly.

"You didn't finish the performance."

"Let me finish it for you..."

Lu Zhou, who has completely calmed down, has completely entered the state.

This is probably his time, in the true sense, wholeheartedly devoted to a problem, and go all out to solve a problem.

This feeling seems to remind him of the first time he went to Princeton for an academic conference a few years ago.

The world of inspirations that used to rely on the help of the system to reluctantly enter, at this moment, he was easily stepped in at only one breath.

And almost at this moment, the quiet figures and characters lying on the whiteboard, like the elves who were given life, weaved into a symphony of destiny written by life, invisible In the storm, the theoretical harpsichord is ringing, and it is a passionate, unyielding, fateful melody.

No audience.

There are no musicians.

However, the voice was indeed conveyed to Lu Zhou’s ears, as if he had crossed time and space, took him back to the classroom in Princeton, took him back to the snowy night, and saw the scene again woven into numbers. Snow.

"It turned out to be..."

Taking a look at the calculations on the whiteboard, Lu Zhou silently lowered his head.

It's not just a narrative of the content of the paper. The part that was written in a mess on this whiteboard is probably the study she has not finished.

A lot of things are just an abstract blueprint, even the outline that even the idea can't talk about. It must be accompanied by detailed and complicated narratives to correctly convey the content to the audience...

However, for Lu Zhou who passed this knowledge to her bit by bit, it is not difficult to understand what she wants to express.

Not to mention the state of the present.

"...The truncation of [ζ(z)]-1/2 is performed [ζ(z)]-1/2=Σnann^-z is truncated, and a new series φ(z)=Σnβnn^ is introduced. -z, modulates the integrand of the three parts of the equation."

"It's no wonder that my research is in a bottleneck and I can't find an exit. My eyes are all on the improvement of complex high-level mathematical tools and methods for superelliptic curve analysis, introducing differential manifolds into complex planes as 'auxiliary lines'. But I have neglected some details and even basic issues."

It is no wonder that Chen Yang, who had dug up from Yanda Mathematical Research Center, was able to explore such a large space for improvement in his thesis.

At that time, Lu Zhou did not care. Now I think about it. I may have committed the most guilty. The "obvious" negligence is that when I build a building, I only see the height and the scenery of the floor. Ignore the most basic stone bricks, whether it can carry such a project.

"It is indeed that I am negligent. If it is not too long to leave the teaching work, this kind of mistake should not be made for me... Of course, now is not the time to make excuses."

“In addition, although your ideas are novel, there are still some details, such as the choice of n values ​​in the eight equations, and the abstract spatial thinking ability exposed when the differential manifold is introduced into the complex plane. Short board."

"If it is me, I will do this..."

The most important thing here is the whiteboard.

Going to an empty whiteboard, Lu Zhou picked up the pen that Vera fell to the ground from the side, and traced the clear map in his heart.

Time and space seem to freeze.

Everything that has nothing to do with it has been ruled out.

If it is said that the "playing" in the first half is like a storm hitting the window, then the second half of the performance will be like a river that gathers thousands of streams, rushing the river bank of the road, screaming at the waves, in the thunder. The roar of the roaring into the sea.

And a wave of unrest, a wave of again...

This silent performance lasted for a long time, far more than forty-five minutes, or as long as sixty minutes.

Hungry, there are still some liquid food left in the space.

Sleepy, there are energy pills to add.

The maze has trapped him for too long, and now is the closest he has to the finish line.

If you give up this time...

I want to wait until the next time, I don’t know when I will go.

In the past ten minutes and a second, the sun rising from the window to the west did not know how many rounds, and Lu Zhou’s attention was not there at all, just quietly facing the eighth, I don’t know how many times it was written, How many times the whiteboard has been wiped.

Finally, in the darkness of the darkness, the boat that was constantly looking for, finally saw a light.

That light.

It seems to come from the void.

Staring at the void, Lu Zhou's pupil was slightly enlarged, and then slowly contracted.

I don’t have the pride to see the clouds...

There is no ecstatic cheer.

Some are just that the water is so calm and calm.

And, a touch of relief.

"It turned out to be."

“It’s no wonder that all the climbers of a century and a half can be buried.”

"This is really not a problem that can be solved by relying on talent or knowledge."

Who would have thought that the eight-page paper from the Berlin Academy of Sciences in the town of Bresren in the Hanover Kingdom had buried so many talented and intelligent scholars.

No one would have thought that more than a thousand mathematical propositions based on the premise of the Riemann conjecture or its promotion form would be promoted to theorem at this moment.

Today, one and a half centuries later, someone can finally replace Gauss in answering this century.

Yes, Professor Riemann is right.

Closed his eyes, Lu Zhou took a deep breath and spit out the muddy air in his chest.

Later, he looked at the camera in the corner and paused.

"Little Ai."

"Help me sort out the things on the whiteboard."

"It's good to upload directly to arxiv."

He knew that in the past few days, Xiao Ai had been watching him silently behind him.

He even knew that the reason why the door was not pushed away must be because Xiao Ai knew that he did not want to be disturbed, so he used his address and tone to send an email to the person responsible for his safety.

Sure enough, the phone in his pocket shook and popped up a string of bubbles.

【Roger that! (??????)??]

[Congratulations to the master, mua! ()

After doing these things, Lu Zhou took a tube of energy from the system space, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank it, then stuffed it back into his pocket.

He didn't sleep for three days, and he was not in a hurry to go to sleep.

With both hands on the podium, Lu Zhou sat up and quietly facing the front, which lined up eight whiteboards.

He just wants to sit here now, waiting quietly for the familiar voice, ringing from the bottom of his heart...

Then, make the next decision.

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