Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1030: As if from the void

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Hilbert's speech on the question of the century ushered in a new century of journey for Riemann's conjecture.

The mathematics, a boat far from the mortal vision, has left a magnificent legend under the demise of the twentieth century.

At this moment, this century-long journey of human glory has finally reached the end.

Under the attention of almost all eyes from all over the world, this report meeting the answer to the century finally opened its curtain...

The scene of the report was crowded.

Even the largest lecture hall in the Klinsia Hotel, it is impossible to accommodate all the attendees in the normal position, as well as those who have arrived far away.

Some people moved their stools from other places, some people sat on the ground, and some people even sat on the suitcase...

The reporters staring at the camera stood in the last row of the venue, only two or three cameras were placed there.

In order not to interfere with the conduct of this report, the IMU Conference Organizing Committee only granted admission to limited media. It is precisely because of this that only the bb, tv, and Columbia TV stations in this lecture hall have a certain influence on the world.

Noisy sounds filled the entire venue, almost overturning the ceiling.

Almost everyone is talking about the upcoming report, and the paper that Lu Zhou posted on arxiv yesterday.

At this moment, there was a soft sound that opened the door not far away.

The door near the podium of the venue opened, and everyone could not walk unfamiliarly and walked in smoothly from outside the lecture hall.

As if it was sealed, the entire venue was quiet.

A pair of blazing eyes focused on the man.

Everyone is waiting for his opening and taking him to announce the beginning of the meeting...

Looking around at the audience, the boat standing on the stage opened his mouth, but just as he was preparing to start the 60-minute report, the pair’s eyes were filled with hope and confusion. Suddenly, he changed his mind and replaced him.

"...I know that you probably have a lot of questions to ask, including Riemann's conjecture, including the future of all of us. So when I first entered the door, I noticed that this man who is sitting in the front row is half-fart. I have left the chair... I guess he must have a lot of questions to ask me, and I can’t wait any longer."

Under the stage, there was a burst of good-natured laughter, and the originally dignified air eased a little.

Looking at the embarrassed blushing young scholar who sat back, Lu Zhou paused for a moment and said with a relaxed tone.

"According to the usual practice, I should end the nonsense now, start the 60-minute report, but given the special circumstances, I intend to set aside five minutes before the start of the report, first answer some of the audience's questions, so that this part of the audience can Focus more on the report itself. If you have any questions you want to know before the start of the report, you can raise your hand."

Almost all of this sentence has not been finished, and one hand will be lifted up in an instant.

Lu Zhou looked around the front of the venue and ordered a person.

The Indian brother who was selected by Lu Zhou and sat in the front row quickly stood up.

The scholar, who wears glasses and is about thirty years old and has curly hair, comes from the field of artificial intelligence in the lower and lower reaches of the chain of mathematicians. He throws up a sharp question as soon as he comes up.

"Is the Riemann conjecture proven?"

More than half of the audience had erected their ears.

For those scholars who are not engaged in the direction of analytic number theory, although they are equally concerned about the Riemann conjecture that Lu Zhou used to prove, and how this set of mathematical methods can affect other disciplines, but in contrast, What they are more concerned about is whether Riemann conjectures the proposition itself, whether it has been proved.

Even if it is just a statement made by a positive tone.

In response to all the expectations of the audience, Lu Zhou nodded.

"Yes, I can be very responsible to say that from now on, it doesn't matter if you use it as a theorem."

The voice of whispering was spread under the audience.

Many people's faces are filled with unexpected expressions.

In general, the more famous scholars, the more they love their feathers. Unless it is the kind of person who has completely released himself, if there is not more than 10% of the grasp, few people will use such a positive tone to declare that they have proved a major mathematical proposition.

After all, if you are successful, you can say that if you fail, it is not something that you can easily reveal if you are "sorry about making a mistake."

The reason why Sir Attiya, who once claimed that he proved the Riemann conjecture, frequently encountered rejections in his later years was largely because he had not done anything "good thing" in his past ten years, and he often declared it without a head and tail. What he proved was not explained, and even when he claimed to prove the Riemann conjecture, even arxiv rejected his manuscript, so that he had to find another way to publish his own research results. (Note 1)

Such a little room for manoeuvre does not leave for himself, so many people are surprised by his courage and confidence.

I got the answer I wanted, the Indian brother sat back, and then stood up with a mathematics professor from Columbia University.

"After solving the Riemann conjecture? Where is the subject of analytic number theory? What I mean?... Throughout the twentieth century, we have made numerous breakthroughs in the field of number theory, including Fermat's theorem. Or less is obtained in the exploration or indirect exploration of the Riemann conjecture. Now, the hen that will only lay the golden egg is now gone, how should we go in the future?"

Compared with the previous question that can be answered with or without the question, this question is undoubtedly slightly more level.

Lu Zhou thought about it for about five seconds and said.

"I can answer your question, but I want to put the answer at the end of the whole report."

Looking at the wall clock on the wall, Lu Zhou cleared his throat and continued.

"The time is almost over. Troublesome hands that are still holding are put down first."

"At the end of this briefing, I will allow enough time to answer all of your questions."

"Now, let us get to the point."

Just like the countless reports that I have done, I turned to the boat in front of the whiteboard and picked up the marker placed under the whiteboard.

Then he wrote the first line of text on it.

[Certificate: All non-trivial zeros of the Riemann function are located on the complex plane with a line of re(s) = 1/2...]

There is no special opening remark.

However, everyone is tacitly focused on the whiteboard.

Report on the proof of Riemann's conjecture...

Already started!

Under the stage.

Staring at the line of text printed on the whiteboard, sitting on the side of Professor Fehrman, Tao Zhexuan, suddenly said with a hint of excitement.

"He really adjusted the contents of the report!"

"Isn't this a necessary thing?" Professor Fefferman glanced at him with a strange look. "Now the entire mathematics community is concerned about this matter. Even if he wants to pretend that nothing has happened, it is impossible." ”

Tao Zhexuan continued to say with excitement: "No, I was not sure if he was serious until a few minutes ago, but now my suspicion is superfluous."

Professor Fefferman opened his mouth and said a helpless expression.

"...If you think so, it is really superfluous. At least as far as I know him, he never makes jokes about this kind of thing."

Just when the two were talking, the Lu Zhou standing on the stage did not stop at all. The pen in his hand touched quickly. In less than half a minute, he had already crossed the four or five lines.



After taking the first step, it was quickly the second step.

With the writing of one-line calculations, the calculations on the whiteboard are more and more, and the difficulty is gradually becoming easier to understand and become more complicated.

Sitting in front of the stage, looking up at the brush strokes on the whiteboard, whether it is the academician Wang, or the young scholars sitting next to Zhang Wei, Xu Chenyang, Yang Yongan, the face is full of shock look.

Surprised by this series of exquisite operations, Yang Yongan finally did not hold back, blurted out and praised.

"……So fast!"

Zhang Wei, sitting next to him, also had a complex feeling of emotion.

"It seems that he really intends to finish the entire paper in sixty minutes."

In fact, before this report, he was prepared to complete the 60-minute report.

After all, as far as the content of the paper on arxiv is concerned, it doesn't seem like it can be fully explained in 60 minutes. Many of the complex deep logic, even if the prover himself looks back, I am afraid I have to spend it. A lot of effort.

But now it seems that he wants more.

Keeping this speed down, I am afraid that it will take less than 60 minutes, and forty or fifty minutes is enough for the **** to use...

Xu Chenyang’s expression is complicated: “Unbelievable... This speed, he does not need to think at all?”

If it is written according to the essay, but he only holds a pen in his hand.

The most unbelievable thing is that even if you just write, in some key steps, he will also be accompanied by a brief explanation to explain why he wrote this step, and this step is for which One step buried in the foreshadowing.

This feeling is like...

The whole process of proof has been engraved in his mind, and it is still completely understandable.

Zhang Wei squatted for a while and said: "Maybe, all the steps have been remembered in his heart."

Yang Yongan looked at him with a smile.

"That... that's too exaggerated."

At this time, Qin Yue, who had been sitting next to him, had suddenly opened his mouth and said.

"This is not an exaggeration for the professor."

Hearing this sudden sound, whether it was Yang Yongan, Zhang Wei or Xu Chenyang, or the academician Wang who was sitting there quietly, they all cast an unexpected sight on Qin Yue.

After paying attention to those who looked at themselves, Qin Yue paused for a moment and continued.

"With my knowledge of the professor, he will not deliberately remember these things."

Academician Wang Shicheng frowned and said, "Is it really a live push?"

"I am afraid," Qin Yue nodded and continued. "For him, solving a problem that has been solved once is a thing that can be treated as a pastime."


Solve the solved problem again as a pastime...

No wonder this guy is strong enough.

And no matter how Qin Yue said this sentence, how the expressions on the faces of Academician Wang Shicheng were shocked, and the two previous IMU conference Philtz Prize winners sitting on the other side of the venue were also standing on the stage. The series of operations of Lu Zhou was amazing.

"Unbelievable..." Activities under the stiff neck, Professor Aksay lifted his index finger and touched the glasses on his lower nose, whispering in his mouth, "introducing the differential manifold into the complex plane...he The method completely overturns my understanding of differential geometry and meromorphic functions."

Sitting next to him, Schultz, holding his arms, smiled and said: "It seems that he is playing very stable."

Aksai looked at him and said, "A bit... surprising."

Schultz: "What is the accident?"

Gazing straight at the whiteboard, Aksay ponded for a moment, and continued to say: "I don't understand, how did he come up? I don't know if you can understand this feeling, just like a light from heaven. Shooting, but when we look up, we can't find the light source."

Also looking at the whiteboard that had been buried, Schultz suddenly smiled and said with a touch of emotion.

"It's nothing strange, we don't understand it, just because we don't know how long he spent in front of the maze. And before making a grand result, he doesn't seem happy to write the staged results in the paper and share it with We saw it."

"So, I can understand your confusion, my friends. Because those calculations are the same for me, they are not difficult to understand and understand, but they still give me this unreal feeling. Just like In the writings of Mr. Grottendick, almost every scholar who has studied in this field has studied the classics of the Bible as algebraic geometry. However, when we try to follow his ideas, why does this happen to him? When thinking and chasing the roots, most of this arrogant thought will fall through. It is like..."

Shertz paused for a moment when it came to this.

Just as if looking for an appropriate metaphor, he thought for a long time.

At this moment, the filled whiteboard on the stage has been dragged to the side by the staff and replaced with Zhang Xinxin's whiteboard.

The boat standing in front of the whiteboard just paused for a few seconds, then lifted the pen in his hand and continued to work **** it.

At this time, Schultz finally thought of it.

Almost subconsciously, the words that were not finished were blurted out of his mouth.

" seems to come from the void."

“It’s like those formulas that don’t belong to this world at all.”

(Note 1: Sir Attiya himself publicly complained about this matter in the questioning session of the Heidelberg Reporting Conference. In fact, it is rare for scholars like him to encounter rejections frequently, especially the folk mathematicians like arxiv. A place where you can be treated with tolerance.

A proof of the failure of a major mathematical proposition claims that the blow to a scholar's academic reputation is extremely serious, and the failure of several consecutive times, the end result is the loss of everyone's trust, even the Fields Prize. The aura of the Abel Prize will be eclipsed by the impact of academic reputation. This shows that the academic world is a place of incomparable reality. )

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