Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1035: I have a way to cure you.

It took about ten minutes. Lu Zhoucai and the elderly explained clearly. What Riemann guessed was what it meant, and what was the meaning of the most important bank card password problem...

Of course, it is in the sense of science.

If it is in the academic sense, let alone talk about the dry mouth, that is, the power of the lithium-sulfur battery in this mobile phone is finished, I am afraid it is not clear.

However, after Lu Zhou felt that he had been chatting with himself for a while, the old man’s mood seemed to be much better. Later, I even opened the hands-free, and took the old lady to listen to the mathematics of the son who had become an academician.

In fact, Lu Zhou realized that afterwards, perhaps the old lady cares about the password is not safe, just want to listen to their own voice.

Thinking of this, his nose is not sour.

Maybe, he really should take the time to go home and have a look.

However, now is not a time of sentimentality, there is another important thing waiting for him to deal with.

After sucking the nose, Lu Zhou stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

Looking at the car endoscope, Wang Peng, sitting in the driver's seat, put his hand on the steering wheel and asked in a concise manner.


"301 Hospital."



301 hospital.

Downstairs of the South Building.

A man in a white shirt stood with a bouquet of carnations in his hand, as if he had been standing for a long time.

This bunch of carnations was bought in a flower shop near the hospital. The dress on the body was the one that was worn at the report meeting in St. Petersburg yesterday. It had not been replaced yet.

Most of the people who can be hospitalized here are not ordinary. The identity of the person who comes to visit the disease is probably not simple. People like him who are "just" are rare.

It is precisely because of this, doctors and nurses who pass by occasionally will frequently look at each other and cast an unexpected sight on this side.

However, after seeing the face, most of the doubts disappeared.

People who work here may not remember the face of every patient, but they will never forget this face.

After all, when the guy suddenly fainted at the job site, he didn’t have to worry about them...

Jomo continued to stand for five minutes, and Lu Zhou finally took a deep breath and walked forward.

Presented the documents in his hand, stepped into the Lu Zhou in the building, went upstairs along the stairs, and then went to the ward at the end of the corridor.

On a white bed, a girl with a long blond hair was sitting there, looking at the sprouts of the branches of the metasequoia.

The footsteps coming from outside the corridor made her return to the state from the state of emptying her thoughts. From the reflection of the glass window, she saw the figure appearing at the door, and the girl’s face showed a happy smile.

Looking back from the window, she looked at Lu Zhou and said a sapphire-like scorpion.

"I have been here before."

When I got to the bed, Lu Zhou gently inserted the carnation into the vase on the bedside table and said it in a sound that sounded as easy as possible.


Looking up at the ceiling, Vera thought about it and said.

"Probably three years ago... I heard that you fainted at the ignition of the controllable fusion. I bought a ticket and flew here, but until my visa expired, I didn't have a chance to come in. They didn't let it. I visited you, then I went back... and I remember, as if I had just walked, you woke up, and for a while I even wondered if you were deliberately hiding from me."

"How is it possible... If I am hiding from you, why do I appear here," Lu Zhou said softly, "How? I feel the environment is still used to it?"

Bend the corner of the corner, Vera did not care that Lu Zhou bluntly opened the topic, but continued to follow his words.

"It's quite accustomed. The bed here is very comfortable, people are very friendly. The nurse and sister who take care of me will also chat with me when I wake up. I feel a little bit painful except for chemotherapy. I feel much better."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou's heart has a hint of sorrow and grief, he probably can distinguish it, it should be a distressed mood.

Just as he was going to say something, she continued.

"Speaking, I still heard the story of the nurse and sister here... I feel..."

Lu Zhou: "...what do you feel?"

"Feeling, it's amazing."

Willa, who said this sentence, felt that her cheeks were slightly hot.

However, some people are more embarrassed than her at this time.

The index finger scratched his cheek, and she continued to say when Lu Zhou thought about how to accept this sentence modestly.

"Now I am already in Beijing. You can tell me, what do you want me to do?" Blinking her eyes, sitting on her bed, watching Lu Zhou continue, "I feel a little better now, if you can If... I want to use the knowledge you taught me to do something for you."

Looking straight at the sapphire-like scorpion, Lu Zhou opened his mouth.

There were a lot of words to say, but at the moment I don’t know where to start.

In short, if you don't know what to say, let's talk about business.

Thinking about it, he looked at the girl sitting in the hospital bed and said in a serious tone.

"Listen, I have a way to cure you, but it requires your cooperation."

It seems that I did not expect Lu Zhou to say so.

Vera, who heard this sentence, squinted a little, then shook her head and smiled.

"Impossible, the doctor has told me that it is impossible to cure me with modern medical technology... In fact, you don't have to comfort me. I have spent a year preparing for it. It's not so sad. ""

"I am not kidding, I am not comforting you, I am serious," took a deep breath, Lu Zhou looked at her and continued, "With modern medical technology, it is impossible to cure you, but the future is not necessarily After a century or even earlier, smallpox and black death are also incurable diseases, but we are ultimately winning. Even if we can't do it now, I believe the future will be fine."

Vera whispered: "I am afraid I can't wait that long..."

"No, you can," looked at Vera, who was full of surprises. Lu Zhou said in a positive tone: "I will send you to the future..."

It took about five minutes for Lu Zhou to tell her as much as possible about the frozen dormancy technique, the subject of the Institute of Frozen Biology at the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, and what the so-called “going to the future” is, and what it means. .

After listening to Lu Zhou’s explanation quietly, Vera did not immediately give Lu Zhou a reply or not, but looked at the ceiling with some ecstasy.

"The world a hundred years later... I feel so far away."

"Where... what would it look like?"

Lu Zhou: "Maybe it’s not a hundred years. It’s enough for a 70-year-old view. At that time, the society was rich in material and energy was infinite... I can’t imagine it for a while, but no accident, it should be better than now. world."

Vera: "That... does that world have you?"

Upon hearing this question, Lu Zhou was silent for a while.

After about half a minute, he whispered.

"I don't care if I am not important. What is important is that you should be happy in the new world."

Vera looked at him and blinked: "But I am very happy now."

Lu Zhou: "I promise that you will be happier if you are healthy."

Vera slightly stunned her mouth.

"You did not answer my question."

Looking at the firm eyes, Lu Zhou said silently for a while.

"Maybe there will be, my body is not bad, our country also has a lot of longevity methods... But even when I got there, I probably already be a bad old man, you still don't expect too much. No matter when you are young. How handsome, old is basically the same, slow response, and trouble, you still don't expect too much from me at that time."

I don't know which sentence I was laughing at, and Vera suddenly refused to hold back and accidentally laughed.

The smile is like the carnation on the table, with a touch of brilliance in the delicate.

"It doesn't matter to the old man."

Lifting the cuffs gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and the eyes of Vera, whose lips were curled up, were full of smiles. They were also replaced with a bit of timid scorpion, and they were replaced by gentle eyes.

Looking at Lu Zhou, she continued.

" long as you are."

Is this a feeling of heart?

Maybe a myocardial infarction...

There was an unbearable flash of light in my eyes, but reason told him that this was the only way to save her.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou asked his voice to keep calm and asked softly.

"That... are you willing? Go to the future..."

Looking at him intently, Vera nodded lightly and said in a gentle voice.


"If you want me to do this."

"I am willing to do anything for you."

Wonder House

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