Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1040: Forecast is part of the analysis (seeking a monthly ticket~)

At this moment, Lu Zhou did not know that the behavior of one of his old friends might have brought him a lot of trouble.

However, even if he knows, he probably won't blame him too much.

After all, just like what he is doing.

Even without him to push this technology, in the future ten or twenty years later, someone will bring this technology to the world. Especially in the context of today's space competition, the freeze dormancy technology is also written in the corner of the outline of the space research and development project of the two superpowers. Perhaps this day is just what will happen in the next decade or two.

Similarly, even without Professor Krugman's thesis, there must be other people to play this role and fulfill his historical mission.

Lu Zhou, who had already foreseen what was going to happen, took the high-speed train back to his hometown on the day after the report of the medical university.

Almost at the time when he took the high-speed rail to return home, the 301 Hospital and the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies finally released a message about the acceptance of frozen dormancy treatment by a Fields Prize winner.

It is almost foreseeable.

After the sensation caused by Riemann’s conjecture, the headline position of the mainstream media in the world was once again occupied by Professor Lu...



Cafe of the Institute of Advanced Studies.

Sitting in a window position, facing the old friend Angus Deton, who was sitting across from him, Professor Fefferman said with a slight sigh.

"I didn't expect him to do this."

Freeze dormancy.

Recently, Princeton is talking about this matter.

Although I am aware that this is probably the best choice, but not everyone can accept such a choice, especially the student of Miss Vera Puyue, whether it is about the cute and respectable teacher was diagnosed For the late stage of lung cancer, or the fact that her respectable tutor actually sent her "frozen" to the future, it caused quite a lot of controversy.

However, Lu Zhou seems to be very unexpectedly calm. These days are like missing from the Internet. No information on arxiv or mathoverflow has been updated. Fefferman also went to the commonly used bib in China to look at it. He remembered that he seemed to like to interact with netizens and found the same.

"Actually... I am expected."

Stirring the coffee in the cup with a spoon and looking at the whirlpool of milk foam, Professor Angus Deton continued for a moment and continued.

"I once advised him to keep him cautious in the matter of freezing dormancy. But then I thought about it, those words are actually not necessary at all, it will not work, even if I convinced him, Let him give us more time for civilization, and this day will always come. The pursuit of survival is eternal. From the moment our ancestors mastered the tools, we are destined to have everything we have now, and we are doomed. Every one of our choices is to make us live longer."

A little interested in this statement, Fefferman accidentally looked at him: "Economics also study this?"

Angus: "This is not economics, it is evolution, it is biological... It can be said that it is human."

In the corridor outside the cafe, footsteps came.

Soon, an old man in a plain shirt walked in from the outside.

"Sorry, I am late for a while... Fefferman? Are you here too?"

Looking at Fefferman sitting opposite Professor Angus, Krugman looked at him with a slight surprise, apparently did not expect him to appear here.

"When I was not busy, I was here almost every afternoon... but there are some exceptions today," shrugged. Professor Fefferman smiled warmly and continued, "This is Professor Angus invited me. Come."

Krugman opened his mouth and said, "Okay... It seems that our Professor Angus has invited more than one person."

Professor Angus: "It is not important to invite a few people. In contrast, I am more interested in your research... I noticed that you recently contributed a paper on the impact of frozen dormancy technology on macroeconomics. Aspects."

Upon hearing the old friend's recent research, Krugman's face suddenly showed a fascinating look, and he slammed the chair and sat next to the two.

"Of course, that paper was written by me. I didn't expect you to see it... a Mocha thank you."

The waiter nodded and turned to walk in the direction of the bar.

After clearing the scorpion, Krugman continued.

"You may not be able to imagine the social changes that this technology may bring. In fact, I only thought about it before I took the plane. It may sound a bit ridiculous, but it doesn't matter, I can tell you."

After all, Krugman spent about ten minutes retelling his research results. Especially for "human society, it is possible that because of the birth of this technology, the long-term equality that has been achieved and stabilized by human society since the French Revolution/life has been broken, and eventually and countless times have happened. He guessed from a new inequality to a new equality, he used a lot of time to describe.

Patiently listening to the old friend’s generous speech, he waited until the cup of coffee he had ordered was brought up by the waiter. He finally stopped his words because of his dry mouth, and Professor Angus smiled and smiled.

"I have an unpublished manuscript here... are you interested?"

Professor Krugman, who still holds a coffee cup in his hand, asked with a slight sigh: "Is this so okay?"

Generally speaking, scholars in the same field will try to avoid doing this, but Angus does not care, just gently said.

"There is nothing wrong with us. We have known each other for so many years. This trust is still there. What's more than just you, just now Professor Fefferman has seen it."

Sitting next to him has always played the role of a listener, and Fefferman also said with a smile: "A very interesting article, although it seems to me to spend a little effort to fully understand."

"... Since you said so, please be sure to show me."

"No problem, it's here."

After picking up the manuscript from Professor Angus, Krugman looked at the very characteristic handwriting, first squatted down, then his face was filled with the look of disbelief and shock. .

Future sociology!

In ten minutes, the manuscript was quickly flipped through, and Krugman returned it to Angus, a complex face.

"...have you finished? When? Write it? Don't tell me these days."

Collapsed this manuscript, Professor Angus said: "As early as half a year ago, I sent the first paper, which is the part of the potential science that you will see in the opening chapter for future sociology. Overview. Later, there were a few articles. This manuscript is a simple sorting of these contents. At least I think that the content is enough to support the volume of a book."

After a pause, Professor Angus continued.

"A long time ago... or just a few years ago, this is actually something that is not necessary to discuss. No matter how arbitrarily we develop, there is no means to directly interfere with the future society, and there will be no How many people deliberately plan the future of a hundred years after they do not exist. Regardless of the recognition, most of the choices we make are based on the current situation."

"But now this tacit understanding has been broken. When some people start to think about how to pave the way for the future, things tend to get into trouble. Maybe it’s not just soybeans that will be traded in futures for a few years, even the future. The currency will have the attributes of futures trading."

"Our work may not be trivial, but theoretical work must be done by someone. At least, when problems occur, we can provide some objective reference for those who are cautious."

Krugman opened his mouth and said with a look of remorse.

"...I didn't expect to be preempted."

Professor Angus said with a smile: "You have discovered that I am a little surprised now. I thought that people like you who love to think about things should know more about these things than I do. After all, if you change me, you will definitely not be serious. Write the "Interstellar Trade Theory"... This title carries a strong Hollywood essay."

Professor Krugman said with a slap in the face: "If you really read my paper, you won't say that."

Professor Angus: "Of course I read your thesis. Not only that, I have been tracking your research for some time. After all, few economists are interested in the distant future, as we often say. The future cannot be expected the same."

Krugman: "...what? I can't believe that our Professor Angus has actually become interested in my research."

"There is nothing to dare to believe. The topic you are working on is exactly the same as what I want to do. Just like your interest in my manuscript, our interests are common."

"...Future sociology?"

“Yes,” Professor Angus said. “The prediction is also part of the analysis, just like our eyes and brains. Only by knowing us can we judge whether it is correct or not. How? Join us?”

Facing the olive branch that was suddenly thrown at himself, Professor Krugman was slightly surprised and unconsciously licked his eyelids.

I have to say that this is a very attractive proposal.

In fact, he is indeed heart-warming.

"...I can't give you a reply right away. It needs to seek the advice of my partner. Of course, I think the possibility of his rejection is very small. On the key issues concerning the progress of the subject, our judgment is always over Unexpected agreement."

"Nothing, this is not a project that can be completed in a day or two. I can wait quietly... as long as it is not too long."

After a pause, Professor Angus continued to look at Fefman: "So, then there is another opinion from Professor Fefferman who has read my manuscript."

I’ve been watching it with great interest. I didn’t expect this ball to be kicked to my feet. Fefferman squatted slightly and then laughed and said: “...I? Does this topic have anything to do with me? ”

“Of course,” Professor Angus took for granted and continued. “All the conditions are in place, only... we still lack a good mathematician.”

Professor Fefferman opened his mouth and silently said for a while: "I think... I have to think about it and give you a reply. In fact, Professor Faltins invited me to participate in a great topic, I am not sure. Is there that time?"

Krugman said with some excitement: "Is there anything more great than the future?"

"That's hard to say. I think it's better to know what's going on in the future. I think it's better for the moment, and it's better for a better future." Looking at the watch worn on his left hand, Fefferman stretched his hand The coffee cup, the rest of the coffee was lightly sipped, and then the cup was put down. "I will have a discussion in a while, so I will not stay here."

In fact, although they are very interested in these things they discuss, as well as brain holes. But if you want to get involved, he is still a bit... not very happy.

Like most mathematicians in Princeton.

Although when it comes to mathematics, even if he is humble, he will not be able to give birth to the "arrogance" in his heart. This arrogance stems from the knowledge they are proud of and the stubbornness that has continued since the last century—mathematics should serve mathematics.

Seeing that Professor Fefferman was going to leave, Professor Angus’s face showed a disappointing expression.

He had thought that the words were enough to impress him, but he did not expect to fail.

However, at this time, Professor Krugman said suddenly, "Professor Lu said that after he solved the Riemann conjecture, he would consider participating in our research."

This sentence seems to have played a role.

At least the finger that Professor Fefferman had placed in front of the coffee cup suddenly stopped.

He had to plan to stand up and he sat back and watched Professor Krugman frown and said.

"...Lu Zhou? Did he say that?"

"I can swear to God," Krugman raised three fingers close together. "If I lie, let Satan take my soul."

Fefferman: "...when is it probably?"

Krugman replied truthfully: "The day before the imu conference, we met at Perelman's home, and I was like an invitation..."

Although at the time, either Krugman or his companion Albert, interpreted the sentence as a euphemistic rejection.

After all, "after considering the Riemann conjecture, think about it..." This kind of rhetoric believes that anyone who hears this sentence will have the same thoughts as them.


Who thought of a few days of hard work, and was it really solved by him? !

If there is no such thing as Vera, why should he sit here now and Professor Angus swears, and he is not sure that he has reached a consensus in St. Petersburg, and has begun to study this subject.

After a long silence on this sentence, Professor Fefferman suddenly looked up and looked at Professor Angus.

"...I changed my mind."

In the sight of the two professors’ surprises, he smiled slightly and continued.

"I am very interested in what you said."

"If you don't have trouble, please let me join."

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