Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1043: Legendary mission!

At the same time, the other side of the earth.

In a pure white system space, Lu Zhou walked to the front of the holographic panel, and reached out and selected the task card that swayed with pale gold light particles in the inventory.

Almost as soon as the index finger touches the card, the pale gold light particles are scattered and fill the entire holographic screen.

After the glare to make people feel that the bundle of banknotes is burning, the color is different from the previous task panel, which is in front of Lu Zhou.

I glanced at the task panel from the top down, and there was a hint of expression on his face.

"Sure enough... as much as I thought."

[The legendary mission: the first step to the future. 】

[Description: The first step to the future is in front of you. At this time, you are closer to the ideal country in their mind than any mathematician in the world! 】

[Requirements: Unified algebra and geometry! 】

[Reward: Mathematical level +1, Void memory b, 5 lucky draw chances, 10,000 points. 】

This legendary mission is probably the so-called promotion task.

It seems that, as he guessed, the so-called "future era" of the system does not bring him to the distant future, or give him a bunch of things and technologies that belong only to the future, but let him personally climb the way. The last step of the future until the door to the new era is finally pushed.

It is math now.

In the future, it will be physics, biochemistry, materials science, etc...

When all disciplines reach lv10, the system doesn't even need to do anything or even any hints at all. What he sees in his eyes is naturally the future...

"The new era means the future."

"It turned out to be..."

"Mathematical lv10's promotion task is 'the unified theory of algebra and geometry', let the study of mathematics enter the next generation from the previous generation... So what are the legendary tasks of other disciplines leading to the tenth level?"

I closed my eyes and thought for a while. It seemed that I was thinking of something interesting. Lu Zhou’s mouth immediately took a smile.

" really exciting."

Finally, touch the border of the future!

The index finger gently strokes through the interface of the holographic panel.

The task panel is hidden behind the light blue main interface.

In the next moment, Lu Zhou’s consciousness has jumped out of this pure white space and returned to the colorful real world...


The holiday has passed with the last day of August and it has ended.

I stayed with my family for a whole month. I felt that my nervous nerves had been relaxed enough to pack my luggage and once again sat on the high-speed rail to Jinling.

Although the leisurely and pleasant life is desirable, there is always something missing.

What's more, such a fascinating subject is in front of him. If he doesn't do anything, he always feels uncomfortable.

Before leaving home, Lu Zhou hesitated and finally said his own thoughts. He hoped that the old lady would go to Jinling with herself, so that the family would be closer to the family and the second would be a good one.

However, it was almost the same as before. Almost when he just said this idea, he was rejected by the old man without hesitation.

"Don't go, have you got there?"

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou did not know how to answer.


In short, life will definitely be a lot easier?

Looking at his son, Fang Mei still had some concerns, hesitated and said.

"...or, I am going to cook for you?"

However, the same thing, almost this sentence just said to be exported, was interrupted by Lu Bangguo.

"You don't want to get used to him. When he finds a wife, naturally someone will cook for him."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Even if your son does not find a wife, someone will cook for it...

However, it seems that artificial intelligence is not a human being.

When I heard the words of Lao Lu, Fang Mei did not speak again.

Although she always squabble with Lao Lu, there are some things that she still listens to.

After a pause, Lao Lu looked at Lu Zhou and continued to speak with a long voice.

"You are also busy at work, and you can handle your own affairs. Don't worry about your old lady all day. We are very good and don't need your care. Instead, you should exercise more and do not sit in the office all day. in."

"We have a very comfortable place on the side of Gangneung. If you have nothing to do, you can go out and circle. It’s very convenient to go to a family of friends. It’s really going to Jinling. It’s estimated that you will watch TV at home all day. Maybe you can't even see a few faces."

"It’s good to be like this. If you are on holiday or miss us, it’s enough to go home and see.”

I heard that the old man said so, Lu Zhou did not say anything.

His original intention is actually for the two old people. Whether Jinling City is a medical resource or a public resource, it must be much better than a prefecture-level city in Gangneung.

However, those who Lao Tzu said are indeed a problem.

Not everyone is looking forward to living in a big city. At least for his dad, he still prefers to hold a newspaper in his unit. While drinking tea and bragging with his colleagues, when he is fine, he will go fishing and go to the river to get two. A leisurely day with wild game.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou did not mention this matter again.

In the future, try to take the time to go home and see if you can...

All the way to the high-speed rail, and soon returned to Jinling.

The first thing to return to the city, Lu Zhou went to Jinda and submitted this year's research project.

When he handed in the opening report, the number of instructors who were responsible for the formalities of the procedure, the whole person was turned into a sculpture, and there was no movement for half a minute.

Algebraic geometry unified theory!

He has been working in this position for so many years, and it is the first time he has seen someone submitting such an exaggerated opening report.

Seeing the shocking expression on the teacher's face, Lu Zhou sighed softly.


It is myself to come here.

Presumably if you are standing here at this moment, if you are not yourself, but Han Mengqi or other students in the office, it is difficult to say whether he will treat this paper as an expired April Fool's Day joke...

For the purpose of reminding, Lu Zhou coughed softly.

After hearing this soft cough, the teacher who finally recovered from the sacred god, looked at Lu Zhou and swallowed.

"Lu... Academician, are you sure... to open this topic?"

In general, the topics that have been opened are to be honored. After a research project has been opened for a long time, it is not a good thing. Although it may have little effect on the scholars of this level, he has confirmed it with responsibility.

Lu Zhou: "Is there anything wrong?"

"...No, of course you don't have it," the face squeezed a bit of an unnatural smile. The teacher quickly stamped the chapter and placed the opening report on the most prominent position on the desk. I will get back to you as soon as possible!"

Lu Zhou nodded.

"Do not worry so much, try to be good."

Opening a question is purely a habit.

If not, it doesn't matter.

After all, he is not so concerned about it...

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