Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1045: Good news from carbon-based chip labs

The usage of the wreckage No. 2 is temporarily uncertain, but it is already a clue about its origin and use.

Although there is still no means to crack the secret, he believes that after seeing the next memory, he should be able to get the key to open this "treasure chest".

Putting the unsolvable problem aside for the time being, Lu Zhou put the focus of his work back on the school side.

Compared to the Riemann conjecture, the theory of unified algebra and geometry is not as difficult as imagined.

Although this is a more decent work than the Riemann conjecture, in fact, what is more needed to complete it is not a groundbreaking idea, even a creative brain is not very useful.

What really tests this is a ability to rely on logic to summarize and analyze existing knowledge, methods, and tools.

This may be somewhat abstract.

The specific point is that compared to the Riemann conjecture where the peak of the cloud is not visible under the mountain, this topic can not only see where the end of the mountain road is, but even how to go up is foreseeable. of.

In fact, when studying Riemann's conjecture, his heart has already faintly seen the outline of the blueprint. At the same time, he is also the closest person in the world to the top of the mountain.

After all, the research on the Riemann conjecture has made him stand on the mountainside of this mountain.

It is not ruled out that someone will get inspiration from his thesis and eventually complete this work, but at least for now, he is the most hopeful person to complete it.

At the same time, in this subject, his students can also be more involved.

Compared to Riemann’s conjecture, which relies on the genius of the mind and the moment of fortune, the sub-topics that are planned by him to be classified in the research outline are all solved as long as they take the time and work hard. problem……


Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

In the dean's office.

From the Shangjing side, Jinling was on a business trip, and Li, who was on the side of the Institute of Advanced Studies, sat on the sofa and put down the steaming cup, laughing and talking to Lu Zhou.

"...Say, I have forgotten to tell you something."

"what's up?"

"A few days ago, there was a diplomatic letter from Russia that expressed gratitude, and it was specifically mentioned in your name."

Lu Zhou hesitated, curiously asked.

"...thank you letter?"

"Well, some time ago, you didn't go to the Helios nuclear power plant, but also found a big loophole in their grid system? The main reason is for this!"

That's it.

"Coincidentally, in fact, my computer level is the same," Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly, preparing to be humble, but suddenly realized one thing, immediately said, "The diplomatic letter ... is not open Ok?"

Upon hearing this sentence, I immediately understood what Lu Zhou was worried about. Director Li took a big leg. He laughed and said, "This is not a press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Of course, it is impossible to disclose it. Moreover, we also have special Keeping the other person secret, this is also because of your security considerations."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou finally nodded.

Although it is a lot of itch and debt, but it can not stimulate other people's sensitive nerves, it is better to stay a little better.

Of course, Lu Zhou believes that the person responsible for his security work is also clear that even if there is no public expression, expecting Americans to feel that this matter has nothing to do with him, it is still somewhat unrealistic.

Director Li: "There is one more thing to say about this."

Lu Zhou: "What?"

After taking a sip of tea and moistening the scorpion, Director Li put on a serious expression and continued. "The accident was not accidental. An intelligence officer named Masim... Of course, I don't know if this is It’s not his real name. In short, the information provided to us by the Russian intelligence services shows that this is probably a premeditated attack. The person planning the attack tried to actively take the ignition when the virus was implanted in the grid system in St. Petersburg. Guide the core overload to induce an ignition accident, and solve the Helios power station with you in one stone and two birds."


"Yes." Director Li nodded and said seriously. "There are enough clues to prove that at least half of the conspiracy that was killed in the cradle was directed at you."

“However, those who hide in the dark clearly underestimate the safety of our fusion devices.”

"At present, the Russian unified power company is cooperating with the Security Bureau to conduct an investigation. It is said that a lot of spies have been smashed out of the way... but I am not sure about the specific progress. Let’s not say that our Science and Technology Bureau has nothing to do with it. If people find it, they will not necessarily tell us."

I didn't expect that there was so many stories behind St. Petersburg's trip some time ago.

After listening to the words of Director Li, Lu Zhou was silent for a while, and suddenly sighed and said: "Is it so troublesome? If I have to attend such a meeting, I will still have less to forget."

Director Li said with a smile: "Don't say that, if you have the necessary academic activities, you should participate in it or participate in it. Be careful not to ruin it. Besides, the emperor's nationalism is chasing and blocking, what haven't you seen before? Moreover, it is not the same year. The unprecedented international situation is good for us. Even those who hide in the dark want to have action, and they only dare to sneak in the dark."

Said that Secretary Li put the teacup down and stood up from the sofa.

"Well, I will have something to do later, so don't delay your time. If you have anything else, just call me."

Lu Zhou nodded and stood up.

"Slow down."

Commissioner Li was sent downstairs, and Lu Zhou, who was on the floor, was preparing to go back to the office, but he just saw Professor Wu Tianqun from the Carbon-based Chip Materials Institute and was coming to this side.

I saw that the old professor’s neck was rising red. The words "excited" were almost written on his face. When he saw Lu Zhou coming back from outside, he couldn’t wait to meet and share himself. Excited at the moment.

"good news!"

In fact, when I first saw the old professor, Lu Zhou had already guessed something through his expression.

The news from the carbon-based chip lab can be called good news. What news can it be besides a message?

But for the attitude of letting people finish his words, he still confirmed the sentence.

"...What good news?"

Sure enough, Professor Wu Tianqun’s reaction confirmed his guess!

Professor Wu Tianqun said with excitement in his tone.

“The sample of Longteng No. 1 with the performance of commercial standards!”

"We made it!"

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