Just in the first time that Warwick will revolve around the Longteng series of chips, all of them are on the curtain, and the huge product launch site has been filled with sensational sounds.

Did not stop here, taking advantage of the warm atmosphere of the audience, Warwick Chief Product Strategy Officer announced the entry into the live demonstration session in the audience, including the invited guests, the media, and other participants. The atmosphere pushed to the top.

Under the instructions of Shao Yi, the staff at the venue took two mobile phones and walked up to the front of the table, placed on the bracket of the table in the center of the podium.

One of them is the meta100 concept machine with the 28nm process of the Longteng 1 series chip mobile phone, and the other is the mete30 with the kirin950 chip of the 16nm finfet process.

Under the debugging of the on-site staff, the two mobile phones simultaneously launched the game calculation demo of the same city scene.

Through the projector, the screen on the screen of the mobile phone is quickly presented to everyone in advance without any reservation.

Through the screen on the big screen, you can clearly see, with the increase of the complexity and detail of the screen, and even gradually exceed the limit of the processing power of the built-in gpu in the mobile phone chip, the picture frame on the screen of the mobile phone with the traditional silicon-based chip installed. The number is getting less and less, and even gradually becoming static, the temperature is getting higher and higher, even reaching the level of hot.

On the other hand, the mete100 with the carbon-based chip not only keeps running smoothly, but even as the scale of the city continues to expand, the details continue to increase, and it can be considered to have reached the level of “pc level”, the frame rate of the picture. Still stable at more than 60 frames, the participants on the scene were all surprised and surprised.

Not only that, from the temperature data, although the surface temperature of meta100 has also increased with the increase in budgetary power, the temperature remains within the normal heating temperature range.

I have seen such a picture, and there is no suspense about whether the carbon-based chip in that concept still remains at the conceptual level.

They are not just data on paper, they even put the concept machine in front of them.

Even if 10,000 of them couldn't believe it, even if they were not willing to accept such facts anyway, the iron-clad facts were in front of them, and Mayberry finally realized that his poor prayers did not help.

No, it would be better to say that when he started with the moment of luck, they lost the asymmetrical war in his heart.

Sitting next to him, Intel's ceo Swan, his face is also full of shock, looking at the pupils on the stage and even lost.

But a little better than Mayberry, he had seen him with all the big winds and waves, but a deep breathing effort restored calmness from that short-lived loss.

His eyes stared at the stage and he suddenly said.

"Speak up..."

Hearing the voice of Mr. Swan, Mayberry twisted his stiff neck and asked, "What, what?"

"I don't know if you noticed it," the line of sight looked around the venue, especially for a while at the special guest's seat. Swan said in a calm voice, "It seems that there is no Qualcomm."

After hearing this sentence, Mayberry squinted slightly, and then began to look around at the venue with Swan.

Soon, he also realized the problem.

"...not just without Qualcomm, nor amd, etc., except for TSMC, which is closer to work with them, there is no semiconductor company other than us... We seem to be the only US semiconductor company invited."

When I heard the companion confirming my discovery, Swan’s expression instantly became intriguing.

If it is for the next Mawei, there is no need to invite only one company.

Empathy, if Intel made such an amazing technology, he will not hesitate to give "old friends" Qualcomm, amd, and even Apple, Samsung and other companies, an invitation letter to the past.

No matter whether people come or not, the best mind is fulfilled.

With such a thought, Warwick should not ask them to come over to give them a horse.

At least, the main purpose is not for this.

In this way, they have only one plan left.

In about ten minutes, I made this difficult choice in my heart. Looking at the product launch meeting that had already come to an end, Swan took a deep breath and said.

"You will go back to the hotel first."

Mayberry looked at him and asked, "What about you?"

Swan said faintly.

"I am going to talk to their boss."


After the end of the gpu performance test, it is the stability test of the chip, which is the internationally used pi test method.

Under the operation of the staff, the two mobile phones simultaneously launched the superπ software. Although the main function of this software is to use the floating point computing power of the central processing unit to calculate the pi, in general, its wider application is still in the cpu. Testing for stability and computing power.

As everyone expected, the powerful performance of mete100 once again wiped out the control group using traditional silicon-based chips.

At the time of the product launch conference, it was already boiling. In the exhibition hall outside the conference, it was also an exclamation.

Although most of the visitors were unable to enter the conference, they still managed to see the mood of the mete100 concept machine through the large screen that was delayed for half a minute in the exhibition hall.

When we saw that the two groups were completely different, a group of workmanship was fine, and a group of rough and simple pictures were compared, the tourists passing by the exhibition hall could not help but stop, and stopped to cast a horrified sight.

"This is... gta?"

"No, it seems to be just a demo program for testing."

"Where! On the mobile phone that is integrated on the chip, can you achieve the image quality? This is the connection of the PC graphics card? Is the presentation a mobile phone or a computer?!"

"The concept machine you know, definitely what is bragging!"

"Not necessarily, I heard that they use the latest carbon-based chips, and the previous silicon-based chips are said to be bigger than tubes and transistors, and may not be able to do so."

"I don't believe that Warwick can have this bully?"

"The chip seems to have been made by the Jinling Institute of Higher Education... I read the paper, and the author of the communication was Lu Zhou’s name. Most of the projects were led by him."

"Lu Shen made it? Well, you said it early... then I, I believe half of it first."

Someone will take out the phone and record the video on the big screen and upload it to the Internet.

Although there are two screens, the gap that can be seen with the naked eye is still so shocking to the eye and nerves.

As the news spread to the Internet, discussions about the Dragon chip and the mete100 smartphone were one after another, just like the flames that set off, quickly occupying the headlines of the hot search of major media platforms.

And the major mobile phone forums in China have also been discussed about the sound slaughter of mete100.

Whether it is fruit powder, bomb powder, or hammer powder, it remains silent at this moment.

As far as the data on paper is concerned, this thing is a monster.

No matter how much the product on the assembly line can restore the concept of the product, this all-round improvement in performance is rugged for mobile phones using traditional chip technology.

It was almost at this time that people finally realized that Warwick was actually a semiconductor company.

In any case, whether it is this unlisted mobile phone, or the powerful carbon-based chip technology, it is completely raging...

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