Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1059: Are you a little jingle when I am?

The name of the cafe is 92 degrees and is located on the corner of the street near the convention center.

The traffic in the nearby traffic is not very large, the decoration of the cafe is quite elegant, and the hanging potted plants make the bar look like a green feeling.

“...the optimum temperature for contact with ground coffee beans during the extraction of whole brewed coffee is 91~94c, and this temperature is also called the optimal extraction water temperature. If it is below the water temperature range, coffee It will show a more pronounced sour taste, and above this water temperature, the coffee will show a more pronounced bitter taste. And 92 °c, can be said to be just right, this is the characteristics of this coffee shop."

Lu Zhou: "I don't understand very well."

Ye Nan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I can introduce you. Can you tell me, what coffee do you usually drink?"

Not very interested in this topic, Lu Zhou casually said: "Instant, can refresh the basics of everything."

"...speed, instant?" Obviously was stunned by this sentence, but fortunately, Ye Nan’s reaction was fast, and he coughed up to cover his own gaffe, and immediately took over the words. "Instant... A very unique coffee taste. Generally speaking, people who like instant coffee have a strong sense of time, as well as a resolute execution and a career beyond the ordinary people..."

Looking at this man who racked his brain to help him recommend the way of coffee, Lu Zhou's mouth could not help but hold a smile.

No other meaning.

It’s just the deputy appearance of this guy, reminding him of those who are not interested in academics, who have hollowed out their minds all the time, and only want to vote for what they are good for.

"I just like a simple life, I don't want to spend too much time on boring tangles..." Shaking his head and saying, Lu Zhou then looked at the waiter who stood by and waited for the order, politely said, "Give I will come to the Mocha."

"Good sir."

The young waiter nodded, and the conversation between the two men was heard from the beginning of her mouth with a smile, and quickly recorded the needs of Lu Zhou on the small book.

At this time, the mobile phone that Lu Zhou rested in his pocket suddenly shook.

"I will pick up the phone."

Looking at Lu Zhou pointing to his mobile phone, Ye Nan quickly nodded.

"Okay, I am not in a hurry... Then, please give me a glass of Sicily and ice."

"Good sir."

After remembering a note on the book, the waiter smiled and nodded and turned to walk in the direction of the bar.

A person was sitting bored at the desk and waited for about five or six minutes until the coffee came up. Lu Zhou, who had previously called out, came back from the outside.

Face quickly put on a warm smile, Ye Nan casually found a topic to ask.

"What was the phone just now?"

"There was a call from the engineering institute."

Ye Nan cares about a question: "Is it urgent?"

Lu Zhou said casually: "I am not in a hurry, but Ieee is here to ask someone, and I don't know where he got my call."

When I heard this sentence, Ye Nan suddenly burst into sweat.

Not in a hurry.

You are not in a hurry, others are mad.

However, he is a person outside of academia, and is also a native of China. Naturally, he is not sympathetic to an academic organization across the Pacific Ocean.

Most of it, he was just a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Professor Lu, who is often referred to as a refined and easy-going, has such a black side.

When I talked about it here, his heart made a determination in silence, and anyone who offended someone could not offend this guy. It seems that none of the guys who got this guy had a good end.

Seeing that he didn’t talk for a long time, he took a sip of coffee and reminded him of it.

"Talk about your business."

"Ah, ok, okay."

After hearing this reminder, I quickly returned to God. I thought that I only had five minutes. Ye Nan’s heart suddenly raised a sense of urgency and immediately opened his voice.

"... Just at the product launch conference, Huawei’s chief product strategy officer’s words really made me sizzle, especially the 1+8+n strategy, building a new Internet with mobile devices as the core, and even the Internet of Things. The saying is simply saying that my heart has gone!"

Lifting the coffee cup and taking a sip, and talking about Ye Nan for a long time, he said with a gaze.

"I feel that I have seen where the next investment in the takeoff is!"

Although I don't know what it has to do with myself, in order not to let him cold, Lu Zhou asked politely.


"Network! Whether it is the Internet or the Internet of Things, the technology that informs us all and people must be the gulf of future investment!"

Lu Zhou: "..."

This guy……

Is it a funny ratio?

It’s already 2022. It’s a long-term vision when someone cuts it twenty or thirty years ago. Now it’s also said that it’s just like “the person will die if he is killed”, which is equivalent to a nonsense.

Didn't notice the weird expression on Lu Zhou's face. The man who was touched by his visionary vision was still smug.

"Of course, my statement may be a bit more general, but it's roughly the case."

"I have been thinking about this issue all these days. Various frontier research reports, commercial product launches, whether I can understand or understand, I have gone, but there has been no good idea. ”

“Until recently, the Warwick Chief Product Strategy Officer suddenly realized that a series of possible breakthroughs, including smart home, smart wear and reality enhancement technology.”

Seeing that he was selling again, Lu Zhou had already been a little annoyed, but he was asked by obsessive-compulsive disorder or patiently: "What do you realize?"

"Have you seen a movie called the number one player?"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

Seeing Lu Zhou’s inexplicable expression, Ye Nan immediately said excitedly.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it. I will tell you the story briefly."

Looking at Ye Nan, who was excited, Lu Zhou raised his hand with some headache: "Hold it, you can focus on it directly."

Ye Nan immediately obediently went straight to the topic and said: "vr! This is the place that Warwick ignored! It is also my most optimistic investment project!"

"I am blunt, not to mention that people do not mean to ignore it, maybe just feel that there is no need to mention it alone. And vr this kind of thing, was fired many years ago."

Although Lu Zhou did not know much about this matter, he still heard a little. In the past, there was a "small company" that made a player. Because of a vr device, it was labeled with the vr concept, and then staged one of the most magical scenes in the history of a stock.

Anyway, it’s been 2022 now, and this stuff is not a new concept.

Seeing Lu Zhou did not realize what he meant, Ye Nan explained anxiously: "I am not talking about the kind of vr! The design that wears the monitor on the head, it is purely off the pants and fart! I am talking about the true meaning. Virtual reality technology!"

“Can carbon-based chips not be able to dramatically improve the performance of the processor? Like the vr device in the number one player... can carbon-based chips do it?”

After taking a sip of coffee, Lu Zhou thought about it for a while, then put down the cup in his hand and said, "I mean you understand it. You are referring to the direct connection between consciousness and computer, and the modulation of neural signals. Tune into an electrical signal, and then convert the electrical signal into a series of neural signals that are fed back to the brain by sight, hearing, smell, etc... I understand it right?"

Ye Nan excitedly snapped a finger: "Exactly!"

Seeing the inexplicable excitement and self-confidence on his face, Lu Zhou sighed and could not help but said: "I have to remind you that carbon-based chips are not a panacea for solving all problems in the development of electronic technology, especially what you said. That virtual reality in the true sense is not just a question of computing power."

Ye Nan immediately couldn't wait to say: "I have money, I can invest! I can get it for a few hundred million! As long as we make this technology, we will become the richest person in the world! Even bat When the market value is added up, it will be easily stepped on our feet."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Why are you when I am a little jingle?

The brain hole of this guy has been unable to vomit. At this moment, Lu Zhou has already seen it. This guy is probably the rich second generation. There is no place for money.

It’s not enough to ruin yourself. I also registered a venture capital company to help him ruin.

Maybe he is more eye-catching than the average person, but I don't know if it is my own illusion. I always feel that his brain is like a lack of roots, and he can't hold his own brain.

"Some things are not a problem that money can solve."

Having said that, Lu Zhou paused and tweeted.

"Why don't you have more money, can I have money?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Ye Nan suddenly remembered a rumor about the East Asian power that was circulating in the investment community. The expression on his face suddenly subtle and embarrassed, and he was embarrassed to scratch his head.

"Oh, doesn't seem to be."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on this guy's face, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

The theory of diminishing marginal effects is not only used in the field of economics, but also in the field of scientific research. Especially for advanced research, money can not solve the problem, and even make people feel frustrated with nowhere to spend.

However, the virtual reality technology that he mentioned is different from the traditional vr equipment, which really makes Lu Zhou a bit of interest.

Of course, this interest is mainly outside the field of research, just for the interest of the technology itself.

If you can connect your consciousness to your computer...

After reading the time on the table below, I finished the coffee from the rest of the cup and Lu Zhou stood up from the chair.

"Five minutes have arrived."

"I can only say that it is very interesting about the things you said, but I am sorry that I can't help."

"However, if I have new ideas, I will call you."

Also followed up and stood up, Ye Nan said quickly.

"Then you must not forget."

Lu Zhou nodded and did not make too many redundant expressions. He and the dear friend said goodbye.

Out of the coffee shop, Wang Peng has already driven the car to the parking space and waited for him.

As he walked toward the car, Lu Zhou took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said it casually.

"Little Ai, help me with the lower movie."

Soon, a string of bubbles popped out of the screen.

[Received, master! Φ(≧≦*)】

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