Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1073: Is a group enough?

Originally in Lu Zhou’s anticipation, it was almost enough to be able to come over a hundred volunteers from the army.

I did not expect that Minister Qin directly threw out the phrase "Is a group enough?", and really gave him a lot of money.

Lu Zhou Khan said: "There are too many regiments. You can make so many people. I can't get so many experimental equipment."

A group has less than a thousand people, and it still has two thousand people.

Even if he does need a lot of help for this stuff, it is not so much.

Minister Qin said without a word: "Then you have to give me a number, you and me play a riddle, I am a layman who guess how many people do you want to use?"

"Almost two hundred is enough." The original Lu Zhou was planning to report one hundred, but seeing this matter actually went so smoothly, so the number to the mouth has doubled.

It is enough to hear that only two hundred people are needed. Minister Qin is also relieved. Although he can get this technology out, let alone a group, that is, two groups can also find a way to get Lu Zhou, but it involves So many people are mobilized, after all, it is a troublesome thing.

And the more people involved in the project, the more difficult it is to keep confidential.

With a big hand, Minister Qin immediately made a ticket: "Okay, no problem, as long as you can get this technology out, we can help you, don't be polite!"

In terms of the potential that this technology is currently showing, it is entirely worthy of his commitment.

If this technology matures, it can really achieve a full-scale simulation of reality. At that time, it is more than training the air force, and even regular military exercises that are not aimed at strategic deterrence can be completed in virtual reality devices.

At that time, pla can save at least billions or even billions of military expenses each year.

And these saved military expenses can be used where it is needed more.

Such as scientific research, such as the construction of defense facilities, etc...

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it can be used well, it is said that this technology can change the training degree of an army. It is said that it can even change the national defense force of a country.

For whatever purpose, all the costs paid for this technology are worthwhile.


After watching the scene, Minister Qin and Director Li did not stay here, disturbing the research of Lu Zhou.

Before leaving, Qin and Lu Zhou said that the units that assisted him in the experiment would be in place within a week, so that he did not need to worry about things outside the study.

In this way, this virtual reality technology has a tag called military.

It is precisely because of this label that the entire technology has an extraordinary meaning in an instant, no matter whether it is an experimenter or a confidentiality issue, it is no longer a problem under the illumination of this layer of aura.

This method is quite satisfactory for the sister's thoughts. After Lu Zhou helped Professor Mier solve the problem of residence and visa, the whole project started.

Before starting to build the entire system, they need to lay out the outline of the entire technical route, and then build the framework of the algorithm on this basis, and then the next thing is to collect data from the experimenters and analyze them step by step.

On the third day when Professor Mier arrived here, Lu Zhou suddenly received an unexpected call.


"Oh... I am Sarrot. I didn't expect this number to work."


Hearing this unexpected name, Lu Zhou gave a slight sigh, and then said with a smile.

"I haven't changed the number... I haven't contacted me for so long, so I suddenly thought of contacting me."

Sarnot coughed a little, and some embarrassed said: "I didn't intend to bother you, just... my friend seems to have lost, can you help me think about it?"

Lu Zhou: "... lost? Where?"


Lu Zhou asked a little unbelievable: "... Are you sure he is lost?"

"Yes, we originally attended the academic conference in Shanghai, but halfway through it, he suddenly disappeared... Accurately, when I was hanging out on the street, I went to buy a drink, and when I came back, I was gone. I tried to send an email and called, but he hasn't returned to me until now."

In saying this, Sarrot also felt that his argument was a bit strange, but the reason for the incident was so bizarre.

Throughout China, he only knew one person. When such a thing happened, he could only think of calling Lu Zhou.

After listening to Professor Sarrot's words, Lu Zhou took a sip of coffee and asked: "Which friend is a woman or a woman, what is the name?"

"Male, Dutch, living in Switzerland for a long time, named Mier..."


I heard a slightly excited voice from the phone, and Sarrot groaned and asked.

"what happened?"

Wiping the coffee from the corner of his mouth, Lu Zhou said with a sly expression.

"Nothing... I will ask someone I know and try to find him."

Professor Sarrot nodded and thanked: "Take me."

Lu Zhou smiled and nodded.

"You're welcome, you can come to me when you have time, I am in Jinling."

Sarrot: "No problem!"


Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

In the temporary establishment of the virtual reality technology laboratory, Lu Zhou knocked on the door of Professor Mier’s office and looked at him who was busy in front of the computer, saying silently.

"Although I understand that you are very excited, but not even the old friend's mail does not return one."

"Old friend? Oh, oh, busy, I forgot a bit. I will contact him later. Now I am writing a letter of departure... You know, I used to work at the Swiss National Neural Network Research Center, the director of our research center. I am very serious about it. I have expressed more than once that I intend to promote me to the project manager. Now I suddenly leave my job and live up to his cultivation. I have to explain to him why."

"Resignation procedures?" The face showed a strange expression, Lu Zhou said, "That... I have already done it for you."


Mier stunned and the hand resting on the keyboard stopped.

Lu Zhou nodded: "I used your email to send an email to the personnel department of the Neural Network Research Center... They seem to agree soon."

The air was quiet for a moment.

For a full ten seconds, there wasn't a decibel in the entire office.

"What is the reply from Academician Ines? What did he say?"

Mier stood up from the chair and stood up with bloodshot eyes. The expression was like grabbing the last straw... although Lu Zhou didn't know what he wanted to do.

"Ines? I don't know the name..."

After carefully searching the memory, Lu Zhou, who had no impression of the name, shook his head. "If it is the reply from the personnel office, I can read it to you... Anyway, it will be two sentences."

The expression on my face is a bit stiff.

Standing there for a long time, Mier suddenly sat down in a chair.

"……no need."

After swinging his hand, his right hand was put down and he held the mouse again.

He threw his letter of departure, which wrote two thousand words, into the recycle bin. He then opened the unfinished research program outline and started the work that was originally scheduled to begin tomorrow.

Although his depressing appearance is a bit worrying, but he not only has the mood to work, but even becomes more energetic, Lu Zhou feels that he should not comfort him more.

Encouragingly patted his shoulder and threw a sentence "Don't forget to reply to your old friend", Lu Zhou turned and walked away.

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