Star Science and Technology and Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies are once again the focus of the world's attention because of the neural access virtual reality technology.

According to common sense, Lu Zhou, who is a legal person of Star Science and Technology and Jinling Institute of Higher Education, should not respond to the public’s expectations before the camera, even if he does not hold a press conference, and then perfuse some of the food. The people who have nothing to do are worried about this new technology.

But at this moment, he was not at the scene of the press conference, or under the spotlight, but stood quietly in a ward.

This ward has a special name called "Frozen Dormancy".

In addition to the first frozen person, he has been lying in the past six months to transfer to the terminally ill patients here through various channels.

The cost of freeze dormancy is relatively low compared to the costly icu.

In addition to the slightly expensive Martian bacterial extract from the moon, it is not expensive to maintain the electricity cost of the dormant unit.

Of course, this is not expensive, it is only relative to other treatments.

Just next to the "bed" not far from the boat, stood a woman who was also here to visit the sick.

Looking at the age, the woman is about forty or fifty years old. Her right hand is holding a boy about five or six years old. The crow's feet in the corner of his eyes are faintly visible.

I want to come to freeze there, probably her husband. The child standing next to him, though ignorant, was very sensible and silent.

I noticed Lu Zhou, who was also standing here. The woman’s face showed a surprise, and it seemed to recognize his identity.

After a hesitation, she took her son's hand and came forward, and asked carefully.

"Hello, are you...Lu Academician?"

Lu Zhou was silent for a while and nodded.


"……Thank you."

Looking at the woman who thanked her for her gratitude, Lu Zhou shook his head and said.

"I am not a doctor, you don't have to thank me."

"It was the doctor who told us that you saved him... and saved us."

Seeing what she seems to have to say, Lu Zhou did not speak, just looked at her, quietly waiting for her to continue.

" fact, there is no money," the woman’s face showed a bitter expression on her face. It seemed to recall what happened not long ago, and said in a broken way, "In order to treat the child to his father, we After selling the house, I almost spent all my savings, but I still couldn’t keep going. Just a few months ago, my dad told me that he couldn’t cure it, leave it to the child, but how could I possibly ......"

The lips and shoulders trembled, and the woman’s voice was a little choked. It seems that she was drinking a cup of bitter wine. She took a deep breath and finally had a stubborn smile on her face.

"It feels better to say it... In short, thank you... really thank you!"

"... Anyway, he can live."

"I plan to bring Lele back to my hometown. This is probably the last time I came to see him. The doctor said that the hospital there will be able to cure him. I will believe it... If he can be safe in the future, hope He can smoke less, work harder, remember to eat breakfast on time, don't miss me too much..."

It seems that I realized that I had some boring trivia for strangers. Her face had an embarrassed expression, and she pulled her son’s hand and concealed her guilt.

"...and thank you with your uncle."

The little boy licked his innocent eyes and stared at Lu Zhou, said awkwardly.

"Thank you, uncle."

Rarely did not count the smaller child to call his uncle, Lu Zhou suddenly smiled and reached out and rubbed his hair.

"I have nothing to thank, the person you really should thank is next to you, remember to take care of her for your father."

The boy looked up at Lu Zhou: "What about my father? Can he still wake up?"

"...this depends on you."

Looking at the boy, he seemed to understand and nodded. Lu Zhou gave him an encouraging look and then retracted his right hand.

The mother and son said goodbye to him and turned away.

However, when he reached the door, the woman suddenly stopped, turned and looked at Lu Zhou and took a deep sigh, then took her son and quickly left.

Far away, the corridor outside the branch, the sound of the dialogue between the mother and the child.

"Mom...who is that uncle?"

"It's a scientist."

"Scientist? Then, I want to be a scientist..."

The sound gradually faded away, and as the stepping sound gradually disappeared, it disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Lu Zhou, who was in a heavy mood, sighed softly and took back his sight from the door.

He doesn't really like the ward.

Just standing here, he can read the unspeakable sadness from this heavy air.

Waiting quietly for a long time, finally came the footsteps behind him.

Looking back at the doctor who appeared at the door, he said.

"How is the test result?"

"……it's here."

After receiving the medical report from the doctor, Lu Zhou glanced in a hurry, and his face quickly showed a disappointment.

Although he was clear from the beginning, it is mostly a luxury to expect that people in the frozen dormant cabin can sleep while unconsciously distributing brain waves, but when this report is presented to him, he The mood still fell to the bottom.

Unless you thaw half of the brain.

But this is undoubtedly quite dangerous.

Looking at the road where the line of sight solidified on the report, let the doctor ask: "Do you need me to help you interpret it?"

" need." With a deep breath in his nose, Lu Zhou put the medical report in a pocket and put it in his pocket. "I have already understood the situation and I am in trouble."

“Where,” the doctor smiled and said, “We should thank you, the frozen dormancy technology, and the nerve-accessible mechanical prosthesis, which have saved many young families and lives.”

"is it?"

Did not respond positively to this sentence, just dropped an unrecognizable response, Lu Zhou removed the line of sight from the doctor's face, looking at the dormant cabin not far away.

The frost that is reflected on the glass is like a thin mist like a gauze. It is not just space, but also time.

The expression on the doctor’s face was somewhat regrettable, and he sighed softly.

“Do you need someone to be there for a while?”


The doctor nodded, didn't say anything, turned and left the door.

With the departure of the doctor, there was only one person left in the entire department.

Looking at the stable sleeping cabin, Lu Zhou was silent for a while and suddenly opened.

"I am coming to see you."

"The next topic is the great unity of algebra and geometry... In fact, I have some ideas."

The throat was moving, and Lu Zhou originally intended to say something, but in the end he smiled and shook his head.

"Forget it..."

"Even if I give you my thoughts now, you will definitely not hear."

"I still leave this suspense for a century."

"When you get there, you can see my essay. As my most proud student, I believe that with your intelligence, even if no one tells you, you can understand what I want to say."

After stopping in the ward for a long time, until the nurses in shifts routinely checked the operation of the dormant cabin, Lu Zhou turned and left.


After leaving the hospital, Lu Zhou sat on the door of Wang Peng's car.

Destroyed the cigarette butt, Wang Peng skillfully started the car.



"Back to Jinling?"


Originally, I was planning to stay in Beijing for two days. By the way, I visited the old friends here, but suddenly I lost my mood, but I went back to the retreat.

Anyway, his old friends mostly know that he is not the kind of person who likes to take the initiative to contact his feelings. No one will blame him if he does not go to the door.

The car drove up the road and there was no communication between the two on the way.

It seems that the atmosphere is a bit dull, and Wang Peng took the initiative to say something.

"It seems that I am discussing you on the Internet, and that virtual reality technology."


"You don't seem to be very interested?"

"Interested, but there is no mood now."

At this time, the phone rang.

Pulling out the phone and scanning the name on the caller ID, Lu Zhou could not help but frown.

If it is normal, he does not mind talking to this less familiar person, but now it is not that mood. When he was in the hospital, he hanged this call once. He didn't expect to call it again now.

It seems that I saw the expression on his face, the phone ringing was instantly cut off, and there was no sign of continuing to call.

Wang Peng looked at the rearview mirror and asked.

"Don't you pick up anything?"

“It’s okay,” threw the phone aside, and Lu Zhou said casually, “It’s not an important role anyway.”

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