Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1088: The same when inspiration comes

The idea has been fixed, then there is only one thing left to do.

The books that have not been read are registered and borrowed. Lu Zhou took these books and the printed documents and returned to the home of Zhongshan International in advance.

For example, every time before the retreat, Lu Zhou first took a shower in the bathroom with a very ceremonial feeling. After he was bathed and changed, he came to the study and sat down. He took out the ballpoint pen that he had used for a long time and worked **** the draft paper.

[Defining m~(k) is as follows:]

[The object is, h(x, e), where x is a smooth projective cluster on k, e is an idempotent of the ring corr0~(x,x)q, and the morphism is hom(h(x,e), h(y,f)):=f·corr0~(x,y)q·e......]


The feeling of inspiration comes about the same.

The idea that emerges like a volcanic burst has even surpassed the speed of writing.

The line-by-line formula is like a stream flowing through the mountains and smashing the tough stone sarcophagus. The nib has been waved on the paper as a residual image. Under the smooth brushstroke, the inaudible notes are woven into a song that covers the universe and is shocking.

Feeling that I can't print all my thoughts on paper in a flash, Lu Zhou can't help but wonder. If it's in the virtual reality world, if I output these things on the "draft paper" by idea, will the speed of calculation be Faster?

But after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

Creative work requires a high concentration of thinking, and the neural access virtual reality system is ultimately a process of simulating dreams, so the more relaxed it is, the easier it is to immerse itself.

Perhaps the initiative-guided dream can make it look like it is real, and it will clearly leave the memory in the dream after the end, but if it is engaged in creative work, 80% will still have insufficient brains.

In order to improve the speed of the hand and weaken the ability to think, there is no doubt that some of the cart before the horse is upside down.

"According to this speed, the first phase of the results will probably be made at the end of the latest..."

The three-page draft paper was full of words, and the slightly stopped Lu Zhou stretched out and looked at the unfinished steps in front of him.

"The hierarchical structure of the upper coherent ring of motive!"

"And, its straight and broken!"

Anyway, it will not be a few days until the end of the month.

Lu Zhou has made up his mind.

These days before the paper was written, it was good to stay at home for a few days.


Just when Lu Zhou started a new round of retreat, Jinling University’s male bed was not far away. A Sao year was excited to open the door of the dormitory. After striding into the hall, he threw the bag in his hand. On the chair.

Looking at his face like a five-million-faced expression, Duan Siqi, who was looking at the textbooks, couldn’t help but look at the guy’s face and asked.

“What’s so exciting? Is there a scholarship?”

Ji Mo’s face was filled with a smug smile and he said.

"Don't guess, you can't guess."

Yang Shuang, who is playing chess, let go of the mouse and looked back at it with interest.

"So what are you talking about?"

Unscrew the bottle cap of the mineral water and take a sip. Run the sangzi's Ji Mo to sell the stalks. This is not a slow statement. "Professor Lu, agree to join him on his subject!"

The bedroom was quiet for a few seconds.

Hearing this sentence, not only Duan Siqi and Yang Shuang, but also Wu Di, who is sitting next to the mobile phone, are all surprised.

"Where? Isn't it? Professor Lu's subject? The professor of the Academy who won the Fields Medal?"

Put down the phone, Wu Di also inserted. Into the dialogue, looked at Zimmer silently.

"Really?! You are an undergraduate student... others have problems with you."

When he heard this, he was not happy, and Zimmer immediately retorted.

"What happened to undergraduates? I have already finished my own courses at the undergraduate level! What's more, Professor Lu said that research is a study that is refined in practice. Whether it is an undergraduate or a master's student, as long as you have mastered basic theoretical knowledge, You can try to expand the breadth of knowledge in practice."

Said the first half of the time is still good, said the back, the cheeks of Ji Mo children's shoes can not help but some hot.

In fact, this is not what Professor Lu said, but the sister of their office.

However, it is said that the teacher and sister is the chief disciple of Professor Lu. He once received his guidance when he was in high school.

If you say this, if you round it up, you should still be able to say that Professor Lu himself said it?

"There are still, almost half of the Fields Prize winners have won the imo gold medal! For example, the award-winning Schultz of Professor He, his current p-number and perfect space are regarded as the most in the field of algebraic geometry. Potential direction -"

Holding the mouse and clicking the screen, Yang Shuang quickly turned around and asked curiously.

“What is the p-number and perfect space?”

"Oh, this is a long story, I don't know much, just know a little bit..."

Looking at the classmates who were excited to say something difficult to understand, Duan Siqi, who was sitting on the side, kept his stunned expression for a while, and it took a long time to sigh.

There is such a roommate, really Alexander.

When others are still aunts in the shoes and kicking in the playground, this guy has already finished the undergraduate course. When others were still facing the hair loss, he began to do research with Lu Shen.

Whether it is doing core work or non-core work, it is also working in the ranks of the academician of the army.

As long as he is serious about doing things, not to mention the level of development of the platform in the future, at least in terms of personal growth, will certainly benefit a lot.

At the thought of this, Duan Siqi’s heart is so envious.

In the face of this talented player is really no way, no matter how much time he spends in the library, can not catch up with the shadow of this guy.

But think about it, after all, others are imo full-fledged, not to mention Jinling University, even if it is put to Berkeley, Princeton, others are rushing, and it is definitely the kind of scholarship.

Listening to the silent children's shoes, talking about what perfect space, p into the number of difficult things, watching Yang Shuang like a mentally retarded, unconsciously listening, a deep frustration from Duan Siqi’s heart was born, and he didn’t even have the mood to continue reading.

Silently took out the mobile phone and looked at the invitation letter of the virtual reality game in the mailbox. The expression on his face could not help but be complicated.

Next Saturday at the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, the first public beta of the virtual reality system will be launched as scheduled.

He did not expect that he would draw. After all, as of the deadline for registration, he saw that the number of applicants has exceeded 10 million, while the relative number of domestic and foreign betas is only two hundred.

This can be drawn, fearing that it will use up the luck of a lifetime.

Originally, he was planning to brush up on Saturday...

Looking at this invitation, Duan Siqi could not help but fall into meditation.

Do you want to go there?

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