Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1093: Perelman's visit

Perelman suddenly visited, did not alarm Lu Zhou, but it was a shock to the school leaders of Jinda.

After all, this big cow is really famous.

Even those who are not very familiar with mathematics, there are many rumors of hearing him and the Millennium problem and a million dollars.

Many well-known colleges, including Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley and Princeton, have invited him to teach, but unfortunately they have not succeeded.

Nowadays, this hermit who has refused the invitation of the top10 universities in the world will suddenly visit Jinling University, and even moved to a small bench and sat in the back of the classroom to concentrate on the lectures. How can this not let a voter feel flattered?

Maybe I didn’t feel it, and I only had Lu Zhou’s own lecture on the platform.

After all, he was seen a lot better than Perelman, who didn’t know where to go.

However, Lu Zhou is obviously underestimated, and the recognition of an internationally renowned scholar is attractive to the leaders of Jinling University.

Since he returned to teach in China, Jinling University has been consolidating the influence he has gained for his alma mater in the mathematics field, and he is determined to make it a mathematics center in Asia and the world.

In fact, with the strong support of many alumni such as Lu Zhou, Jinda has also made great achievements in the past six or seven years, and has gradually developed the marginal discipline of mathematics into a stronger advantage than physics and computers. Subject.

However, even so, the world famous schools can not be built in a year or two, and the real world-class level is still worse than the accumulation of scholars for generations.

Now Perelman suddenly visited, although it came low enough, but still let a lot of people move their minds.

Under the proposal of Director Chen of the International Department, Jinda’s secretary convened a meeting of various departments to discuss how to leave this great god.

At the meeting, Qin’s dean of the several courts first spoke.

"The first is the accommodation problem. This issue is the most crucial. People can't find a place to live, even if they want to stay, there is no place to stay."

Secretary: "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Dean Qin: "The new faculty and staff dormitory environment is good in all aspects, especially the No. 2 community, which was originally prepared for the talent introduction plan. I propose that he can arrange to live in it first."

The clerk asked: "What are the accommodation conditions? What standards are appropriate?"

President Qin thought about it: "With Professor Perelman's position in the field of mathematics, the standards of academicians are not excessive."

The clerk nodded and wrote down the proposal.

At the level of Professor Perelman, whether it is to Berkeley or Princeton, the annual salary is at least 300,000 US dollars. The upper limit is based on the 600,000 mathematics professors with the highest annual salary in the United States. It is really not a problem to arrange accommodation according to academic standards.

If he can be left behind, the improvement of Jinda’s mathematical influence in the international arena will be enormous.

The dean of the School of Foreign Languages ​​immediately proposed: "There are diets, I remember that Russians and our eating habits are not the same. We don't seem to have a Russian-style restaurant in the cafeteria. I suggest adding a window."

The president of Qin frowned. "Russian restaurant? Is there any special food in Russia besides all kinds of bread?"

"This, of course, there are still, for example..." The Dean of the School of Foreign Languages ​​tried to think about it for a while, and finally came up with a few reluctant ones. "For example... canned squid and caviar, and borscht." ""

Qin Dean: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"This proposal can indeed be considered. The fourth restaurant No. 5 has an international restaurant, and by the way, it also takes care of the students of the International Department." The secretary nodded and looked at the secretary next to him. "You can remember the little king."

Sitting at the conference table and watching for a while, Director of the International Department, Director Chen felt that he could almost speak.

If I waited for it, my good ideas were all over, and my sponsor of this meeting did not have a sense of existence, so I coughed and said slowly.

"I heard that Perelman will not speak Chinese."

The people at the conference table looked over, especially the expression of Qin’s demeanor.

Is this kind of thing still used to hear?

Director Chen looked around at the conference table and said with a kind smile on his face.

“It’s not just Professor Perelman. In fact, many visiting scholars and foreign professors have encountered many problems in language, such as language barriers and cultural customs.”

"We all know that Jinda's today belongs to the people of the whole country, and its future belongs to the world. In order to better promote our consistent internationalization strategy and to achieve the friendship of the landlord, I suggest that more can be taken. The one-on-one model mobilizes our students, spontaneously and proactively, to help them solve the problems they encounter in life."

“It’s like Professor Perelman, academically, he is a respectable scholar, his valuable research experience can provide knowledge counseling for our students. In life and cultural exchange, our students Can help him better integrate into our society and feel the warmth of home."

This is said to be dripping, and it seems that I can’t pick the fault.

The clerk nodded and just wanted to let the little king next to it, but after thinking about it, he quickly frowned.

"...this is not appropriate, right?"

There is nothing wrong with this, but the position of students and teachers is quite special. When it comes to communication outside the classroom, people will inevitably produce some bad associations.

The professor who is facing the hand-held credits is a vulnerable group. Sometimes your nose is itchy and frowning, and you may let the students who talk to you linger for a while.

Generally, professors who care a little about feathers will avoid contact with students outside the classroom. One is to avoid putting pressure outside the classroom, and to avoid being used by students who are too mature.

After all, similar problems have not happened...

Director Chen smiled and said: "The secretary is assured that this is absolutely no problem! Those who feel that there are problems are people who are full of thoughts and minds, don't care about their views! For Jinda students, there is one more. The channels that are in line with international standards, for foreign teachers, have an opportunity to understand China and understand our Golden University. This is definitely a blessing and no harm."

When I heard this, the secretary’s brow gradually stretched out and felt as if there was some truth.

However, at this time, the principal who had never spoken, suddenly laughed.

"Chen Chen, you are asking someone to go on an outing, or ask someone to come to teach and learn."

Slightly squatting, seeing the head of Xu’s face is not good, Director Chen quickly explained with a smile.

"This... of course, please invite people to teach and learn. We are not discussing how to get to the landlord's friendship?"

President Xu snorted with his nose.

"You are doing the friendship of the landlord? It is too ardent. Students and professors need to avoid themselves in life. You are good, and provide life care. Are you looking for a son or a daughter?" ”

"Mr. Xu, I am blunt, you are too sensitive. This is where the talk is ardent. At most, it is convenient." Director Chen sighed and said with a sincere tone, "We are universities in developing countries. Using the method of developing countries. Although there is now a military academy, it has earned us some international status. But if it is not consolidated, is it not to live up to the pains of the academician of the army?"

Upon hearing this sentence, President Xu suddenly smiled.

"Oh, I am too sensitive? You are so kind to move the academician of the army out to talk. What is he doing, relying on what is won by others, what are you doing, what is in your heart?" The idea. I said something that I didn’t listen to, did you match it with him?"

Director Chen was red-faced and couldn't speak.

Looking at him, the smile on President Xu's face gradually cooled down.

"The first-class university grasps the academics, the second-rate university grasps the discipline, what does the third-rate university do? Go all the tricks all day! I emphasized more than once at the meeting that we must run a first-class university and be academically enlightened. Ideologically tolerant, an international university with social responsibility."

“What is internationalization? Is the term internationalization supported by the number of foreign professors? Or is it based on skin color? I need you to play some edge **** to attract some garbage to come in and collect the numbers? Have you ever entered the lab in the end? What do you need to learn from others?"

It’s not the same as those who like to circle around. After all, it’s an academic origin, and it’s one of the heroes of the 863 program. It’s okay for President Xu to talk, even the opportunity of sophistry is not given to this. long.

"But other schools"

"Other schools are other schools! You will definitely not leave you when you go!"

"Principles I put here first, reasonable treatment can be mentioned, special treatment is not allowed! Is it a scholar who is not a scholar to learn? We would rather not such a person! Don't be a beer belly, then you are a fat translator. It is."

Although I know that I am not talking about myself, many people in front of the conference table have subconsciously shrunk their lower abdomen, especially the dean of the School of Foreign Languages. They have a look of dumbfounding, and it is impossible for Tucao Principal to look at Director Chen. Straight your head.

In order to climb up, the proposal made by this person is indeed too much.

It is impossible for schools to say that they are opposed to the contact between students and professors. Even if there is no academic interest, the friendship organized by the students themselves is nothing.

But how can this kind of thing be led by the school.

To put it bluntly, what exactly is the school used for?

Is this kind of thing that can be compromised through "methods"?

Many people still saw for the first time that President Xu had made such a big temper, and even the face of the secretary was not given.

Director Chen’s heart is full of grievances and feels that he is also good for the future of Jinda.

But now it is obviously not the time to talk back. Looking at the headmaster Xu who is on the anger, he knows that he will continue to argue so that he will not have good fruit to eat, and he will bow down and admit his mistake.

"You are right, this is really a bad thing, I will go back and study again."

"Study a fart, which is still used for research?" He continued to know where he was wrong, and the headmaster Xu took a table and stood up. "It will be finished, meet!"

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