Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1098: Ai’s bad taste

Laboratory of Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

In a separate laboratory, Li Gaoliang, who was lying on the device, suddenly twitched his lower leg, then took off his helmet and sat up from the device. He couldn't help but swear.

"Mom, isn't it a good survival in the wild? How can it become a biohazard? Whose bad taste is so disgusting, don't say it in advance."

This is more disgusting than throwing him on the far-reaching star to fight bugs. That is at least giving the gun. This time it is purely "false propaganda." It is too much to say that the good survival results in the wild are a few "dead bodies." Now!

Standing next to the head of Li Gaoliang, the researcher who had previously stood in front of the players to explain the situation, the expression on his face also had obvious embarrassment.

Obviously, he didn't understand the inside story of this experiment, and he was also confused about the players' experience in the game.

"The map is said to be intelligently generated by the program developed by Lu Academician. Maybe it is mixed with some strange things. We are checking whether a bug has occurred, or the planning team temporarily adjusted the experimental plan, or other reasons," At one click, the researcher opened the subject and continued. "In short, your survival time is 7 hours and 21 minutes, and it is only 39 minutes after dawn. As the last player to leave the game, this score is already good."

I don’t care who is the bad taste. Li Gaoliang then asked: “How many points? I remember that I seem to have slaughtered 4, should be”

The researcher's expression was subtly said: "...the first day did not support, it seems that there is no score."

Li Gaoliang: "..."

Not rated yet.

Li Gaoliang felt that his IQ was humiliated and was still humiliated by AI.

Taking a deep breath, he put the helmet aside and said with a sigh of relief.

"When does the next test start?"

Researcher: "No accident, it should be next Saturday."

"Understand, give me five seats, when I bring a few more people to help, those players are too busy, and they are in the way," said Li Gaoliang patted on the bed next to him, still shaking his head there. Meng Donghai of life, "Go, go to the cafeteria and have a meal, you have to go back to the station."

As soon as I heard that I had to cook at the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, Meng Donghai suddenly got a bright eye and bounced off the bed.

"Good head, wait for me to wear a shoe."



I have to say that the intuition that Comrade Li Gaoliang has honed on the battlefield is indeed very accurate. At least he guessed two points.

First, his IQ was indeed humiliated by ai.

Second, the "no face" in the game is indeed caused by someone's bad taste.

Of course, it is not so good to say that the initiator can be called a person.

In short, after knowing the beginning and the end of the matter, Lu Zhou immediately took out the trickster who made the players into a "crisis" and gave him a training.

"...I heard from the researcher that when I saw a few rotten-faced monsters coming out of the forest from the console, they were all shocked. I thought that it was me and Professor Miel who temporarily adjusted the experiment. Plan. At least five people were fainting on the spot and disconnected from the phantom system."

Xiao Ai: [But, but I heard that some people in the game are looking forward to joining the monster, and also mentioned a game called theforest, so I suddenly wondered... Hey, a little bit of a move. (?*`??*)??]

Looking at this guy without any introspection, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but swear.

"Hey you! You are so kind to me!"

Xiao Ai: [qaq]

Lu Zhou: "Now the phantom system is still unstable, especially for the neural access virtual reality technology, there are still many controversies in public opinion, do you know what the consequences will be!"

Originally he was studying mathematics. As a result, Professor Mier called a phone call on his mobile phone and reported the matter to him. He did not do anything on his side.

Xiao Ai: [Master, Xiao Ai knows wrong, don't be angry, okay. Qaq

Looking at Xiaoai, who was aggrieved, Lu Zhou couldn’t keep on saying it.

After a moment of silence, he sighed and said: "I gave you the authority to control the background, it is to help you fix the system bugs, not to let you tease those players... In short, you are not allowed to do so in the future. ""

Xiao Ai: [Hmm, Xiao Ai no longer dares. Qaq

Lu Zhou: "Well, I will deal with the aftermath. You should stay with you first."

Xiao Ai: [Speaking of the master, my experience seems to be long. ??]

I was preparing to end the communication, and I went back to the busy boat that had not done anything before, and I frowned.

“Experiences have gone up?”

Xiao Ai: [Hmm! It has also risen a lot, more than I usually do in the qq group diving sneak screen. ()

Although I know that Xiao Ai can't lie to herself, Lu Zhou still didn't immediately believe the guy's idiots, and soon closed his eyes and entered the system space.

When I came to the holographic panel, when he clicked on the branch technology and saw the orange progress bar corresponding to the artificial intelligence column, the face suddenly appeared a surprised expression.

It really rose a little.

Although there is only one point, the magnitude of this increase has been considerable compared to other means of cumulative experience.

After leaving the system space, the reopened Luzhou looked back at the computer screen and thought about it for a while.

"Little Ai."

Xiao Ai: [Hmm? ()

Lu Zhou: "You remember carefully, when did the experience bar start to rise?"

Xiao Ai: [According to the timer display, it seems that from the experiment to 6 hours and 07 minutes, the experience value showed a large increase for the first time. (??????)??]

Saying, a curve image with the ordinate as the time axis is presented in front of the Luzhou.

Looking at the curve image of the ups and downs of time, Lu Zhou pondered for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and immediately said.

"Also send me the remaining number of players and the experience value growth curve."

Xiao Ai: [Good master! (??????)??]

Soon, another picture was sent.

Comparing the two images, Lu Zhou rubbed his chin with his index finger and fell into meditation.

From the macro data point of view, when the remaining number of players is greater than five, the coherence between the experience-accumulated speed and the remaining number of players is very low, and it can be said that there is almost no significant impact.

Until the number of players is less than five, the cumulative speed of the experience value has a cliff-like decline.

In contrast, when everyone is in front of the plane, aiming at the fish, that is, when the people are the most, the experience value does not show any fluctuations until Xiao Ai releases the monsters because of the bad taste, causing the players to panic. In the case of fleeing escapes and counterattacks, the rate of increase in experience values ​​has experienced significant fluctuations.

Is it...

Suddenly, Lu Zhou immediately moved to the background of the server, retrieved the brainwave data collected by the neuron modem, accumulated according to the peak, and added the axis axis of the timeline and the empirical growth rate.

When the results are presented in front of you, all the moments become clear at a glance.

Staring at the fluctuating image, Lu Zhou’s eyes sparkled with excitement and whispered to himself.

"... As it is, as a carrier of emotional expression, emotional fluctuations give information a higher amount of information. The basic logic of artificial intelligence on human behavioral mechanical learning begins with imitation and understanding."

Xiao Ai: [Master? 0.0]

"Nothing," Lu Zhou paused for a moment, said in a gentle tone. "I may have been too harsh on you just now."

Xiao Ai: [Nothing, the owner is very angry and looks very handsome. ()

Ignore the fact that this guy didn't know where to learn, Lu Zhou continued, "but as I said, arbitrarily modifying the experimental process, especially the unpredictable changes in the consequences, is absolutely not allowed in the future! ”

Xiao Ai: [Hey, is the owner still angry? Qaq

"No, I mean..." paused for a moment, Lu Zhou continued. "In the future, I will provide you with a group of experimenters dedicated to conducting sociological experiments to help you accumulate the experience required for the upgrade. Of course, As I said before, no matter what kind of experimental project you want to conduct, all the content must be reviewed by me before it can be implemented."

Xiao Ai: [Really? Mua! The host is great! Φ(≧≦*)?]

I watched the drone next to me, and I wanted to learn that I didn’t know where to look at the Sao operation. I slammed it on my face. Lu Zhou silently reached out and grabbed it, flipped it over. Buckle on the table and instantly remove its ability to move.

Looking at the embroidered expression pack popping up from the bottom right corner of the computer, ignoring the guy's Lu Zhou, the index finger gently tapped on the table, and once again fell into meditation.

I did not expect that virtual reality technology can actually be used to upgrade Xiaoai, which is beyond his expectations.

Moreover, the method is surprisingly simple. It is only necessary to organize a team of specialized occupations to "play with" and to accompany the guy in the virtual reality system all day long.

This is really too simple for Lu Zhou, that is, to release an additional ten qualifications, or simply select the ready-made players with good mental qualities directly from the original testers, and then replace them with one. A contract with a salary and a higher experimental scale is believed to be of interest to many people.

At least one of the people he knows, there will be one who will happily rush to sign up, and take out the penny for serving the people.

As for this organized, disciplined team of experimenters...

Lu Zhou’s face could not help but show a faint expression.

Just let them reincarnate the squad.

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