Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1101: The style is a bit too wrong

When I first received a call from my sister, Lu Zhou’s heart was full of confusion.

However, when he listened to the advice of the school sister to open the collar and saw the number of private letters and Aite who soared to 99+, the heart suddenly felt a burst.

Sure enough, his most worrying thing happened.

With a sly mood, he opened the comments of those Aite.

Surprisingly, the vast majority of Aite's people neither sprayed him nor praised him as handsome as usual, but...

[Lu Shen, that, is the phantom system really so realistic? (excitement)】

[Bullying girls is what it is! Have the ability to come to me! (anger) (anger)

[hype! I found it! Can you scare people by playing a broken game? I don't care, don't give me the qualification for testing, I don't believe it! Definitely, please come! 】

[When is it online, don't you test it? I beg you. (Cried)】

Lu Zhou:? ? ?

How does this style look like...

A bit wrong?

However, it is obviously not the time to pay attention to the sand sculpture netizens.

After cutting into the address book, Lu Zhou called the phone and the school sister back. When I first connected, I opened the door and asked.

"what's going on?"

Chen Yushan is a headache at the moment, and the index finger is holding his eyebrows and saying: "...just like what you saw, yesterday’s beta test made some troubles. We temporarily postponed the next plan for the beta test...say yesterday What happened to the test? I have seen the experimental plan sent by the Institute of Advanced Studies. There are no such elements as monsters, blood, and fighting."

To be honest, Chen Yushan still has a face to face.

Before yesterday's beta test, she personally saw the experimental report submitted by the planning department. The description was just a game with the theme of “survival in the wild”.

As a result, who thought that the sky was dark, the forest actually rushed out a group of monsters that did not meet the xxxx core values, and the players rubbed on the ground, and even did not fight the anti-harmony patch.

Fortunately, there are no minors in the test, otherwise they are more troublesome.

In the heart of the burying of Xiao Ai, Lu Zhou coughed a little bit, and arbitrarily compiled a reason to forcefully explain: "There is a little accident, you can understand things like system bugs."

Chen Yushan said without words: "...when are you a fool?"

What bug can change the game itself?

Is this a bug that can fool the past?

"The key to the problem is not this. In short, I can guarantee that such an accident will not happen again afterwards." Some things are getting darker and darker. Seeing that they can’t convince, Lu Zhou simply did not explain it, forcibly shifting the topic, "Now The key is how we can properly cope with the negative impact of the accidents that have occurred."

Chen Yushan said with a headache: "Our public relations department is already in action... To be honest, I suspect that some competitors are behind the waves. We have conducted public relations on several large Internet companies in China. Most of them are more cooperative. However, when it was conducting public relations on foreign media platforms, it encountered obvious resistance. The media with good relations with us revealed that some people are willing to pay for the phantom system and direct public opinion to openly oppose us."

As for the purpose, it is obviously to prevent the promotion of the phantom system overseas, and to create a factual argument for the virtual reality system.

Lu Zhou frowned: "Can you find out who it is?"

Chen Yushan shook her head: "It's hard, not to mention that this kind of black public relations will not reveal their employers by themselves, and the biggest possibility is that they themselves don't know who hired them."

Lu Zhou: "Do you have any good countermeasures?"

"... At present, I have found the user who said that I want to sue us. In the case that the private agreement has not been reached, I have suspended her qualification for the test and the legal department is ready to respond."

To be honest, in this case, Chen Yushan is almost certain that the player is mostly bought by a competitor hidden in the dark.

Otherwise, in the face of hundreds of thousands of yuan of settlement compensation, no ordinary people will choose to risk the trouble, and a large company with a valuation of hundreds of billions to fight a lawsuit that cannot win.

After hearing what the school sister said, Lu Zhou would not think of any good suggestions for a while.

It is better to let him solve the academic problems, but the operation of this company is beyond the scope of his ability.

After trying to think for a few seconds, he finally gave up the mess and simply threw the hand to her.

"It seems that you already have an idea, then this matter will be handed over to you. If there is anything I need to help, say hello to me, if you don't need it, it's best, haha."

Although it was unexpected to say such a thing to Lu Zhouhui, when he heard him say it, Chen Yushan couldn't help but turn a blind eye and spit.

"If you get into trouble and don't explain the reason, you will be thrown at me to help you wipe your fart. Shares, is it too much?"

Until now, Star Technology has not responded to this matter. The big reason is that even the researchers themselves can't figure out what happened to yesterday's test.

"...well, I will tell you the truth." Silence for about two seconds, Lu Zhou sighed and said in a serious tone, "... In fact, I am doing a top secret Invention project."

In a sense, this is not a lie, just to pick the truth in a way that is easy to misunderstand.

Therefore, when I said these words, Lu Zhou felt that he was quite sorry for his sister, but he did not feel much guilty.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

Maybe one day in the future, when he feels that Xiao Ai has been sufficiently safe for him to develop, he will try to make it public.

But this day is definitely not the present.

Although instinct told Chen Yushan, this is mostly the excuse that this guy temporarily came up with perfunctory, but she was still stunned for a moment when she heard the tone of Lu Zhou.

With a feeling of doubt, she asked in a suspicious tone: "Really?"

"Really," took a deep breath, Lu Zhou continued. "The code of the project is called 'the Lord God'. Besides, I can't reveal more to you, I hope you can understand."

Chen Yushan’s expression is weird and said: “The Lord God... is really a strange name.”

So strange, like someone temporarily came up with it.

“The name is not the key point,” Lu Zhou said. “In short, this is a large-scale sociological experiment. It requires a group of players to make various actions and reactions through various scenarios to accumulate the needs of mechanical learning. Material -"

"Stop! First stop, if it is confidential, you still don't tell me." Pinching his eyebrows, Chen Yushan said a little headache, "But this kind of thing is blunt, it is not very good in the public beta. What?"

Lu Zhou sighed: "...I have realized that we should set up a professional, relatively closed test team separately, and distinguish it from open-ended testing, instead of putting two experiments together."

He paused for a moment, he continued.

"So I decided to plan the main **** in the Jinling Institute of Higher Education, and recruit a group of professional players with sufficient reliability, good mental qualities and certain special skills to carry out this plan. I intend to do this. The team is named as a reincarnation squad. The number of people is required to be 5 or more and 10 or less. It is not excluded that a new team will be added in the future."

Chen Yushan will be suspicious: "... Although I feel a lot of slots, I still believe in you."

Dry coughed to cover up his own embarrassment, Lu Zhou maintained a serious tone, continue to say.

"...Thank you, when the time is right, I will confess to you the details of this plan, as well as the details that are not convenient to disclose now. In short, the Lord God plans and the reincarnation of the squad, please!"

There is a school sister, Lu Zhou believes that this little thing is naturally a matter of words.

What's more, listening to her tone seems to have been oversold, and in addition to feeling trouble, it has not been too serious to take this matter seriously.

So after hanging up the phone, Lu Zhou left the matter aside and returned to the office.

Looking at Lu Zhou from outside the door, Schultz stopped talking with Perelman and asked the sentence casually: "What happened?"

Lu Zhou sneaked his hand and said with a smile.

"Little things, let's continue."

Light pen

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