Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1107: Need an outstanding brain


The office of the Institute of Jinling University.

Standing on the whiteboard full of four sides, Schultz's face was filled with incredible expressions.

Although the mathematical conjecture that Lu Zhou is good at solving various kinds of proofs has long been heard, this kind of thing heard from the surrounding population obviously does not have the shock that he has seen with his own eyes.

In the month of the work of the research team, he and Perelman are still discussing the solution to a complex proposition, and this guy has listed three possible ideas on the whiteboard, and one by one. It was tried.

He is very good at self-calculating and thinking skills, and can even be said to be very powerful.

Otherwise, I won’t have won three imo gold medals, and I will be boring before I retire and will not participate.

Even so, he was deeply shocked when he saw the computing power of Lu Zhou.

Often when he tries to try one of the ideas of the possibility of existence, Lu Zhou can basically give a positive conclusion on the result of the proposition.

However, all of this adds up, I am afraid it is more intuitive than the current shock.

A proof of mathematical conjecture is completed in a week.

This has almost refreshed his understanding of algebraic geometry...

It also refreshed the other people in this office and recognized the subject of algebraic geometry...

Looking at the certificate process written on the whiteboard, after a while, Schultz looked at Lu Zhou: "Do you have something like a chip installed behind your head?"

Put away the marker in his hand, and Schulz’s confused line of sight, Lu Zhou asked with a slight sigh: “... Why do you think so?”

"...because your calculation speed is beyond my understanding of mathematics," Schultz said with a complex expression. "Even some problems that I have taken a while to solve in my opinion... really, You don't need to draft a draft?"

Lu Zhouli said of course: "Not all problems need to be solved by draft paper. Some vague problems can rely on mathematical intuition. As for abstract problems, the idea in the brain will have unexpected effects. Of course, it is absolutely great. In most cases, I will still calculate it on the draft paper, but maybe you didn't notice it."

I only felt that the scalp was numb, and Schultz coughed and quickly ended the topic: "...well, maybe your speed is so fast that I can't notice it."

Lu Zhou: "... Thank you for complimenting. If there is such a chip, I will definitely send you one."

"You don't want to be touted each other," stared at the formula on the whiteboard, Fartings said. "Let's continue."

Lu Zhou nodded and brought the topic back to the right track.

"... According to the above, the beilinson-bloh conjecture is established, namely rank(k2(e))=1+spl(e)."

"Therefore, according to our 'fold method', we can directly derive cq(d,k)={(f(x1),···,f(xn))∈fnqf(x)∈fq[x], Degf(x)≤k1}...... is established, and the result is directly substituted into the inference 4, which can establish a close enough association between h(v) and irreducible motive."

Staring at the formula on the whiteboard, Faltins said in a deep voice: "Therefore we can get a general upper homology theory that can both promote the success of the curve's jaobi cluster theory and abel cluster theory."

“Yes, this is what we need and the key to solving the problem!”

With a snap, Lu Zhou turned his attention to the whiteboard, and his eyes were filled with fascination. "Now the motive theory and the abstract part of the Langland program have been extracted by us. The rest is how to combine the two. Two is one."

The ultimate proposition since the Archimedes era!

This holy grail of the millennium is in front of them!

Everyone held their breath in the same breath.

Even the students and assistants who are sitting in the office and looking around...

The silence lasted about five minutes.

Almost as far as Lu Zhou retracted his sight from the whiteboard, Faltins looked at him and said.

"This part does not seem to be a problem that can be solved by conventional methods."

"It seems that you have noticed."

"...I propose to solve it with Princeton's method."

"We want to go with one piece."

Perelman looked at the conversation between the two without knowing it. Schultz seemed to understand, so there was no opening. Chen Yang was hesitant, and asked the confusion in his heart in the attitude of not understanding.

"What is Princeton's method?"

“Independent research + the format of the seminar,” Schultz smiled and explained, “For an outstanding mind, teamwork on groundbreaking issues will delay the efficiency of thinking.”

Lu Zhou nodded and agreed.

"This is the case. The work within the framework is over, and the rest are groundbreaking work. This part can be done without discussion. I propose to hold a discussion session in a week or a month. Time... is still in the form of independent research."

As Lu Zhou said.

Compared with the problems in the previous stage that are solved within the framework and can be solved by step-by-step work, this last stage of research has completely deviated from the scope of the framework.

To solve it, what is needed is not a group of excellent brains, but an outstanding brain and a moment of a flash of light.

And the light of this moment, what can be done will not only break through the darkness of the moment, but will even change the course of science history and even history, shining a certain period of human civilization.

Why is mathematics the final stage of individual heroism in the field of scientific research? The reason is precisely here.

Because if there is no such outstanding brain, without this moment of ignorance, some problems may never be solved, and this darkness will continue and last for a long time.

The identity nodded, Fartings continued.

"It’s just that I have to go back to Maple to deal with some things, the middle of next month... forget it, or the end of the month. At that time I will come over here again and open this discussion meeting."

"Then I will go back to Bonn University," Schultz said with a smile. "The students who I can't bring are too busy. I have to find something for them. And maybe. They can also come up with some interesting ideas."

Lu Zhou looked at Perelman: "What about you?"

Perelman didn't think too much, and said without thinking, "I told my mother that after I solved this problem, I will go back. Anyway, I have no other work. I will stay here for the time being."

Or do you just take the mother over?

Of course, this sentence Lu Zhou just thought about it, and finally did not come up.

Although it is a good advice, this kind of private thing is still a little presumptuous.

Moreover, he suddenly thought of his old lady.

Just like his old lady, she is not willing to leave her hometown to move to Jinling life. The feeling of being difficult to leave is the same for anyone of all ages.

Did not say anything on this issue, Lu Zhou looked at the whiteboard in front of him.

"...this proof of the beilinson-bloh conjecture, I intend to publish it in "The Future of Mathematics". Do you have any opinions?"

The people in the office looked at me, I looked at you, and no one spoke for a while.

"...No," eventually broke the silence of this fan. Schultz shook his head and said with a helpless expression. "The proof of this conjecture is basically done by you alone. No one is more than you." Eligible to decide where it is published... even if I prefer "Mathematical Inventions."

Faltins also nodded.

"I have the same opinion as him."

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