Lu Zhou still remembers.

In the beginning, the system once revealed to him that when all disciplines are full, they will unlock the world after lv10.

That is, the option for the future era.

Regarding what the future world is and what form it will present in front of itself, Lu Zhou has made many ideas before.

Even a few months ago, when he opened the golden legendary task card, he was so excited that he was so excited that he didn’t sleep well at night.

Now, his mathematics level has finally touched the boundaries of lv10, one of his toes has been on the border to the future, and no one is closer to the future than him...

Taking a deep breath, looking at the rising morning glow in the distance, Lu Zhou’s right fist was gently pinched and gently released.

Although the excited feelings are not deceiving.

But compared to the simple excitement and excitement, at the moment it is full of his chest, but more is a hint of enlightenment.

As if it were faint, he already felt what the system really wanted to convey to him, and what the so-called future era is...


The old man who was doing the morning exercise said goodbye. Lu Zhou turned and walked back to the home.

I went to the study room on the second floor and walked to the desk in front of the desk. I checked the mailbox first.

It has been more than an hour since he sent a letter. Professor Faltins still hasn't replied, thinking about whether he is busy with something, or he hasn't thought about how to reply to him.

Shaking his head with a smile, Lu Zhou stretched out and took a notebook from the side to open.

First, I opened a bottle of energy medicine. When I sipped a champagne that was victorious, I felt the feeling of fatigue fade away from my body. Then he started the work of today.

It took about a morning, and with the help of Xiao Ai, Lu Zhou put all the contents of the draft paper on the computer.

The complete paper is a total of forty pages, which is bigger than the imagination.

In addition to the great unified theory of algebra and geometry, it also contains the contours and framework of the future of mathematics in his mind, as well as some conjectures that he derived when studying the problem.

As far as the amount of content is concerned, it is enough for a special issue of "Mathematical Future".

In fact, if he is given some time, most of the propositions put forward by him can be written in the form of theorem, and he does indeed think of some wonderful ideas that may solve these problems. .

It’s just that this not only deviates from the theme of this paper, but it is even more boring.

After all, learning is getting more and more, and the problem is not solved.

He still wants to put limited time on thinking about really important propositions than spending time on the details.

As for the suspense of the white space, let the future scholars think about it...

At the moment of knocking down the carriage return, Lu Zhou leaned back against the chair.

Did not let him wait for a long time.

Almost at the moment when the paper was successfully uploaded, the familiar light blue dialog box also appeared in his sights.

[Congratulations to the host, complete the "legend" mission! 】


The paper was uploaded at 12 noon.

At this moment in most parts of the United States, the hour hand has just passed the midnight punctuality.

In stark contrast to the quiet nights of the suburbs of Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Cray Institute, located in the suburbs, is still brightly lit.

As a non-profit, private academic institution, the institution aims to promote and disseminate mathematics knowledge and to give awards and grants to potential mathematicians.

Unlike other purely mathematical research institutions that are worried about funding, this academic institution seems to have been a headache for how to "spend money" since its inception in 1998.

For example, now.

Deacon, who is sitting in the office of the director, is worried about such a thing.

Since Riemann’s conjecture was proved at the International Congress of Mathematicians, they have been a headache for the award of the Millennium Challenge and the $1 million prize.

It’s not because there is no money, but because the identity of the winner is a bit special.

Counting the two big problems of the ns equation and the Yang Mills equation, this guy has won two awards!

If nothing unexpected, he will soon celebrate the third prize in his life.

And it is still the most heavily weighted Riemann conjecture.

This award has been turned into a special one for him!

In fact, if this is the case, then it would be fine.

Only a different award was given to the award of a prize.

However, this Professor Lu seems to be not flustered by the award, and even has shown a sense of impatience.

In addition, this guy is neither lacking in fame nor lack of money. The last Millennium Award of Yang Mills equation, he simply did not bother to come, or let a physicist in his institute travel on business. The French Academy, who was on the way, took the medal and a one million dollar check.

From the end of the summer to the present, the entire Cray Institute, whether it is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board or the security guard of the gate, is talking about the award of the award.

"...enough! I am no longer a director of the Scientific Advisory Board. You should find other more capable and far-sighted scholars to take up this position! Instead of habitually thinking about it when you are in trouble. Throw it to me!"

In the office of the director, there was a loud roar from Professor Carlson.

When he heard that Deacon’s plan was to hand over the matter to himself who had already retired, he almost turned his face in an instant.

Looking at Professor Carlson, who did not seem to be planning to cooperate, Director Dyton did not want to be embarrassed by the old man.

But thinking about the identity of the winner and how difficult it was to award the big man, he had to silently say a word in his heart, and then persuaded him.

"But in our research institute, the academic prestige is the highest, and the person who is most qualified to do this thing is only you, and only you have had a little friendship with him. I am begging you, this is the last time! I believe I, I swear to God!"

When he said this, Deton’s psychology was actually full of helplessness.

He had never thought about it before, and there were so many troubles during his tenure.

The so-called millennium problem, as the name suggests, is prepared for the entire millennium.

This kind of recognized problem that can't be solved in a century, can anyone think that in just a few years, actually killed three? !

If these problems are not selected by the most prestigious scholars in various fields, and he can't touch anywhere he can, he even has to start to doubt that this so-called millennium problem is a fake problem. .

"In fact, this matter is not as troublesome as you think. The International Federation of Mathematicians has already approved the proof of Lu Zhou. We only need..."

Professor Carlson angered: "That will give him an award!"

Director Deton said with a smile: "...but, but you know, we have already awarded him two Millennium Awards. The last time he even didn't even bother to come to the awards..."

Carlson: "That won't be awarded!"

Dyton: "But it's not the rule..."

Carlson almost madly said: "Fuck! So what do you want?!"

The roar of the office has already reached the corridor.

It was just at this time that a trainee in a plaid shirt and about thirty years old went to the door of the office and was about to knock at the door. He was shocked by the roaring voice. The hidden door was pushed away.

Suddenly watching Professor Carlson, who had lost his temper there, hesitated for a while, and he swallowed and said with a hard scalp.

"Professor Carlson..."

I took a look at the direction of the door and noticed that the person standing there was a train assistant who I hired not long ago. Professor Carlson, who was not in a good mood, said impatiently.

"What? There is something to say."

Without a one-second delay, the assistant quickly said quickly.

"...just before, Professor Lu hanged a paper on arxiv, because you set the tracking label for that research direction, I received a reminder the first time."

Professor Carlson: "I know, I will go see it tomorrow morning."

As if to guess that Professor Carlson would say so, the expression of the practical assistant appeared in the eyes of the trainee assistant.

However, he did not give up on this.

He knows very well that if he really wants to do what Mr. Carlson said, when he gets up tomorrow morning and sees this amazing paper, he will definitely get a skunk.

I swallowed again, and the internship assistant continued.

"...In fact, just now, I have read the part of the abstract."

"Limited to the level of knowledge, I can't judge the content of the paper. But considering that this paper has some connection with the Riemann conjecture, I printed the paper for you, and sincerely suggest that you can see it now. At a glance... although doing so may be a bit of a proposition, I believe you will not blame me and will be shocked by the content of this paper."


What can be more shocking than Riemann's conjecture?

Professor Carlson’s eyebrows were lifted.

Although the intuition of mathematics made him feel dissatisfied with the internship, he took the printed copy of the paper from the young man and looked at the abstract.

As a result of the interest of the internship assistant, the director of Deeton standing next to him, with a feeling of join in the fun, took a look.


The sight of two people could not be completely removed.

The clock on the wall ticking away.

In addition, there was no sound in the room.

It wasn't until the minute hand went a whole, and after a big one, the silence in the office was broken, and the two almost uttered an exclamation.



"This, this is simply..."

Professor Carlson, who opened his mouth with dry lips and felt a little dry throat, subconsciously reached for the cup on the table. However, after drinking for a long time, he discovered that the water in the cup had long been empty.

"The great unity of algebra and geometry..." Deton’s voice was also full of hoarseness. Looking at the contents of the abstract, his big eyes were full of incredulity. "He, he meant, he had achieved Already?"

"At least he is so declared..."

The throat was moving up and down. Professor Carlson, who was talking about it, suddenly remembered something. He looked back at the assistant assistant standing at the door and said, "I will call the Harvard University Institute of Mathematical Sciences immediately! Contact me for Qiu Chengtong. professor."

"Good, good!"

Looking at the serious expression on the face of the immediate boss, the assistant immediately nodded like a chicken.

However, just as he was about to turn away from the office and call the corridor, he was quickly stopped by Professor Carlson behind him.

"Wait a minute, have you been driving?"

"In the garage... what happened?"

"The phone doesn't have to be called, send me to Harvard University! Now!"

Putting the paper into his pocket, Professor Carlson said nothing, and he walked toward the door.

Seeing Professor Carlson want to go, I thought of the director of Dyton who had not discussed the awards, and immediately returned to God, and hurriedly said.

"Wait a minute, Riemann guessed the award."

"Let's talk about it next time! Compared to this matter, these fine details are not worth mentioning!"

Not to mention Riemann’s conjecture...

Even if all the propositions that sublimate into theorem because of the Riemann conjecture are all added up, I am afraid that half of this matter is not important.

After throwing this sentence, Professor Carlson disappeared into the door of the office without returning, leaving only Deacon’s director, facing the empty office, and being alone in the light...

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