Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1128: The hair that fell off still has to be lost.

In fact, when Perelman asked why he did not participate, Lu Zhou did not finish the words.

In addition to the time that I really can't get out, another reason is that he intends to leave this opportunity to others.

In fact, just halfway through Chen Yang’s writing, a complete blueprint has basically emerged in his head. When Chen Yang showed his ideas completely on the whiteboard, he was already very concerned about how to solve this problem.

It's not that he brags, but since the mathematics level has been raised to lv10, his intuition about mathematics has basically reached the level of extraordinary sanctification.

The most intuitive change that the level rises to lv10 is that no matter how abstract and complicated the mathematical logic is in front of him, it is as clear as the black words written on white paper. Those who can get rid of the research dogs The problem of a few tons of hair is placed in front of him, just as easy to add, subtract, multiply and divide.

However, relying on one's achievements alone, it is impossible to achieve the prosperity of the discipline of mathematics.

Solving problems is not the ultimate goal of mathematics. On the way to solving problems, new methods and new theories are constantly being born, and they continue to penetrate into the essence of the universe—a law that can make the world appear in front of us.

If any problem is solved by him, perhaps many people will thank and even worship him, but this may not be a good thing for the entire civilization.

Everything has its objective development law, and explosive growth can bring leap forward in a short period of time. However, if this leap produces a fault between generations, it may lead to the development of mathematics. .

This is exactly what Lu Zhou used in the 40-page paper. It uses a full five pages to give a series of generalized conclusions that he believes that the big probability is correct, but does not give detailed proof steps.

How to prove that they should be things that future generations think.

The hair that fell off still has to be lost.

Now Lu Zhou suddenly has some letters, maybe when writing the Fermat's theorem, Fermat really thought of a clever proof method.

As for why it was not written on the spot, but left to Wiles for three and a half centuries...

It may be the same feeling.

Regardless of the reason, Lu Zhou believes that at least definitely not because of insufficient space.


Since entering December, the weather in Jinling has become colder and colder.

Drinking the steaming coffee from the assistant, sitting on the road in front of the Luzhou while browsing the latest developments in the international physics community, can not help but feel in the heart.

Over the past few years, the changes in the face of mathematics and physics in China and the status in the international academic community have changed rapidly.

He wondered, how can he have half of this credit?

At this moment, the door that suddenly opened and interrupted his thoughts.

The familiar voice floated over there.

"The bulls! Lu Shidi."

Hearing this younger brother, Lu Zhou looked up subconsciously, not to his expectation, only to see Luo brother brother smiled and walked toward him and said.

"I heard that you have made a big news recently?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Fortunately, it is not a big news."

"Don't be modest. Before I came back from Shanghai, I heard several physicists discussing how to extend your theory to the field of high-energy physics. Especially the string theory, I have recently brushed the literature. At that time, I saw a lot of opinions. I said that the unity of numbers and shapes may provide a new mathematical explanation for string theory. It is said that someone at Stanford University has already done it. I have studied it and it is a bit of a head... Hey, really. what a pity."

Lu Zhou: "...What a pity?"

"If it is not the work of imcrc that takes up too much time for me, I intend to study this topic." Saying, Luo Wenxuan's face appeared a touch of sadness, and looked at Lu Zhou quite resentfully.

After being looked at it, Lu Zhou only felt that the chicken had fallen off the ground.

He was not drinking coffee at this time, otherwise he must have sprayed on the computer.

But to be honest, Luo’s brother’s complaints are not unreasonable.

Since the last time I cut the ribbon at the headquarters of imcrc in Shanghai, Lu Zhou has easily thrown the secretary of imcrc to him, he is basically tied to the side of Shanghai.

Although this year has been a lot of cleansing, but think about it, it is quite lonely to have such a live treasure that loves to be a door.

Staring at the keyboard for a moment, Lu Zhou said suddenly.

"I plan to build a physics institute in Africa."

Luo’s footsteps stopped.

"...No, Africa?"

Lu Zhou: "Yeah."

Luo Wenxuan frowned: "...Is there a physical living soil?"

"I don't know," Lu Zhou sighed and his face was awkward. "But it is because there is no soil for physics students, so it is more necessary to water, and research is also part of this society. This is not a response to the Silk Road. Is the strategy called?"

After a pause, his eyes fell on the shoulders of Brother Luo, and he said with a strong heart.

"In order for the flowers of physics to fill the world, in order to make the seeds of physics sprout in the countries of the Third World, I intend to let you be the dean of the Third World Academy of Physics."

For a moment, Luo’s brother’s smile was still a smile, and suddenly it was like a bitter gourd in his mouth.

"Don't, big brother, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, I don't want to go to Africa."

Han Mengqi, sitting next to the book, didn't hold back and slammed his forehead on the table, his shoulders shaking. He Changwen was so good that he couldn't help but laugh, but he accidentally touched the pen cover to the ground and bent for a long time.

Looking at Luo Wenxuan's face with a sly expression, Lu Zhou smiled happily and said with a light cough.

"I just made a joke and lived up in the atmosphere... Speaking, how come you come back from Shanghai?"

"I am going to open the meeting of the Hadron Collider. I am not coming back to work. I thought of coming to see you in the first time. You have to send me to Africa, it hurts me!"

Looking at Luo Shixiong, who shook his head and sighed, Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly.

This can't blame him.

If you want to blame, you will be blamed for the fact that you have gotten cheap and sold.

Seeing Lu Zhou did not speak for a long time, Luo Wenxuan could not help but some drums, whispered a question.

"...the thing that goes to Africa to open a physics institute, wouldn't it be true?"

Lu Zhou rolled his eyes: "What do you say?"

Luo Wenxuan coughed and said: "Then I will be a joke when you are..."

It was a joke.

Going to Africa to open the Institute of Physics, it is better to arrange for him to be a zoo director.

Shaking his head in his heart, Lu Zhou silently mourned for a poor sense of humor.

Although this guy usually has a little sand sculpture, he is still unambiguous in his work.

At least so far, Lu Zhou is quite reassured about the efficiency of his work.

The construction of the lunar plane Hadron collider is mainly responsible for the lunar orbital committee. The imcrc side is basically sunny as long as it does not drag the hind legs.

So far, Luo Shixiong has not given him all the trouble, and the arrangements for cooperation between the parties have been properly arranged, Lu Zhou has been quite satisfied.

"...I am going back to Jinling this time to deal with the school here. The second is to report the situation to you. Some documents here need you to look at it. If you have no problem, you sign the words," will be clipped under the elbow. The paper was thrown at the desk, and Luo Wenxuan looked around. "Speak up, Kong Assistant?"

"Today is off."

"Are you taking a leave?" The face showed an unexpected expression, and then Luo Wenxuan said something lost. "Oh, that's it, it's a pity."

Looking at Luo's brother's face, I don't know if it is really lost or false, and Lu Zhou can't help but shake his head in his heart.

This guy hasn't given up yet...

Maybe, really is true love.

Looking at the appearance of his prodigal son, Lu Zhou could not help but move the idea of ​​combining them.

Of course, he just think about it.

With Luo’s brother’s fucking, what if he really married them, what should I do if I have a minute?

Is this not an accomplice to the scum?

Sure enough, emotional things are still natural.

Light pen

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