Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1147: The most expensive fireworks in history

Moon surface scientific research base.

Physics research division.

Sitting in the control room of the Moon Hadron Collider, in order to pass the boring time before the experiment, Dr. Torik, sitting in front of the console, spoke to Yan Xinjue sitting next to him.

"You Chinese people are more stubborn than I thought."

Looking at this scholar from the United States, Yan Xinjuan asked.

"Why do you say that?"

Torik said with a natural voice: "Almost half of the physics circles think that the characteristic peak of 750gev is just a joke between God and us, but your professor Lu still believes that there must be something there... even if cern has done enough The experiment proved that it is indeed an ordinary quantum fluctuation."

"I am afraid I have to correct your words."

"What word?"

"It is more accurate to change stubbornness to the obsession with truth. Among all the people I know, he probably is the one who brings this value to the most extreme," Yan Xinju said with a smile. "Not to mention, even half. The physics community is not optimistic about this topic, not half of the physics community agrees with his guess is not?"

Although he had reservations about the latter half of the sentence, Dr. Torik was obviously more surprised by his first half of the sentence.

"Wait, you mean... you know him?"

"Of course, we are also alumni."

Yan Xinjue didn’t mean to say that he was a brother. One was that his achievements were too far away. He said that he had the suspicion of climbing relations. Secondly, he did not want to leave others. He relied on the relationship of Lu Zhou to be entrusted with such a heavy responsibility. Impression...even if this is very likely to be true.

However, his concerns seem to be superfluous.

Dr. Torick’s point of concern does not seem to be on the things he thinks of, but on other aspects, just listening to him and continuing to say with interest.

“Can you tell me about him? Since I saw Hadj’s memoirs, I’m very interested in his story. But unfortunately, that memoir is only part of Princeton.”

Yan Xinjue has a foggy road: "Memoirs? What memoirs?"

"A student who was taught by Princeton in Princeton, the author is now a professor of mathematics at the University of São Paulo and a little-known mathematician."

Looking at Dr. Torik, who suddenly became very interested, Yan Xinjue raised his arm and looked at his time with some headaches, and stopped his chatter.

"This topic is waiting for an hour to discuss..."

"The experiment will start in fifteen minutes."


To be precise, it is 14 minutes and 21 seconds.

At this moment, the headquarters of imcrc located in Shanghai.

Standing in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling screen, everyone in the ground-synchronized command center is waiting nervously and busy for this moment.

Some people ridicule the cost of each experiment of imcrc is like testing an intercontinental missile. Although this metaphor is somewhat unconstrained, it is almost the same figure.

Entering the control room, Frank Welzek took a paper that had just been printed and went straight to the side of Lu Zhou, asking for a low voice.

"The collision energy is 1250tev? Are you looking for the characteristic peak of 750gev? Why should you set the energy parameter to such a high level?"

With his hands behind his back and looking at the busy control room not far away, Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Accurately, it is 1250tev, 1260tev, and 1300tev."

Frank Wilzek: "..."


Being rich is wayward.

The energy span of these three sets of experiments has already covered the maximum proton collision energy of the cern collider less than 30tev.

Thinking of this, Frank Wilzek’s heart could not help but feel a sigh of relief.

“This is probably the most expensive fireworks in human history.”

"That is inevitable," Lu Zhou smiled, narrowing his eyes and continuing to say, "After all, it illuminates the future of all of us."

The experimental preparation is almost the same.

From the front end of the control room, Luo Wenxuan took a deep breath and looked at Lu Zhou seriously.

"...the units are ready to start experimenting."

Lu Zhou nodded and glanced at the time on the watch.

There is still 1 minute and 30 seconds left in the agreed time.

Almost already can begin.

Putting down his arm, he opened his mouth and ordered.

"Let our machines move."

"Charging superconducting magnets!"

Luo Wenxuan nodded, suppressing the excitement in the voice, and said cleanly.



The signal that the experiment is ready has crossed the distance of 360,000 kilometers and was received by the lunar scientific research base.

Huge amounts of energy, such as raging floods, rush from energy storage facilities and gather along the superconducting rings, brewing a horrible magnetic field.

Under the cover of this huge magnetic field, even the cosmic rays that are arbitrarily shuttled around are distorted.

At the moment when the time reached the hour, Dr. Yan Xinjue, who stood in the control room of the lunar scientific research base, immediately pressed the button in his hand.

Just like the trigger of the rifle, two invisible protons emerged from the firing gun, and under the distortion of the magnetic field, the x-shaped staggered impact at a point.

There are no splendid sparks.

But the moment of convergence, the brilliance of the detector's energy spectrum, is so dazzling.

Under the impact of 1250tev energy, the two protons, like broken watermelons, are torn apart in the microscopic world that is invisible to the naked eye, breaking down into smaller basic particles than atoms.

Reflecting the excitement in the pupil, Lu Zhou stared at the image presented on the spectrum, and refused to look away.

For a scholar, such a picture is really no matter how many times you look at it.

The first round of collision is over!

The energization state of the superconducting magnet was not released, and the staff stationed at the lunar scientific research base quickly adjusted the experimental parameters, and then the second round of the collision experiment was started immediately!

And this is also the most crucial round.

It directly determines whether the part of the question about the quality loss in the high-energy particle collision experiment mentioned by Lu Zhou in the paper is whether it can be established!

I didn't wait for a long time, and I didn't even have time to hold my breath.

The two protons collided again, and a brilliant "spark" bloomed on each detector.

Seeing the data presented on the big screen, Witton's taut face finally wrote a look of surprise, whispering in a voice with unbelievable voice.

"I was really guessed by you..."

Frank Wilzek ​​was also there.

Although his mathematical ability is not as good as Witton, he still sees an unusual place from the original data on the screen, but it is just where this unusual place is, he can't say it.

Just an intuition in the dark tells him...

The next thing that will happen is probably to subvert his understanding of the micro world.


In addition to subconsciously reading the name of the old man, he really did not know how to express the shock of his heart.

Standing in front of the two, Lu Zhou did not speak, just pinched his fists and stood there.

not enough!

Although the second round of experiments is enough to illustrate some of the problems, it is not enough to test all the points in his paper.

He is waiting for the third round of experiments.

As long as the data of the third round of experiments meets expectations!

He can prove that his conclusion is correct!

Under the gaze of all looking forward, the third round of experiments finally started...

Two protons hit a point.

The splendid sparks bloom again.

Looking directly at the screen, the pupil of the boat immediately contracted, and then gradually enlarged.

The black pupil has been filled with an excited look.

Three experiments, fully in line with expectations!

"at last……"

"Let me find you..."

The cheers and applause from the ear whispered silently and silently.

The ghost hidden behind the quantum fluctuations, at this moment, finally unloaded all the disguise, unprepared violence. It was exposed to everyone.

Although that is just raw data that has not been processed...

But for a scholar with a mathematics level of lv10, is there any difference in meaning?

At least for him, translating them into a language that everyone can understand is just a matter of time...

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