Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1156: Professor Abel's notes

Facts have proved that Lu Zhou’s hunch is correct.

I don't know what crazy it was, and Molina really came downstairs to his hotel.

Everyone came, Lu Zhou was not good to refuse, had to take her to the bar on the second floor of the hotel.

It is not the same as a general bar. The bar that comes with this five-star hotel is more like a restaurant than a bar. The service is also more targeted to business people, so it is not only more modern and elegant in decoration. The music in the bar is also dominated by piano, violin and saxophone.

Of course, the wines that the bar will supply are also available here, although many will not be written on the menu.

Lu Zhou ordered a bacon burger, and a glass of German dark beer, then watched the guy order a bunch of colorful cocktails, without saying a word, a cup and a cup to himself.

Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but open a word.

"Let's drink less, drink and hurt your brain."

How can you drink this wine, not to mention a bunch of colorful cocktails when you come up, it is a newbie.

"I invite you."

"Not the question of who asked who... I will not object to it if you insist on asking."

Molina: "Why is that?"

Lu Zhou: "You will make me think that you want to plot against me."

The cup in her hand, Molina, who was drinking, frowned, and her mind was not so clear.

"...what is the plot?"

It’s over, it seems to be late.

This less intelligent Yazi, most of the drink is already on the head.

Lu Zhou sighed.

"...nothing, when I didn't say it."

Drinking the "sunrise" in the cup, Molina's eyes were a little confused.

Staring at the direction of the bar for a long time, she looked at Lu Zhou with her side face and suddenly said.

"I only know today..."

Taking a bite of a burger, Lu Zhou asked casually.

"what do you know?"

Silence for a long time, a trace of struggle in the confused eyes, Molina suddenly sighed, put the cup back on the table, gave up and said.

"...nothing, when I didn't say anything."

Lu Zhou: "...???"

What do you tease me?

Without explanation, Molina took a handbag from the side and placed it heavily on the table.

"These things, for you."

Lu Zhou: " this what?"

"The things that were passed down from the ancestors were mainly the notes of Professor Abel. Yes, there are a few pages of traces drawn by ballpoint pens... I accidentally got them when I was a child, you don't care."

I don't know why, when it comes to the "ancestry," Molina almost bite her teeth and squeezed it out of her teeth, so that Lu Zhou was not sure if she was drunk. Such a decision.

Looking at the handbag on the table, Lu Zhou said with a little hesitation.

"...Is this important thing really good for me?"

A cocktail suffocated, and Molina slammed the empty cup on the table without any expression.

"Nothing, I don't need them anymore... Anyway, the above is also a mess."

Looking at the resolute expression on Molina's face, Lu Zhou was silent for a while, and finally sighed and said.

"...these things are temporarily kept here for me. If you are going to come back, send me a message, don't be embarrassed."

"Reassured, there will never be that day. Seeing these things will only upset me... I will go to the bathroom."

Saying, cleanly drinking the last glass of wine, Molina held her hands on the table and staggered and stood up.

However, before she could stretch her knees, Lu Zhou saw her two legs squatting forward, and the cockroach standing up and squatting back.

The slamming slammed on the table, and did not hear her crying. The whole person fell straight on the table and was unconscious. Looking at Lu Zhou was dumbfounded.

Is this a broken piece?

Although it is expected, it is too sudden.

Looking at the unconscious Molina, Lu Zhou looked speechless.

Say, please, please drink me?

How did it finally become my treat?

"...forget it, look at this big gift, this wine is a good one for me."

Looking at the handbag on the table sighed, Lu Zhou reached out and pressed the bell on the table, and called the waiter to the side.

Although all the consumption in the hotel can be counted in the room rate, but he is not the kind of people who love to take advantage of the public, not to lose the money, or insist on buying the card.

Looking at Molina lying on the table, the waiter said with a thoughtful smile.

"Sir, do you need to check in for this lady?"

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Lu Zhou said casually, "Well, trouble you."

"Good sir."

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed the sly smile on the waiter's face, and responded for a moment, and continued to say with a light cough.

"I mean, help her open another room... Also, please help me find two ladies and throw her in."

Realizing that he had misunderstood, the waiter’s face immediately showed an apologetic expression, saying in a sorry tone.

"Okay, sir."


Sitting on a plane of tens of thousands of kilometers, Lu Zhou originally planned to go to bed early, but a large glass of beer plus a hamburger, so that he could not sleep.

Lying in bed for a long time did not feel a little sleepy, Lu Zhou simply did not sleep, took the notes in the handbag and turned it up with interest.

The content of the notes is quite confusing, and it is not so much a research note as a diary with mixed mathematics drafts and inspirations.

Although he has his own habit of recording inspiration, he is still a little different from Professor Abel. At least he can't mix academic things with trivial things in life.

However, Professor Abel seems to be more casual. He not only likes to intersperse his feelings about poverty and life in his academic content. He seems to be concerned about the situation in the Mediterranean and the movement of the West.

This reminds him of an old friend, Professor Tao, who teaches at the University of California, and in this regard, the two are really very similar. Only one is written in the diary, and the other is written on a personal blog.

For example, when Lu Zhou turned to one of the diaries, the previous page was written by Professor Abel who was stolen from the wallet and cursed by the thief while riding the train. The next page turned into a warning without warning. Thinking about the proposition that "the general algebraic equation above four times does not have a general form of algebraic solution".

This proposition, which is almost taken for granted in the present, was the same as the current problem of the current millennium puzzle level, and the history is far older than the Riemann conjecture. It already exists and plagues the mathematics two and a half. century.

By the way, this proposition was solved by him in 1824, and from the time on the footer of the diary, he wrote these things exactly at the end of 1823.

As for Riemann’s conjecture...

Dr. Riemann, who proposed it two years later, was born in a small town in the Kingdom of Hanover, and waited twenty years for him to move from a study of theology and philosophy to mathematics.

In fact, mathematics in the 19th century is already far behind.

Even the genius of Abel, due to the limitations of the times, can not say that what is surprisingly left on the notes, Lu Zhou did not have any hope.

However, although it is impossible to find new mathematical theorems or propositions, as a great man of an era, his mathematical ideas are worth exploring.

If you are not sure, you will find something interesting.

And Lu Zhou is also very curious, this short-lived genius studied what was in the last moments of life.

Turned over the next page, but at this moment, Lu Zhou pinched the forefinger's index finger and thumb suddenly suddenly stopped.

"……this is."

It was a sketch, I don't know if it was drawn with a charcoal pencil or a pencil.

The "stone monument" of the obelisk stands on the ground, and the endless wilderness stretches toward the blurred edge...

At the moment of seeing this painting, Lu Zhou’s pupil suddenly shrank.

this painting!

He has seen it before!

Although it is not in the form of painting...

Light pen

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