Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1163: Abstract answer

With the successive reports from the world's major media, Lu Zhou received a million-dollar award for the Millennium Challenge, and soon spread the world along the network.

People are stunned by the million-dollar bonus, and even more amazing is that the seven thousand problems have been solved by him.


This is the third time he has won the award.

In addition to being unbelievable, many peer mathematicians have no idea how to express their feelings after hearing this news.

This award seems to have been set up for him from the beginning...

Just on the Internet, the 100-dollar bonus was being discussed enthusiastically, and when there was another problem to be solved by Lu Zhou, the tour team from China to France was nearing the end.

The fusion of the power station in Cadarache was quite successful. With the experience of igniting in St. Petersburg, this time East Asia Power specially arranged technicians before the ignition, and cooperated with French electrical engineers to install an additional insurance on the grid.

After the successful ignition, the fusion core of Cadarache will account for 80% of the total power generation in the French power grid, completely replacing the backward nuclear fission power generation technology.

As for how long they will finish the work in the end, it is the Frenchman's own business.

Under the farewell of the French president, the group took a satisfactory result and sat on a special plane returning to Beijing.

Looking at Lu Zhou, who was sitting on the plane and still looking at the note in his hand, the old man said with emotion.

"Lu Academician is really a sleepless night, and he does not forget to work on the plane."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou smiled and replied.

"It can't be considered a job, just an interest."

The old man curiously asked, "Is this a note by Professor Grote Dick?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded. "There are some very interesting little problems. So far I have only solved four."

Old man: "Even if you only solve four, it must be quite tricky."

Lu Zhou sighed softly: "It is not so easy to solve."

The old man nodded.

After a while, he suddenly said again.

"Say, the good thing you and Xiao Li said, what the **** is it?"

Lu Zhou squatted slightly, his face looked strange and said: "He told you?"

The old man was embarrassed and smiled and said, "I was also curious and asked. If it is not convenient, I will not ask."

Lu Zhou: "...not it is not convenient to say, but I am not sure about myself."

Noticing the hesitant expression on Lu Zhou’s face, the old man quickly said: “I don’t know if it’s okay, who is sure to start with it? Say everyone to think of it together. What support do you need, even if you talk to me.”

It is impossible to say that it is impossible to be curious. After all, reference nuclear fusion and aerospace engineering, where Lu Zhou said that it is a good thing, finally proved that what he made was really good.

Now Lu Zhou has opened his mouth again, and he has sold such a big one. Everyone wants to know what big news he is going to do.

Looking at the curiosity in the eyes of the old man, Lu Zhou has already foreseen that there is probably no chance to study this thing on the road.

So he sighed and put the notebook in his hand, and put on a serious expression, a serious statement.

"Let's say, you think, what is the most lacking in our country."


"I am referring to the specific technical aspects."

The old man thought for a while and said.

"The specific technical aspects... It should be that the information industry still lacks core competitiveness. Although the Longteng series chips have achieved certain results, when I talked with experts from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they told me to There is still a long way to go. Especially in the technical reserve of high-end chips, we started too late, and objectively lacked accumulation and experience..."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou’s face showed a smile.

Sure enough, this kind of thing is still the easiest to ask the "customer" directly.

Regarding this time, using the points to change something to the system, he already has a rough number in his heart.

Without any hesitation, Lu Zhou said.

"I am going to talk about this! That good thing is just about the high-end chip you are talking about."

When I heard Lu Zhou, the old man squatted.

This, this is guessed by him?

This is also a coincidence.


Professor Grothendi’s notes have been recycled, but the tips for completing the task have not popped up. I think there should be no other elements to achieve.

Not surprisingly, this unfulfilled element should be the mathematical problem left in that note.

Returning to the home of Jinling, Lu Zhou shut himself down with the pile of information sent from France in the study room and began to delve into the problem on the note.

The difficulty is definitely there, but it is not so high that it makes him discouraged. Especially after talking to Professor Helfgott, Lu Zhou suddenly had a feeling of opening.

This kind of inspiration is not derived from academics.

It is an understanding of this note.

From the perspective of extraterrestrial civilization, if they really intend to establish contact with the earth civilization, then the information contained in this note should be far from being as simple as a language, which must still hide some kind of The message they want to convey.

Think of the dream that Professor Abel mentioned in his diary.

There is a hunch in the boat, and I always feel that there is a connection between the two.

In addition, he has a hunch that he is close to the truth of everything.

Including where this system comes from.

What is the so-called void?

It took a full half-month, and the drafts that Lu Zhou had combined with Professor Grothendi’s, and the information collected over the past decade to solve this problem, finally solved all the problems.

However, the final result was beyond his expectations.

Not as he expected, the final result is not a long series of equations, but a streamlined abstract number "n" based on the motive theory.

Looking at the long list of decimal expressions, the only thing he can prove now is that it is an irrational number.

Facing the lowercase "n" on the paper, Lu Zhou frowned and fell into meditation.

“Don't you really have to find a linguist to help?”

"and many more……"

The nib that was pinched in his hand suddenly stopped.

A possibility suddenly came to the mind of Lu Zhou.

"If they really want to talk to us and send information here in some way, then we must already know something about us..."

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou’s heart suddenly flashed, and immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket, took a photo of the contents on the draft paper, and shouted.

"Little Ai!"

Almost at the same time, a line of bubbles was drilled out of the phone screen.

[What is the command, master? (??????)??]

"For me, enter these calculations into the computer and convert n to a binary number. I will count it until I let you stop!"

The eyes sparkled with excitement, and Lu Zhou couldn’t wait to continue.

"Then, let me read it with a decoder!"

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