Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1165: The end of the empire

The sky is covered with turbid orange, and the sun seems to be fixed on the side of the morning faint line forever.

The sights and fields are all farmland, but the crops here seem to be blue. Looking at the layers of the waves, the blue is like the sea.

Lu Zhou originally thought that this time, the experience will be the same as last time, and it will be the **** of the bullet rain. I didn't expect that it was presented to him at the moment, but it was a scene of an idyllic pastoral.

However, this feeling quickly stopped as his line of sight continued.

The mountains in the distance seem to have been cut by half of a certain horrible force. The explosion of the alloy exposed to the outside of the rock is full of scars.

It can be seen that there has been an extremely fierce battle here.

"It's spectacular, isn't it?" Standing next to him, was a blue-eyed man with a face looking at some vicissitudes. He saw that the sharp chin moved, and he stared at the distant dusk and continued. "Long, I heard that the distant star is your hometown."

Presumably this man is talking to himself, Lu Zhou nodded and said.

"Yes... General Reinhart."

The difference from the last time is that this time he just opened his mouth and a strange memory flooded into his mind. The character he was synchronizing was a soldier from a distant star colony. After the bonfire of life was ignited, he joined the insurgents and became a member of the Guard of General Reinhart.


Unexpectedly, this Reinhart...that is, the protagonist of Lu Zhou playing in the first memory, actually set off a revolution to overthrow the empire 50 years after the sacred incident?

However, it seems that their situation seems to be less optimistic.

At least for now, they are probably standing on the defensive side and have been badly hurt in the previous round of battle.

"I am sorry to have made your hometown like this. I remember that mountain, once the most spectacular top ten sights of the empire. It seems to be the door of the morning faint?"

Just then, a man with a non-commissioned officer came over.

"General, the fleet of the Empire sent us the last night."

Reinhart was silent for a while and said.

"Call the officers above the fifth level and let them wait for me in the staff room. I have important things to discuss with them."


The sergeant turned and walked away.

Reinhart turned to look at the dragon standing next to it, which is the role that Lu Zhou played at the moment. I saw his index finger pointing to the sky, where there was a shining light like a meteor.

"Do you see those arcs?"

Lu Zhou looked up and looked in the direction he pointed.

Without waiting for himself to speak, he smiled and continued.

"That is the speed of the empire, it is amazing, isn't it?"

Lu Zhou: "...General?"

"A few centuries ago, we ended the last war and we eliminated most of the armed forces. However, in less than five years now, we have re-armed the empire's fleet to the teeth."

"The war is really a biological instinct. It seems that the empire has not decayed to the extent that we imagined it. It is the old stubbornness of my little office."

Said, Reinhart shook his head, his face floating a smile of self-deprecating.

But it is also good.

Although it is doubtful whether such a fleet will work in the face of natural disasters in the gods, at least the current empire is different from the empire five years ago, and it is no longer a sheep on the chopping board.

even if.

It is also a sheep armed to the teeth.

"Come with me, Long."

"Every time we wait for a second, there is a heroic warrior who sacrifices for our cause. In order to make their sacrifices not in vain, in order to give us a little hope for the future, I need to make some preparations. If I need courage, Will you lend me?"

I don't know how to answer this sentence. Lu Zhou said after a moment of silence.

" are brave enough, general."

"Is it?" It seems that I remembered something very far away. General Reinhart shook his head with a smile and continued with a few free and easy voices. "Maybe."


The staff room is coming soon.

Reinhart placed his hand on the conference table and looked around at the officers in the room, frankly and even indifferently.

"You, we are losing this war."

The meeting table was silent.

Lu Zhou noticed that many people held their breath.

"I am not afraid of failure. Death is nothing but the return to the spirit of the universe. For a warrior, sacrifice is his greatest glory. My sir has taught me this way, although he is probably disappointed with me now."

He opened his mouth and smiled, looking around the officers at the conference table, General Reinhart continued.

"I am not afraid of failure, but I don't want to end up with all our careers and become meaningless resistance."

"At least, in the worst case, we have to leave at least something."

The staff room was silent for a long time.

An officer finally broke the silence and said.

"But the general, what can we leave?"

"Leave the fire, or leave hope," Walked to the side of the holographic panel, Reinhardt reached out and waved, switching the battle map to the star map of the entire star system.

Looking at the canyon-wrapped star river, his index finger points to the center of the Milky Way.

"In Dr. Ryan's notes, the head of the strange drop was calculated. We know where they are going. If we want to be there, we will go there too."

The commander of the Revolutionary Fleet showed a bitter expression on his face: "No living body can break through the blockade of the Imperial Fleet. They will inspect every aircraft with signs of life, and even 'clean' the entire planet if necessary. Moreover, we do not have any spacecraft that can completely escape the supply station and sail to a strange star field five hundred light years away. Even at the lowest energy consumption standards, our spacecraft is at least different from the center of the star system. 100,000 light years..."

"Then send the dead things in the past!"

There was a fascinating decision on his face, as if he had made such a decision a long time ago, Reinhardt said in a tone that he could not refuse, "copy my memory in the hardware, and then make my body into a specimen." ""

"If our civilization finally survives, it is naturally the best."

"If not, we have to leave at least something to prove that this great empire once existed!"

The memory of the second half is somewhat of a tragic color.

When the meeting was halfway through, the impatience of the Imperial Fleet had begun to bomb the ground. The high temperature plasma melts the rock mass and turns the surface into purgatory. Chemical weapons, which are useless in space, show unimaginable power in the ground attack on planets in the atmosphere.

Under the turn of the orbital weapons and automatic ground combat units, the revolutionary army’s defense line gradually collapsed.

In the underground bunker, Reinhardt kept his memory in the computer, set up the route of the escape spacecraft, and intelligent cruise ai.

Finally, in the silent farewell of countless officers, he ended his life with a needle with a lethal virus and became a specimen to the center of the star system.

I have always seen the end of the story. Lu Zhou did not know when to start, and then held his breath.

Although the subsequent 100,000 light years of travel did not appear in front of him, since this memory has been preserved, it is certain that the spacecraft carrying the hope has successfully reached the center of the star system.

Everything about the old universe has been destroyed, but this memory is still passed down and seen by yourself in the new universe.

Of course, what really shocked him was not the calmness of the indigo people in the face of bombing, but a detail of General Reinhart before he boarded the spacecraft.

I saw the general Reinhart, took a battery that was cut off from the middle and took it out of the neckline. After silently praying for a while, he put it back.

Lu Zhou recognized the battery!

The battery is exactly the clip of the energy weapon he saw in his first memory.

And it is under the cover of the drone's bullets, the one that was worn by the unknown rays!

I didn't expect this battery to be worn by Reinhardt as a talisman, and put it together with his body and sent it to the center of the star system.

Broken battery, weathered spacecraft engine, even a mental retardation ai...

Reminiscent of the gifts he received from the void, Lu Zhou felt his heartbeat suddenly jumped up.

In this way, the gifts he has received from the void so far are likely to come from the wreckage of the indigo empire...or artifacts.

He may know the origin of Xiao Ai...

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