Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1169: Online arrangement

Star Network Technology Department.

A black car was parked downstairs in a low-key manner.

Standing next to the door, Lu Zhou said.

"I went up and sat down for a while. You see if you are looking for a place to pass the time, or go with me."

"I am here waiting for you."

Looking at Wang Peng, he couldn't wait to get a cigarette out of his pocket. Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head, leaving a sentence of “less smoking, no benefit to the body”, then turned and walked toward the main entrance of the group building.

Go straight to the front desk.

The young girl at the front desk who just finished the call put down the phone and showed a smile on her face.

"Hello, is there an appointment for Academician Lu?"

Looking at the expression that gradually became a surprise, Lu Zhou smiled and said with a friendly smile.

"Can you call me, Mr. Chen? See if she has time."

The front desk girl immediately smiled and said.

"Where do you need to make an appointment? Mr. Chen specifically told me that if it is you, it would be nice to go straight up, she has time at any time."

Lu Zhou shook his head.

"I still have to call and ask, I am here to turn around, not to disturb your work, if I am in a meeting, I can wait."


After the phone was confirmed, the peak period of commuting to work was almost over. Lu Zhou stood upstairs and went upstairs, overlooking the scenery of Jinling High-tech Park through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the elevator.

Since the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies and Starry Sky Technology have settled here, a large number of high-tech enterprises and factories have been stationed in the park, such as the star-studded buildings.

Up to now, the annual output value of this park has exceeded 100 billion mark, becoming one of the important economic pillars of Jinling City and even the province of Jiangsu.

Thinking of this, looking at the land outside the boat, the face can not help but float the old father to see his son's smile.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to count this credit as oneself, but at least half of his credit, there is nothing wrong with it?

On the 30th floor of the group building, Lu Zhou, who came straight to the president's office, knocked on the door and walked in.

Noticing Lu Yu, who appeared at the entrance of the office, Chen Yushan put down the ballpoint pen in his hand and reluctantly whitened him.

"What do you do outside the company, the whole company is yours, and you have to make a special call."

"Is this not afraid of disturbing your work?" Lu Zhou smiled and walked to the sofa and sat down.

"I have been disturbed! I just thought of a wonderful idea, and I was interrupted by a call!"

"Then I am here waiting for you to think about it?"

Chen Yushan licked her lips and said something.

"I can't remember it unless you invite me to dinner."

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "Okay, then noon."

Originally, I just said it casually. Even I have already prepared for being perfunctory. What Chen Yushan didn’t think was that Lu Zhou actually agreed.

I glanced at him in surprise, and held down the heartbeat that was unconsciously half a beat. She curiously asked: "...Really? I just said it casually, do you really have time? Have you been so free recently? Ah, of course I have no objection to you, but I have already remembered that you have just promised, no regrets!"

"I just got a world-class problem... Although it was not published," Lu Zhou looked at the wall clock on the wall and said with a smile. "But today, I should have no other arrangements."

Upon hearing this sentence, Chen Yushan sighed slightly and immediately said a word.

"... It seems that you are ready for the next round of retreat. Will it be a year after I see you again?"

Lu Zhou was too embarrassed to smile and did not answer this question.

Whether he will retreat or not, he really said bad.

This depends on what level of problems he is experiencing.

Didn't care that Lu Zhou did not answer his own question, Chen Yushan took out a note from the side and spread it up and picked up the ballpoint pen on the table.

"I can see that you should have a business to find me, just say it, and solve the problem early."

Lu Zhou: "Is there any arrangement later?"

With a slight smile, Chen Yushan skillfully used the pen cover to smear the long hair behind her ear and said casually.

"No, but you don't have a whole day? Is it always okay to accompany me to the movie?"

Lu Zhou: "I have no problem, but your work is fine?"

Chen Yushan: "No problem! You are here at the right time. The last job today is to listen to the thing you said that you intend to talk to me. It’s just that I have not released the month off this month. It’s good today. ""

"That... go."

On the sight of the expectation, Lu Zhou could not think of the reason for rejection, so he nodded.

Looking at the smile on the face of the school sister, I don’t know why he suddenly felt that the sister who always gave a very reliable feeling actually had such a charming side.

Of course, now is not the time to be distracted by this fine-grained problem.

Lu Zhou coughed softly and put on a serious look and said.

“How long does it take for the Mirage system to go online?”

The ballpoint pen in the hand turned around, and Chen Yushan also entered the working state, reporting in a serious tone.

"The Mirage system can be online at any time, but when the connected devices are put on the market, it depends mainly on our partners. According to Warwick and us, they use the first generation of virtual reality helmets with neural modem technology at the end of the year. It has already been put into production, and at the earliest, it can deliver more than one million devices to the market at the beginning of next month. As for now, product prices and sales strategies are still being developed."

Lu Zhou immediately asked: "What about rice?"

Chen Yushan: "Their words are similar. It should be about 800,000 units. It is like the low-end market of their mobile phones... Is there any problem?"

That is to say, the fastest is the next month. If you are slow, you may have to drag it for a while.

Sure enough, I still have to remind them to do it.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou continued.

"The Lord God plans to do almost the same. According to the physical and psychological status of the reincarnation team on the laboratory side, the impact of the phantom system on brain and mental health is quite limited as long as it is safe for eight hours. Even It’s more than eight hours, and the impact will not be much higher than when using other electronic devices.”

“Overall, as long as the content is graded, experiments have proven that this technology is absolutely safe for our society.”

To tell the truth, Lu Zhou suddenly regretted taking the "Master God Plan" and "Reincarnation Squad" so full of two senses.

Ignore the smile on the face of the school sister, he coughed and kept the serious expression on his face and continued.

"... In short, in order to collect more data and to improve the intelligent system developed by the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, I hope that our phantom system will be online as soon as possible, and that game...that is, a copy of the Indigo Empire. I intend to open it to beta."

Chen Yushan: "The phantom system is online as soon as possible. I urged a partner to be there. It should be able to get it next month. As for the game... although it is easy for us to get the version number... However, you are not saying that we only Do cloud computing services and patent management do not involve game specific operations?"

"The plan is always unable to keep up with the changes, we only run this game..."

Compared with an index finger, Lu Zhou emphasized with a serious tone. "This is mainly for research. It doesn't matter if you make money without making money. My requirements are not high. As long as there are ten thousand users involved, it is enough."

When the contents of Lu Zhou were recorded on the notes, Chen Yushan turned the pen in her hand and asked.

"Permanent free mode?"

Lu Zhou thought about it and said: " the beta stage first and let it go. After the public beta, look at the situation again... If the loss is too high, do the card charge."

If you want to dig into the memory of the indigo civilization, the road of props charging is basically blocked. Interfering with game parameters by abnormal means can cause the entire calculation to lose its meaning.

Therefore, if you must make a profit, time charging is a good choice.

In fact, if Star Sky Technology intends to play its own games, it is actually very difficult to lose money. After all, the cloud computing services that support the virtual reality network are themselves. If you divide a part of the computing resources from the quantum computer to maintain the game, they will not spend much money except the electricity bill.

Chen Yushan did not oppose Lu Zhou’s decision. It was just a little curious. What made him suddenly change his mind.

"When did you start to be interested in the game?"

Lu Zhou stubbornly corrected and said: "I said, this is for experimentation, it is not a game."

Not a game or what?

Real people really?

"Yes, yes, I know, you are experimenting."

Chen Yushan smiled and saw that Lu Zhou did not seem to be talking about it, and he would not continue to entangle on this topic.

"Is there anything else?"

Lu Zhou: "It's all."

Closing the notebook in his hand, Chen Yushan smiled and stood up from the office chair.

"The rest of the time belongs to me."

Lu Zhou also stood up from the sofa.

"What movie do you watch? You decide."

"Don't be like completing a task," Bai took a look at him. Chen Yushan's index finger leaned on his lower lip and thought for a moment. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said, "I changed my mind."

Lu Zhou: "...?"

"Take me to the Indigo Empire," looked at Lu Zhou, who was surprised. Chen Yushan said with a smile, "I haven’t experienced the copy before."

"I suddenly became a little curious, what the world that makes you so fascinated."

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